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Everything posted by 2prnot2p

  1. Here's an aerial view of the mansion and the grounds. Enjoy! 🙂
  2. I thought I'd share some pics of Henry Ford's house, Fair Lane, in my town. It's about 2.5 miles from my residence. Mr. Ford died in the house in 1947. It's not nearly as posh as what he could have afforded, but is still pretty impressive at 31,000 square feet with 65 rooms. Frank Lloyd Wright was one of the architects who designed the home. I've been there many times and there are tours offered. I once played a gig there with the band I ran. The grounds it occupies are beautiful too. I hope you enjoy the pics.
  3. Among the nicest people in the world, for sure! 🙂
  4. O Canada...We stand on guard for thee! Gotta love Canada, ay?
  5. Motown, in the mitten-shaped state, USA.
  6. I've wanted to write about this for years, so I thought I'd do it now. I have never engaged in any social media platforms. I got involved with the web in 2000 and even then it seemed like a bad idea to me. Everyone I knew went on and on about My Space. Remember that site? I think it's still around. Anyway... Eventually, I decided to try Facebook. I registered and...lo and behold...everyone I knew appeared on my page as though I'd told them that I'd joined! WTF! I mean, people I'd never even emailed were there on the page of people I "might know." OMG! That was crazy to me. How
  7. Found this GIF by accident. I went to her site and...wow! It's not a porno site, but a very erotic site just the same. You should check it out. She's married and has a child. But, likes being sexy. It's paysite, but there's plenty to enjoy for free. 🙂
  8. I don't want to pour gasoline on the fire, but I live in a city with the largest Arabic/Muslim community in the world outside of the Middle East. There's a mosque at the end of my street. Our city is 40% or more Muslim. We have no problems at all. None. They do not impose their religion on me or any other non-Muslim, ever. I've never seen it happen. They also don't commit crime on the level of many other minorities. They're polite and we all seem to get along just fine. Oh, and I love their food! It saddens me to hear about Muslims/Arabs being the source of problems in other wes
  9. I strongly urge people to watch this video. It's from the PBS network. That's public TV, no commercials and not under any pressure to be swayed. It is the objective truth.
  10. I have always been a legs man. Not that I'm an expert, but so many guys will say a woman has great legs and I'm like, "What?!" There is a certain shape that they must have. The shin bones must be a little bowed and the knees must have a certain shape as well. So, yeah...I guess I am an expert! LOL! I hope you enjoy these pics. Wish I had more to share.
  11. My mom, who died in 2003, taught me this at a very young age. It is the best philosophy by which to live. "Be kind, honest, forgiving, but most of all...care what YOU think of yourself, Billy. Because there will always be those who don't like you. Those people really don't like themselves, deep down." I can still hear her saying that to me as a small child. She was a wonderful person, my mom. Well put, Speedy! Very well done. 🙂
  12. My heart goes out to the victims, and their loved ones, of the mass shooting at the mosques. The world has become a scary place. And, unlike a traditional church, a mosque has no pews to hide under. It's just one large room and they all pray on the floor. Talk about vulnerable. So very sad and frightening. I wish this would stop, but I don't think it will, sadly.
  13. This is the last I'll say on Trump or politics. From now on, I'll limit myself to reacting with a simple click so as to avoid conflict. I disagree with those who say people who support a sociopath leader should not be harshly criticized. Sometimes drastic measures are required, unfortunately. Remember, what did Germany do beginning in 1933? The same goes for Italy and many other nations. Just think about it. We must not be asleep. That never ends well.
  14. I have! It was one of those old, small, fish bowl ones. It was my idea too. But, I was terrified. It shook every which way the whole time. I asked the pilot what was wrong. He goes, "Nothing. They do that all the time." Oh, that made me feel so much better...NOT! LOL! I swear, I kissed the ground when I got off of that thing! 🤣
  15. I think I can help. Bound2Burst is primarily a site where you pay only for the movies that you want. However, there is also a membership area for those who are interested. The link below explains it all. I hope this helps. 🙂 Bound2Burst Membership Area
  16. Here's a video by a girl who lives in the city of Yakutsk in Siberia. Yes, many of the native folks of Siberia look Asian, e.g., Chinese. She explains what she wears to keep warm. Her boots are made of the fur and hide of caribou (reindeer) and are the absolute warmest boots in the world, or so I'm told. I hope you enjoy this video! 🙂
  17. F.W, You are clearly out of your mind! There, I said it. You once said people in the UK admire Trump! Uh, that would be incorrect. Maybe you do, but...who else does? This is not merely a matter of politics. We have had presidents here in the USA, where I live, that I did not like, but it was NEVER personal. I respected the first President Bush, even though he was not my cup of tea, politically speaking. He was smart and was former Director of the CIA. You don't get that job if you're stupid. He was also a gentleman. He was polite, diplomatic, and even a war hero of WWII.
  18. I tried that once and...had a sore neck and back for a week! I couldn't do it! LMAO! 🤣 I did a lot of stupid shit when I was 15! Ha ha!
  19. She's British! She was on the BBC! LOL! Okay, you're putting me on. I had never seen her before the other day. She must be new here in the states. At any rate, I'm glad we have her!
  20. Just recently, Trump met with Apple CEO Tim Cook. Some of you may have seen this on TV. It was shown all over the world. At a press conference in front of many members of the media and on TV, he referred to Tim Cook as "Tim Apple." LMAO! 🤣 The awkward look on Tim Cook's face was obvious. On another very recent occasion, the same thing happened. He introduced the CEO of Lockheed, a defense contractor company, as "Marilyn Lockheed." LOL! Ignorance happens to us all. It's simply a lack of knowledge. Stupidity is another thing all together. This man, the leader of the USA, must
  21. I just saw her cooking show for the first time late last night. She's on PBS here. I just adore her. I think she's so charming. Also, I get a kick out of how she's always smiling while she's preparing food. She's so pretty and I love her accent too! 🙂 What do the rest of you Pee Fans think about Nigella? I welcome your feedback.
  22. As a side note, I had the pleasure of meeting Genesis in 1977 at a record store. They were there for an autograph signing session and to promote their Detroit concert. I was able to speak with Phil Collins for about an hour. He was so very nice! It helped when I told him that I played the same brand of drums as he, Gretsch. This got me a spot behind the signing table with the band. LOL! It was so funny. People must have been wondering, "Who the hell is that guy talking to Collins?" Such a wonderful memory! 🙂
  23. It's worth saying again that piano and keyboards in general are my fave! 🙂
  24. The link below is the U.S. national debt clock. You can see all the stats in real time. Like that's ever going to be paid off! 🤣 U.S. National Debt Clock
  25. @will64 Trust me, you are not alone. Many people have mental health issues, including myself. My late son did too. You can do what you put your mind to. And, we're all here pulling for you to be happy in whatever you decide to do. Be good to yourself always! 🙂
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