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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Another point... (just to resurrect the thread too) - when photographing the act... When the moment comes and the pee starts to flow, chances are you'll have a limited few moments to catch the action. It's well worth focussing the camera before that moment, then either switching off auto-focus or locking the focus. As long as the distance between camera and subject doesn't change too much every picture will then be correctly focussed. To echo the above points, photographing in manual mode (perhaps with auto-ISO) will also help with consistency. If you do need to use flash then boun
  2. When I was just finishing high school, enjoying that last summer before everyone went their separate ways to work and sixth form college, a lot of time was spent just making the most of the moment. Close to my house was an area of green - big enough for a football pitch, with trees around and a rough drop down to a stream on one side. A few of the lads used to ride tatty scrambler bikes around, and a few of the girls used to tag around. Word spread pretty quickly about two of our classmates - Maxine was the bit of a wild-child and had a habit of raiding her parents' drinks cabinet. Along
  3. Is it just me, or does the weather and location have a huge bearing on how an outfit looks? Last week in New York on a few days break, saw an asian girl in a coffee shop. All in black - cropped leather jacket, roughly cut flared black skirt over fishnets and black leather ankle boots - and looked absolutely totally stunning, I'm sure a part of how much of an impression she made was down to the environment as much as anything. Anyway @Riley - do you have a black leather skirt in your wardrobe? Underwear optional.
  4. And a great, down to earth looking girl too. Thanks for posting!
  5. Sometimes a question is best answered with a question.... so many spring to mind. "Do you think you can hold on for a while?" "How badly do you need to go?" "Have you peed outside before?" "When was the last time you were this desperate?" "Did you make it in time?" "You can use my bathroom - can I watch?"
  6. I don't know if this has been covered recently, but I'd love to hear your stories.... The question is, have you ever been caught in a situation where you hadn't actually planned to wet yourself - but suddenly realise 'what the hell' and go for it? Maybe you weren't actually that desperate, but just decided spur of the moment to go for it? Maybe you were bursting but suddenly decided against waiting. I saw a video clip yesterday from a movie where the character is out in a heavy downpour in just a blouse and skirt - have you ever been caught in a rain shower and been soaked to the s
  7. Personally I love videos where the girl talks in an innocent kind of way - and in a British accent is the icing on the cake. Something like this... https://www.redtube.com/1341906
  8. Does a day ago count as 'live action'? Fridays at work tend to be a change from the routine, usually a 'Friday treat' of a bacon sandwich and large black coffee first thing and an early finish. Given those two events, lunch is usually a quick sandwich whilst working and in this case a can of coke. I was planning on finishing about 2:30pm, and as it happened as I was just finishing off I was suddenly reminded by a sudden urge to pee that I hadn't been since leaving the house in the morning. The boring option would have been to go before leaving the office, but it's only a 30 minute dr
  9. If the opportunity arises @Curvy_Luscious, @Lilipee (and all you other ladies) then take it - watching isn't a crime. We males can't spend our time getting off on glimpses of naked peeing females without redressing the balance now and then.
  10. I'm reminded of a quote from my sis-in-law when she was young, we were on a chilly day out, she went to the toilet and then announced to us all "It's great weeing on a cold day, it warms your bum up!" I'm guessing that the feeling of the full bladder is pretty much the same between male / female. Generally a fulness of the bladder that gradually grows to the point of a dull ache and the feeling of consciously having to hold. As a bloke, at that point the dull ache and the hold seems to be concentrated somewhere inside my abdomen, an inch or two above the base of my penis. Depending what
  11. Lucky boyfriend - and lucky you too, what a great spot for relief. Knowing how he enjoyed the show and how much you wanted him at that moment, maybe next time he might like to lend a hand?
  12. In the context of seeing first hand or being on the receiving end then yes, clear and odourless would be my choice. However when It comes to pictures then it may be me in the minority. I’m more of a fan of the natural, clothes pulled down look rather than pre-planned naked. More of a holding for hours and can’t last another minute, now this feels amazing sort of look. In that context a bit of colour tops off the look perfectly for me.
  13. Another hot story @Riley apologies for stating the obvious, and apologies if I’m breaking the guy-code but I’d hazard a guess your male friend there could well be one of us... Showing an interest and teasing just a little when you need to wee, probably watched you fidgeting and had you sussed - so no surprises he tickled you. Did you catch him checking you out after? Maybe some gentle pushing of buttons may be in order - next time you’re out together and desperate... “ooh I really need to go, what should I do?”
  14. Ok @Riley, so totally embarrassing to have to clench and hold in view of them, but the magic words are there “amazing” and “in heaven”. Worth the pain and embarrassment? The other question is, did they show any reactions- were they gentlemenly enough not to mention it? I wonder if you’ve converted any of them to the wet side?
  15. Be brave @chubbybirb999... it’ll be worth it 😉
  16. Sounds like a plan @Alfresco - maybe a ‘where are they now’ sort of sequel or spin off series. Is Tanya still working at the garden centre with her trusty compost bins, is Susan still club captain and hopefully their match day transport remains just as convenient.
  17. I'm going to give this a bump back up the listings - one of my favourites, well written and totally believable. I like to think that somewhere it is happening for real. Cheers @Alfresco
  18. For the last ten years I've been running a business as a pro-photographer in the UK alongside a normal day job. Over that time I've been covering everything there's been demand for from weddings and portraits to commercial and events. This year I've decided to scale it down, and just do the fun stuff - so a specific live music genre / venue I work with and a couple of charity based events / groups.
  19. Maybe there’s some parallel universe built on last century cliches where bending over and soaping your bum in a prison shower may excite an unwanted response from Big Bubba. Maybe it happens in this universe, I wouldn’t know. In my universe though I can’t fathom this guy’s logic. I can’t see any linkage between hygiene and orientation. Again stereotypically maybe exessive male grooming may be a ‘gay’ trait, but I wouldn’t consider that to be the issue in question here. Nope - he’s lost me.
  20. Mmmm great thought. There's also the converse situation - the young 18yr old apprentice who works in a small salon owner by two mature hairdressers - think Cinderella and the ugly stepsisters. Although she's supposed to be receiving training, most of her day is spent sweeping the floor, rearranging magazines and going to the local booze store on their errands. The other problem is that the one bathroom in the salon is so disgusting the girl refuses to use it. Instead she holds all day, hoping nobody notices her squirming through the afternoon. Her bosses have probably worked out what sh
  21. That was the hottest thing ever.... guess your jeans are completely flooded now. Your continuing challenge is not to use a toilet (for a wee at least) for the next 24 hours. You don't have to wet or hold, just use your imagination - outdoors, in a bottle, shower wherever... just not the toilet.
  22. Whilst you're upstairs why not take the opportunity for a quick toothbrushing - dentists recommend two minutes apparently.
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