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Everything posted by Audrey81

  1. Definitely off the top of a mountain! That would be so much fun!
  2. Nope, it was a very long solo wee!
  3. Audrey81


    I have a tattoo on my back which I absolutely love and think is bad ass. I don't think tattoos have to have a meaning, I see it the same way as someone choosing to wear a particular item of clothing.. because they like the way it looks. I've never understood when people say it's going to look bad when I'm old, because we are all going to look wrinkly and old so why does it matter what a tattoo will look like? haha
  4. Salt is a natural flavour enhancer! I LOVE salted caramel but that's just me
  5. I had to get my bf at the time to pull over I needed to go so bad. I was too shy to get out on a busy motorway, so I opened the door and sat as far on the edge of the seat as I could and sprayed my wee out onto the side of the road.
  6. Some knickers I wore today 😉
  7. Thank you! Sad to see when longer lipped ladies get shamed for something that is outside of their control. Not a fan of people getting their bits graded either!
  8. Why thank you that's very kind 🙂
  9. I'd happily do it too if you'd have me 🙂
  10. I peed just before while hanging up my washing 🙂 I sat on the ledge over the garden, parted my legs and watched my wee stream water the grass. I was wary that my neighbour could have walked past at any moment and caught a view of my slit haha
  11. This is a question for my fellow ladies: Do you ever accidentally wee over the toilet seat or have your piss shoot through the seat? I find that when I'm drunk and in desperate need, sometimes if I don't angle my pussy backwards, my wee will spray onto the seat or through the seat. I'd be curious to know your experiences with this, especially while you're out in public!
  12. I heard that they just tell her to pee and let her pee on the towels / pads / whatever. Otherwise, my friend wee'd into a bedpan that one of the nurses was holding
  13. So jealous that you can spray like that! Must have felt amazing
  14. Sometimes I time them 🙂 normally I can wee anywhere between 30 seconds to a minute when I wake up
  15. They would have friends helping them while they wee most likely or just gather the dress up as much as they can. It would certainly be a pain! I know that most brides need a designated pee friend to help them with the dress
  16. I never wake up to pee! Maybe that's why my morning pees are usually the longest haha
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