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Everything posted by Alfresco

  1. I pee in the pool pretty much every time I'm there and nobody has ever mentioned anything to me, my thoughts are: - Make sure you are hydrated. That way you won't leave big yellow clouds. - Pee whilst you are doing something else, e.g. talking to someone or fixing your goggles or even whilst you are swimming. Anything that diverts attention somewhere other than your lower body. - Don't look down at your shorts to see if you are making a yellow cloud. That only draws attention to what you are doing. - Don't adjust yourself or your swimming shorts and don't put your hand anywhere nea
  2. Another one that I clearly remember which was quite blatant. I was at Disney's Blizzard Beach in Florida. There are plenty of toilets, a little way away from the beach, but certainly accessible. I was in the main beach pool when I saw a woman get up off her sun lounger where she had been reading. She walked down to the beach and sat on the sand right on the edge of the water with her legs stretched out in front of her. She stayed there for 30 seconds - no more, then casually got up and walked back to her sun lounger. There were loads of people all her round her and it was so obvious w
  3. Thanks for transferring this Steve. I remember reading it first time round, but it is still every bit as hot the second time! I'd so love to meet girls with that relaxed approach.
  4. Hi Maggie & Steve, I agree with Steve that you (Maggie) should not feel at all guilty about they way you led your children. I also agree that childhood experiences influence future behaviour in a major way and Steve, certainly don't beat yourself up over your experiences with your sister. I had similar experiences with my sister and I think for a lot of us - particularly in the days before the internet, our siblings were the obvious people whom we were close to and with whom we could discuss things - particularly concerning the differences between male and females although not realisi
  5. This takes on a completely naughty slant on the experience - it implies that there was a toilet nearby, but your children wanted to go out of their way to pee somewhere naughty and you were very co-operative and willing to make a special trip along the landing to the elevator or stairwell to indulge them. You were obviously very relaxed about it, which is brilliant. Did you ever take advantage and pee in the stairwell/elevator at the same time when you were taking your kids? I wanted to pee in naughty places when I was young, but I never asked my parents about it. If I needed to pee wh
  6. Dear Wet Carpet Magazine, I recently had to go to a parents' evening at my daughter's school, which also happened to be the school that I attended when I was younger, so I knew the layout pretty well. I had just had my dinner and accompanying beverage before going to the school and when I got there I went straight to the dinner hall, which is where the teachers were sat at tables to see us. There was coffee available and I was ten minutes early for my first appointment, so I accepted a coffee and browsed through my daughter's books whilst waiting. I saw three teachers, by which time, I
  7. Hi Maggie, Thanks for sharing this. It is very interesting and I am also fascinated by the way your parents encouraged you to pee in naughty places. I think many parents say to the their kids to just pee in the pool/shower/sea if the child says they need to pee, because it is so much easier and sort of accepted. The same would apply with peeing outside in bushes/trees when out walking. However, for you to be invited to pee in a store fitting room and a hotel bed and for your dad to deliberately remove the protective sheet is on a completely different level. I especially like the fac
  8. I call it Peedar - as in Pee Radar. I've seen others also use that term. I have also sampled pee in this way - certainly drops on the toilet seat and also when I've witnessed a girl leave a puddle outside. One of my favourites was when I saw a young woman disappear behind a tree adjacent to a snow covered car park out in the country in the Lake District. Unfortunately I couldn't get into position to see anything, but as soon as she had gone I went behind the tree and found a lovely patch of yellow snow. It tasted wonderful. My peedar is always engaged, but I've still had a remarkabl
  9. Personally, I would have thought that most people on a naturist beach would pee where they are, without even attracting attention. Without clothes, it would be very easy to pee into the sand without being obvious. Either that, or they would pee whilst swimming. If they are already relaxed enough to be there with no clothes, it is only one step further to pee there. Additionally, if there are toilets, then either people would have to walk to the toilets naked, which would be a much greater exposure of themselves than simply lying on the beach, or if they are not within the area of the n
  10. That was hot! Always remember that people may be around you in any direction and also above you. I once had a good sighting in North Wales near Llangollen. I was walking along a road on the side of a hill. The hill dropped away to the side of the road and at the bottom was a car park in the woods. There was a building in the car park and some young lady had gone behind the building for a pee. I had an excellent view from above of her pulling down her jeans, squatting and washing the ground, wiping and pulling her jeans back up. She then walked back round the building and returned to he
  11. Not bad looking. She wasn't exactly a stunner, but curvy in all the right places.
  12. Last week I visited Bristol for work. I caught the train there and arrived early for my meeting, so I went for a walk in the park near the office, thinking that I could find a tree/bush and have a pee so that I didn't need to use the toilets in the office. As I walked into the park, I could see that there was a tower at the top of the hill, so I headed up there for a look. I was quite surprised, but it is open access - it has a door at the bottom, but it was open, so I headed up the steps on a continuous spiral staircase. As I climbed, I realised that my need to pee was increasing and I s
  13. Well done Sophie - sounds very much like you enjoyed yourself and I hope you do it again. I love the image you paint of sitting there perched on the sink with your jeans pulled down and your pee raining down into the sink. I wish my wife would do that - we do have a downstairs toilet though, so she doesn't even have to go upstairs, which means that there is less likelihood of her using the sink. Personally, I pee in the sink quite regularly. It means I can save time as I often pee in the sink whilst making a cup of tea, so I'm already stood by the sink and it is very easy to unzip, pull o
  14. Yes, I have done this (and would do again). I once tasted the puddle of a girl on a night out in Falkirk in Scotland and it tasted more like cider than pee. She must have been drinking a lot! The background on that one was that I was walking along a road from the town centre back towards my hotel and I saw three girls ahead of me duck into a passageway. As I came nearer they came back out and one of them was very obviously doing up her belt. I went down the passageway and found one enormous puddle - I assume it was on the belt tugging girl that peed - I dipped my fingers in it and I'd sw
  15. I'd love to try that with my wife. She has no problem peeing in the shower or bath - even if I'm with her, but she just lets it run down her legs and has never tried to aim it forwards.
  16. Great experience and you are lucky she is willing to oblige you. I hope you have lots of fun.
  17. Thanks for copying these over Steve and thanks to Lesful for permitting it. I remember them well and they are certainly worth reading again. I wish my wife had the same relaxed attitude to peeing.
  18. I believe Swedish people are a lot more relaxed about nudity than some countries, but that would have been a fantastic experience.
  19. Thanks Steve for bringing this one back to my memory and thanks Lesful for writing it. I certainly remember this story and remember enjoying the Vicky stories.
  20. I reckon I would have enjoyed that more than the concert!
  21. That was a great story Steve. Certainly looking forward to hearing how it develops.
  22. I thought that this was funny: http://wind-sand-and-stars.blogspot.co.uk/2007/05/train-drivers-wee-perk.html Drivers complained that they had to pee out of the window, so rather provide something to avoid the need to pee out of the window, the railway accepted the practice and modified the chair to make it easier to pee out of the window! Not sure what happens if you a lady driver through. For USA locomotives - the following includes answers from USA locomotive crew confirming that they do have toilets in the locos, but also that they still prefer to pee out of the door: https://uk.an
  23. That was a great story - very believeable and well described with a certain irony about being desperate whilst opening the toilets.
  24. This year my pee sightings (other than my wife) have been very limited, but I've had a few cases where I thought I was on to something and then had my hopes dashed. Anyone else get very frustrated by this? Some recent examples: My nearest to a sighting this year was about three weeks ago. I was at a car park near a river. I had walked through a gap in the hedge to a grassy area behind with quite a few trees around. I then walked on over a bridge past some more hedges. As I was coming back a little later, I saw a male and female approach the clearing from the other side. I don't know w
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