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Posts posted by wettingman

  1. I have done this many times. I enjoy playing in my stream when I pee in the tub, so I don't have to worry about splatter. Sometimes I do it standing, with my hand as far down below my penis as possible.   Wanting to feel a harder stream I have experimented semi- squatting  so I can reach my hand to the tub floor. I discovered that gravity causes a significantly harder stream on my hand this way.

    I have had my now ex-wife pee on my hand many times. In fact this was my first experience of pee play with her.

     Right now -My  bladder is starting to hurt nicely.

  2. All of my life, including as a kid. I have wondered and fascinated about the location of a woman's pee hole, since it is a bit mysterious and hidden up there with the rest of her lady bits.

    My now ex-wife permitted me to look up close as she stood and peed. She had waited until she was very desperate, so she had a strong stream. She spread  both her labias as wide as possible. I swear I saw her pee hole clearly pop open twice  that wonderful night, splattering pee in my face.

    But, having watched hundreds of  close up videos of females peeing I have been unable to reproduce that image. Perhaps the camera or my computer's resolution is not high enough. The urethra actually does not open that much. I have realized this watching myself pee.

    I have enjoyed watching videos with close up crotch shots as a female wets her panties or tight jeans, using the first tiny wet spot as her pee hole location. But,  her pee may not be coming out directly as has been noted above 

    FW this video from the same site you used showes it a little clearer.


    In the mean time I keep looking for videos of crotch shots of woman peeing with their lips spread. It never gets old.

     I imagine someone licking her pussy can be distracting when a woman tries to pee. Try to let her start peeing first.

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  3. I agree with Dr.P  .I also had a bad experience admitting pee holding turned me on, and I was sleeping with her.On the other hand my girlfriend , who became my wife ( now ex- wife) indulged me, allowing me to watch her pee , and put my hand in her stream.  Although she  said it did not arouse her she accommodated me with stories about times she was desperate  and/or wet her pants. She also held until her pants for me.

    The point is , you should only ask a girl  to let you watch her pee  if you have been intimate with, and then very carefully , as this is a delicate matter.

    I would hint or skirt around the topic first. Perhaps when she says she is going pee, ask her if you can watch. That is what I did.

    I hope this doesn't dissuade you from asking a special woman, when the time seems right. I wish you the very best of luck, and hope it works out for you. 

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  4. What is the worst you remember needing to pee? I will start.

    A couple of years ago, I had my worst ever need to pee, it really felt like I was going to pee in my pants. I was doing a long hold, until I started to leak.  I had to pee badly for at least three hours. I wanted to measure, what I held.

    I was at the point where I had undone my jeans to make more room for my agonizingly full bladder to expand a bit more. My penis ached with pressure to pee. I was squirming and holding myself constantly, to keep my pee inside for a bit longer adding to my total a bit more.

    Eventually I felt pee pressing against my pee hole, and it was going to come out any moment. I was actually moaning with desperation, I had only a couple of minutes before my pee forced its way past my sphincter and out my pee hole. I was about the rush to the bathroom, when the front door opened and my son walked in. He went to his old room (he no longer lived with me) to get somethings. He went back and forth several times.

    I could not get up to pee now because he was walking near me. I knew I could not walk straight up because of my seriously distended bladder. With pee pressing against my pee hole I could not run past him to the bathroom, without holding myself and /or wetting my pants.

    So, I kept my legs under my desk where I could grasp myself tightly with my whole hand while fanning my legs back and forth, desperately hoping I would not wet my pants. My pee constantly felt like it was going to come out.  I hoped he would leave quickly, but he stayed for at least a half hour to forty minutes.  It was only fear of embarrassing myself that gave me the ability to keep holding. That only helped so long .There were a few times, that I was about to dash down the hall to limit the damage, as I could not keep from wetting my pants any longer. Although, I had held my pee until I was in serious pain, especially through my mid to late teens, through my twenties, because I could not go in front of people due to pee shyness. But nothing hurt like this.  On one hand I almost hoped I would leak a bit to ease the pain but I knew the wet spot would quickly be visible before I regained control. So I continued holding. I kept willing him to please leave so I could relieve myself. Just before he finally left, I actually stood up to go, before I peed myself. Then he walked into the room where I was. I quickly sat down, but the pain was excruciating. I only turned my head a bit to talk to him hoping he didn’t notice my hand’s vice grip on my penis, under my desk. I  didn’t dare to remove it because this was not going to be a spurt , it would be a full wetting .I could not hide the pained expression on my face, that may have said to him, your dad is about to wet himself.

    Finally he left and I rushed to the bathroom and retrieved my measuring bottle. I started leaking getting my briefs and jeans wet in front down to my crotch. I was still peeing slowly as I unzipped and freed myself from my pants. Pee splattered on the floor as I pushed my penis in the top of the bottle. I let go, and my pee gushed out of me long and hard. To that point the most I had ever measured when I was at my limit was 1.25 liters. This exceeded that as I released 1.35 liters, plus what I leaked in my pants and floor, my most ever.

    I was concerned that I had hurt myself because there was a little blood in my urine.  I then had to pee desperately every half hour, including through the night and I got little sleep. Each time I urinated there was some red that faded to pink in my pee. Eventually it cleared up. I think I had stretched my bladder so much I burst a blood vessel. I will never do that again.

     This took a while to write and I seriously need to pee. I need to hold myself and squirm when my pee feels like it is going to come out.

  5. On 9/5/2019 at 6:38 PM, Admin said:

    ... You hear a conversation in public where someone mentions needing a wee and immediately perk up and listen. 

    THis is definitely is me, I always pay attention if a female says she has to pee or shows signs of being desperate


    On 9/5/2019 at 6:45 PM, Pissdrinker said:

    ...’holding’ and ‘desperate’ are trigger words

    Absolutely ,. 

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  6. Well I guess it was less embarrassing than admitting you were the one who had an accident. Kids are expected to have accidents, especially those still in nursery school. 

    There is no need to cut a long story short, many people myself included love long detailed stories of desperation and wetting.

    Did your kids notice your desperation?  Are they old enough to figure out mom had an accident.

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  7. The first time I remember being somehow excited and interested a girl desperate to pee I was 6 ( I knew nothing about sex yet) . She was a year younger than me, and lived next door. We were playing in her sand box. She began squirming, fanning her legs and holding herself . She said she had to pee really bad and would be right back. Somehow, I was enjoying her desperation , and convinced her to wait. As she got closer to wetting her pants, and kept saying she needed to go, I got more interested. I convinced her to hold it until lunchtime -about 15 minutes. Eventually , she stopped playing, and was just dancing around, holding her self with both hands. I didn't understand why I wanted to see her struggle , then pee in her pants. But it was now lunch time and she rushed towards her house holding herself. Unfortunately, I didn't see the end result, but she wet her pants on the way into the house. I was happy, her mother was not. She couldn't come out to play the rest of the day. 

     My interest in desperation and peeing remained a constant , but It was not until I reached puberty that I equated it with something sexual. 

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  8. This happened late this morning. 

    I last peed when I got up at 7AM -Eastern USA.

    9:00AM    Dang , I am doing it again. I booted up the computer because I needed to check a couple of  important things non-pee. 

      11:00 AM I had to pee at the time, but figured I would be quick. This was 2 hours ago.

    I am still on line d have become desperate. My bladder feels like it is going to explode. Pee is pressing at my pee hole constantly, with  frequent waves of feeling like it is going to come out. The period between waves is growing shorter. I have experienced three as I type this, including right now. I am resisting using my hand, but have my legs squeezed together on my penis, almost constantly.  Iam  squeezing tighter when I think my pee is about to come out. 

     Ok I just needed to use my hand to keep from wetting myself. God I have to pee so bad . 

    2 minute later update My entire penis is experiencing  continuous very strong  pressure My legs are no longer enough to hold it in , during a strong wave for that I need to part my legs enough to get my hand on my penis. I am going to wet my pants if I don't go soon.

    11:30 AM I had to get on with my day so I stood up,and went into the bathroom. I leaked just a drop or two in my pants on the way. Not wanting a mess I measured. I overfilled my 1 liter container, some pee overflowed onto the floor before I could get the flow stopped. Since the cup is completely full, above the one  liter line plus what spilled on the floor, I estimate  1.1 liters or so close to my involuntary lose control average of 1.25 liters. He is a pix of my cup of pee I just released.584833027_1bladderofmypeethumbnail.thumb.jpg.e46c1adb6136c92a43f40ee364c7237a.jpg

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  9. 14 hours ago, Riley said:

    I can feel my pee trying to force it's way out of my urethra. It's like this pushing sensation against the exit of my urethra and my lips

    These are  the hottest statements in any language. I really enjoyed your live as it happens updates, and vivid descriptions of where you feel the pee pressure and what you are doing to hold it. Now I am aroused.

    The pushing force against the inside of my vulva is so strong now

    I just lost control and jumped out of bed but didn't have time to make it to the toilet so just squatted next to my bed and peed

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  10. An hour later : I need lunch Plus a 1 liter of Iced tea. If I stand up I think I will start leaking on the floor. I don't think I can stand up straight.
    Ok I am going to stand wish me luck?
    Well i did it without leaking . I made it through lunch too .
    Oh god I have to pee badly, but I have things to do so, I am just going to go. My bladder feels like it is going to explode.  There are more frequent waves of pressure at my pee hole. 


    I made it to the bathroom without leaking. I had to get dressed to go out, so I measured my output. I produced just under 1 liter, just about where I get desperate. I feel five pounds lighter.


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  11. I enjoy your posts here.

    So your not the only one, here is my current situation. I last peed at 6:45 AM Eastern USA time 6 hours ago. I has .8 0z glasses of orange juice and 3 large mugs of tea

    I have had to pee since 11:00AM It became needing to pee badly an hour ago. My bladder is seriously stretched and going from very uncomfortable, to painful. There is strong pressure in my penis. Starting around 12 noon, I have been getting strong waves at my pee hole like it is going to come out. My need to pee has become distracting .

    I want to get up and make lunch and 1 liter of ice tea. However if I stand up , within a minute I will be leaking pee on the floor. I never got dressed this morning so I am still naked.

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  12. I love unstaged, in other words  without an actress videos. Deliberate holding, until you can't is great. My point being it must be 100%  genuine. 

    The hottest videos contain long periods of true desperation. They can be edited , with amount of time jump indicated. 

    My favorite types of stories or videos are long highly descriptive vocalizations of how the need is building,   what she is feeling and where, and what is being done to hold  it.

    I like to see pee dancing and using her hand to hold her pee.

    I want to see it from the front, with the camera below her pointed up at her crotch, so I can see the first leak occur. 

    Once more for emphasis it must be real, and without loud or  fake sounding  cries of desperation.

    And finally I need to see the pee coming out because she truly can't stop it.  This will result in a nice long pee, hopefully with some hissing. "desperation"followed by a few seconds of pee and a tiny wet spot is a turnoff.

  13. Although you make great points, I am always disappointed in poor camera work, especially if  it   planned  is shot by a second person, there is a couple of valid reasons for it. Like it is truly a desperate, my pee is about to come out situation situation, recorded on impulse.  I know the disappointment in making a video of myself, and not having enough light or aiming correctly. I always pre- plan my pee videos , to ensure the lighting and camera angle is correct, then hold until I can't.

    As far as being "too close ", I really , really love seeing her pee hole pop open, which is difficult in a woman. I say seeing her whole pussy, and a bit of thigh is good. I prefer the camera being below her aimed up at her crotch.

    Peeing on the toilet is what we all usually do of necessity, there is no fun in that!

    But , we all like different things, so variety is great to please everyone. To each their own. If I don't like a video, I don't watch it again, and if the person always does it I don't watch them anymore.  

  14. I absolutly totally agree, fake desperation is annoying. Some are terriable actors, exagerated, over loud and fake, I hate this.

    Just as bad are people who act well ,so it seems real, but when the let go, it lasts all of five seconds. I feel betrayed for wasting my time.

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  15. 21 hours ago, Riley said:

    hen I saw something really cool. There was a smallish cliff with a rock that went over the ledge and I couldn't miss the opportunity. I walked over to the ledge and intentionally let a small spurt out into my panties before pulling down my pants. Crouching down so my slit was facing outwards through my legs and then let go. I watched as my stream flew off the edge of the cliff and a loud hissing sound filled the air. A small puddle was forming under me from the pee that got stopped by my labia and was being dripped down. I felt a wave of relief wash over me as I saw the sight in front of me but slowly my stream receded and then stopped entirely.

    I have always wanted to pee off a high cliff, but have not found the opportunity. You make it sound hot .

  16. Last summer, as I have not been in the woods since .  Although, I can't hold it any longer ,It is usually not an  true "emergency" though, but because I can . I am a nudest, and take frequent walks through the woods alone.Sometimes, I do this while my bladder is bursting, and I feel like my pee is going to come out any second. On occasion, when it starts coming out on it's own, I just keep walking, like nothing is happening. I leak and spurt while walking , eventually , letting go , peeing as I walk.

    Two notes :1)   I never , ever do this in common areas that people frequent, nor in front of people. This is as taboo there as anywhere else.

    2) Don't do this while clothed. I tried it once, and got pee all over the outside of my pants.


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  17. I don't imagine you are  still holding it three hours later. What happened? Your descriptive posts are very hot, especiality the way you describe what you feel and where and what you are doing to hold it..

    I very much enjoyed your live reporting of your challenge.

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  18. 19 hours ago, Riley said:


    I peed a little over 1 1/3 meter😜 I'm pretty sure I could do better since I was really desperate at this point and was just enjoying the feeling of finally letting go but I think I did ok?😂🤷‍♀️

    That is outstanding , Riley. I have peed outdoors for distance, never actually measured, but I doubt I could surpass that !

    You seemed quite desperate to me.

    I know female plumbing is different than mine. But if I hold my pee until I am bladder busting, fully distended extremely painfully full  , I mean everything down there hurts , my stream is actually weaker, especially at the beginning, than if I am just desperate. In fact in my younger years, when I had to hold it all day it was frequently difficult to start. This is because our bulging over full bladder can be pushing on our longer urethra , at least partly blocking the flow. I don't know how this relates to a female , with a short straight run .

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  19. I guessed one meter . Wouldn't your stream go further if you were standing up a, arched slightly back , and fully spread your lips?

    I also have a request. I am a huge fan of your highly   descriptive stories of desperation and peeing . They have aroused me numerous times. 

    Anyway , I have a suggestion . I LOVE female desperation, and struggling to hold on an overfull bladder.  I personally enjoy doing this myself, most recently I posted it here. It is actually rather tame , but I love it.


    .It is done completely in private in your home. You need a little prior preparation though. Don't do the dishes for a few days, so you have a good stack of them. Get  really desperate however you wish, the fuller your bladder the better. When you are can't sit/stand still desperate , fill the sink with warm water, and do the dishes by hand. Anything you need to do to keep your pee inside, pee dancing, legs together or tightly crossed, even holding yourself with your hand is fine. It means you have to pee very badly, but are doing everything possible to hold it in. Please   post updates what you are feeling and where and what you are doing to hold it, like you always do. Also let us know of any leaks. This is very sexy.

    Then the difficult part . Get undressed and into the tub a nice long warm shower.. Again, do whatever you deem necessary  to keep from peeing . If you leak or spurt- likely- keep trying to stop peeing. Please let us know how it went, and how much was left in your bladder when you finish.

    If you have anything left when you are done, you could practice for the challenge above. If possible move to  the back of the tub. Spread your lips and try to hit the front wall.

    Full disclosure, I can only do that if I am very full, and just with the initial hard force stream.

  20. On 4/3/2019 at 4:36 PM, Riley said:

    I definitely feel the need to go. there's a pushing sensation from my bladder to the inside of my slit trying to just push a little pee out xD

    I have not been here for a bit. From last Wednesday's  hold:

    Wow ! definitely one of the hottest series of desperation that I have read in awhile. 

    Riley, This is one of the sexiest sentences in the English language.!

    I also really enjoyed this:


    I woke up this morning and I really had to pee. I was already leaking and instantly had to press my hands against my slit to hold it. I rolled out of bed and felt another spurt jet into my panties. I slowly staggered over to the bathroom and felt my control slipping as I continued to leak. As I got to the toilet I felt my bladder explode and while peeing I tore off my pajamas and sat down on the toilet. I still got most of it in the toilet so, successful?

    I have one question , How did the road trip with 4 people go?

    It is great to see you are still pushing yourself to the edge and beyond today.

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  21.                          Today’s Long Pee Hold

    Today started like any other. I got up at 8:30 AM, peed had breakfast including two mugs of tea and orange juice.  I booted up my computer checked e-mail, paid bills etc.etc..

    Before I knew it was 12:30 PM, by this time my bladder felt sort of full, I needed to pee. But now business out of the way it was playtime, so I opened omorashi.com. I had not planned to hold my pee today, but here I was enjoying reading posts and responding .As always in this situation I was not going to pee.

    Another three hours slipped by.  I had not gotten out of my chair since I  sat down , so I had nothing to drink since breakfast, but I had not peed either .By this time my bladder was starting to bulge and feel very uncomfortable , but I didn’t yet feel it anywhere else. This is less than I expect after not peeing for seven hours.

    By 4:00PM I felt the first wave of desperation, and I started to squirm and grab myself until it passed. I decided then I was doing a hold until I couldn't.

    A half hour later the waves of needing to pee became more intense and frequent. I could really feel the pressure building in penis. I got off the computer after eight hours.

    To make things more difficult, I decided to do the two days of dishes in the sink. Having sat for eight hours the shift in gravity upon standing, and putting my hands in very warm water, quickly made my need to pee extreme. My bladder was starting to hurt and my entire penis constantly felt full of pee. Whenever the pressure at my pee hole felt like my pee was about to come out, I either grabbed with my hand or squeezed my penis between my legs. Near the end of my task, this was almost constantly. I enjoyed the sensation that I was about to pee myself, but I remained dry.

    My intention was to pee in the shower, but I thought I still could hold some more. I wanted to do some reading, so I got undressed and laid down on my back on my bed, for over an hour.

    At first all went well but by 6:00PM I was experiencing one wave of desperation quickly followed by another. I was holding myself almost constantly. There was strong pressure at the base of my penis to the tip. It was pee swollen as well. As each wave passed the pressure at my pee hole grew more intense, and, as it passed the pressure settled higher than the previous one. I wanted to finish the chapter now before giving in. It was difficult to focus on my book, constantly holding myself, pee about to come out. I love that feeling; hold on just a few more pages.

    However my bladder had different ideas. The first leak came around 6:25, 9 hours since I last peed. I experienced several leaks in the next 5 minutes. I peed on my hand, and a bigger leak landed on my thigh and ran onto my bed. I could feel the wet spot in the sheet, and not wanting to get the bed wet, knowing I had pushed it as far as I could; I got up and went into the bathroom. I expected to lose it as I adjusted the water, but I only leaked a little. I began showering, somehow maintaining control, except for a few minor leaks. As I washed my body, I paid particular attention to my bladder area. It felt rock hard, and very full. I gave it a gentle push, which hurt, and I experienced my biggest leak yet. I gave it another gentle push, and my pee exploded from my penis. I peed hard for a good 10-15 seconds, much longer than my average leak or spurt, and I thought I was losing it entirely but with the pressure eased I stopped peeing.

    I still had to pee very badly though. Nevertheless, I maintained control until near the end of my shower. My bladder knows when I hold through the shower I permit myself to empty it in the tub. Suddenly the desperation was back. I tried to hold on, but after the next leak, I just let go. I experienced a very long gratifying pee.

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