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Posts posted by wettingman

  1. I have had so many long hard pees in my life it is hard to pick. Here is one of the best though.

    i enjoy the sensation of a very full bladder, and being desperate to pee, followed by a nice long gushing pee lasting at least a minute. I also fantasize about peeing off high places.

    Although my GF at the time didn't approve of my fetish, she told me about an old abandoned railroad trestle in the woods near her home that I could pee off of. It was probably 20 feet off the ground level below. I decided to try it , and to make it extra fun I held my pee until I could not stand up straight, because my bladder was so overfull and distended. 

    I walked back through the woods and soon discovered one thing she didn't mention was it ran over a fast moving stream. That could be a good thing because peeing into water like that is a bonus. But I was very desperate, and the  flowing water made it worse  . Also since I came in in the direction from her house I would have to climb up a steep incline to reach the trestle, putting additional pressure on my stretched bladder.

    Suddenly my pee felt like it was going to come out and I had to squeeze my dick to keep from wetting my pants. I thought for a second to abandon my quest and just pee into the stream, because my GF would say something if I peed my pants. My need subsided a bit, so I decided to chance it, and began scrambling up the slope. I had to exert myself because of the steepness. Between that and the running water  my desperation reached the danger level again. I tried holding myself again, but nearly lost my balance.  It was impossible to climb and hold myself. I lost my first spurt, just wetting my briefs a bit. I had to stop and hold myself and stop the flow momentary. But soon another leak began despite my  clamping down with my hand. Finally I reached the top ( it actually had been no more than 2 minutes ) . But as soon as I did another big spurt occurred, this time leaking through causing a visible wet spot in my jeans.

    The train tracks were long gone leaving only the rail ties to walk on with no barrier to keep from falling. I had to walk carefully, but  quickly due to my urgent situation .My goal was to get to the middle of the span. However, my bladder and sphincter had had enough. Another  long spurt leaked through my jeans causing the front of my jeans down to the crotch to get wet.It was followed by another that I could not stop. I had to pee from right  there because I was wetting my pants. I quickly unzipped and pulled out my still peeing  uncontrollably dick . I relaxed and let go of a really long powerful stream of pee. It felt so awesome. Watching my stream descend the 20 feet or so, to the water below was incredibly satisfying.  

    While normally having a huge wet spot in  the front of my jeans extending down to the top of my thigh would not be as much of an  issue, if I could sneak home  unnoticed. This was not happening. I thought of waiting until I dried but realized the damage was too extensive. I tried pulling my shirt over it, but could not cover all of the wetness.  Upon arriving back at her home my GF looked immediately noticed my accident.  She made some kind of comment ,  about a grown man wetting his pants, but then let it drop.

    I later learned  through the grapevine a female living near the tracks saw me peeing. She was in the opposite direction  I came from and in my desperation didn't have time to notice. At least as far as I know she was unaware I had also wet myself. It was a small town and she knew who I was. We never talked about it in person.


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  2. I would never even think about licking any part of my own toilet, even right after I cleaned it.  I am the only one to use it, but even if a woman did to do so is stupid, and pointless, as well as dangerous. All types of bacteria and other germs thrive there. I might have her pee on me or sniff her freshly peed in panties but that is it.

    How can somebody lick a toilet , especially public, and still worry about covid19. Get real.

  3. I was thinking if I am stuck at home, with visitors unlikely it might be time to repeat something I did years ago. Don't use the toilet to pee all day. I wouldn't pee when I got up, and when I did it would be involentarly. I stay hydrated too. When I last did this I wet my pants 5 times that day , and I also lost control in the shower.  I did not let me pee out all day . Each time I peed it was involuntary, I did everything -pee dancing, squirming, dick squeezing -to try to hold it. Since I love the sensation of my jeans getting wet as I struggle to stop, but not so much sitting in wet pants. I would change my briefs and jeans each time. So what if I have a load of peed in clothes to wash.

    Anybody else want to try that?

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  4. Why not use this or other sites pee chat. I would be reluctant to discuss my pee fetish or my need to pee on an general social media site.  You never know if someone could make a connection. But I definitely would love to discuss live about things pee. 

  5. I have been going for long walks over the winter to lose weight. Normally I have been using a restroom or nipping into the woods for a quick pee when the urge hit. Yesterday,  I opted for a  rail- trail walkway  through the city near my home and across the river , so no woods to pee in . Due to  all area schools being closed, as well as many work sites  and shops , because of the virus , there  were many more people including young families walking  there than on a normal weekday. 

    As I reached my turn back point my need to pee was intensifying. I usually stop at the mens room before heading back. I am never one to worry about  germs  , but the constant news coverage has unnerved me somewhat. I was concerned about what I might touch in there, especially knowing some  people don't even wash their hands after peeing. So, that along with confidence in my holding abilities with this new medication convinced me to wait until I got home. By the time I returned to my car my need to pee had increased significantly. It was time I peed.  I had to pee bad.  My bladder felt heavy and full, and the pressure in my penis was increasing. It is just a 15 minute ride home - man up.

    As I drove, however my need increased rapidly. I have never peed while driving so I hoped to be ok. As I turned onto my street,  my bladder was pressing hard against my jeans, and I felt strong pressure at my pee hole, like I was about to leak. I quickly squeezed my legs together , and kept them that way until I was in front of my home . After stopping I grabbed my dick with my hand, until the wave subsided a bit. My urge to pee remained very high, only dropping a bit below it's going to come out level . It was now or never. I knew  to delay would mean peeing on my car seat.

    I stood up and as expected gravity caused pee to flow downward towards the exit . I felt like my pee was right at my pee hole pressing to get out. I couldn't hold myself yet, people were around. It got  much worse as I walked towards the door. I had to do a serious pee-pee dance as I fished out my key  ( which seemed unusually difficult & time consuming) and unlocked the door. OMG I had to pee so bad, it is going to come out. I opened the door walked through and the first leak occurred, but it would not stop there. I quickly pushed the door most of the was shut, but the leak had become a big spurt. I loosened my jeans  and tried shoving my hand into my jeans, to grab my penis directly. But the flow of urine had become a full  pressure ,steady, unstoppable stream .  A full on wetting. When urine is actually in a male's urethra squeezing  the dick not only is useless it hurts like hell. It was this sharp pain that reflexively caused me let go with my hand. I peed full force on my hand soaking my jeans crotch and down both my jeans legs, all the way to my ankles .  It was a total loss of control. I was still peeing hard as I reach the toilet unzipped and pulled my penis out. Pee splattered on the floor until I was able to aim correctly. I had emptied about 80% of my bladder in my pants, leaving little for the toilet. 

     I thought immediately after I should have jumped in the shower and just finished wetting my pants. In the rush of the moment I didn't think of that, plus any more pee would have run into my sneakers.  I hate that. I would have continued peeing as I removed them anyway.

    At the time I was disappointed at losing control like that, in no way was I planning or omo playing. I just was overconfident at the return of bladder control, and ignored my full bladder. Later I began enjoying what happened. If I hadn't I probably would not have posted this.

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  6. On 1/26/2019 at 7:29 PM, PeeFan said:

    I wasn't intending to be mean to Riley when I said that. It wasn't personal to Riley at all and given the way that Riley reacted I think she understood that. However in light of what you said I shall apologise. I'm sorry Riley.

    I wasn't trying to come off as selfish or conceited, I was simply saying what I personally prefer. Photos of things that have already been peed in and aren't being worn by the person who peed them aren't erotic to me. That's just my personal opinion. I agree with you, Lili, that no woman should feel obliged to pee in a way that I personally find arousing. Riley should only pee the way I described if she herself feels willing to do so.

    I absolutely hate having to tread on eggshells in order to not upset snowflakes who pretend to be offended on behalf of other people. Please don't get the wrong end of the stick in future, Lili. Thanks.

     I understand what you are saying . However, If I don't like a video or pix , if it is not what turns me on I don't leave a comment or rating, I just move on. I realize we all like different things. Posting about, peeing, especially pictures of a person, peeing weather nude , wetting their pants, or the aftermath after they have removed the wet clothes takes a lot of courage.

    If the post is not for you just skip over it and leave it at that.

  7. On 1/14/2020 at 10:38 AM, Riley said:

    @labialover For me, to be honest, it would kind of be a thing of trust. Like I tend to be slower than an Ice burg at letting people into my life. I let people in, but only so much. For me to kind of be ok with someone watching me pee I would have to really trust them and even then I would be probably shaking so bad and so nervous, I don't know If I could pee unless I was really desperate. Like I get nervous just getting close to someone even if I do trust them. Just kind of making that next step makes me really nervous and, I'm sorry its just complicated. I'm sorry this is probably not the answer you want to hear, and I definitely don't think I'm the majority of people, but I just have a really hard time letting people into my life. I'm sorry

    Actually I think this is natural.  This takes a whole new level of trust, beyond  just seeing you naked or having sex. You are performing a body function we were taught  is only done in private. I could be patient until you are ready to permit me to watch and hopefully  eventually help.

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  8. On 1/8/2020 at 1:43 PM, UnabashedUser said:

    As she gets set to release her flow, her urinary opening reveals itself, and poutily protrudes as it relaxes to let go. Several tiny drops first appear, then two or three very short spurts which usually are the most pungent and flavorful of the load.  And then the full force of her bladder screams out of the pee chute in full flow

    This is the hottest thing in the world to observe.

  9. I have numerous times. I hold my pee until my bladder is nice and full, so I have plenty of pressure and the longest possible pee. . I undress and lay in the tub .  I take hold of my penis and first aim it towards my face. If I have done a good hold ,the initial release will be intense enough to briefly reach the lower part. I then wave my dick in all directions getting urine on as much of my body parts as I can, from head to toe. Good times. .

    Snapshot 2 (3-12-2020 2-44 PM).png

    Snapshot 3 (3-12-2020 2-45 PM).png

  10. For the most part I much prefer the word pee over piss, because piss seems course almost  ( but not quite) vulgar. Similarly I use dick rather than cock to describe my penis.  I do use piss on occasion to keep from being redundant or if pee just sounds clumsy in the sentence. I guess I am old school. I was taught growing up that these were wrong, and some of that stuck. I literally thought fuck was a new word in 1966, the year I entered high school. Such was my young life. But that is just me speaking. I have no issue if people use piss, or using their pussy or cock to piss.

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  11. This morning I had a ultrasound done to check if my prostate is causing any urinary retention or incontinence issues.  Apparently our bladder  holds  about 25%more than what we  measure when we urinate. Even if you feel empty there is still some pee in there.

    I was to drink 1 liter of liquid one hour before my appointment. Even though I was concerned about my ability to hold it , I made it an hour and a half. I wanted to be adequately full to get it over with quickly. I was plenty full and then some by the time I got there. Unfortunately  the tec was about 40 minutes late.

    By that time my bladder was stretched and, I was getting desperate, sitting very stiffly, and starting to squirm. I was getting worried I was going to leak.

    Finally he took me in. Although he probably was not pushing very hard, it caused sharp pain in my bladder, which was rock hard. This was the worst I had to pee in a long time.

    All of this is not news if you have had a ultrasound done of your bladder or pelvic area. But this  part surprised me. He said I was doing a good job of holding it, as my bladder was very distended, appearing large on the image. He said  I was holding 975 Ml , noting that was almost a liter.

    Then it was time to pee, which I did hard, full stream for a good minute.  It went in the toilet, and was not physically measured .I Then another look to see if I was empty.

    According to the image, I voided 750ml, leaving just over 200ml inside me.  He said this was completely normal as we routinely urinate only about 66-75% of our bladders contents. The rest stays behind.  I didn't ask about how my bladder being stretched affected that. 

    So apparently for total bladder capacity is 25% more than what you measure after a hold. 

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  12. On 11/8/2019 at 12:17 AM, Riley said:

    I know this is going to be weird so just a warning im sorry. I think its really interesting to see it when the penis grows, sorry i know thats weird. Also with peeing kind of whenever but I think peeing into containers is also really fun to watch. Sorry I know im weird.

    Riley, This is not at all strange or weird, in fact it seems natural. Having a female enjoying me get hard is itself arousing. 

    If I am reading a good, descriptive pee story, I get hard without even touching it. Someone on X-tube wanted to see it, my reaction to watching her pee videos. I tried recording it, and while I  normally become erect fairly quick, here I was too self conscious of the camera pointed at my flacid , then growing dick, and I couldn't do it.

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  13. I am 67, and recently, over the last few months this has become an issue. I may feel a slight need to pee if at all. Suddenly I feel the need very urgently. Sometimes I don't make it. It is annoying. Sometimes I can hold on until the urge passes, but not for long.

    I know about prostate issues, mine is slightly enlarged, which my Dr. says is normal for my age.

    Other than that what causes urge incontinence.  I don't have a UTI.

  14. The only time I sat to pee was decades ago, because I was terribly pee shy. If the pain of my severely stretched bladder was too much , and I still could not pee normally,  I tried to sit down to get some relief from the excruciating agony. Sometimes it partly worked,letting the worst of the pressure off. However though more often I couldn't do much if anything. I still needed to pee badly, sometimes to the point that I didn't care if I peed some in my pants, that didn't happen either.

    For some reason as long as I can remember, I never have been able to fully empty my bladder sitting down. If I am sitting for #2 , I finish by standing and peeing. It is still that way. Strange. 


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  15. On 9/20/2019 at 5:23 PM, Apollon said:

    Visual effect is very important, so I prefer spread labia and good view to open or opening peehole. And it is nice to watch pussies and try to find peehole before the stream comes out, some women have more hidden peehole than most. It's maybe dirtiest when the Pisserin spreads her pussy with her fingers... One thing worth of trying are BDSM style toilet boxes. Women, do your pussy lips spread little apart when you sit on toilet seat? Anyway, they seem to do so... Then the peehole is clearly visible and woman can pee naturally, stream is strong and bladder empties well. And again, one very graphic view & a good position for woman is squatting deep, perhaps wearing high heels. Once I made a prototype of a board which was about 30 cm off ground and my gf stepped on it, took quite wide standing postion and squatted down on her high heels. View to her peehole was amazing. And when it started to open and her strong, ample, warm, bit salty stream of her piss gushed on me... Ok, I gotta wank, but God I miss her, I'm on business trip.

    THis is exactly what I love seeing. I am still intrigued about the location of her pee hole hidden among the rest of her womanhood. I have not actually found it before she pees , but have seen when it pops open releasing a long hard stream. So when a woman is peeing naked I prefer her to be standing with her pussy lips spread so I can see where it is coming out.

    With the name wettingman it stands to reason that  I prefer a long period of increasing desperation , until she can't hold it any more. The she should stand with her legs apart so I can look up at her crotch and see the wet spot begin, showing the location of her pee hole. Then she should let it go soaking her pants. 

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