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Posts posted by wettingman

  1. On 1/9/2024 at 11:32 PM, MommyImWettingMyself said:

    One the rare occasion when I went inside to pee at home while playing in the sprinkler my mom asked whether I take my swimsuit off to pee or just pee through it, which I thought was a strange question.  She's definitely "into" this strange hobby but I don't like to think about it.  🤢

    Not so strange. What is the answer if I may ask.

  2. On 3/25/2024 at 10:36 PM, just_a_pee_fan said:

    That sounds hot af. You still have the video?

    I can't put a video here but I did find still pix. This first one is of me peeing into the gas tank. tank . Obvious warning shows some male nudity in that one. The second one you just see my pee flowing onto the seat. For some reason  3.thumb.jpg.75e33af6270c14349623247885e3d89a.jpg  797758977_Snapshot1(3-29-20203-24PM).png.286b065e08393ad4dd581521d232ef5e.png 

    overlap a bit, but nothing is really covered. I am unable to fix it

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  3. The only time I remember being encouraged to pee in the pool was at summer camp. I was a day camper and we did not have a place to pee. The buildings with overnight campers had bathrooms for them . To get to use them was a big embarrassing hassel.  Not many boys went through that and I wondered how they held it all day.

    On my first day I needed to pee by mid-morning but I just held it. After lunch we had a free swim period. By that time I was very desperate, but I had been taught that peeing any place but the toilet was wrong. I sat on the edge of the pool frantically holding  myself and rapidly squirming around, in a last second attempt to hold back the inevitable. A fellow camper noticed and asked If I had to go. Since it was obvious, and my pee was about to come out I said yes. He said just go in the pool, that is what he did. I could not hold it any longer, not even to go to the bathroom if one was right there,  so I jumped in the pool. I did not actually let go initially it just came gushing out immediately.  I just relaxed and let it all out . Ahh. I remember him asking if I was going, I told him I was.  From that day forward during the morning and afternoon  pool time I just let it out in the pool as needed.

    That is until towards the end of the  second week, when the weather kept us out of the pool for two consecutive  days. The first when I could no longer hold it, I snuck off to the woods and went, but I got caught and was punished in front of everyone. So the next day I tried to continue to hold my pee, and ended up wetting my pants. But that is another story.

  4. I am aware that the hospitals are understaffed and the nurses are run ragged and don't even have time to pee some days.

    I was  hospitalized  briefly twice last year for surgery.  I knew the nurses may be holding their pee going in. Unfortunately do to the drugs they gave me and generally feeling rotten I never even thought of looking for signs of desperation.  Frankly, at the time I didn't care about that. 

  5. This did not quite work out as expected. It turned out to be a two part answer. 

    I got up and peed as normal .  I had  breakfast with 2 large mugs of the , along with my prescribed  for medical reasons  high dose  diuretic .  The combination always  causes my bladder to fill completely quickly . I usually try to hold it as long as possible because I hate having to keep getting up to pee.

    I wanted to finish what I was doing then shower before going out. I had to pee really bad but,  I was going to pee in the shower so I continued trying to hold it . I became quite desperate to the point of holding myself and squirming  to keep my pee from coming out..  It was difficult to focus on what I was doing due to my stretched overfull bladder and sharp pressure in my penis.

    I had to go so bad I was sure I would lose control in the shower. I was not about to let it out. However I only leaked and dribbled a little despite pain in my bladder. I even tried spraying the shower directly on my bladder and penis, but I was able to keep holding.

    So , I decided to test my sphincter further. I shaved and brushed my teeth , and despite it feeling like my pee would come out any second, I kept it inside my bladder.

    I had to go out and I knew I would get my clean pants wet if I didn't just go but I didn't want to waste it.  So I measured what I had held.  I can't hold as much as I used to , but I had held a decent 1 liter.

    I went grocery shopping and I could sense my bladder quickly filling up again. I figured I would be fine, because I had not had an accident in a long time. I forgot the diuretic always completely fills my bladder twice. As I drove home I was becoming desperate, but didn't know why,;  I was not out that long. 

    As I got out of my car my pee rushed for the exit. I struggled to get the bags out of the trunk because my pee felt like it was about to come out. I was determined to take my stuff in with me and not just leave them and rush inside just to urinate. Because I was in an apartment complex parking lot and I had to walk down a hall to my place holding myself was not an option, besides my hands were full. 

    As I rushed to unlock the door I felt my pee pressing into the slit of my pee hole. In my rush I stupidly had the key upside down .  I got the door opened, but could not hold it back any longer. As I tried to clench my sphincter shut a slow but steady stream of pee poured out, wetting my black jeans to my knees before I regained control. 

    With the pressure somewhat relieved, I decided to put the groceries away, and eat lunch in my wet pants. I still had to pee, a lot. By the time I finished pee was pushing at the pee hole again. As I stood up my ired muscles gave way . This time I did not try to stop it, since I was unlikely to succeed. I just let the rest out soaking my black jeans, and stocks to the floor creating a puddle.


    Ahh I really have to go again . I have to put pants back on after putting the wet ones in the washer. I had to squeeze myself to keep from peeing on the floor when I stood up.

    I added pix from my phone, but not exactly in order. The bottle is what I measured after my shower.  My jeans were black, not the best to show wetting but this was not planned.  I didn't  include  them here due to file size restrictions. boxer briefs show it better. As  I was taking that pix I started leaking again which can be seen in one pix. 

    I have not peed in the toilet since the time I got up. Desperate again. One hand squeezing my naked dick to keep my pee in.





  6. I enjoy holding my pee until I can't, preferably with an appreciative female. I enjoy watching a desperate female struggling to hold her pee until she wets her pants  even moreso  . Both scenarios is exciting only in private , so no embarrassment or humiliation to worry about. 

                                                Watching A Female

     What makes it good . I get aroused knowing  a female needs to pee badly. I enjoy watching the need build over time, especially once she starts struggling . Her subtly  crossing her legs up to tightly crossing them, pee dancing and finally holding herself gets me excited every time. 

    What makes it better : Her vocalizing her need to pee, saying how badly she needs to pee with updates on how she is doing. However this must be real , never faked or exaggerated, or loud.

    Not so great It is very difficult to impossible to find a willing partner IRL. I must be satisfied with well written, richly detailed stories and videos online.

                                                                         My own Pee Holding

    I love the sensation of my bladder graduladually filling, nothing rushed. I want to prolong that feeling of my bladder full of pee for as long as I can, right up to it becoming painful .  It is even more enjoyable when that pressure moves into my penis ; I want to savor that for a while. The best part is when I become desperate. The pressure and pain is right at the tip behind my pee hole. The sharp sting and strong pressure,  like my pee is going to come out involentarly is almost orgasmic. I believe that is because that is because it somewhat similar to what I feel as I try to hold back ejaculating as long has possaible.  The stretched overfull bladder sensation is just replaced by a hot tingly one. Sometimes I do the whole pee dance squeezing myself etc to hold it in and enjoy the feeling as long as I can. I don't give in until the pressure gets so high that my muscles can no longer resist and my pee forces it way out and I start peeing my pants. Sometimes I give in just as I start leaking a little.

    What makes it great : Having an appreciative female watching me. Like I said before IRL this is extremely rare. A gratifying substitute is creating a video to post online and having women say how much they enjoy it. From comments I have received many prefer to see my pee actually coming out of my penis, rather than wetting. I am happy to oblige, giving them a close up of my final struggles and leaks ending up emptying my bladder on the floor.

    Not so great The clean up. I have to be prepared to do laundry soon after as I don't want pissy pants or towles laying around  even though I live alone. I am paranoid about someone finding them. I have learned to circle towels to contain the puddle on the floor to contain the huge puddle, or do it in the shower. The biggest downer not having an actual female watching and enjoying it with me. I always have to imagine one.

     By The worst part  I hesitate to mention this but sometimes my distended bladder presses on my bowels, causing an urgent need to poop. A few times I have made a bit of a mess, and cleaning that up is very nasty and disgusting. I hate that ! At the least I must somehow relieve that without releasing my pee and ruining the hold. I find the best solution is to place my penis on the seat indicating it is not okay to pee yet. I usually have to squeeze it a bit, but am good except for a little leaking and perhaps a spurt or two. However since the pelvic floor is all connected, i can't hold my pee much longer after that.

    How could I forget the most common for me at least unpleasant side effect of holding my pee until I can't.  I think the pleasure center of my brain realizes I enjoy the sensation that my pee is going to come out and then leaking at least. So too much pee play results in I experience this at inappropriate times resulting in incontinence and an unwanted and embarrassing wet spot in my pants in public.




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  7. This is one element of pee play it is an big advantage to be female as it just runs down their legs or between the same as the shower water. With us guys, if anyone looks even casually it is obvious that our pee is water going in a different direction. I have solved this by pretending to be shy and showered with my bathing suit still on. I only do it if I am truly desperate and the warm water causes me to actually lose control. This way I have "accidently" wet my pants in front of people and they never know, I was peeing. 

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  8. I wish I could have seen you vanessa9 ! Now I would have no problem seeing and being seen peeing. In fact I would welcome it.

    I have long hoped to have a female pee next to me at the urinal.  Back in the day most urinals went all the way to the floor and few had dividers. There were even some open troughs. In my teens and twenties I was extremely pee shy and could not pee with other men around. To be honest, in reality a female would have made going even more difficult. Since I love watching a woman pee as a sexual thing I might have even gotten an erection.

    In any event I never found out, because, never once in my life have I seen a female in the mens room . It could be because rather that use a public restroom, I would usually hold my pee.  A real disappointment. In my area anyway most urinals have privacy dividers, so we could be peeing right next to each other and see nothing.

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  9. This brings back memories with my ex-wife. Although she was not into pee like me she indulged my fetish. We often peed in front of each other. She even did my favorite hold until we wet.

    She said she sometimes peed in the lake anyway, but one time we were swimming in a cold lake and both of us needed to pee . We stood close together so we could feel each others warm liquid and let go. 

    We also frequently showered together. I made a point to hold my pee beforehand and asked her to do the same. We simultaneously released our pent up urine. I put my hand in her stream. Because we were standing so close together it was inevitable that I peed on her leg. Other times she would hold my dick as I peed. We did this in the shower because her aim was terrible .

    We went camping a few times every summer . She was generally adverse to peeing outside. I of course had no problem with it as long as I was secluded. Finally one day the stars aligned. We had the campsite at the end of a dead end road, nice and private. The one downside , for her, it was a longer walk to the restrooms. One day , after a long hike ,she was extremely desperate to pee. she was holding her pussy , saying she was about to wet her pants. Music to my ears. She didn't think she could make it to the bathroom. I had to pee also, so it didn't take much convincing to get her to join me behind the tent to piss. I wanted to enjoy watching her go, so I held it a minute so I could get down on my knees and watch her pee on the ground up close. Once my erection subsided I went while she watched. She was more willing to go outside at that camp after that.

    But, the hottest co-pee we had was when we came home from baseball game. A group of co-workers chartered a bus to take us to the big city for a major league ball game , about two hours away. I was in a period of being pee shy and could not pee with people around. I tried several times during the day, but could not go. I even tried sitting in a stall, but with all the activity around me, despite becoming increasingly desperate, not a drop came out. I got back on the bus for the two hour ride home very desperate. As the bus was getting near our hometown the pressure was so intense in both my distended bladder and penis, I thought I was going to wet my pants. I almost didn't care because I was in so much pain, but to pee myself in front of my fellow works would be an embarrassment I would never live down.

    What I did not know at the time she had not gone all day either. Once the bus dropped the group off we had a fifteen minute drive back to our apartment.Standing up and walking to the car made my desperation much worse, my pee felt like it was going to come out. Once we were at our car and out of site of others I could not resist any longer, and I grabbed my dick with my hand for a good hard squeeze. It was then I noticed she was pee dancing, crossing her legs and grabbing her crotch with her hand , as I unlocked the car door. She saw I was holding myself too, something I rarely did. She said "you too"?  I said yea, I had been unable to pee since we left the house that morning. She replied me neither. We both struggled all the way home. I half jokingly said I call first use of the toilet. She replied no way I have been holding it so long I can taste it. I am about to piss myself. I said so am I when is the last time you saw me holding myself.

    So, once inside she ran to the toilet yanked down her pants and started peeing. After a long day of not peeing , and holding it in it desperate pain, that sight and sound was too much. I  was about to lose control. I told her I could not wait anymore. She scooted back on the toilet seat and spread her legs, saying go with me then. I quickly pulled out my dick crouching down a bit to improve my aim, not wanting to pee on her or her pants. I instantly let go a torrent of a whole day's worth of pent up piss, while she did the same.



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  10. Way back around 2007 long before I found this or another site that became my favorites I was on a site pee search.net. It wasn't really what I was looking for , lacking nice long detailed pee desperation and wetting stories.  It was more broad spectrum pee site. For some time I noticed the lack of many new posts or content. .

    Anyway I had not been there in several months and last week decided to look at it. I got the can't connect error message. That has continued since then.

    I thought I read in a post here that peesearch.net was defunct. Is that correct.   It searved a purpose sort of 15 years ago.


  11. I have to travel way back in the day for this but it is still stuck in my head.

    I attended a party with a group of co-workers many of whom were heavy drinkers. I felt compelled to keep up with them. The result was I got extremely drunk. The most intoxicated I got in my life before or since.

    I felt like I was going to get sick. I rushed into the bathroom. I closed the door,  but in my drunken rush didn't think of lock it.

    I experienced a few dry heaves but did not get sick. It was then I realized all that beer had made its way into my bladder . I had to pee reallly reallly bad. 

    I pulled out my dick, and immediately started peeing hard, as hard as my urethra could handle. While I was peeing with maximum force ,a female co-worker, the host of the party decided to check on me to see if I was okay because I was a mess.

    She just walked in the bathroom and saw the strong stream of piss spraying from my dick. She just screamed and slammed the door. 

    She was likely shocked because she didn't expect to see that, but I don't  know if she was embarrassed or offended,  or if she thought I would be upset.  Unfortunately in my drunken stupor I didn't ask, or tell he I didn't  mind at all. I had gotten the she was open to having sex with me vibe earlier.  I will never know.





  12. For me it is more where I would like to pee from rather than pee on.

    I have long been fascinated with peeing off a high place, creating a long arch of my urine. I have only managed a few times, the best was off  about 20 feet off a railroad trestle into a stream below. 

    I would love to pee off a cliff or a bridge onto the road, or river below. However CCTV surveillance cameras  make the bridge way to risky of getting caught. I don't wish to be arrested. The cliff I wanted to try always had someone walking past every few minutes, again I don't want to be caught. The thought of my stream of my pee dropping perhaps 100 feet is thrilling though.

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  13. I have had dreams where I was desperate to pee, but could not find a restroom.  When I did it was filthy, toilets/ urinals were broken and/ were in a big messy room all out in the open with no cubicals or dividers i would keep searching  but they were all the same. Finally I had to pee so bad I couldn't hold it anymore,  so I just whipped my dick out and peed in a broken toilet or on the dirty floor anywhere for relief. 

    Minutes later I began my search for a toilet all over again. I was  aware I just went but I could not remember where the restroom was or how to get there which was frustrating . Even more annoying was I had got no relief from urinating . In fact I had to go worse.

    I finally locate the spot  in a filthy open floor restroom ,and despite the condition i just pissed anywhere so I would not wet my pants.  Eventually I woke up with an erection and having to pee extremely badly. I had been unable to get relief because in real life my bladder was overfull. I never wet the bed because of this. I loved having these erotic dreams .

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  14. I think if there are no nearby facilities and males are stepping away to pee there is no reason on earth that females should not be able to do the same. The idea that men can be comfortable while females have to hold there pee and suffer is ludicrous.  It should go without saying you should respect your family enough to not pop a squat  and pee right in front of them anymore than a guy can just whip it out. Not only might people not want to see that (even though many of us would) .

    It also would become a hygiene issue if people were just pissing where people are hanging out and eating.

    It would be great to hear how ir worked out.

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  15. 40 minutes ago, weequeen said:

    I had to go to the emergency room last week for a minor injury (i am okay!) but of course before they started any major tests they had to collect my urine to make sure i wasn’t pregnant. the nurse gave me the typical cup and told me to go in the bathroom and then bring it back. i had to pee about a 4 out of a 10 urgency and i was thrilled to be able to have a bit of piss fun while in my misery at the time. i went in the stall and pulled my pants down, cleaned my labia like they said to do, let a trickle of pee out, then put the cup under while i was standing in the stall. i love peeing into things so this was like a normal day thing for me lol. i filled up that cup to the brim, put on the cap and set it on the shelf. i still had a little more pee in my until my bladder was empty - i was squirming to finish while i was holding it - so i squat down over the drain and finished my piss into it. all went into it with nothing more than a few drops on the tile. i wiped myself with toilet paper and flushed the toilet, washed my hands and brought my cup full of my pee to the nurse station. it was so nice and warm in my hands! when i set it down the nurse looked at it and said something like “we only need a few drops really but okay” and laughed. 

    anyone else have any fun stories about giving their urine sample to doctors? 

    Yes when I know I am going to have give a urine sample. I will hold it before hand so I can fill the cup to the brim.

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  16. 17 minutes ago, pisszzz said:

    Has anyone had an experience where this has happened 

    Other than the situation at work I described above , I have had a couple of female friends, on separate occasions, come up behind me while I was peeing in the woods.

    I should mention this was at a nudist campground , so them seeing me naked was nothing.  It is common for guys and a few women to step away to pee near their campsite, not in common areas.  There is one female in our group that enjoys peeing outside, though I never  actually saw it.  Obviously we all pee but I don't know that they wanted to see it. I wish they did.

    Anyway when they realized I was  peeing they said oops ,sorry and walked away. I wanted so badly to say it was ok I am not shy, and don't mind them watching. However,  they are good friends of mine, but don't know about my fetish.  I was concerned it would seem weird. I thought they were already embarrassed.   My back was too them so I doubt they saw anything. Probably heard my pee splattering on the ground.

    • Hot 1
  17. What do you want to see in the male peeing videos?

    I haven't done so in a while, but I have made numerous ones. I usually don't record unless I am about to lose control desperate.  I have been totally naked, wearing jeans or briefs.  I have whipped out my dick the last second , stood or lay there  naked struggling to hold my pee until it comes out, then let go.

    It does not apply here but I have also wet my pants.

    I have not uploaded a video here - just a few pix, so I am not sure what the rules are .

    I posted videos on the now defunct X Tube, I loved thst site and on Omorashi.org. 


  18. 56 minutes ago, pisszzz said:

    if you noticed would you let her have a better look

    Yes!! I most definitely would her a better look. I would do it gradually and judge her reaction . Would she get embarrassed and leave giggling or look closer? If I see her staring I would give her a full view..

    One time at work I was using a urinal that was near the door and had no divider. A female co-worker passed by on her way to the ladies room. She looked in and saw me. It was quick she saw nothing more of me, just me standing at the urinal. She just giggled and went on her way. It was long ago, but I still remember the thrill it gave me. I wished she saw more. 

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  19. I would not  risk offending them by just peeing in front of them unexpectedly.  However, if they want to watch, even closely or 'help' I,  am fine with that.  In fact if a woman enjoying watching me pee,  I would really enjoy it , hopefully , not so much I get too hard to pee . This would be really  hot and I hope she will reciprocate too. 

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  20. On 1/21/2024 at 6:59 PM, MommyImWettingMyself said:

    Ohhh how I W I S H this was a thing.   They need to invent an imaging test that involves peeing on yourself while lying down.  Kinda surprised there isn't such a thing since defecography exists.   

     Edit * I guess the first post should have been a tip off with a female being told to pee on the floor with the nurse.  While I didn't believe that could happen and almost called her on it, I read on.

    After that I totally missed this is fiction section. The story I posted is not fiction at all. It is 100% true and happened  to me as described. This story does not belong in the fiction section- wettingman   I leave it Anyway ...

    I am an older male with  the common prostate issues. I experienced something similar to what you described.   I did not have to arrive with a full bladder as they filled it with saline solution via a tube up my urethra ( that part was not fun).  With no explanation ,males were instructed to bring a extra pair of socks .(?) Once they did filled my bladder as shown on the monitor, I was told to hold it in as long as possible. Since I  enjoy the desperate to pee feeling that was fine by me. Having an accident was not an issue since I was going to pee right there. There was two female nurses doing the test. I was hooked to a monitor that monitored the status of my bladder. Noting that it was full she asked if I was ok. I said yes, despite knowing I was very full. I could not tell if my pee was about to come out because of the tube still in my penis. However, I did feel the  strong bladder spasm, and I reflexively ( plus I wanted to hold it a bit longer)  clenched my sphincter tighter. She noticed the spasm on her monitor, and she said  "I just saw a bladder spasm", and I had to admit I could not hold it any longer.  

     She took hold of my penis to try to  guide any urine that escaped around the tube into a container. I was told to stand up and relax my bladder.  I guess due to my normally large bladder, and that I tried to hold it in longer than expected, instantly a huge gusher of pee poured out overwhelming the capacity of the tube, and splattering onto the floor. It created a large puddle, I don't think she was pleased with that. Now I understood the need for clean socks. The ones I was wearing were soaked.

    The other nurse watched the test on the monitor as my bladder emptied. I thought about asking for a copy of that, but that would have seemed strange.

    A dream of mine is for a female like a nurse to hold my penis knowing I was desperately full, as I peed. Sadly with the tube inside I didn't really get to enjoy the sensation.

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