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Posts posted by wettingman

  1. 1:30 PM I had to pee a bit when I powered up my computer 2.5 hours ago.  It is much more intense now . Sitting here I can feel my bladder bulging against my cotton briefs-that's all I am wearing. I am going to get up get ready for bed( I worked last night) and take a shower before I allow myself to pee.

    1:45 Standing up having a bit to eat and a big drink added much of the pressure to my penis as well as my bladder. I am still holding on without much difficulty,but my need to pee is quite urgent now.  My bladder didn't appreciate the second drink. Time for the shower test.


    I made it through my shower mostly anyway. As usual the running hot water against my body made my feel like it was pressing against my pee hole trying to escape. A minute or so in I sensed a leak starting and I grabbed myself with my  hand ( I usually don't bother in the shower). My hand was soapy so the attempt was ineffective. There was just a small leak that did nothing to lessen the pressure. A few minutes later I was washing my abdomen  putting  only slight pressure on my bladder. This usually does not bother me, but this time there was a long one second spurt, I could not stop.

    This lessened the pressure so I Could finish my shower without further loss of pee.

    So here I am back sitting  at my computer naked and the brief resperate the spurt gave me , is gone. My bladder is bulging and penis aching..

     2:20 Standing again has made it worse.  It is time to go because I am about to pee on the floor.

    2:25 always  enjoying this feeling   i am still standing here   but I can't stand still . I had to give myself a squeeze my pee puffy dick .to keep my pee inside. It feels like it is about to come out ohh my god. Ok I stopped squeezing myself. Here it comes drip drip on the floor as I type. And I am under control again but it is time for bed. I have had to pee 3.5 hours. 

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  2. Yes I very much enjoy the wonderful discomfort of a full bladder. I like it even more as my need to pee increases. I know my sphincter is at the base of my penis, and except when I am starting to pee there is no urine in my shaft itself. But, for some reason as my bladder fills the pressure in my dick also increases. I absolutely love the intense pressure at the  whole tip focusing on my pee hole, like my pee is about to come out. I maintain that sensation as long as possible.  It is similar to the feeling just before I ejaculate, without the hot tingly feeling coming provides. Instead I have the full bladder sensation. 

    I kind of feel a bit that way now, about 6/10..  

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  3.  I discovered my attraction to holding my pee as a teenager. I desperately wanted to wet my pants but it was not going to happen in my parents’ house. I had to suffice with holding a was cloth against me as I peed  in the tub.

     I became pee shy in high school, and therefore had to hold it all day, as long as 10 hours. The result was a large and too well controlled bladder. No matter how long I held it, no matter how badly I needed to pee I did not wet my pants since I was 11 or 12 and had an accident.

    It often hurt like hell and the pressure in my bladder and penis was agonizing, my pee felt like it was going to come out, but I always remained dry.

    I truly believed that it was impossible for me to have a truly accidental wetting my pants.

    This was disappointing I wanted to have a true accident. Just letting it out does nothing for me.

    So, eventually in my mid-twenties, I decided to endure the pain no matter how bad it got. It had to come out eventually, when my bladder could hold no more. I was wearing white cotton briefs and blue jeans.

    My (then) wife decided to watch a couple of movies while I held it.   I lay on floor, she on the couch. I had to pee already when the first one started.  I continued drinking plenty of water. By time the first one ended, about two hours, my bladder was screaming in burning fully distended pain. There was intense pressure throughout my penis, especially at my pee hole. It felt like it was going to come out, and likely would have if I relaxed a bit. But I did not.

    My bladder thought the end of the movie meant relief was in sight.  I had to start squeezing my dick with my hand, both to relieve the pressure a bit, so it would not hurt so much, and to keep from peeing in my jeans.

    By the end of the first hour of the second movie , I was in serious pain, my pee was pressing on my pee hole and my penis was actually throbbing with the effort to hold in a huge amount of pee. I was constantly squeezing myself with my whole hand not just the fingers. I was squirmed and with my penis between my legs squeezed them together for added leverage. My pee felt like it was going to come out any second. I had never had to pee this bad in my life. But, there was another hour to go, and I was not allowing myself to go until the show was over.

    The last hour crept by slowly; it was difficult to focus on anything but my need to pee. The movie was a distraction. I could not believe how my need to pee actually continued to increase. I had undone my jeans to relieve the pressure on my bladder.

    The pressure and pain at my pee hole was so excruciating that I didn’t think I would notice the increase signaled I was going to lose control. I was right. With 20 minutes left in the movie, I felt a tiny wet spot form in my white cotton briefs. A couple of minutes later another leak occurred causing a penny sized wet spot in my jeans. I was euphoric, because I had actually uncontrollably wet my pants, even though just a little.

     I stood up to show her what I had done, and gravity caused a big spurt to soak the front and crotch of my jeans. There was still 15 minutes left in the movie, and despite the strong urge to go, I held on. Everything, my bladder and penis from the base to the tip throbbed in pain. I stayed standing; knowing then it would cause a little leakage and a minimum of relief. I continued to hold my dick, pee dance and cross my legs. Every few minutes my tired sphincter permitted my pee to escape. Nevertheless I held on until the final scene of the film. By then one leg of my jeans was wet to my knee. I decided to try to make it through the credits too but my bladder had had enough. A slow but steady leak extended the wetness down my leg almost to the floor. I was powerless to stop it. Yea !

    I didn’t want to make a mess on the floor so my wife and I hurried to the tub. Then I let go. My dick nearly exploded. Pee gushed down both legs and poured directly from my crotch to the tub. I peed hard for over a minute.  My wife stood and watched, disbelieving how long and hard I peed. The relief was awesome. For a while afterward I had to pee frequently. I was happy and aroused.

    • Hot 3
  4. Usually when I am desperate to pee while sleeping I dream that I am endlessly hunting for a toilet. I finally find one in some out of the way place; it is old and, in poor condition, but due to my desperation I go anyway. But since I did not really pee I get no relief, and start the process all over again.

    Last night was different. I dreamt I was in bed and had to pee very badly. I was lying on my back knees up and my feet flat on the bed.  I was squeezing my dick with my hand both of which were between my legs, for added leverage.

    Then I awoke, feeling that my bladder was extremely stretched, and I actually was squeezing my dick and rapidly squirming my legs back and forth, pressing them tightly together on my hand /penis trying to hold in my pee. The “dream” was actually happening. My dick was pee swollen and the pressure at my pee hole was so intense, I knew I was about to start peeing. As much as I enjoyed that sensation, I did not want to wet the bed, something I have never done.

     I jumped up and hurried to the bathroom, squeezing myself the entire way. As soon as I entered the bathroom, I felt warm wetness on my hand, and a lite patter of pee hitting the floor. I let go as soon as I approached the toilet and had a long and powerful pee. Damn that was close.

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  5. I recently joined this site with a promise of sharing some pee stories of my ex-wife Debbie, as well as myself. This one is about me at work work.

    I peed and masturbated at work once -a very long time ago. I was newly divorced and had custody of my two young children, so wetting my pants at home was difficult at best. I was the overnight stocking manager at a grocery supermarket. Sometimes my help didn't show up so I was alone in the store for 8 hours. As I mentioned in my introduction I also enjoy peeing from heights, but finding a location to do so without, risking arrest is problematic. One night while working alone, I needed to pee shortly after arriving for work. In the back room, there was a meat cooler, which was about ten feet high. In the hall next to it there was an opening in the floor for access to a drain pit about six feet deep, where there was a filter to prevent grease from the meat packaging room from entering the septic system. Opening the pit and Climbing up on top of the cooler would give me about a sixteen-foot drop to pee off of. To have pee fun I must be very desperate. After a few hours I had to keep grabbing myself to keep from wetting my pants, but I was enjoying myself so much , the sensation of being so desperate , so exciting, I kept pushing the envelope to hold it in a little longer . My bladder was rock hard, and there was strong pressure in my penis,especially at the tip. My dick swelled  up, a sure indication  my pee is about to come out. Loving the feeling I kept struggling to hold it against the intense pressure at my pee hole.  Eventually I started to leak a bit into my briefs, a thrill I had not experienced in a while,so I kept on trying to hold back the pee flow. It became increasingly difficult to do my work, between concentrating on holding my pee and the need to frequently grab my dick to keep my pee from coming out. I continued to leak pee every few minutes, eventually wetting my briefs, and beginning to wet my jeans. I told myself , try to hold it just a few minutes more, which I did ,but the uncontrolled spurts of pee were becoming bigger , despite my constantly holding myself. Eventually the front of my jeans and part of my crotch were wet, and I decided it was time to go, because I was concerned if I wet my pants much more they either would not dry in time or would smell. Therefore I climbed up on top of the meat cooler , whipped out my pee swollen and leaking dick and peed long and hard over the edge into the sub -floor drain, about a sixteen foot drop. Having just completed two of my favorite pee activities, holding my pee until I couldn’t stop the flow and wetting my pants and peeing from a height I was very aroused , so I went into the men’s room and began rubbing my dick the feeling was sensational. I kept jerking off to a spectacular orgasm dropping my load into the toilet. Those were Fun times that still get me hard telling it after all these years.



  6. My first feel the need to pee 250ML. I feel real fullness in bladder and pressure in my penis at around 500ML. I think this is the average human capacity. By 800ml I am very uncomfortable in both places, And starting to squirm. The urge to pee at my pee hole is strong.
     By 1 liter I am getting desperate. I need to hold my penis some as I start feeling like I might leak.
     I have measured my output when I could not hold it anymore and started to leak, Several times and it was 1.25 liters. I bested that once because my son was here when I was holding. If I stood up I either would wet my pants or have to hold myself in front of him. I was sitting at my desk so he could not see what I was doing beneath it. I was holding myself almost constantly. It was extremely painful, and I don’t plan to do it again but I held my record of 1.35 liters

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  7. Just now, spywareonya said:

    Sounds like it was great...


    If fictional stories are something you like, allow me to tell you that our dedicated section around here is great!!!

    Fictional stories can be fun, but I prefer genuine , true, nice long richly detailed, preferably first person female stories. True stories are more realistic, and are what get me aroused.

    Back in the nineties there was little else available, so I pretended they were true.

    • Haha 1
  8. The first pee related site I discovered way back in the late 90's , the now long defunct Thomas' Water Resources Site. He proposed a scenario and members competed in a contest writing a story fitting his setting. They were mostly  amateurs , but there were some excellent and arousing tales there. Unfortunately he could not make it work financially , and attempted to sell , then offered to give away his website, but there were no takers. Eventually the British based site went dark.   

     It was a shame, There was very little pee content on the internet back then.

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