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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Hi @weequeen - you can do it! Have you finished work now?
  2. Well, welcome to the community - hopefully by now you've found your way around and got to know us all. If you've got any questions though please do shout up...
  3. I went through exactly that recently in creating video screen captures for about 500 of the Gold Video Gallery images which didn't have any key frame image in the gallery. My Mac has a neat screen capture utility which will save an area as an image, unfortunately PNG. Even a standard size video playing in a normal size window (not full screen) gave large files as you've got above. After attaching 30-40 of those to their videos in the Gold Gallery it was apparent how much that could slow down the page loading. So I set up a batch process in photoshop which would convert a folder of
  4. We do have about 2,500 members registered who have declared their location as somewhere in North America and probably thousands more who have not declared a location. That said, those numbers are all time so there is the chance of a lot of those people no longer being active. Even so - there is the potential that there could be a lot more people on the site browsing away at the same time as you are - even in the next town or next state. All we need to do is work out a way to enourage them to step out of the shadows and chat...
  5. I have a very sweet tooth... (and will leave the second half of that sentence in my own gutter level mind)
  6. Longer strawberry blonde hair in the movie may be more to your liking.
  7. Shailene Woodley (Divergent)
  8. Totally agree @Theo and with @Kupar too - we can't change the world, but we can help in this little microcosm - that said we can only act on what we know about. So if someone is receiving inappropriate messages we can only apply site moderation when we know about it. When people report it. It's a little like bullying - the bully shouldn't win, shouldn't drive away the victim - and we would much rather have the victim here on the site than lose them and the bully stay.
  9. Often these types of questions gain all types of advice, some of it more geared to what people want rather than what would work for you both. My suggestions - perhaps surprisingly and perhaps disappointingly - are to take things very gently. I'm assuming that your first priority is for your relationship to continue to build in strength and somewhere secondary down the line for your desire to share in pee play to be fulfilled. From what you've said it sounds to be quite a familiar situation for me - a wife trying to understand my kink, not over happy but willing to try the experience. I
  10. Stepping off the train onto the station platform, the cold night air came as a chill to Holly, suddenly sobering her up. She walked calmly up towards the ticket barriers behind her fellow passengers. There were the six or eight guys from the other carriage all in rugby shirts, then the couple of lovers who still couldn't keep their hands off each other. Then just a few yards ahead was the sleeping girl who it seemed had a very cute figure. Holly, although not really that way inclined, admired the wiggle of her hips and the slight jiggle of her bottom in a pair of tight, grey jeans as she wal
  11. The rules prevent me disagreeing with you - but I disagree... Please post.
  12. Sorry to break the topic flow... the first pic here sprang immediately to mind. --->
  13. When I first saw the title of the topic I was a little sceptical, but actually it's brought out a really valuable thread of discussion. I'm quite a fan of my amateur psychology and for me personally the biggest interesting point around all of this is the very different motivations we all have. Group 1 - For some I know it's a personal enjoyment / excitement around personally performing the act - whatever that act may be - holding, releasing, wetting, peeing in unconventional or naughty places... In those cases I can completely understand that it may not even be sexual - perhaps a pers
  14. A size cutoff of 3Mb would seem reasonable - I'v just had a check of my archive and out of 1500 images, only some 30 of them are above 3mB in size.
  15. Purely my personal opinion here - as a person more than a mod. There's nothing against putting links to videos here - although for me the 'random' part of the title implies everyday girl in the street who happens to be sexy. Sometimes the sexiest part is a really pretty girl who isn't trying to show off, she's just being herself going about her daily life. Clearly a Playboy video is entirely the opposite - a professional model, professionally produced. So I'd be happy to see the odd one - but wouldn't want it to take over this thread. That maybe just me though.
  16. It's something I had a little fun with not too long ago. In my case it was sort of fuelled by and fuelling my imagination of how it may feel as a lady to take a desperate pee somewhere. The result was fairly pleasing 😉
  17. Understand completely @tremayl - and that was my point entirely - you and us are indeed the same real people on and off the site. I wasn't doubting that for one minute, but just emphasising that is the correct way to be. ❤️
  18. Welcome to the community Mike - hope you quickly find yourself at home. Posting in other topics is very similar to that which you've done here... Browse to the topic area and then you can add a post to an existing thread of posts, or you can create something yourself - if there isn't an existing topic springing out at you. If it's a existing thread that you want to add to, just either click on the button at the top, from memory I think it says 'Reply to this topic' or similar - or if you're at the last post then you should see a box below it to add your post to. If you want to
  19. indeed - it would actually be a breach of the site rules for any of us to declare ourselves to be someone other than ourselves. Clearly we don't show the whole picture for reasons of personal choice - but if I were to adopt the persona of a 20 year old girl for example I would have to issue myself a formal warning.
  20. I'm sure I speak for a huge number of members when I say 'absolutely yes'. I have my alias here GWG and with the exception of probably two people on the forum, my life here is entirely isolated from my daily normal family, work and social life. I use my alias here and nowhere else - but then for me this is the only site I'm registered and use for 'this interest'. I also have an email address solely associated with this site. From a browsing perspective, this is all done in private mode so I don't have the web address stored in my browsing history - and I don't browse when there's a
  21. The site search facility is pretty good when you get into advanced search @Anthony 123. For example you can narrow it down to only searching in a particular topic (eg fiction). Then if you can remember specific details, searching on perhaps a character's name or a location mentioned in the story may yield few enough results to be specific. Obviously if you searched for 'beach' or 'bed' there's probably thousands of stories. But a name would hopefully be less commonplace. Normally if you type in several words the search will return results containing 'a OR b OR c' but you can use 'AN
  22. Great effort @Bladderlad - Gutted I only checked in just as you finished.... glad you posted it though.
  23. Bit of an assumption going on there @PissBoner that any of these ladies would be remotely interested in your advances. Please have a little more consideration for the real life person you're interacting with - this is a thread about peeing on a potted plant and you've turned it straight into performing a sex act with you. Talk like that scares members away.
  24. Sorry I missed out there @weequeen - damn time zones. This is one of my favourite threads on the site, thanks so much for keeping it alive. Here's to me having better luck next time.
  25. Saturday 20th - 11pm - Corner pop up chatbox is blank, home page and chat page both seem ok.
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