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Everything posted by 2prnot2p

  1. 2prnot2p


    I'll just say this with truly no offense intended at all. I'll take the words of several Buddhist monks AND the Dalai Lama over yours when it comes to anything that pertains to Buddhism. Fair enough? 🙂
  2. If I had it to do over again, I'd be a keyboardist. You then have a small orchestra at your finger tips. Especially nowadays, with the latest technology, you can really do a lot all by yourself. Drums are cool, but I could never seem to get motivated to practice enough all alone. Since there is no melodic aspect to the drums, I always preferred playing with the band as opposed to practicing alone on my chops. I was a pretty good drummer, but not great. Those are few and far between. Phil Collins was one of my faves back in the 1970's. Few fans know that his forte was actually drumm
  3. I have news for pee fans. There is no Victoria. She's a fictional character made up by the webmaster of that site. 😂
  4. Welcome, Dave! You really do have a fan club here. It's so nice to have a webmaster of a site like yours here. Have fun! 🙂
  5. I had an idea that might work. Perhaps we could set times for a "chat session." I see posts in the box, but rarely are there 2 people in there at the same time. So... Maybe we could have scheduled chat times. For instance, post the day and time and then we can all show up. I think this site is from England, right? Are most of the members from Europe? I really don't know. The Admin could probably tell us. I'm in the USA. So, we'd have to choose a time that's good for all. I'm in U.S. Eastern time. That's GMT -5. So, 10:00 PM in England is 5PM my time. Eastern time for
  6. Hands down, Jayne is my all-time favorite at Bound2Burst. Even though she is no longer making pee movies, all of videos are still available at the site. To me, she is so very sexy. Small waist, nice butt, sexy legs, the whole package. Also, I'm partial to girls with auburn colored hair.
  7. Great! Another Canadian! I love Canada! But, I'm in the Detroit area, close to the bridge to Windsor, Ontario. Welcome! You're going to love this site. I promise. 🙂
  8. I'm actually drinking some really cold Fiji water right now. What a coincidence. It's also the best natural decongestant, for those with allergies. I have those. My late brother-in-law was a physician and nutrition authority. He told me that little tip.
  9. Yeah, it's a great clip. Man oh man, I don't know where he gets those sexy models. He has the best job in the world! Lucky duck! LOL!🤣
  10. 2prnot2p


    Buddhists do not believe in a god, supreme being, or anything of the sort. I'm sure on this point. Also, one can reject the idea of reincarnation and still be a Buddhist. I won't argue, I'm not like that. So, let's say that Buddhism is "non-theist." That's more accurate. 🙂 I just remembered something. I saw the Dalai Lama on TV once and he actually said words to the effect that Buddhism proclaims no divine power, supreme being, or creator. He is to Buddhism what the Pope is to the Catholic Church. You can't really get a better expert on Buddhism.
  11. 2prnot2p


    Ah, my pal was incorrect. You'd know since you're so close. I keep forgetting that even my state, Michigan, is larger than England. Michigan is 58,000 square miles, while England is 50,000. So, on the map, Warrington didn't seem that close to Liverpool. I seem to learn something new every day! Thanks.
  12. 2prnot2p


    We should be tolerant of religions and I am. I suppose we atheists should actually call ourselves agnostic since we do not know for sure and neither do they. But, I'm of the opinion that dedicating one's self to a belief requires proof, i.e., science-based knowledge. Perhaps you know of Neil deGrasse Tyson? He's a scientist who is highly regarded and not paid by the government. (I have no idea where that hypothesis came from.) He does not believe in a supreme being. So, I think I'm in pretty good company. I prefer to err on the side of people like him and Richard Dawkins, to name just t
  13. 2prnot2p


    An online pal of mine told me that Warrington is about 40 miles from Liverpool. Is that correct? I've never been to the UK and it does look close on my map.
  14. I'm curious if I'm in the minority on an issue. I'm not fond of pee pics of women when their pee is yellow in color. Yes, I know it's called "golden showers," but I associate a dark yellow with bad odor and foul taste. However, it their pee is clear, it seems sexy and desirable. I was fortunate to receive a golden shower from a woman twice and I wouldn't have wanted it had she not consumed a large amount of water first. This ensured that her pee would be clear, odorless, and very nearly tasteless. Does that make sense? What say you pee fans? Am I weird or strange? I welcome y
  15. I've been a member for a month now and I honestly cannot recall how I found this site. I've been wracking my brain to remember, but I can't. Oh well, I'm just glad I did! It's a wonderful site. I really feel like I'm home here. Thanks!
  16. 2prnot2p


    I want to repeat one thing that may have been glossed over in this thread. No American citizen should ever be imprisoned in a concentration camp for years due to his/her heritage or religious beliefs. The USA did this to Japanese Americans during WWII and IT WAS WRONG!!! Many of those families had sons that were fighting Hitler in Europe. "So, your son is good enough to give his life for our nation, but the rest of you...are going to prison for the remainder of the war." -U.S. Government That was horrific! It was paranoia at its worst. Never again!
  17. 2prnot2p


    Even though I'm an atheist, I respect the rights of people to worship as they please. I respect all religions. However, I am strongly opposed to religious education in schools, unless it's a private school, e.g., a catholic school. And, I believe I'm right on this issue. It doesn't belong in public schools. Also, I sensed a feeling that christian values are good and, therefore, should be allowed anywhere. I'll always believe that is dead wrong. There's good and bad in everything, even in all religions. That's what was at the core of my comments, plain and simple. Maybe I didn't cl
  18. 2prnot2p


    Owlman76, I truly feel bad for your situation there. I'm half English. My grandpa was a cockney, grandma was from Warrington. I know of Hyde Park. Isn't that where the term "soap box" comes from? People bring a box to stand on while they address the crowd. My mom told me about that. It seems that your criminal justice system has their priorities a bit out of whack. Where I live, the muslims interact just fine with us "infidels." Many of the women wear the hijab (pronounced HAY-job) while others don't. They have their mosques and I see dozens of them walk by my apartment building
  19. 2prnot2p


    All the things that you describe are wrong and should never happen! I agree 100% with you. That sort of radical, lawless behavior must not be tolerated. It seems that somehow the UK got many of the undesirable type of muslims. As I stated, my city is 40% arabic and muslim and none of that stuff happens here. I'm in the Detroit area. I do empathize with you, for sure. We have immigrants from Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, and other nations. So, I'm not sure what accounts for the incidents you mention. I have learned of bad things happening in England in regards to musl
  20. 2prnot2p


    Did it ever occur to you that is was wrong back then? Just a thought. There shouldn't be religious education in schools. That's what church and the home are for. I can't speak about Australia as I'm in the USA. However, I strongly believe in separation of church and state. Where does it say that if something is christian in nature, it's good and okay? Wrong. Religion has its place and it's not in schools. That goes for Islam, Judaism, all of them. As far as the holidays are concerned, I see nothing wrong with the secular aspect of xmas. Actually, it was originally a pagan holida
  21. 2prnot2p


    The deaths you list are a drop in the bucket when compared to the scores of pagans killed, imprisoned, or tortured by christians in human history! It's a fact. Read my prior post. What do you say about them? They killed in the name of christ. No difference at all. It was convert or else. As for your mention of the treatment of Japanese Americans during WWII, it was wrong. They put over 100,000 American citizens in concentration camps! It's still a black eye on U.S. history. I once worked with a woman who was a little girl in one of those camps out west. She said, "My brother was
  22. Find that special someone for pee fun or any other fetish at the link below. I've received some very positive feedback on it. Simply scroll down to 'Urolagnia (Water Sports/Urine)' in the drop-down search box at the right side of the page. Good luck! 🙂 Pee & Fetish Personals
  23. I failed to mention that, along with Rebekah, Jayne at Bound2Burst is my favorite. She's no longer active, but all of her videos are still available at Bound2Burst. If you go to the Pee Websites section in this Forum, there are pics and vids of her there. Just go to the Bound2Burst thread. I'm sure you'll like Jayne! 😉
  24. There's a new clip of Jayne, my favorite, at Bound2Burst. Not really, it's an old clip that's been brought back. She's in maroon panties in a holding contest with Rachael in this clip. I love her figure and girl-next-door look. Check it out! Teaser for Jayne's clip
  25. Are we going to get in trouble? I mean, this is supposed to be 'Pee Talk and Questions.' I suppose the worst that will happen is maybe the Admin will move this topic to the General Chat/Non-Pee section. Sorry, I didn't mean to wander off...it just sort of happened. LOL!
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