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Posts posted by wettingman

  1. Where I live we have had an infestation of stink bugs. They get their name because they emit a nasty smell if you squish them . So I try to gently catch them and drop them in the toilet and pee on them. These bugs are pests. 

    I love nature but I would  not fish an insect out of the toilet..If you have to pee and holding it for long is not an option what are you going to do?


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  2. I should add something I just thought of. I have read a few desert survival stories, where the person was out of water, and there was none to be had anywhere. They were literally dying  of thirst. So in desperation they collected and drank their own urine. Since they were dehydrated, it was strong and bitter ; and since it had been processed through their kidneys it  lacked any nutrients such as electrolytes. However, it did help relieve their dry mouth and throat, and they suffered no ill effect. Nevertheless, they could not keep repeating the process as that would cause an infection as the lack of water would cause their pee to be over concentrated.

    I know this is just scientific fact , and not pee play related, but it shows it can be safe. Some people believe it is good for them but I doubt that. I assume that your partner is well hydrated so their pee would have a mild nutty taste, not bitter. I tried my  tasting own pee once but did not swallow,  and that is what I tasted . I didn't swallow as I got nervous about doing  that.

  3. IF she does not have a UTI or other infection it is probably ok if is fresh- best if it is right from the source . Urine that has been sitting around rapidly develops bacteria, which could make you sick.

    I would only attempt it if I knew for certain she was clean and without infection.


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  4. I assume you are holding your pee until you physically can't hold it any longer and your pee comes out on its own. That is how I have always done it , and yea it hurts. I think the pain is worse if you fill up rapidly, rather than naturally. If the pain becomes too much there are a few things I do to expedite matters. i . Do something that I know is likely to increase my desperation, like  do a sinkful of dishes, or listen to water running. I really love the its about to come out sensation,so I still squirm and grab myself, just not so forcefully.

    I have also semi-cheated by relaxing my sphincter a few times until I feel my pee start to flow, then clamp it shut just before it comes out. This is torture on my already straining bladder. Each time I do it my desperation increases significantly.  After several almost leaking I can no longer stop it from coming out.

    But most of all age has ended my holding to  I am in excruciating pain . Now very uncomfortable or somewhat painful is the best I can do before I wet my pants.

  5. Since I don't want to be arrested, absolutely yes. I have long wanted to pee off a high point creating a long stream of pee loudly splashing preferably into water below. But opportunities to do so have been exceedingly rare.

    My ultimate goal would be to pee off the bridge over a nearby river, during a low traffic time. However, due to the security cameras  that are watching traffic and others focused on the edge to help prevent suicides I won't risk it. 

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  6. Inside I enjoy peeing on a hard surface floor, both for the splattering sound and the ease of clean up.i have peed outside on concrete for the same reason

    However , usually when I am outside and need to pee, I will try to hold it until I find some water. It can be a stream, a pond, or even a rain puddle if that's all I can find. By the time I find water , I have to move quickly to get my penis out in time. Sometimes I will pee some in one body of water and cut off the flow so I can pee into another.

    I especially love peeing into water if I can do it from a high spot into the water below, creatinga nice long stream and a loud splash.

    My first hold until desperate ever was an attempt at this. I held it all day and school, and then went for a walk in the woods to a stream I knew of.  The sound of rushing water was too much for my overfull bladder and I started peeing in my pants. I had an obvious baseball sized wet spot in my pants before I could unzip.




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  7. If I only need to pee I always use the urinal . I have not been pee shy in mamy years .I have not seen a trough in a very long time. The thought of them bring back memories of in my younger days being very pee shy. I could not pee in front of others.  With the trough there is no privacy and it was obvious I was just standing there with my dick out and nothing coming out.

    Back in my pee shy days i always used a stall hoping I could go. Sometimes I couldn't , even sitting to cover the sound.

    I am the opposite of another poster, for some reason I can not fully empty my bladder sitting down. If seated for the other I must stand to finish peeing.



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  8. I Love it when I can hear a female peeing if I am close by. My ears will perk up and I will focus on trying to catch the sound of her pee hitting the water. Catching a hiss is a big bonus. However, I will never, ever move myself to be closer to the door, let alone put my ear to the wall or door, or anything else to enhance my chances just to hear the sound of her peeing. That would be creepy, intrusive, and just wrong.

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    I used to have them fairly often,when I needed to pee badly while asleep.  I have never wet the bed though .Long ago in my youth, some were intense enough to make me cum. Yes, I am sure it was not pee, it was sticky.

    I have been disappointed that for the past many years I have not had a pee dream. I always enjoyed them, waking up erect and aroused.  I either sleep through the night or wake up before I am desperate and go- no pee dreams. Therefore I was thrilled that I had a very full bladder pee dream last night .

    An odd event lead up to this dream . The afternoon was very hot. I drank to stay hydrated, although I was not sweating as I  relaxing in the shade . I drank 3 - 16.9 ounce ( 500 ml) bottles of water, and a 28 ounce ( 828 ml) of gatorade.  I found it odd that consuming all that fluid and not sweating it out did not increase my need to pee much at all. 

    I didn't think more of it , consumed my usual amount during the evening and went to bed around midnight. It must have been only 2:30 AM when I started dreaming about needing to pee badly for the first time in a very, very, long time. The theme was similar but different from my pee dreams of back in the day. 

    I was back in high school, but I was an adult. I needed to pee badly, and had to find the restroom because I thought I was going to pee in my pants. I couldn't find one for a long time and was becoming increasingly desperate and worried. I finally found 2 doors labeled Men's and Women's . I went in the men's saw   a couple urinals against the wall and then a line of stalls. However there we no men in there just a bunch of women , who looked at me like I was a pervert or something. I quickly exited and went in the door labeled woman's feeling apprehensive but I could not hold on much longer. In there I found a room full of urinals all over the room, many in use. I picked one at random and relieved myself. But as always in these dreams I still had to go IRL so I got no relief in the dream. I was then walking down the school's corridor  where there was a urinal between every few lockers along the walls. I had to decide quickly to use one as I was right on the verge of peeing,  either in my pants or one of the urinals. Holding on was no longer an option. But I was afraid of getting in trouble......... Then I woke up and realized I was close to peeing in the bed for real. My bladder was painfully stretched like it had not been in years. It was 2:30 AM I wanted to get back to sleep, so I got up to go. Walking to the toilet I was stiff and hunched over like I had not been in forever. I peed- a lot and went back to bed. I was aroused and semi-hard but I had to get back to sleep. 

    I woke up 3 hours later at around 5:45 AM  (earlier than usual ) feeling the need to pee about the same degree as before.  I not sure I had dreamed any more. I decided to have a little fun before I got up for the day. As I woke up further, my bladder complained that I was not getting up to go by strongly increasing  the pressure at my pee hole.  I was laying on my back because I don't want to deal with the cleanup of a wet bed . I strained every muscle down there to hold it in but soon a tiny leak escaped. Then  I saw/ felt  another slightly bigger one land on my leg ( I sleep nude) . I was thrilled, but wanted to enjoy the my pee is going to come out sensation and accidental leak a bit longer. Within a minute a much larger spurt forced it way out , shooting up in the air, and landing half way down my leg . Time to get up and go, before I do wet the bed. I checked for and didn't find  any wetness on the bedding. I had not really peed that much. I got up and had a nice long pee. Now I am horney. 

    As I write this I as I prefer have been holding my pee . I have needed to us my hand occasionally to keep it in my full bladder.The images of females peeing when I signed in here very nearly did me in. I leaked a tiny bit


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  10. I love knowing a female needs to pee and  is becoming increasingly desperate. I enjoy watching what she is doing to hold it , becoming increasingly frantic. But for all this to be arousing I need her to keep telling me about it, vocalizing her desperation. I love hearing things like 

     "I have to pee so bad , I can't hold it and I am going to pee in my pants"

    On the other hand I enjoy a woman enjoying my desperation . Hopefully we both wet our pants because we truly can't hold it any longer.

     On a regular basis I enjoy just the feeling my bladder is very full and stretched, and there is strong pressure in my penis. Mornings are great for this. This morning I woke up after sleeping over 9 hours , which is 3 hours longer than most days.

  11. I have peed in the tub countless times, in different ways. One favorite has been holding my pee until I was very desperate , then trying to hold it through a shower. This usually resulted in at least some spurting, especially in the beginning, sometimes I totally lose control. One sure fire way to accomplish that is to stand so that the warm water hits near the tip of my penis. Even if I only spurted, I let the rest out in the tub. I have frequently peed in the shower, because I could not hold it any longer as a mess free way of having an accident.

    I have laid down in the tub struggling to hold it in . With the uncontrolled leaks & spurts increasing in frequency , I let go giving myself a fountain shower, litterly head ( face) to toe. Yes , if I point my dick up towards my face I can reach it if I am very full, and have a strong initial stream.

    I have just unzipped and naughty peed into the tub rather than the toilet .

    The tub is usually my favorite location to wet my pants. When I can no longer prevent leaks and spurts, and my pants are already wet , I step into the tub, to let go after the next unstoppable leak . While a true accident , as I can't stop my pee from coming out, all my pee goes down the drain , rather that making a huge puddle or mess on the floor. ( Although I have wet my pants in the kitchen or peed directly on the kitchen floor many times. I won't do it on carpeted floor that could be ruined.)

    I rarely take a actual bath , preferring a shower. However I have laid down in a tub of very warm water with a overfull bladder. The warm water does its work relaxing my bladder and sphincter. I enjoy sitting up and watching my stream shoot out and mixing with the bath water. This is much more obvious if I am slightly dehydrated or first of the morning pee because of its more yellowish color.

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  12. 14 hours ago, Alfresco said:

    Excellent experience - I am glad that you got to experience your life long fantasy.   You say this was with your ex-wife, am I guess that you might be getting back together again?   Maybe if not for a full on relationship, at least for a bit of regular fun?   I am thinking that she must want to be with you that she has gone to the lengths of fulfilling your fantasy. 

    We are spending more time together, doing some things-going out for dinner etc.. Then yea we have some fun, but I don't see us getting back together. She has only spent the night here once.

     Thank you for your positive  feedback

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  13. On 10/12/2021 at 4:47 PM, peegirl99 said:

    Just got home and not sure how much longer I can hold it. I lost a couple spurts getting into the house. Not nearly enough to ease the pressure though. 

    Still trying to decide how to enjoy unleashing my full bladder. Won’t be able to hold much longer...

    This sounded very promising . What happened?

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