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Posts posted by wettingman

  1. Very Interesting Topic.  While I knew woman's pee hole was located  and angled differently, I never thought about the effects being this dramatic. The ability to pee outside was a topic for discussion this summer . It explains why some females I know can stand and aim their stream well , while others say they can't even squat and pee without getting it on their legs and feet.

    What surprised me was having deflectors especially on squat toilet was an issue for women. As a males I know males need to point their penis down to keep from spraying over the seat.

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  2. I am not a medical professional but the idea that peeing in the shower can damage your pelvic floor seems far-fetched. I am male so peeing standing it the natural position. If I need to pee when stepping in the shower the running water increases the urge significantly and I frequently leak or full on pee... which is the desired effect. However this is purely psychological. It is the same as arriving home needing to pee and needing to rush to the toilet to keep from wetting.

    What I can state undeniably after a life time of pee play, desperation and wetting excessive indulging in my fetish lead to urge incontinence.  My brain associates desperately holding and wetting with pleasure, which over time has become a problem, leaking/wetting when I don't want to. 

    When this started years ago I stopped holding for fun for a while, did Kegels and the issue went away. I am seeing an urologist for an enlarged prostate, which helped me empty efficiently, but has not solved my sudden desperation /leaking/ wetting difficulty. I am not about to tell him oh yea for most of my adult life I have enjoyed holding until I wet my pants for fun.  We are trying another medication, but all that fun "accidents “has had a psychological effect I can't shake.

  3. On 6/30/2021 at 10:46 AM, Alfresco said:

    Thank you for that excellent description of the struggles you went through.  It is funny how the bladder can get to that position of being locked up.   I've never experienced quite that feeling as I usually manage to find a way to pee when I need to.  However, I know my wife can hold for hours - she gets desperate and then she ignores it because she can't access a toilet and then she says the urge goes away, then the pressure builds again, but she can keep it at bay for hours because she doesn't want to ask to use a toilet at an event or because she is not willing to pee outside.

    I am sorry you had so much pain.   I assume some of the other people must have peed outside at the BBQ, but you obviously didn't work out where they were going to pee and follow their lead.

    No worries. Although like all such circumstances it was very unpleasant at the time, I enjoy looking back on it now. Sometimes I imagine I did wet my pants but only my girlfriend knew, as it wasn't too much , and I covered it up. The best situation I imagine is I actually did get sprayed with the hose , covering my accident , but allowing me to let the rest out , and nobody knew. As it was I only wished I got sprayed.. Anyway I have fun with the situation now.

    Remember, I have many times put myself in a similar situation of holding my pee until I couldn't and my sphincter bladder gave out , - although not as severe, as I am less inhibited in private- and I peed in my pants. Of course that was at home, no embarrassment to worry about.

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  4. I have a truly odd situation here. Of course I pee while sitting to poop but  for some weird physical reason I can not empty my bladder sitting. I naturally let out the  strong pressure if I really need to pee. Any more I have to focus to get more pee out of my bladder, but my bladder is still not empty. As mentioned it is a real pain in the ass to have to stand up, turn around and pee, but if I don't my bladder is still uncomfortable with pee in it. It has been like this for as long as I can remember.   I have no idea why. This started way before my prostate became enlarged.

  5. Pee Shy at a Day Long BBQ

    This occurred many years ago when I was around 20. I don’t think I ever wrote about it until now.  this is a true story . I believe however my recollection is fairly accurate. I remember stories about pee desperation, mine and my girlfriend / fiancée/ wife well, because they are such a turn on for me, and hopefully you as well. I know this is a bit long but I strive for detail.

    It was about this time of year with long summer days with sunshine well into the evening. My fiancée and I went to a BBQ/party at a friend of her sister’s home. We were outside all day from around noon until after dark around 9PM.

    Of course there were plenty of beverages including beer, ice tea, and soda.  I drank copious amounts of all them heedless of the possible consequences. I was having a good time and never thought about my bladder until it reminded me of its fullness.

    By around 3PM we migrated over to a nearby field to play baseball. I made some excuse not to participate, but the real reason was I didn’t want to run around because I needed to pee, badly, and to do so would hurt more than my bladder already did. I walked  around back of a small building, with the idea of sneaking some relief.  But I quickly realized there was little privacy there, because there were too many people around, so I would have to keep holding it.

    About an hour past and we returned to the house. By this time my bladder was severely distended and I was in serious pain. I also experienced strong pain and pressure in my penis too. I was too shy to admit I needed to pee very badly, and ask to use the toilet, so I just suffered quietly.  I didn’t notice anybody else going pee, but now I know they must have.

    There was more drinking and running around playing games, and squirting people with squirt guns (the super soaker was not invented yet- that would have helped me out). Someone suggested escalating to a hose. I had a ray of hope. If someone sprayed me with a hose it would hide me wetting my pants. Heck I could even continue letting it out in my pants after an accidental release, and no one would know. But for some reason that idea was squashed, so that ended that idea. I couldn’t participate in the fun, because of my desperation to urinate. I just sat at a picnic table and watched, as running would have caused me to have an accident. Another hour or so past, so it was now around 5PM. I had to pee badly about 2 hours by then. My bladder felt like it was going to split open, and the pressure in my penis, especially at the tip was so intense that it was throbbing in agony. Then it got worse with the heavy-duty waves of desperation. My pee began to feel like it was going to come out. Eventually I had to start holding my dick with my hand to keep the huge buildup of urine inside. 

    My fiancée came over and sat beside me and asked what was wrong, why I was just sitting there by myself. I admitted my plight to her; I had to pee extremely badly. She said I should go in the house and pee. But I told her I would not make it, as my pee felt like it would come out if I stood up. Besides I would have to keep holding myself as I walked, or I would defiantly wet my pants on the way. She looked down to my lap and saw my hand tightly gripping my penis and I was squirming my legs back and forth. She just said “oh, what are you going to do”?  All I could do was to keep holding the best and as long as I could. I just could not admit my need to anyone else.  Dumb I know .My pee pressure was pushing hard against my pee hole, but not yet through it. I know logically I could not just keep holding it forever, eventually it would come out, but I was not thinking of that certainty, I just wanted desperately to hold my pee a bit longer. I considered finding a bush to pee behind, but, again, I could not stand without holding or wetting myself, and I was afraid of getting caught.

    But then something weird happened. While the pain in my bladder got worse, with my whole abdomen cramping, and my kidneys were hurting, the pressure at my pee hole stabilized. My pee felt like it was pressed right against my pee hole, but did not go through. I now think the same condition that caused me to be unable to pee with people around kept my sphincter locked shut. Then as my bladder expanded well beyond capacity, it stretched and pressed down onto my urethra preventing urine flow even when I wanted to go.

    Unbelievably a couple more excruciatingly painful hours went by, and it was now past 8PM. I wanted to scream out in agony, but didn’t. Once I realized I was not going to wet my pants,  I stopped holding myself, but since jostling my bladder caused even more pain I stayed as still as I could. Why didn’t I just go for goodness sake? I just didn’t. By this time an accidental leak or spurt wetting my pants would be a relief, and I would not have decided to go. I didn’t care about embarrassment. As darkness approached someone suggested setting off fireworks. Oh my God no, I just wanted to go home and pee, I can’t stand this pain any longer. We had ridden with my girlfriend’s sister, so leaving was not an option.

    Fortunately, the fireworks didn’t last long and around 9PM we left. I gingerly walked to her car, and carefully sat down so not to squeeze my bladder. Once seated in the back seat of her car, I was able to unbutton the top of my jeans for some minimal relief.  I rubbed my aching bladder and penis hoping to lessen the pressure and pain. It didn’t help. I glanced over at my girlfriend and noticed her hand was buried in her crotch and her legs were squeezed tightly together. I said you too? She replied: " yea, I haven’t peed all day either, I feel like I am going to pee my pants. I know you have been holding it for several hours. Haven’t you at least leaked into your briefs?"  I had not. This was my first indication she had to pee that day. She reached over to check my jeans were indeed still dry. I told her just don’t press on my bladder.

    I got dropped off at my home I went inside and immediately rushed to the toilet. I unzipped and pulled my throbbing penis out expecting a huge gusher of urine, but …. nothing, not a drop. WTF! Hours ago I thought I was going to wet my pants, somehow I held on, and now despite severe agony I could not go. I just stood there begging my pee to come out as fervently as I begged it to stay in hours earlier. I was scared. What had I done? What if I couldn’t pee? Eventually I few drops came out, then a minute later a few more soon I was able to release a weak intermittent stream. It stopped and started. Finally I was able to urinate, a weak but steady stream. Then with the initial pressure relived the flow stopped. I still had to go. I kept pushing and eventually got going again this time a little bit more forcefully. I still peed slowly for close to a minute. The whole process of emptying my bladder took at least 10 minutes.

    I learned later that apparently as I said my bladder was so stretched it was pressing on my urethra preventing my urine from flowing. I thought next time I just suck it up and admit I had to pee or I would even just wet my pants, instead of sitting there holding myself, anything but this. However, although not quite as severe, I did this again, more than once.

    My fiancée said she just made it home dry, but she started peeing as soon as she pulled down her pants. Some landed on her pants and the toilet seat, before she sat down.

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  6. I enjoy the sensation of a full bladder, especially like right now it is stretching to make room for more pee. I am leaning back a bit so not to squeeze my full bladder. I love sharing pee stories with others. I have had to pee for a few hours now, and I don't want it to end. But it is very late. I suspect I will get desperate and maybe leak when I stand up.

    I really love the pressure in my penis as I get desperate. I keep hydrated and relish the feeling of my entire shaft feeling full of pee. The best part is when I near the end of my ability to hold . The intense pressure at my pee hole is similar the the sensation I feel just before I ejaculate. Of course when I am about to cum my penis is hot and tingly and the whole thing doesn't pleasantly hurt, like when I need to pee badly.

     I always found desperation somehow exciting long before I knew anything about sex. When I was about 5 or 6 I encouraged the girl next door about the same age to continue holding her pee even though or because I loved seeing her very desperate, pee dancing and holding herself.  I missed her wetting her pants on the way in the house a bit later.

    When I discovered my sexuality, I was laying in bed on my stomach thinking something about pee. I got an erection. I moved a bit and it felt amazing , like nothing I ever experienced. Jolts of electric pleasure shot through me , so I did it again. I did not know why but, It felt even better. After doing this several times I felt like I was going to pee the bed. This was odd because I had just gone to bed and did not have to go. But in a panic I started getting up, but it was way to late. But, what came out of my penis was hot thick and sticky, not pee.

    The connection was made hard wired in my brain, and has lasted to this day over 50 years later. I think it might be genetic .

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  7. On 5/31/2021 at 9:31 AM, Spectator9 said:

    I'm older than you and with an enlarged prostate, and I can tell you to prepare to have the need to pee go from 3 or 4 to 10 in seconds.  Sometimes I surprise myself with a long pee after normal urgency, but other times I start leaking before I can get to the toilet, and I didn't think I had to go that badly!  Nowadays, if I'm out in public I don't attempt to hold and take frequent pees, which no doubt reduces my capacity.  If I'm going to be out and about for several hours with uncertain rest room access, I wear a pad in my briefs just in case.  I generally don't need it, but it prevents the anxiety.  

    About a month ago I underwent a urolift . It's a minimally invasive procedure done under an anesthetic. Going through my urethra the Dr. "tied back"my protruding prostate pressing on my urethra.  I was quite uncomfortable for a couple of days and had very little control for a few after the catheter was removed. Although , obviously I had this unexpected accident, ( I was not holding my pee) I can definitely hold my pee much better than before. The Dr said my control would improve over time . I have been doing my part by deliberately holding my pee at home until my bladder feels really full and I get the leak warnings. No problem there I always enjoyed the feeling of a full bladder and intense need to pee anyway. I also have practiced kegels to re-strengthen my sphincter. 

  8. Yes , I did, but we were too young to know about sex, and had no idea why we thought this was interesting or even exciting somehow, other than curiosity how the other peed.  We never play any games like Ill show you mine if you show me yours.

    On several occasions my sister who is three years younger than me would jump out of our little pool when she had to pee , squat and let go, peeing through her bathing suit. She would grin and say can you see it ? Can you see my pee coming out? I was very interested and wanted to see but with the pool water running off her it was impossible to tell what was water and what was  pee. I told her this and she said she would show me how she peed better, but that never happened.

    Meanwhile , at some point knowing I would be going pee just before dinner ( house rule) she hid behind the shower curtain and popped out laughing as I was about to start going. I was shocked and immediately froze and put myself away. Since she was behind me and I had not started going she didn't see or hear anything. I told my parents.   I later consented to let her watch me go, in the woods. I had never done that and somebody came along and I chickened out.

    Jumping a generation my daughter frequently announces when she has to pee really bad. Her husband once said he holds it because we can think better on a very full bladder.

    All this makes me wonder if the pee fetish , a fascination with pee, is partly genetic. It starts at a very young age way before it becomes sexual


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  9. Due to an issue my prostate I have been unable to do any holds in a very long time. I recently underwent a procedure to fix this and my ability to hold seems to be that. I should not get cocky though.

    While some days I can hold it well held 780ml on Monday only letting go because it was distracting from what I needed to do. Plus as often happens my full bladder pressed on my bowls causing me to need to take care of that.

    Then this morning I went walking with a rail trail group I regularly walk with.  I knew that third cup of tea was a mistake ,but hey I can hold it again. We were about half way through our 1.2 mile  one way walk when I felt the need to pee , nothing urgent though. Not only would stepping off the trail to pee not work because  I was with people but there is no place on this trail to do so .However as I approached the porta potty I felt like I was about to leak. Unfortunately that leak  started before I reach the potty ,and didn't stop. I peed in my pants until I got inside and was able to free myself. The result was the front and crotch of my jeans were obviously wet even onto my butt. I had no option but to rejoin the group for the walk back. I just acted like nothing was wrong and they did not seem to notice . I don't see how they could not know because I quickly broke from the group and rushed to the port a potty and returned with wet pants.

    1.5 hours after my first accident I returned home needing to pee again .As I was unlocking the door and disarming the alarm my pee felt like it was going to come out again. As I got inside I started leaking again ,and could not stop. As a result my still wet pants could not absorb as much and I soaked my jeans down to my ankles. This is the result.

     600PM -2 hours later edit Despite this morning's real accident(s) right now I am enjoying a nice hold. My bladder is pleasantly uncomfortable , but I don't feel much pressure in my penis,  like a leak is  threatening sitting here.  20 minutes later I am getting waves of desperation having to hold myself but no leaks yet . Standing up will be interesting.


    Wet My Jeans 2.jpg

  10. Absolutely please continue. I look forward to day three, which will likely be my favorite, since it appears to involve wetting your  at least your panties . Will you have pants on too ? The rules say you can't remove or pull your panties aside. Does that mean you will continue to wear them after you wet them ? Do you go whenever you get the urge, or do you hold it until you are desperate ?

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  11. Technically a naughty pee is going anywhere not a urinal or toilet, including my pants. But pants wetting is my favorite and I put that in a whole different category.  

    I firmly believe that peeing anywhere that is going to leave a mess for some unwilling person to clean up is just plain wrong ( * I unintentionally did this once felt really bad and embarrassed details at end of this post ). We should not involve anyone not enjoying or wanting to participate in our fetish in any manner . I will not damage or destroy anything by peeing on it, including my own property. While I do pee on the floor it is a hard surface floor , I don't do it on a carpet or furniture, because of the possibility of a stain or nasty odor .  Fresh pee smell is great , but not once it gets old and bacteria does its work , it reeks like ammonia .

    If I pee outside, but  where I shouldn't, but not in the presence of others it just soaks into the ground and there is nothing to clean up.

    If I pee on a hard ,ie tile floor either by taking out my penis out and letting go or causing a puddle by soaking my pants, I contain the puddle by encircling the spot with towels , then using them to mop up.  In the beginning , I just let go without making a 'reservoir' and my large bladder created a huge puddle that ran all over the kitchen.

    Of course peeing or wetting my pants in the tub/shower eliminates most of the clean up other than the laundry and a quick flush out of the tub with water.

    * I was staying at a hotel and I semi woke up in the middle of the night  very desperate to pee. My bladder felt ready to burst and there was no way I could go back to sleep. So I got up went into the bathroom and peed, then returned to bed. Now coming fully awake when I went to turn the light off, I realized I had never turned it on. It would be impossible to find the toilet in a pitch dark unfamiliar room. Then I thought back and recalled hearing a strange splattering sound when I urinated. I went back into the bathroom turned on the light , and revealed a huge puddle of pee covering most of the bathroom floor. It took every one of the bath and hand towels to wipe up my pee lake. I could do nothing about every towel I had being soaked with pee and therefore unusable. They smelled sweet at first , but I am sure not so much when the cleaning crew came in . I had a few days left in my stay there too.

  12. Don't worry about your English, it is fine . Your point comes across clearly , and that is all that matters. There are no grammar police here. Your English is much better than my any second language.

    I would love to hear how your day without a toilet went. How long were you able to hold it? I have done this , while still drinking plenty. I   tried hard and held on as long as possible but could not avoid peeing. I wet my pants a few times that day.

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  13. I really like the way you started with desperation stories that kept getting more dire and eventually to Natalie wetting her pants.

    While I can't say for sure if she enjoys holding her pee and therefore deliberately puts herself in these situations, but for sure she enjoys talking about her desperation and accidents. I think a non-pee fan would be too embarrassed to discuss it, especially if it was not obvious due to dark pants. 

    Thank you for the enjoyable series of posts.

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  14. On 2/27/2021 at 4:06 PM, Theo said:

    A little factoid I  thought I would share-  OK guys, the next time you pee, take your fingers and spread the meatus (opening) of your penis after your stream has started. Pretend like you're really trying to widen the opening. You'll be "hissing" just like the ladies in no time...😉

    I guess like the females this proves like females, we are all different. Perhaps it matters if a male is circumcised or not, I am.

    I just tried this after holding for a while. I opened my pee hole as wide as I could but the only difference was that my stream was less focused and intense. It splattered a bit, but that was all. There was no hiss at all, my stream only sounded more diffused a bit as it hit the water. I may have emptied my bladder slightly faster since my stream was less restricted, but not by much.

    I have when I very full, finally getting to go the pressure seemed to stretch my pee hole due to the intense pressure.

    Wondering how that worked, I have taken close up videos of me peeing ,  then watched ,and it showed the hole only opened slightly, more like a slit, regardless of pressure.

    I did discover literally by accident that placing my penis between my legs and squeezing as I peed produces a hiss.  I was in the shower trying to prolong the end stage of a long hold. My pee soon forced its way out, but as I let go I kept my penis in place between my crossed legs producing a pronounced hiss This  due to the somewhat restricted flow, and my pee having to navigate between my tightly crossed legs, simulating a female's pee passing her labia . 

    I find a hissing female peeing particularly hot.


  15. This is an arousing story. With your description I can almost hear that unstoppable tinkling in the toilet. Thank you for getting me excited this morning.

    I reminds me of my ex sitting on the toilet while desperate. She was not to pee for five minutes. She lasted close to four before I heard the tell tale sound of her pee hitting the water. She said I can't hold it. 

    Thank you. I have tried standing in front of the toilet with my dick out while desperate. I don't think I lasted a minute.

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  16. Good description ! Thank you.

    Your tongue in your mouth actually tingles ? That is new one on me.  Although  sometimes if I noticed hy ex-wife holding her crotch  I would ask er what was wrong to hear her response. "I have to pee so bad I can taste it ". I didn't know she meant litterly ! 😊


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  17.  I find this topic fascinating as well. It seems everyone is a bit different . I love hearing a detailed description of what a person is feeling and exactly where,especially woman.

    I start with a dull ache or pressure in my bladder area.  As the pressure intensifies it gradually moves into my penis especially at the tip. I feel it at my pee hole before the rest of my shaft. Eventually the pressure/ pain is so strong it feels like it is going to come out, but I can still hold on for hours. I find this odd because my sphincter is at the base of my penis, but I feel the pressure more at the tip.  I wonder if other guys notice this . That's fine though because I enjoy that sensation. 

    Eventually my bladder is stretched and painfully overfull . My entire shaft throbs , with intense pressure and pain at my pee hole.  I feel it here much more than where my sphincter is Sometimes the pressure is so strong it feels like the tip of my penis will pop off.

    To hold it I will squirm, pee dance , squeeze the tip of my dick with my hand , and squeeze my legs together . When i am getting desperate I must stay seated. Standing up will make holding much more difficult , even if I am not totally desperate. If I am desperate I am ok seated much longer than if I am standing. I have to be super full to start wetting while I am sitting. Once I do stand when I am at my limit I will leak very soon.

    I too notice that if I am in an extreme hold and my penis really hurts, the first indication I am leaking is my briefs start to get wet. The pressure is so strong that I don't notice that pee has started leaking past my pee hole. Once I start wetting my pants and the pressure drops just slightly I feel it coming out.

    A good hold is once I do lose some pee and the pressure of my bladder resting on my urethra relaxes a bit, which restricts my flow, I can actually feel my pee hole streatch a bit as all that pee rushes towards the exit.


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  18. On 2/22/2021 at 8:40 PM, tenterhooks said:

    I'm a huge labia fan too, but share your fascination with the variation in shape and size.
    My wife is something of a squirter when she cums, so I'm making my first pic post a capture from a video clip of her in full flow. Also a curious pic that shows her to have a rather prominent peehole which seems to show itself particularly well if she tries to pee with a finger inside her.
    Sorry if this is too graphic for some and apologies for the poor pictures - it's difficult to focus under these circumstances!

    Not at all too graphic . I almost obsess about exactly where a females pee come out. Usually her pee hole is difficult to find hidden up there with her other lady bits. Thanks for the pix, solving the mystery

    BTW I love pubic hair that still lets us see the important parts.

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  19. On 2/28/2021 at 11:43 PM, weequeen said:

    as expected, i lost control a bit as soon as a i stood up, a warm spurt of pee releasing into my underwear. i dashed to the bathroom and was quick to pull down my pj shorts and underwear but let out another spurt that got partly on the floor and toilet seat. as soon as i sat i let go, pissing hard and fast. it went on for at least 30 seconds and my pussy was throbbing as i peed. when it slowed i was able to pee a little more. while i was still dripping wet i leaned back on the toilet and spread my legs so i could have a rub at myself, i was slick with pee and arousal from earlier. i was so turned on and i came in only a few seconds and when i stood my legs were all shaky. i hadn't lost control like that in a while!

    I love this description of your desperation , slight accident and peeing. I enjoyed all your recent posts in this thread.

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