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Beach Bro

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Everything posted by Beach Bro

  1. For me, a split stream happens at the end every time that I pee. My stream starts out as one strong stream. Halfway into it, a secondary, less powerful stream projects downward as the main stream continues to project forward. As I get toward the end, the secondary stream changes to a series of fast drips, and the forward stream ceases. My position in front of the toilet will determine how successful I am with not making a puddle in front of the toilet. I keep a rag handy and always wipe the rim of the toilet and the floor so my bathroom won't smell like piss.
  2. I like this, too. I found X-Tube years ago and enjoy watching the videos. I've posted a few of my own. I miss some of the really good videos of men pissing outdoors in a very public place that were on Tumblr before they eliminated adult content.
  3. Back in the '90s, a couple that we knew was going to Los Angeles to try to get on a game show as a contestant. We were invited, so the 4 of us took the 2 hour drive from San Diego. As we passed through San Clemente, I felt the urge. I mentioned to Sean that the next time that he could stop at a gas station that I needed to go. I kept waiting for him to pull off the freeway. The urge was getting more severe. By the time that we passed Long Beach, I feared that I was going to lose it and piss their back seat. I should have reminded him, but didn't. When we finally parked at a marketplace
  4. Some males avoid aiming for the water when females are nearby because they are self-conscious of the noise. Some guys opt to sit down to pee. This behavior often occurs when the guy has been told that it is crude or bad manners to not pee quietly. There have been times that I've been to a party with a mixed group, and a guy will leave the living room to go to the bathroom. A few seconds later, the sound of his pee stream blasting the water permeates the adjacent living room. I chuckle to myself as I discretely check the reactions among those in the room. Even funnier is when the guy
  5. I went to catholic elementary school. Our 5th grade teacher led the boys line twice daily for our bathroom break. She directed the first boy in line to open the door all of the way out into the hallway and stand in front of it. There were 6 floor length Kohler urinals (I'll never forget! L.O.L.!). She stood across the open doorway and directed traffic to the urinals. We were supposed to be completely silent. If she heard commotion in the boy's room, she stormed in. She got between 2 boys who were arguing while they peed, grabbed their ear, and yanked hard. They shut up right away. Sh
  6. I would love to use the Uritrottoir just for fun next time I go to Paris.
  7. Near the beach in San Diego
  8. I traveled to Europe several years ago. I knew beforehand that there would be unisex toilets in some places. Having dealt with women and girls in the men's room here in the states before, I was somewhat prepared for it. The urinals were typically in the same area as the sinks that were used by both genders. It was a novelty for me to pee openly at a urinal in the presence of women and girls, yet I knew that it was the norm there, and I was okay with it. If I woke up tomorrow and found that all public bathrooms were now listed as: 1.. Toilets - with urinals 2. Toilets
  9. I'm circumcised. I begin with one stream with good force. Toward the end, a second rogue stream happens that is a series of fast drips. The rogue stream drops onto the floor in front of the toilet. I've tried to move up , but often pee behind the toilet when I start, which is more difficult to clean than the front floor of the toilet. Being that I almost always have to wipe up the floor, I clean the rim of the toilet while I'm at it to prevent the bathroom from smelling like piss. Sometimes I sit to not deal with it, but I prefer to pee standing and listen to the sound it makes.
  10. I used several unisex toilets when we traveled to Europe. At first, it was a novelty to use an open urinal in close proximity to women and girls. I was fine with it, and it wouldn't bother me if tomorrow all public bathrooms could be used by either gender.
  11. I've always enjoyed hearing others pee, both female and male. Our family bathroom was upstairs, and anyone upstairs could easily hear someone peeing in the bathroom. When I meet new people, it's always interesting to see how they will pee in a private home (mine or theirs). I always admire the ones who don't try to hide the sound. Let it rip!
  12. When I was toilet trained as a young lad, I was directed to aim for the middle of the water of the toilet. It is my default method. When I wake up in the middle of the night, it's easier to not turn on the lights and sit. I have an easier time getting back to sleep if I leave the lights off.
  13. I've been peeing in the shower for years. Once I feel the hot water hit me, I start to pee automatically.
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