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Everything posted by Audrey81

  1. Definitely don't rely on the internet for answers, go to a health professional.
  2. It was right next to the room I had the ultrasound, it was kind of joined to the room so I'm sure they heard me pee loudly for ages and had a good laugh hahaha
  3. Haha I would die of embarrassment! I was definitely relieved when it was over and I could finally wee
  4. They asked me to drink about 4 cups of water before my appointment.. and they kept me waiting a while. So I was definitely getting desperate and it doesn't make it easy when they press down on your bladder. I remember my nurse saying to me 'wow you're very full!' So I'm sure women have definitely peed during an ultrasound
  5. I try to have an empty bladder unless they want me to pee in a cup. I once had to have an ultrasound, and they make you have a VERY full bladder for those! I remember when the nurse finally let me go, I must have had a minute long wee!
  6. I just wee'd all over my thighs and it makes a funny sound haha
  7. I don't think I have a preference, I just trust doctors that know what they're doing!
  8. Thank you!! I'm glad that you appreciate them 🙂 My instinct is to always pull my panties aside or down when I can. There have been times where I have been so intoxicated and desperate that I have leaked in my panties and thought, fuck it I'll finish my wee and let it rip haha. I haven't really tried purposefully peeing in my knickers for my own pleasure, but it's something I would be open to. I'm curious as to why people prefer wetting over seeing the full source of the stream? Is it the mystery involved?
  9. Yeah I think just like with anything sexual, I'm not always in the mood. Sometimes I go periods where I won't even want to think of pee as sexual and then there are times where I feel so turned on by it I can get myself off on it several times in a day 😉
  10. Yes, I've been going to him for a while
  11. I'd pop down an alleyway somewhere or try and find a bush to squat behind
  12. I had my pap smear today and purposefully didn't have my morning wee in case they wanted a urine sample too. It made me wonder how many women may have accidentally peed during their exam? I wonder what would the doctor have said if I leaked a little as he was examining me? Haha
  13. Looks like you wee'd a strong stream 🙂
  14. All the time 🙂 Makes for very easy weeing!
  15. Usually I wear skirts or dresses, but if I'm wearing pants I'll pull them down just below my knees
  16. Audrey81


    Mind if I add in some of my own..? 🙂
  17. Here's me having a 750mL pee 🙂 https://www.erome.com/a/YsHSfbM0
  18. Nope I do not. I find my own meaning in life and that's about it
  19. Hahah! Well this particular friend ended up peeing on my shoes so perhaps she is the one with the errant stream 🙂
  20. Because girl's bathrooms always have such long lines and as soon as your friend gets a stall it's kind of like a courtesy to share with your friend and have a quick wee. Honestly so jealous that men can all wee at a big trough at the same time and just walk straight out 😞
  21. I have! But not for a while. Usually if we are out drinking we may share a toilet cubicle or wee together somewhere outside 🙂
  22. I like the feeling of needing to pee, but I'm not really into holding it for long periods or desperation itself. I think I just like the act of finally peeing 🙂
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