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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. My thoughts exactly @PissDude & @pissduds69. Getting full to bursting and then walking in the park deliberately leaking under a dark business skirt as an example, then filling up again and repeating in every possible way. Exploring all that nature's just given us whilst waiting for the next release. Also ladies, correct me if I'm wrong, but you get to wear so much flimsier clothing. As a bloke I guess there's the option to go full Scot, but otherwise it's a case of either whip it out or get a very obvious wet patch on the front of our trousers. Maybe there are occasions when pullin
  2. Looking good - Think you should definitely have a drink. Have a tall one, in fact have one for me too 😉
  3. How’s it going? Still holding? Do you have a measuring jug to hand, or is it going to get messy?
  4. Ditto @puddyls - I think there's a public service needed here, Confessions of a Bartender??? Please do tell all.
  5. We had a similar garish carpet through most of the ground floor of our house when we moved in - always joked it looked like a pub carpet.
  6. Must admit I'm into seeing pics of partly clothed girls more than the completely naked variety (not that I'd turn those down either). I think it's the mental picture it creates of a girl who's been caught in desperate need - wondering how long she'd held on, whether this was her final option - to wet or choosing to pee somewhere risky or naughty. Then seeing a sly naughty grin, or the beaming, embarrassed smile of sheer relief is the crowning glory. Oh, and don't forget those looks of desperation either...
  7. ...and the rest as they say is history. An hour later and her fingertips felt amazing against my breasts, her legs wrapped around mine as we lay cuddled under the covers in the dark of my bedroom. "I can't believe I pissed in your mouth" Katie said with a giggle. "What did I taste like?" "Delicious" I replied, "Like hot Prosecco. Anyway, you never told me you were bursting. What would you have done if I didn't make you stop the car?" "Oh, I'd have managed, it wouldn't have been the first time. Anyway in the dark you didn't spot me giving my peehole muscles a little help did you
  8. To be honest he probably didn’t see anything at all on your phone - and it’d be a bit rude to be looking anyway. He’s probably more intrigued by your reaction than what it actually was.
  9. No idea who she is but in the first picture she looks incredibly like a real life friend. A couple of weeks ago said friend tweeted about “ being on the bus home absolutely bursting for a wee”. Cue lots of faked disinterest... trying not to be obvious.
  10. Just a quick bump for this topic - it’s something I’ve often wondered about. If you took a room with 100 people, or a stadium with 10,000 how many would have some sort of openness? As has been mentioned, for every member here, there will be many more anonymous browsers (as I was until recently). Then add in those who frequent other sites too. There are those into all the different sub-elements of the fetish. Then add in those who don’t actually consider themselves to have a fetish - they enjoy the same delights as us in their own way without labelling it. Maybe they like the feelin
  11. I’ve occasionally left a few drops here and there in hotel rooms, always conscious the maid would be in the next morning. Earlier this year though I was photographing a music event in a UK city. It’s an annual commitment and an absolute blast - I stay in the city for the four or five days and do as much socialising with the bands and regular guests as photographing. The last couple of years I’ve stayed in student flats with a basic single room. One night this time around after dropping off my gear I went back out to join the party and came back very drunk in the early hours, got und
  12. Not very exciting I'm afraid... but just about fits the 'naughty' tag. As a teenager I had a newspaper delivery round, dropping free newspapers at every house around a few local streets. One day I found myself needing a pee, so used one of the house's dustbin which were in an alcove next to their front doors. Probably didn't have any sexual connotations, but naughty knowing I could get caught peeing on someone else's property.
  13. I guess there's two completely different scenarios here.... on the one hand, she may be completely unaware and innocent as to our fetish, so it may be a panic driven 'I can't wait, I'm about to have an accident - what can I do?' In that case, perhaps the garden or sink may be the most palatable options for her. On the other hand, it could be a case of 'I really need to go and I know how much it turns you on to watch - where would you like to see me do it this time?
  14. Who knows how long I was there, frozen to the spot, a loud whistling his clearly audible over the drone of the passing traffic. The relief was so amazing I almost didn't want it to end, but eventually the flood subsided to a stream, then to a trickle and finally the feeling of the last few rivulets of my hot liquid dripping into the wet ground below me. Suddenly my mind jolted back to reality - I'd completely forgotten where I was and apparently I had an audience. Jumping up and spinning round I found myself face to face with my companion. Had she watched me the whole time? "Is it my tur
  15. In reality it'd probably be 2 or depending on the response then 1. As much as I'd love to see a different outcome, it would have to be from a willing passenger. Personally I'm not into the idea of forcing someone into something humiliating or perhaps even more traumatic and that certainly wouldn't 'entertain' me. If she wasn't enjoying holding, releasing or perhaps wetting then it's really not a turn on. Perhaps under 6 would be a very gentle, innocent tease... 'There's some trees over there, do you want me to stop?' or similar. From the question, I infer that we're friends but neit
  16. My face just lit up with excitement too... Such a shame though your guy wouldn't indulge, even if it's not his 'thing' it would be nice to think he'd give it a go for your benefit. No disrespect to him though, every one of us are unique and individual.
  17. So many of these in my bucket too.... sadly I think they may be there to stay (and in my imagination too).
  18. Reading some of the replies - somehow ‘sheer desperation’ seems to decrease the naughtiness a little - for those not into the fetish, wetting is something to be avoided at all costs and by definition peeing somewhere other than a toilet is a necessary act. The naughtiness then comes in when the peeing becomes a deliberate act, albeit still driven by (avoidable) desperation - perhaps driving home full, knowing I’ll have to pee in a lay-by or similar.
  19. Good points from WantonLee. It depends on what you count as 'Regular' and what you've done / what turns you both on? Do you both have exactly the same specific turn-ons? If not, perhaps take it in turns to set each other a dare or a challenge to fulfil - with a reward of course!
  20. Just watched your other Pornhub videos - I really love the sitting down peeing video. Perhaps because so many female pee videos and photos are all in the knees-out squat, sitting and standing really do it for me.
  21. As a male with a thing about female peeing, one of the big things that attracts me is what it would be like, what it would feel like, how it would be to be a female. Hence my question - if you could occupy the opposite sex's body, what would you do? How would you react? Personally I'll be totally honest I'd be spending a good bit of time, erm, getting to grips with my new body parts (sorry folks - but true). Next though, one thing I've sort of been jealous about is that you ladies get to wear the flimsiest outfits. I think then I'd be filling up with more than a few drinks and then going
  22. Since it's a question for the ladies, I'm going to answer on behalf of a lady... A good friend related on an experience from her youth of sitting on the grass in someone's garden with a group of friends, absolutely bursting but not wanting to leave the group. She was sort of kneeling but sitting if that makes sense, and wearing a dress. She gradually managed to wriggle her knickers down to her thighs and then quietly let it all flow into the grass under her dress. Apparently without anyone knowing...
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