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Posts posted by wettingman

  1. Over time I have seen numerous  descriptions and stories of people holding their pee until they can't , and they wet their pants. Their hold time varies, of course, but so does the criteria they use in timing it. Some start from the last time they peed, others when they noticed their need to go, others still when they get desperate.

    Personally  I consider my holding time starting when my need to pee becomes bothersome. By that I mean not at the first twinge in my bladder, but when I would have normally have gone already.

    What about you? 

  2. This thread reminded me of an actual incident that happened on the original Earth Day, April 22, 1970. I wrote about it long ago, but it seems appropriate to retell it here.

    ,  This occurred near the end of my senior year in high school, when I was 18 it was no fun at the time. It was the first Earth Day, in 1970. My then girlfriend and I went to a scheduled gathering at a local park 8AM Saturday morning. I guess the concept had not caught on yet as we were the only ones there. We waited about an hour, but nobody showed up.

    It was now 9AM and I already really needed to pee. My GF suggested we walk up to the next town, about five miles away; to see if anything was going on there and to visit her friend there. The walk took over an hour by which time my bladder was very full, and I needed to pee badly.

    My  distended bladder and penis hurt. I decided to head into a wooded area and go. It would serve two purposes, relief, and I wanted to pee in front of her for the first time. The sound of rushing water from the stream back there, increased my desperation .But then I lost my nerve, meaning I had to keep holding it.

    There was nothing happening in that town either, so eventually about 12 noon we ended up at her friend’s house. I had to pee for three hours by then. OMG I had to go so badly. My bladder was seriously stretched  and my penis throbbed.  We toured the house, walking past the bathroom. I remember looking longingly at the toilet, wishing to urinate, but was too shy to admit it. I struggled on.

    By 2PM, having had to pee for five hours I was getting increasingly desperate. Even my kidneys were feeling the pressure, but I just kept holding. An hour later at 3 I decided to take a bus back home, she decided to stay.

    The bus took a longer route back to my town than the one we had walked. I thought the pain and pressure at my pee hole was as intense as it could be, but suddenly it changed.  The sensation was like nothing I had felt since I last wet my pants at age 12. There was a sharp stabbing sensation at my pee hole, like my pee was about to come out. Oh no it was going to actually happen, I was about to have an accident, my pee was actually going to come out in my pants. Horrified, I grabbed my penis and squeezed, placing my jacket over my lap for cover.

    I kept my jacket there, holding myself as each wave of desperation hit to keep from wetting my pants. Somehow, I survived the half hour trip dry.  Arriving at my stop, standing was a serious challenge.  There was a line of people getting off.  Standing up made my desperation worse. Somehow I had remained dry so far but the slow movement getting off the bus was torturous . At 18 I would not hold myself so others could see ,so I just hoped for the best. It seemed to take forever . Oh God let me get off the bus without peeing myself. I did but immediately had to grab myself. I knew I was way too old to be doing this, but also too old to walk the two plus miles to my home in wet pants.  I got about half way like this frequently holding myself., but the pressure at my pee hole kept getting worse. I had doubts I would make it home dry.

     The next wave brought my pee right into the slit of my pee hole again , I held myself tightly, even pee danced a bit, but it was no use. I was about to pee, in my pants or not. The was a small group of trees nearby, I started heading there. It was by no means secluded; I was in a residential area afraid of getting caught, so I hesitated. I needed to decide immediately among a few trees or in my pants my pee is coming out. In my indecision, my bladder decided for me. I felt my cotton briefs getting wet as my pee started coming out. For the first time since I was a kid (12) I was wetting my pants. Back in my childhood, though the wetness was contained to my soaked underwear.  I think it was because my pants were much looser and urine could run down my leg unnoticed. Also, my bladder was smaller, and I was not strong enough to hold this much. These pants were pretty tight and I was peeing hard, so wetness immediately spread to my pants.  My pants were wet in front almost down to my crotch, the wet spot about the size of a softball before I regained control.

    I pulled my long shirt out to cover most of my accident, hiding the rest with my jacket. I walked the rest of the way home still needing to pee very badly, struggling not to let anymore out.  Then I arrived home, hours late, and my sister told on me that she saw me walking up the road to the next town, and was not where I said I would be. I had to endure the resulting lecture without letting on that I was about to pee in my pants, again. Even once when I was younger was unacceptable.  I said nothing in my defense, so as not to prolong it.  The result of that would have given them something else to be angry about, me peeing on the floor. The second my parents were done, with their talk I rushed to the bathroom and peed a long time.

    I was worried about someone noticing what happened, but in a way excited, but I did not really enjoy it until years later. I have imagined that my GF was with me watching the whole thing, starting with my desperate grabbing of myself on the bus. I have had fun with that.

    This was the last time I wet my pants until  years later when I started deliberately not using the toilet, holding it in until I couldn’t happily  wetting my pants at home.

    • Hug 1
  3. Back in the day when I was pee shy but absolutely had to pee I kept it as quiet as possible. I would aim for the porcelain not the water so no one could here me go.  When in public Sometimes i would sit to pee . Even thst didn't aleays work, and I had to suffer. There were times I thought I was going to wet my pants, but didn't. 

    Now that I have discovered the on line pee fetish world I want people to here me pee, especially if I have been holding it. I hope someone notices my loud long and strong stream, and realize I.needed to pee baldy,  and had been holding to my limit

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  4. I have some life experience here so I am going to use my experience to discuss the positive side , but also the pitfalls of revealing our fetish.

    Through my life experiences, I suggest you reveal your kink cautiously. Most people view urination as a biologically necessary function, that is done in private. They would, as they were trained as a child, think holding your pee and wetting your pants or whatever turns you on as disgusting and weird.  Make sure your relationship is on solid ground a you totally trust this person. If you decide to tell them I would start cautiously, perhaps ask them to wait when they need to pee, or ask if you can watch/listen/ or help.  You could request they do the same for you. You could also suggest openly and honestly discussing what turns  you and them on, including any kinks or fetishes. It is crucial to be up front that there will be no judgement.   You should accept and indulge them in whatever kink they may enjoy .Hopefully they will accept and at least indulge you, if not admit they also enjoy pee play ( I wish I knew kind of thing), or at least come to do so.

     However, I would not keep it a secret forever. You may be missing out on a lifetime of shared fun. You might be tempted to seek the pleasure outside your relationship, which creates a whole new set of problems. The conversation could be very awkward and embarrassing but IF your relationship is solid you should be fine. Nothing ventured nothing gained. 

    That said my experiences, I revealed my kink to two woman. My GF who became my wife ( now ex)  was accepting and indulged me with many stories of her desperation and pants wetting.  I came out to her by asking questions when I saw her struggling to  hold her pee.  She  accepted it and answered my questions, and told me stories about other accidents she had. She also occasionally held until she wet her pants for me as well as letting me watch her pee and play with her stream. She even wet her pants sitting on my lap my ultimate fantasy .

    On the flip side I was  not at all subtle with a later GF . Without saying a word I held my pee before we took a shower. I jumped into the shower, still clothed and peed in my pants. She was shocked and disgusted. Although we stayed together she never accepted my fetish. A year or so later as our relationship deteriorated over unrelated matters, she threw it in my face that I liked to wet my pants and watch her pee. I can't say it would have worked out differently if I had not revealed my desire for pee play so impulsively and foolishly, but don't do that.

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  5. On 12/12/2022 at 6:09 PM, DoctorDoctor said:

    I agree and also notice a severely reduced flow rate while sitting and more difficulty in emptying completely.  I always attributed it to having to bend my penis downward and tuck it behind the seat, to prevent it from flopping onto the seat and peeing over the front.

    After all these years I learned something about male peeing while seated. You are 100% correct that the issue with my not being able to empty my bladder sitting down because the flow is restricted due to having to bend my penis to keep from peeing on the floor.

    The scientific proof : On another site I had a request to make a video. I was to  hold my pee and sit on a towel naked and go when I couldn't hold it any more. I didn't think of it until after I was done, but sitting legs out straight on the floor there was no restrictions on my flow. I was able to empty my bladder completely. Of course I can't normally pee that way.

  6. 4 hours ago, DoctorDoctor said:

    I agree and also notice a severely reduced flow rate while sitting and more difficulty in emptying completely.  I always attributed it to having to bend my penis downward and tuck it behind the seat, to prevent it from flopping onto the seat and peeing over the front.

    This is true. It is exactly what I must do. Maybe that is it. If I don't tuck my penis in I pee over the top.

  7. As a male I definitely prefer standing while I pee it just seems natural. I like the  sound of my pee splashing in the water. 

    Of course it is the only way to use  urinal.

    Also for some reason I cannot compleatly empty my bladder sitting dowm. If I need to sit to do the other thing, I always must stand to finish. I still feel the need to go after I released what I can sitting down . There is probably a third of my bladder left . It has been that way as long as I can remember. 

    The only time I voluntarily sat to pee is when I was pee shy and could not pee around others. When I was in public and in serious pain from an overfull bladder I hoped to let out as much as possible to lessen the pressure without anyone hearing. Even then I could not empty sitting. Sometimes I released enough to feel a bit better others I  can't get started. 




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  8. I actually did this a few years ago. I found an old abandoned non running truck in the woods. After I peed several times all over the seat, I decided to try something else. I wanted to fill the gas tank with my pee.

    Easy enough I could just pee in the tank filler neck. I used a funnel to do this. At first I held my pee and headed up there,  when I had to go , but that was a pain in the ass. And since that was not always practical progress was too slow.

    A decided to save up each time I peed in whatever bottles I had around. I stayed well hydrated and discovered my output was over a gallon a day. In the evening I would carry my day's pee back there and pour it in the tank.

    I think that old truck and a big 20 or so  gallon tank. After a while I got board and stopped but that old gas tank had several gallons of my pee in it. It was eventually towed away to the salvage yard, probably more urine than gas in the tank. I had not anticipated that. 


  9. This house is large and luxurious.  It has a big open foyer with long  twin sprial stairs leading to the second floor balcony.  I would love to hold my pee until desperate,  then  stand at the second floor balcony railing and pee over the edge to the floor below. I love peeing from high places causing a big splatter below.

    In the basement there is an Olympic size pool with a diving board. I would really enjoy peeing off the diving board into the pool below. Or better yet spring board off the diving board doing a back flip, all while peeing a overfull bladder of pee.

    So hall balcony. And basement pool room


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  10. On 11/26/2022 at 10:14 AM, Adyguy6970 said:

    Thanks for sharing, Chrissy.  You're very lucky to have a bladder that will let you go to bed without using the toilet.  I would be very interested to know if there are many people who go to bed as a matter of course without first going to pee.  

    Unfortunately I cannot go to sleep unless my bladder is 100% totally empty immediately before I lay down. If I don't I feel an annoying urge to pee that keeps we awake. I have never wet the bed, even as a kid , so it is not because of that. 

     However, when I was growing up my strict parents made my siblings and I do "our finales"just before bed. We got punished if we got up again to go because they believed we were just procrastinating going to sleep. Crazy right ? Would they rather we wet the bed. I remember my sister had a problem with doing just that.

    I know this is silly and ridiculous but this still affects me to this day 6 decades later . Through making an effort I have mitigated this a bit but not much . It is not worth the trouble when trying to fall asleep. Too bad because I love waking up with a super full bladder, but also sleeping through the night. I usually sleep through anyway. But going to sleep already needing to pee a bit will guarantee being desperate in the AM. 

  11. On 12/5/2022 at 6:55 PM, AbbyPeePrincess said:

    Sometimes I find it struggle that my urethra is facing forward since when my mom I was younger I would squat to pee and I would wet my pants or panties. So for a while I give up to peeing squatting and just pissed standing meanwhile 

     I don't know anything about cultural or racial differences in the angle of the female urethra. I am amazed and highly interested in the fact that there are differences between any women. That it is hidden among your lady bits is intriguing. 

     That you can stand and pee is awesome 


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  12. Awesome story. I just noticed you for the first time.

    I don't know how you could hold your pee at all sitting on the toilet with your bladder about to burst. That is signal it's ok to let go.

    Also it is totally legit to addin the time you peed the second time you had to go again so soon because, in an extreme hold your bladder is so stretched it cannot empty completely. The amount/ time of the second time you had to go was already in yoir bladder.  

    I have added the amount I had to pee minutes after a hold and measure for that reason.

    Congratulations on your new record. Taking close to or even over a minute of hard peeing to empty your bladder is quite an accomplishment. 

    Thank you gor posting your story. 


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  13. As a kid I was very pee shy and frequently held my pee when playing with friends. This included s holding myself etc.. I usually made it home but occasionally leaked some that nobody knew about, mostly on the way home , so nobody knew. The stories below are three more significant held it too long and wet my pants events. I would stay pee shy through my twenties and frequently held my pee. None of these were for fun but out of just trying to hold it so nobody knew I had to pee. I guess I thought people didn't figure it out by my pee dancing and penis holding as a kid.

    These are real accidents, all as a child between the ages of 9-12.
    Part 1
    The first time was I was 9. The Catholic school I went to which was normally very strict , took everyone from grade 4-8 by bus to a State Park about 12 miles from school, and turned us loose , totally unsupervised. Keep in mind this would have been in the early 1960’s
    We arrived about 9AM, and by 10AM I needed to pee badly. It was made worse as the park was big to a young child and I had no Idea where the bathrooms were and was too shy to ask also; I never admitted needing to go even if it was obvious. The school had a strict bathroom policy, as did my parents. Peeing anyplace but the toilet was forbidden. I started doing what I normally did in these situations holding myself, and hope to keep holding my pee. Within an hour I was extremely desperate. The pressure at the tip of my penis was very strong, and it felt like my pee was about to come out. This was beyond normal desperation, but the sensation you get when you are starting to let go after a long hold. I danced around furiously, holding myself as tight as I could hoping not to pee. But it started coming out anyway, creating a good sized wet spot in the front of my white cotton briefs, before I got the flow stopped. A boy that was with the group I was in came over to me and said “You just wet your pants”. I denied it as it was not obvious, just my underwear was wet, but he replied “yea you did some in your underwear”. I guess it was obvious since I no longer needed to hold myself, although my bladder was far from empty.
    Perhaps an hour later the need to pee was back worse than before. By this point it was just me and my best friend alone in the woods. Once again I was squirming and grabbing myself. He decided he needed to pee, and since no one was around he just unzipped and went. This was too much, and I started peeing in my pants hard, instantly. I started walking around squeezing myself with both hands but I could not even slow the flow. Thinking I walked away to give him privacy he said he did not care if I saw him pee. I did not tell him that I was peeing also but in my pants. I don’t know why I didn’t do as he did except that I was taught to control myself and peeing outside was wrong. So I wet my pants instead, for which I would have been punished if they had not dried. I guess my mother did not notice even though I peed in them twice. By the time I got the flow stopped, although somehow I kept my outer pants from getting noticeably wet much my briefs were completely soaked. For that, I thank the absorbency of my white cotton briefs  .My bladder still was not empty, and was sore and I needed to pee again in a little while by the time I found a bathroom I drained it completely, sometime later. 
    Part 2
    About 2 years later I think I was 11, my parents sent me to day camp for 2 weeks. This place was primarily set up for full time campers that slept, and had bathroom facilities in barrack like structures. We day campers had a single toilet facility in the rear of a small building that we changed in. The bathroom was always kept locked even when we were in the area of the building and we had to ask our coach to open it. This spot was well away from where the activities took place, so we were away from it most of the day.
    Aside from other activities we had swimming lessons in the morning and free swim after lunch, weather permitting.
    On our first day there I needed to pee badly by late morning, but managed to hang on until our afternoon swim. We were not given any opportunity to relieve ourselves, without asking and there were no restrooms at the pool. Since I was trained that peeing in the pool was wrong, when I felt like I was about to lose control, I got out of the pool grabbing myself, and squirming my legs back and forth. Another boy asked me if I had to go, and since I was about to start any second I said yes. He said it was not right they gave us day campers no opportunity to pee without individually asking so; he just let it out in the pool. Since could not hold it a second longer, and was going to pee anyway, I jumped into the pool. I started peeing instantly. I found this a preferable solution and would deliberately just go in the pool in the morning and afternoon, whenever I felt the urge.
    I have to believe that most of us were doing this as it was rare that someone asked if they could use the bathroom, and it was a big production. We had to get someone to bring us into one of the barracks as the activity room had no bathrooms for us either. I only remember tagging along with someone else who asked once.
    This arrangement worked fine until the last few days of camp when it was to chilly to go swimming. I tried to limit my fluid intake and was able to hold on much longer than I expected. Camp was 8AM -4PM, so by 3:30 we were back up in the day campers building, where the bathroom was kept locked except when someone asked to use it. I wonder now if coach liked to see desperate boys saying they had to go. Some boys snuck behind the building to go and were called out and punished in front of the group. By 3:30 on this particular day I somehow had not peed since I left the house in the morning, but I was extremely desperate. At this age I usually did not get much sensation in my bladder, just in my penis. However that day my bladder felt full and the pressure at my pee hole was intense. I struggled to hold on a few minutes longer by squeezing myself hard and doing a pee-pee dance. With my pee about to come out I made a quick dash behind the building and unzipped myself and peed. Until that day I never had peed that long or as hard. I peed forever, making a big bubbly puddle on the ground. It was either that, or do it in my pants, since nobody wan ted to ask the coach, least of all me .I got called out by the coach for doing it however.
    Therefore, the next day when again no pool activities, I decided not to repeat what I had done the day before. Fortunately I did not have to go quite as bad, and although it was necessary to hold myself I was able to hold on a while longer. At 4PM those going on the bus left and I went down to the office area to wait for my father to pick me up on the way home from work at about 4:20 followed by a 20 minute ride home.
    By 4:00 I was just as desperate as the day before. I was also thirsty from not drinking much all day. I made the mistake of going inside to get a drink from the water fountain. Although I was already desperate and squeezing myself and squirming, to try to hold back my pee, the drink brought me right to the brink. There was no one in the office for me to even ask for a place to go. Then the phone rang and somebody appeared to answer it. He asked why I did not answer it. I said I did not know I was supposed to. I did not add that I could not stand still, because I was about to wet my pants, although it was obvious from my dancing and grabbing.
    Since my father was going to pick me up soon, and remembering the huge amount I peed the previous day, I did not want to wet my pants afraid all that pee would make it obvious. So I decided to go in a nearby wooded area. I did not make it. About half way there, despite my holding my penis tightly, my pee forced its way out. By this age I guess I had enough control, that although my white cotton briefs got quite wet, I was able to stop the flow before it soaked through to my pants.
    Looking back on it being able to not pee from when I left the house around 7:15 AM until 4PM at age 11 was quite an accomplishment. I almost held it an entire adult day, only being unable to hold it until late in the day. Even then I only partly wet myself. This bladder control serve me well in my high school days, when I frequently held it 7AM -5PM. Although this hurt I always arrived home dry.
    Part 3
    About a year later at age 12, actually almost 13 I went to a friend’s house for the day. This was during the winter though. He was a big guy who never seemed to need to go. I made sure I went before my father dropped me off there about 9 AM.
    After lunch I began to need to pee badly, but was considered too old to old myself, so I forced myself to refrain except when I thought nobody was looking. We went bowling at a nearby alley, where I could have looked for the restroom but didn’t.  It started snowing, and he had to deliver the afternoon newspaper so we rode bikes in the snow doing this, all the while I was still holding my pee, because I never saw him go.
    About 3 hours went by since I needed to go, it was about 3:30PM and I had to go really bad. We went sledding in the fresh snow in his front yard. There was a big jump off where we landed in his driveway. The jolt was too much for my straining bladder. With my pee about to come out I desperately pressed against my penis through my winter coat. He saw this and asked if I needed to go someplace, but a few seconds later I started going in my pants. I kept pressing myself and after about 10 seconds of terror , fearing I was going to embarrass myself , by soaking my pants in front of him , I managed to stop peeing . Again my briefs were wet, but the absorbance of the white cotton served me well, there was no external damage. I asked him what he meant by going someplace. He probably knew I had done some in my pants. Although the extreme pressure was relived I still needed to pee badly. Within a few minutes as we were about to go down the hill again, my pee felt like it was going to come out again. I didn't dare to hold myself, so I just clamped my sphincter as tight as possible and hoped . It was no use . Another bigger, longer, stronger spurt came out.  I struggled to stop without being obvious , but my briefs were soaked by time I got it stopped . My jeans were very baggy so any wetness was not noticeable. While terrified of being noticed  I somehow was excited. I had not peed enough to eliminate my need for relief. I only released the over pressure . This need intensified greatly over the next 3 hours or so. Without any jolts jarring my bladder I was able to hold it in, with the help of my hand when nobody was looking. I did not pee the rest of the day. My bladder and dick became increasingly tired-sore. I considered admitting I needed to pee  rather than have another accident, but of course I didn't. As the pressure increased I even thought about letting some out in my still wet pants, just to relieve enough pressure  to get me through the day without soaking myself. But I was afraid to actually do it. Would I be able to stop the flow, would he notice ? Would it matter if he did as I thought he already suspected I had peed some in my pants . - I had never attempted letting some out before , was afraid of getting in trouble ,so I just kept holding.

    After dinner his parents dropped me off at home on the way to Church. He had 6 brothers and we all climbed into the family van. By this time I had to pee worse than I ever had in my life. To say I was desperate was an understatement. OMG everything hurt like never before. My bladder holding 9 hours of urine minus what I had leaked was painfully stretched. My entire penis throbbed. The pressure at my pee hole was unbelievably intense. It literally felt like it was going to explode. Fortunately it was dark so nobody could see I had both hands tightly squeezing my penis,with my legs squeezed over them for added leverage.  I was so close to a huge  wetting , I feared one hand would not stop it. I was squirming my legs as well. It did not matter if they did notice, because I was about to wet my pants at any second. I knew for certain this would be unlike any previous accident I had. I would not just wet my underwear like I had done earlier in the day, or any other time for that matter. This was about to be a huge soaker, wetting not only my pants but making a huge puddle on the car seat getting the others wet as well. This would be awful.
    Somehow I managed to hold on through sheer willpower, and fear of being mortified.  How would that have gone over if I not only wet my pants, but got others on the way to church wet as well. There was so much pee in my bladder I could not believe I had held it all, or not gone at my friend’s house. I knew full well I had not peed all day and how badly I needed to go for a long time.  He must have gone at some point; especially since he was going to church but I never saw it.
     I jumped out of the car and considered breaking a cardinal  rule and rush to the side yard and pee. I did not think I would make it to the bathroom,even holding myself, which was another no no. But I chickened out.  I ran into the house, bent over holding myself tightly. It was better my family saw that then me wetting my pants. I rushed to the bathroom, but I had to let go of my penis to get it out of my pants. Thinking quickly as I had no time left I unsnapped my pants and slid one hand inside. I released my hand on the outside my pants and grabbed myself on inside. In the exchange I started to pee a bit in my pants, but it was less than it would have been, at least I slowed the flow a bit until I was free of my pants. I then peed for the hardest and for the longest time ever in my young life, perhaps rivaling my adult times. The relief was enormous, and somehow sexually arousing. That was a new sensation. To this day I regret not letting some out. My underwear were already wet, If wetness became obvious in my jeans I think my friend already suspected I had peed in my pants some so that would just confirm it. Having a controlled wetting would have lessened the pressure later and the very close incident of a total wetting disaster. Plus it would have been naughty.
    If I had to wait just a few minutes longer I would have done all that pee in my friend’s car.

    These are the only  incidents of wetting more than a little leak that I remember until I turned 18.  I high school ,my pee shyness kept me out of the boys room all day almost every day, up to 10 hours a day. I had to pee badly from noon on and frequently didn't get home until around 5. It hurt like hell and was not fun at all. But I always maintained control didn't even use my hand, and arrived home dry. There was one exception outside school late in my senior year, when I was 18, that I did not. At the time, I was mortified that at the age of 18 I arrived home with visably wet pants. But that is a whole other story.
    I said throughout these three stories That through my mother’s choice I was wearing white cotton briefs, and I was glad for that ; because of their superior absorbency I was able to limit all my wettings to just my underwear. I still wear them to this day because I enjoy the way that absorbency feels when I “accidentally “on purpose wet my pants..



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  14. 14 hours ago, jeffpicard said:

    My original question was... "does anyone else enjoy older ladies of senior years as much as me ??"

    I am a bit surprised then, that the conversation has become political, with the mention of Hitler, Putin,Stalin, the war in Ukraine, and the demasculation of men etc...???????

    Let's get back to the wet stuff, pee in all it's forms, experiences, and the like.

    It is really sad and frustrating despite the rules, no matter the web site, or the topic , some people have to twist the conversation to spew their political hate everywhere. I almost feel sorry for them being so consumed and obsessed by politics.

    As an older male I thought this topic could be interesting, but I was turned off and stopped reading when it strayed into the BS. I eventually gave it another try skipping the angry posts.

    Keep that crap where it belongs. Nobody here want to read that here or on it seems every other site .

    8 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    Rule 16. Please keep your posts politics free. This is meant to be a fun light-hearted community, and is not meant for debates about extremely serious or controversial issues.

    Admin should check for these comments and take appropriate action against persistent violators. 

  15. I knew decades ago that regular porn did nothing for me. Then in the mid to late nineties I discovered the now long gone Thomas water resources page. No video or pix but   he set up a scenario  and  members submitted pee stories according to the theme. Some were really good and got me aroused.

    The first video i remember was Japanese Giga pee holding contest. Four females who already were desperate had to hold their pee while continuing to drink and Complete challenges. They struggled to hold in their pee, pee dancing and holding their crotch.  One by one they would lose control and wet themselves.  This went on for 1.5 hours until the winner wet her one piece outfit.

    I love desperation and struggling to hold it in. I  came to this many times. Sometimes I didn't make it past the first wetter, cumming as she wet.

    I would be remiss if I didn't recall some awesome female desperation and wetting  on X tube





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  16. Morning pee is my favorite because my bladder is usually full, sometimes painfully so. I especially enjoy it if I can hold  my full bladder for awhile.

    As I wake up fully the pressure increases quickly.  I want to enjoy feeling desperate for some time. It feels awesome if I make it through breakfast and three big mugs of tea. Of course by that time if I make it I am squirming and squeezing myself, and eventually start leaking.

    But it is much more common that i barely make it through making breakfast, pee dancing and holding my penis. Even before i sit down I have leaked

    Years ago I would hold my morning pee for hours. I held on for a few hours doing everything that I could to hold it in. Eventually I would start to.leak, i just couldn't hold it in. But I continue holding my pee squirming and squeezing myself.  The leaks got more frequent , bigger and longer, and my jeans got wetter. I could hold it until early afternoon by which time my pants were soaked and my bladder tired, so I finally let the rest out causing a big puddle on the floor.




  17. I am 70 and still enjoy pee fun with a woman if I can. Since older adults  ( including myself) may struggle with  occasional incontinence an accident is not so uncommon . But I prefer a true just held it too long after I knew I had to go accidents.

    As far as being more open about peeing, I no longer have an issue telling people I need to go. Twice in the past year I have leaked into my jeans causing a visible wet spot. Nobody seemed to notice. Maybe they thought old guy can't control himself. So, the second time I was much less self-conscious about my accident 

    The last time a female deliberately held her pee until she wet her pants on my lap was just over a year ago  She is my ex-wife who actually lives in the next building.. I posted about it in   . My Unlilate Pee fantasy comes true at long last

    Since then she has become very interested in my pee holding. I usually can't do as I used to but she enjoyed my story from early this week. I leaked unexpectedly as soon as I arrived home. I had to pee moderately at the time. But I decided to punish my bladder and get it back into holding like a big boy. I held it infor 4 more hours, with occasional leaks before losing control totally soaking my jeans. Her interest in my description arouses me still.

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  18. This was not at a bar , but at a privately owned swimming lake . It was way back in the late 70's -early 80's. I don't know if it still exists. But yea the had a long trough-actually an elongated  sink, space for 4 or 5 guys.  It took the place of urinals. There was one toilet. We had to stand out in the open with our penis out and pee, in front of everybody, with no privacy whatsoever. 

    I was Okay if nobody was standing there next to me, but I was just coming out of a long period of being pee shy. No matter how badly I needed to pee, how much pain i was in I could not go.The toilet was usually occupied with guys doing the other thing the other thing   I would be desperate, so I frequently returned to the trough - and stand there with my painfully throbbing dick  in my hand and do nothing. I was conscious how weird this looked which made it worse.

    I thought about going in the woods but there was too many people around.

    Finally the pain became unbearable, and I was afraid I was going to pee in my bathing suit. Odd if that could happen fully out in public , but not in the trough in the men's room. But in any event I was so full  I could not stand up straight. Back then I had not yet peed in a swimming area . But I had no choice, I couldn't keep holding it and enjoy the day. So I walked into the deep and ice cold lake. With that temperature  shock my bladder had no choice than to let go. AHHH peeing in my bathing suit never felt so good. 

    This was a popular swimming are and aside from my problem we loved it. I could not say I don't want to go there because I can't pee. So I had to hope for some privacy at some point in my frequent visits to try to get relief or find some other place to pee.

    I hated that trough and having to expose myself and urinate in front of several guys, and wounder if they are looking, even though that is unacceptable.

    • Hug 1
  19.  8:30 AM I am not starting a new hold here. In fact I have to pee soooo bad right now. 

    I woke up with a painfully full bladder at 6:30 . I peed normally.

    This was not a planned hold. It is totally spontaneous .

    I had 3 large mugs of tea.  Due to all that tea, I  have had to pee badly for about an hour now, but I decided to hold it for awhile. Soon I began to feel like my pee was going to come out during bladder spasms. A tiny leak caused me to grab myself with my hand, which got it stopped.

     I should have mentioned I am taking a prescribed diuretic  each morning to help prevent fluid retention in my legs. 

    Since then things have gotten much worse. I am having difficulty focusing on typing because of the intense discomfort/ pain. My bladder is painfully stretched.  A half hour ago the intense pressure at the tip of my penis was only felt during spasms. It then settled into a constant throbbing pressure. I am getting  increasingly frequent it is about to come out waves of pressure at my pee hole. It even hurts at the base of my penis and by my balls.

    As I am typing for the past 10 minutes I have had to pee so bad, I am constantly squeezing my penis, with one hand and typing with the other. My mind wants to let go to ease the pain  and pressure. I am experiencing frequent I am about to pee myself waves. A leak would feel so good right now . While squeezing myself may be preventing a leak it is doing nothing to relieve the pressure in my dick. OMG my pee feels like it is going to come out. I can't focus. I want to measure what I am holding , rather than wet myself this time. I HAVE to Pee so bad .I have not held it nor been this desperately full in years. 

    2 hours since I last peed with copious fluid intake along with a prescribed diuretic 

    10 minutes later I can't sit still. I am squirming, doing a seated potty dance  while constantly hold my dick tightly . The pressure is very intense. Although in reality it has been 3 hours , this post will not last long. OMG it is going to come out.

    8:30 AM -1 hour later Right now a leak would be great, but I am not letting it out , despite the pain. I have stopped holding myself and let my sphincter do the work . So far it is holding it in . I even watch a new video of a desperate female wetting her soft leggings.  I wonder how long I can last . The pressure at my pee hole is sharp strong and constant. It feel like it is going to come out now.

     9:10 AM another 40 minutes later 

    Still holding barely. I am squirming to try a less painful position . It isn't working.

    As I am typing my response just now I experience a small leak. I am trying to stop it.

    But pee is continuing to slowly leak out right now. It hurts so much I am not so concerned about leaking, because it hurts.  I can't sit still because of the pain from my distended bladder. 

    Due to age related prostate/ bladder issues I have been unable to hold my pee to this point in a few years without wetting myself. 

    I should have started this thread earlier, but this was entirely unplanned. I was pleasantly surprised when I remained dry while the pressure rose to high levels.  

    It is time to go and measure how much I am holding. It feels like it will be a lot, like I used to be able to do

    Anyway back in the day I could hold up to 1.35 liters,  but not in a long time.

    It looks like I am back. This is a 1 litter measurement urinal bottle from my doctor. As you can see I am well past that level.  I had to cut off my flow because the jug was about to overflow. I am almost empty but I held over a liter.


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