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Everything posted by hold_on

  1. I definitely don't expect reciprocation. 🙂
  2. This definitely happens to me. I'll have to really concentrate to get the internal sphincter to relax (even though I've relaxed the outer one). And then I have to pee in stages- my bladder contracts for a little while and then since the pressure is relieved, it decides its done and won't finish. Then I have to wait for it to contract again to push the rest out. Can be frustrating!
  3. Wow that's amazing. I love hearing about people that have huge bladders. Mine is on the small side so I'm always kind of jealous! My "needed" pees have been as short as 20 seconds.
  4. I'm on the small side too so since mine doesn't "hang", I have to push it down slightly to make sure I pee into the toilet 😂
  5. I think I developed a complex about that early because I have a small bladder and seemed to always be the person that needed to pee.
  6. I do have to watch too when peeing sometimes because (especially when cold) it doesn't come out very far. So I can relate.
  7. Very nice! I always thought mine was small. It's nice to know there are even smaller ones out there.
  8. I pee in the sink (my wife doesn't know 😉) Although it can be hard to get my penis to stretch enough to make it over the ledge haha
  9. I want to get better at holding. I feel like the smallest amount of pee enters my bladder and I want to go lol. Anyone have any tips that worked for small, overactive bladders?
  10. Definitely in the "small" range. Around 2 hours and I'm looking for a bathroom lol
  11. Hi! Maybe try to identify what makes you nervous about peeing and then try to minimize that while you pee in the suit.
  12. Welcome! Always enjoy chatting about pee.
  13. I am like some others on here, I used to always use the stall but now I've gotten more comfortable with urinals. My shyness mainly had to do with my small penis, but now I like the idea of people being able to see how small it is when I pee 😂
  14. Love holding! (Though not a wetter). Always up for a chat though.
  15. hold_on

    Penis size

    Yeah, she tended to do that kind of stuff when drunk 😂 But like I said, I ended up kind of liking it. As far as the length when peeing - sometimes I do have to stretch it out a bit first to get a better hold 😂
  16. hold_on

    Penis size

    My penis is definitely on the smaller size, at around 5" erect. Flaccid, it can look pretty small, like a little stub - only 1 1/2". I was never really self-conscious about it but one time during an argument a girlfriend was like "...and you have a small penis!" I ended up kind of liking it after a while. It's kind of cute and it's definitely different.
  17. I am - I have kind of an overactive bladder so it's a challenge for me to hold it very long.
  18. I remember one time leaving a urinal and another guy came in and I happened to look down and see him lift out his really large penis. I remember being like "wow" because my penis just kind of sticks out to pee, it's so small I don't really need to lift it 😂
  19. I probably would. I have a fairly overactive bladder that's caused by diabetes. It begins to contract before it's full. Haven't had an accident yet but the show would be interesting.
  20. Yeah, I am curious how you manage. As someone who's on the small side of bladder capacity, it's interesting to me.
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