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Everything posted by 2prnot2p

  1. Just for fun, I looked up the stats for Literotica. Did you know that they get an estimated 500,000 unique visitors per day?! That's incredible. It really is. And their forum has over 2.2 million members! That's mind-blowing! I highly doubt that any other site on the web can top that.
  2. LMAO! I love how you wrote, "Alaska and USA." That's so funny! Alaska is in the USA, but I know what you meant. It's like another world there, for sure. -40 C is common in winter in Fairbanks, too cold for me.
  3. My favorite rock guitar song. Keith Richards at his best, along with a young Mick Taylor. Keith is the first solo and is heard on the right. I love his funky rhythmic style. Taylor is more fluid, fast, and is heard on the left side.
  4. Blackinksoul30, I have empathy for you. I, too, am alone most of the time. However, I don't feel distraught about it. Trust me, I've been through a lot of horrible things. If I may be so bold, I suggest you get into some sort of counseling. I'm not judging you or criticizing you, but I really think you could benefit from therapy. I truly hope you'll give it some thought. Until then, try to hang in there.
  5. I couldn't agree with you more! At so many sites, the big thing is holding or wetting. In fact, at The Pool chat room, most are only into holding. WTF is up with that? I cannot count the times that I've chatted with females who say that they are only into holding, but would NEVER pee on a guy. They won't even wet themselves! Man, I don't get that at all. Never did. So... I welcome your type here! I think you'll find a wide variety of pee enthusiasts. Have fun! 🙂
  6. On New Year's Eve of 2008, I went out to buy some beer to ring in the New Year. It was about 10:00 PM. Upon returning from the party store, I parked in the lot next to my apartment building. I live in a very old 4-story apartment building, similar to those in NYC. I parked, got out of my car, and walked toward the back alley to enter the building from the rear entrance. Then, I heard something... As I came around the corner from the side of the building, I heard a girl shout, "I can't believe you're peeing there!" When I got to the back of the building, I saw what was going on. There was
  7. I'm from Motown! Born and raised in the Motor City. I'm 2 miles from the Detroit border.
  8. I love that the vocals on this song were live, no lip-syncing. Ah, those were the days. Bowie's voice never sounded finer. I saw this on TV when it first aired in 1977. What a memory.
  9. One of my favorite holiday songs by one of my favorite guitarists, Jeff Beck. Enjoy!
  10. I'm not alone, trust me. Many guys agree with me.
  11. I can only speak for myself. We don't all like the scent of a woman. Ideally, there should be NO ODOR. Fishy indicates an infection or old blood. The common musty, onion smell isn't appealing either. I only knew one woman in my entire life with absolutely no smell whatsoever. Seriously, she never had any smell, good or bad, ever. When I asked for her secret, she laughed and said, "Soap and water!" So, I'll pass on any odor, thank you. (I've heard that diet can also play a role, but the odorless woman ate anything and everything.)
  12. I agree with you, Riley. If worn as in the photos, they look stylish. I prefer the top and footwear in the pic on the right, by far.
  13. Thanks for the reply, Riley. I don't think they need the Q. It's redundant.
  14. What's the difference between gay and queer? I've always thought they meant the same thing. Explain, please. Thanks!
  15. This is better than the Crimson original or even their live version! I have 'em both. Thanks so much! This made my night!
  16. Ozabot, thanks for that Crimson song. It's one of the best examples of the Mellotron, the keyboard with the string sound. Sounds of woodwinds and voices were also available. It had actual tapes of the real sounds in it. My earlier post of 'Cinema Show' by Genesis features the Mellotron with the choir sound. Though outdated now, it was such a powerful instrument! Nowadays, there are many keyboard players who use digital samples of a real Mellotron. So, it's still the same sound. Back in the 1970's, when the Mellotron was being used, it was known for breaking down often. Each key on
  17. As Speedy3471 said, the holidays are often a tough time for people. I think it has something to do with the fact that we're encouraged to feel happy now. Some would say that it's almost forced upon us. And, the typical human reaction is always to resist, or to think about what isn't cheerful in one's life. Does that make sense? I hope so. And, with a new year coming, it's only a natural reflex to reflect on the past year or years too. And, some of that will usually be negative as life is far from ideal. That's my spin on why the holidays tend to make many folks feel down. Always r
  18. 2prnot2p


    In hindsight, I would never have started this topic. I mean it. I never intended to start such a hurricane. To me, it's totally crazy. I'm so very sorry to all of you. I thought we could have some discussion in a polite way. But, as the old adage says, "Politics is not a good subject to bring up." In closing, I'll say one last thing. And if there are those who hate me for it, so be it. We, here in the USA, have a leader who is a pig! Plain and simple. He is a liar and an egomaniac. And those are his good traits! Enough said. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by 3 milli
  19. Hi Pee Fans, A friend of mine started a business. She's an artist and makes fine jewelry. She works in a medium called 'fusion glass.' Her work is truly outstanding. Though it may appeal mostly to women, there are items like cuff links for the fellows. Please check out her website. Shipping is free! Below are some photos of her work. She offers pendants, earrings, cuff links, fridge magnets, & keepsake tins. Thanks so very much! 🙂 Fusion Glass Jewelry
  20. Wow! Grand Funk! They're from my state, Michigan. Haven't heard them in ages. Thanks, Ozabot!
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