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Everything posted by 2prnot2p

  1. I agree, Steve. It is speeding up. I just recall the crunch idea from my college astronomy course. It did seem plausible back when I learned about it. Dark matter is a fascinating field of study. It will be exciting as they come to learn more about it. They do know it plays a huge role, for sure.
  2. LOL! I was married 18 years and I know exactly what you're talking about! Too funny. Here's a joke you'll like. A little boy wakes up in the night to go to the bathroom. He passes his parents' bedroom and the door is ajar. He sees his dad making love to his mom. The next day at breakfast, he tells his mom what he saw. His mom says, "That's how mommy gets babies." The boy replies, "Oh, okay." A few nights later, the little boy wakes up and is thirsty. On his way to the bathroom to get a drink, he peers into his parents' room. His mom is giving his dad a blowjob. The nex
  3. I just thought of another fun fact you can try to wrap your head around. Scientists believe the universe is 46 billion light years across. Let's put that in perspective. Light travels at 186,000 miles per second. So, a light year is the distance light travels in a year. You would have to travel at 186,000 miles per second for 46 billion years to go from one end of the universe to the other!!! MIND-BLOWING!!! 🤪
  4. This is a monumental topic! I find it best left to Mr. Hawking, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and others like them. But, I'll take a shot at it. Scientists belief that the mass of the universe before the big bang was incredibly small. Like, one billionth the size of an atom. For real. Don't ask me how this could be. I'm no scientist, but it is true. This is the theory. It boggles the mind, doesn't it? It does mine. LOL! One hypothesis states that eventually gravity will cause the universe to stop expanding and it will begin to collapse, resulting in the "Big Crunch." Ouch! Then, t
  5. Yeah, the Lions are a great organization, for sure! (Unlike our Detroit Lions football team. LOL!)
  6. I just read up on the SR-71. It seems that officially it hit Mach 3.2, but an insider said he was onboard when it hit Mach 3.5. That is fast! Also, I read that the U.S. military is going to focus on unmanned drones for spying now. But, there's also work being done on the Blackbird's replacement. I have to believe they're already using one. It was retired in 1999 and I can't see them going 20 years without a manned spy plane. They tell us only what they want to tell us, right? LOL!
  7. I do know that the fastest plane ever made was the old SR-71 Blackbird spy plane that the U.S. military used to fly. They retired it some years back. The military never told how fast it could go, or how high, but they did wear space suits to fly it. Whenever a record was set, they'd go up with the Blackbird and break it. It carried no weapons and would fly right over Moscow and take pictures. It was so fast and flew so high that there was no chance that the Soviets could ever shoot it down. I once read that it flew at about 100,000 feet in altitude. That's amazing! I think the adva
  8. I prefer smaller breasts, an A or B cup at the most. I find large breasts a huge turn off. They're just big bags of fat, dropping to a woman's belly button. No thanks. I also cannot stand large areolas. I like small areolas with .22 caliber bullet nipples. That, a small waist, full round butt, and shapely legs and I'm all set!
  9. I saw the Northern Lights once in the northern part of the lower peninsula of my state, Michigan. But, they were nothing compared to this video. Due to the location I saw only a faint, grey display of flickering shadows on the horizon. Still, it was amazing! Thanks for the wonderful video!
  10. I failed to state that the Mithra and Hercules stories date to a much earlier time than the Jesus story. I edited my post to reflect this.
  11. Good topic, Steve. But, I do hope no one is offended by it. That's always possible when it comes to religion. At any rate, this is a topic I studied quite extensively. Without going into detail to the point of boring everyone, I'll paste in two main points below that express what I believe. They explain it much better than I ever could. Mithra has the following in common with the Jesus character: * Mithra was born on December 25th of the virgin Anahita. *The babe was wrapped in swaddling clothes, placed in a manger and attended by shepherds. * He was considered a grea
  12. @steve25805 I never said I know more than anyone or that you're idiots. Did I say that? But, thanks so much for re-posting my message! You're a real pal. LMAO! Lighten up, dude. You're way out of line. Trust me, I'm not worth getting mad at. I can assure you of that. 🙂
  13. Does The Pool chat require registration? No. Does Chatropolis require registration? No. Without exception, the busy chat sites allow all to chat, period. Chatropolis is probably the biggest sex chat site on the web. No registration required. When I was a Mod at Sprinkles Golden Showers, guests were allowed to view all of the forums. They were also allowed to post messages. However, only members were allowed to upload pics. I am NOT advocating this policy here. But viewing all forums should be allowed. How can a person decide to join a site if he cannot even see all it has to o
  14. For Pete's sake, let guests chat! Man, it's so silly not to. This will solve the lack of chatters problem. Make it so they must sign in with a username, but do NOT have to be a registered member. This should also go for viewing areas of the site that only registered members can see. Let them see it all. You're really shooting yourself in the foot with this restricted policy. You can't see that? Posts are down, the site is slowing down gradually.... Admin, why won't you do this? Will you tell us? Thanks.
  15. @WantonLee You may very well be correct. But, I do know two things, for sure. The first Bush wanted to take Hussein out, but was limited to the UN resolution that only allowed the U.S. to get Iraq out of Kuwait. This is a fact. So, draw your own conclusion on that one. As for Germany, don't get me started. I've made my feelings clear about Germany on this site a few times. I don't trust them at all. My grandpa fought them in the trenches in France in WWI. Then, my uncle fought the Nazis in WWII. He was at the Battle Of The Bulge! I need not go into all that again. To hell with
  16. Here's why I don't believe someone can be sexually abused and not recall it until much later: "No evidence exists for the repression and recovery of verified, severely traumatic events, and their role in symptom formation has yet to be proved. There is also striking absence in the literature of well-corroborated cases of such repressed memories recovered through psychotherapy. Given the prevalence of childhood sexual abuse, even if only a small proportion are repressed and only some of them are subsequently recovered, there should be a significant number of corroborated cases. In fact th
  17. The people of Iraq absolutely wish Saddam Hussein was still in power. Of course! They had free college, free heath care, and he kept the peace among the many factions there. I am friends with many people from Iraq. I speak to them daily and have for years. Hussein was a necessary evil. In that nation, you have muslims (both sunni and shiite), christians, kurds, and other groups. Hussein would not tolerate violence or terrorism. Also, it's important to state that Hussein hated Bin Laden and said that he would kill Bin Laden if he ever stepped foot in Iraq. Plus, the CIA told the Bu
  18. Or, the aliens might ask, "To which god do you refer? Zeus? Mithra? Thor? Which one?" LMAO! 🤣
  19. I'll tell you what would get a lot more chatters. Guests should be allowed to chat. Having to sign up just to chat is a bad idea. All the best and busiest chat rooms allow guests to chat. The Pool does it and there is not always a moderator there either. Sure, you'll have some problems, but it's the only way to get it going. I had a chat room for many years and I always allowed everyone to chat, no registration required. Even though my site had very little traffic, there were many nights when there would be 4 to 7 people chatting for a few hours. The chat will never be busy unles
  20. @Scot_Lover I feel for you. I'm at the point now where I won't even try to argue with these kooks. It's an exercise in futility. I could go on and on about many conspiracy theories and my points against them, but I won't bother here. It's much too tedious. Let's say that I, like you, have met many of those people. I truly believe that these people easily believe in this crap because they have not evolved like the majority of humans. I'm being totally serious. I studied Evolution and Behavior in college and the course dealt with human behavior a lot. There's a part of the brain f
  21. I don't believe in "recovered memories" at all. Besides, your story is totally implausible. Me thinks you're trying to get attention, i.e., sympathy from girls who are into peeing. That's my take.
  22. Just a few days ago, it was arctic here in Detroit. It got to about -12C. However, it got up to +13C today! Nuts, right? I know we'll get another arctic blast again this winter, for sure.
  23. My all-time favorite comedian at his very best on a topic that many comedians would have avoided. Enjoy!
  24. 2prnot2p

    ROOM 101

    I hate old rock stars who refuse to retire even though they sound horrible, e.g., Paul McCartney. He, and many others, were great once upon a time, and I loved their music. But, please retire! Oh no, they keep going and make fools of themselves. It's sad. I also hate when these old farts entice the audience to sing the songs for them! God, I hate that! Yet, all the sheep love it! Their adoration has made them blind to the reality and they say, "Oh, McCartney still sounds great!" NO, HE DOESN'T!!!
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