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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Just about safe for work… Alyson Hannigan. Now, where do I apply for Band Camp.
  2. Awesome @Sophie - love it. (And sounds much more fun than my efforts)
  3. Maybe a repost... it's pretty old now.
  4. Here's a positive - I guess... Woman was fired for peeing in bowls at the bakery - and wins compensation against her ex-employer for covertly filming her. Not quite a win-win, in that she's lost her job - but at least some funds to keep her hydrated. https://metro.co.uk/2023/10/27/barcelona-woman-wins-20000-from-bakery-despite-urinating-in-bowls-19728683/
  5. A merger of identical topics !!! Please think before posting, a quick site search will show if a topic already exists. It's in the site rules - Rule 13 people.
  6. We ask that people add to existing topics rather than create new duplicates - it's in the site rules. But forgiven here, the recent topic was under a different name that wasn't immediately obvious. So we've merged the two topics together - lots of existing answers to enjoy.
  7. So without further ado - a very Happy New Year to one and all... And also some very Happy Birthdays <<takes a very deep breath>>: @ebonycandiegirl @ppppppp @Jonjet0208 @Cum_ez @kiass @PrincessApricot @Carthoris @hyde07 @RogerNL @lengajesytec @navesink01 @tjaws @Keri @kinkyplaypal @TasteMyPee @12345 @Mitzdkat @drh @PeePeeper @ramsesisthebest @wetnutt @Naughtymelissa @Sakura @will57 @jqd9876 @shinycactus @melbournej1000 @bg6969 @MNFunGuy4U @dziwak222 @Mtroble @steve180 <Phew> now that's a much longer list than any other day. We completely understand people wa
  8. Exciting news…. It’s nearly the start of a whole new year. And that means it’ll be a year since the Birthday Shout Thread last ran. So - for 2024 let’s welcome back the Birthday Shouts!!! In each members profile there’s the option to add a date of birth - and Peefans tells us everyday which members have birthdays. (Obviously there’s a lot of past members who don’t visit any more, so we do a bit of filtering to the currently active membership).
  9. Not quite sure where to best post this one - so here it is... For a certain generation growing up in the UK - 41 years ago today (30th Dec '82) was the first moment Allo Allo arrived on our TV screens. Young impressionable minds melted hearing the french accents of Yvette, Maria & Michelle, not to mention the visual impression they and of course Helga left on us.
  10. @Great Horned Owl - Please add to existing posts, there's no need to create a new post each time. It just results in the forum becoming more spread out and means you get less views. Your posts have been merged together here. Rule 13 refers.
  11. So - that was a fun 45 minutes. I'd had a couple of coffees this morning then had been out on a bike ride - got to the absolutely desperate stage and allowed myself to release just enough to be semi-comfortable. Then back at home I had a pint of cordial, and put jeans and a T shirt on. As above. I needed to pee badly when I took that picture, but have been carrying on. Taking decorations off the tree interspersed with pacing about, clutching and foot tapping. It didn't help putting some rubbish outside in the cold, then a phone call from a friend. Worst was to come when t
  12. Well... This is a bit awkward... Just packing away the Christmas decorations and this bit of wire seems to have wrapped itself around my zipper and button. And I really need to pee...
  13. It definitely gets my vote. I mean, the idea of ladies on nights out peeing between parked cars, bus stops, kerbs outside takeaways and literally anywhere else gets my vote too. But a clean safe environment where ladies can pee without risk of abuse has to be a good thing too - right? A couple of years ago I'd been at a friend's house in Edinburgh and was catching the train back to where my car was parked in Glasgow (long story) and as I walked through Edinburgh old town to Waverley station, the idea suddenly struck me of opening a disused shop, equipping it with a floor grate and
  14. Dear Wet Carpet Magazine, You may remember I wrote in a few weeks ago - It's D and I was terrified that I was going to get arrested after being thrown out of the Christmas Market when we were caught weeing in the bar. First of all then I want to say a huge thank you to your members who replied. I feel a bit silly for worrying so much, and you were right - they've probably got bigger crimes to worry about and nothing happened in the end. But also I wanted to tell you about a couple of things that have happened since then. I think you might like to hear about them. The first th
  15. With fiction, we all understand that fiction is, well, it's fictional. Playing a video game and stealing a car in the Grand Theft Auto or shooting someone doesn't mean you're going to steal or kill in real life. And as I say, Admin has recommended that we take a more relaxed approach now. If it helps, when we were applying the principles very strictly the test we applied was about doing harm to innocent people. So for example, hoping that someone would get ill was considered too extreme. Wetting a seat in a cinema or bus was fine, but do it so that someone else's clothes would be r
  16. Hi @dan7494 and a huge welcome to this community. Your grammar was 'spot on' and perfectly easy to understand. Hope you enjoy finding your way around the site. There are lots of Real Experiences shared from various members which you may enjoy, and plenty of visual content too. Do shout up if you have any questions. Also, if you want Staff to check any content against the site rules that's fine too. Cheers - Goose
  17. @dan7494 - There is a reason that you're finding it rare on this site, and also why the content you have found hasn't been updated for a while. You'll see it outlined in this thread if you read from the start, but in summary: Up to about mid-2022 we had a split slowly forming in the community here, between those who want to impose a destructive kink on others and the opposing bunch of people who wish no harm on others. It had got to the point of being rather heated and was causing a lot of harmful resentment between members in our normally kind and loving community. Both sides felt ver
  18. Thank you so much @Alfresco and everyone before. I've actually just reread the story myself - and really enjoyed it too.
  19. Hi there @Yorkshirepeefella and welcome to an amazing community. Enjoy finding you way around and don't hesitate to shout up if you have any questions.
  20. Another very small milestone... A little Christmas Gift you could say... Today on CHRISTMAS DAY we've reached a nice round number of 22,000 Topics across the forum. White Reindeer! (And a year on from the above post, we've had 7,660 new members join us too).
  21. Welcome to Peefans - there's a good chance you're reading this very early in your journey with us. it's great to have you on board. There's one thing we need to make very clear before you post your introduction: WE ARE NOT A PEE DATING SITE. AND WE ARE NOT A LOCAL HOOK-UP SITE. Please don't post here quoting your location and asking for a partner to meet with you. That is most definitely what we're about, it's even in our Site Rules. Instead, please understand that we're a world-wide online community of people who just happen to share a common interest. A group of new f
  22. I really can't believe what I've just done... I'm feeling so naughty and just have to tell someone - before I burst. This time of year is always so busy, well I mean it is for everyone. And the last weekend before Christmas especially so. Today I've been rushing about like a busy little Christmas Fairy. You see, it's been our community Christmas Carols event. So after picking up groceries for our own festive dinner I've been busy in the kitchen making mince pies, icing the cake, warming a few gallons of mulled wine. Before I knew it I was across at the community hall, laying
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