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Posts posted by wettingman

  1.   I really love long desperation By far my favorite part of peeing is  a female gradually increasing desperation, finally ending in pee dancing , legs crossed, and crotch grabbing. She should in a natural voice  ( not fake or overly loud ) talk about her increasing need to pee, until she announces she can't hold it any longer.. Then I hope she  removes her hand from her pussy , and stands with her legs apart, while still struggling with her sphincter to hold it in. What I am looking for is the first involuntary leak indicating where her pee hole is. Soon she can't help but soak her pants..

    I really don't want to watch her just let it out. The most important part is the desperation leading up to the wetting.

    For even more fun I hope a female gets as much pleasure watching me desperate until I wet my pants.  It is up to her what I do to hold it, but I don't want to let my pee flow , rather it comes out because I can't hold it anymore.

    On 1/23/2019 at 1:51 PM, UnabashedUser said:

    As she gets set to release her flow, her urinary opening reveals itself, and poutily protrudes as it relaxes to let go. Several tiny drops first appear, then two or three very short spurts which usually are the most pungent and flavorful of the load. And then the full force of her bladder screams out of the pee chute in full flow -- if the lips retract slightly to interfere, it breaks into a fan shaped stream, and several smaller streams run down either her legs or asscrack, hissing mightily as they descend.

     This is a close second . I too am obsessed with a woman's pussy, especially when she is about to pee.  I want to see where the pee comes out. I also love watching any movement of her muscles as each wave of desperation hits and she struggles to stop pee from escaping. I want to look up very closely while she spreads her lips as her pee hole opens to reveal her pee hole.

    In real life I have only seen the actual pee hole itself open once, by my ex-wife. With men the place our pee come out is obvious ( I am circumcised)  . But with females the exact location is hidden up there with her other lady bits. I have seen where the pee comes out in videos countless times, but perhaps they lack enough resolution to show the actual hole it self.

    With my ex-wife she held her pee all day, and said she was about to wet herself while I was coming home from work. So was about to pee desperate and  naked, when I  arrived home. She stood over the toilet , spread her lips and I actually saw the pee hole itself pop open.  I was so close her stream struck me right in the eye, I had no problem with that and encouraged her to continue.

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  2. I love the site of a desperate female ( although not to her embarrassment) I don't know why but my feeling that I am about to pee is in some ways similar the about to ejaculate . The discomfort/pain replaced by hot tingly excitement, but the pressure at the tip of my penis is the same . I hope what I am trying to explain makes sense. 

    I also have always been fascinated by where the female's pee comes from. With males is is openly obvious, but women it originates somewhere up there among her other lady bits , her pee hole out of sight, unless she explicitly shows you. Even then the actual opening is often hard to see.

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  3. I prefer a very light yellow so it looks like pee and not just water. I agree dark urine  is unpleasant since  smells strong because the person is dehydrated. Some people do this intentionally to go for extended -like 24 hour- holds, which is unhealthy.

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  4. When I was about 6 , I remember being somehow excited and very interested by the girl  from next door, a year younger than me, being desperate squirming and holding herself. We were playing in the sandbox. She said she had to go to the bathroom. But, I was so enjoying it I convinced her to hold it until we would be called in for lunch, in about 15 minutes. She was obviously worried she would not make it,but complied. Although I did not see it, she wet her pants on the way into the house. I was thrilled, he mother was not. 

    I also remember being in fourth grade and being very interested when two girls - on separate occasions-  wet their pants in class. We were in Catholic School , our breaks were limited and asking to go was a big hassle. I was very desperate on occasions myself.

    At this time I knew nothing about  about sex. I just found girls having to pee exciting in a way I did not understand. I liked watching desperation or talking about it when I could. Occasionally, i would ask people about it.

    Fast forward to I hit puberty at 12 or 13 ish. I was laying in bed face down thinking about one such scenario , when I got an erection. I moved slightly, and jolts of electric pleasure, the likes of which I had never enjoyed shot through my body. I did not know what was happening, just that it felt incredible. So , I deliberately moved around a bit more. Amazingly it felt even better. I continued rubbing myself against the bed, and quickly,and very suddenly , I felt like I was going to pee the bed. I had just gone before lying down, and did not feel like I needed to go seconds ago. In a panic I started to get up, but it was way to late. Of course  what came out was thick and sticky, not pee.

    Until that point only pee came out of my penis, and to my knowledge that was all it was for. I was raised in a very strict Catholic  home , and had not yet had the talk, with my father, and the topic of sex, or the reason boys or girls were different was never discussed.

    In any event, the connection of being desperate to pee and the sensation of being about to ejaculate was made, and the connection to sexual arousal, was permanently etched in my brain.

    It took some time for me to fully understand it, and why my ears perked up at a girl saying she needed. to pee, and why I was aroused at seeing my girlfriend very desperate.

    I thought it was just me for many years, because this was way before the internet was even a thought.

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  5. Riley Does what you said about both functions being controlled by the same muscle apply to males as well ?  

     This may not work for all. Not to be indelicate my bowel movements tend to be a bit loose, especially if I have been holding my pee to the point of desperation. A distended bladder can press upon the intestines, in my case anyway making the need to do the other thing unavoidable 

    So, I do this. I leave my penis on the toilet seat, not into the bowl, indicating to my bladder it is not ok to pee. I just let the bowel movement happen, I do not push at all.

    I may lose a few drops of pee, and need to hold myself a bit to keep from leaking on the floor. For the most part it works , however, without having a hold ruined by a need to defecate.

    This may not work for females for the reason Riley mentioned and you obviously can't place your pee hole outside the toilet. 

    I definitely recommend you do not plug the hole with anything. You risk real damage trying to artificially override nature.  

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  6. 2:30 update edit Well that did not take long as I would expect. I almost leaked running the water into the sink. I only got a few dishes done, because I could not stand still. Without my hand assisting my pee constantly felt like it was going to come out. Unable to accomplish either thing I was trying to , I stood still and tried to wash dishes. The pressure on my pee hole steadily and  quickly increased .My penis swelled like it does just before I pee. I stopped doing dishes and clamped down with my sphincter with all my strength. But it was no use. I started to leak. Usually I get it under control after the initial pressure is released. I just continued slowly leaking. I thought for a few seconds I had stopped peeing , that what I felt was just to pressure of needing to go badly. But the warm wetness continuing to spread down my legs , as well as the constant drip from my crotch to the floor said otherwise. I had not let go so the stream was weak as I attempted not to continue wetting my pants. When my bladder was about half empty I stopped going. But by this time my jeans were soaked from just below my waist to the floor, so I just let the rest of it go.  I made a nice big puddle of urine on the floor. 

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  7. I last peed when I got up this morning around 7:30 AM Eastern USA. With My  2  big mugs of morning tea in me I have had to pee since 10 AM  almost 3 hours.

    My bulging bladder is pressing against my light blue jeans. There is considerable pressure in my penis, especially at my pee hole as well. 

    I just guzzled a half liter of iced tea to add to the volume my bladder must contain.  I occasionally need   to squeeze my dick with my hand to keep my pants dry.

    2.15 update  edit  Time to advance things with a do the dishes challenge squirming permitted but no hands.

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  8. 6 hours ago, Alfresco said:

    It varies.  I often leave my foreskin rolled back all day anyway, so when I pee there doesn't seem to be any point of putting it in the way.  However, sometimes I have my foreskin in place during the day - if that is the case then I don't usually roll it back to pee. 

    Being circumcised at birth I have no experience with this but now I am just curious. If you pee with your foreskin in place does a tiny amount of urine stay behind or your skin underneath stay damp, causing irritation, similar to a female that does not wipe.  

  9. I think what sexmad is asking for is a vivid description of what it feels like as a female pee is about to come out,  including how it feels at your pee hole and the sensations as it flows across your lady bits. I have always been highly curious about this as well. I also enjoy hearing how it feels and where as your desperation increases.

    Of course males are different and our pee has longer to travel on the way out, but once urine reaches out pee hole ( I am circumsized) it is unimpeded.

    However, I will try to describe the sensation. As with women the need to pee starts in the bladder. For me however,the need moves next to the tip of my penis. I know the sphincter is at the base, but it feels like pee is pressing at my pee hole, even though it is not really there. I feel it there right now, my bladder feels very full.

    Anyway, when I am about to go I can actually feel urine flowing down my penis bot internally, and externally, for a split second before it comes out.  There is a quick feeling of strong pressure at my pee hole just as it begins to flow.  If I have held it a long time and am really overfull  ocasionally I feel my pee hole streatch as my urine rushes out relieving the pent up pressure . I continue to feel it flowing through the opening as I urinate. Externally, I feel the flow with my fingers that I am using to aim myself.  Externally, I feel it that way until I am finished urinating- think of how your fingers feel liquid you are sucking through a straw. Internally quite not as much, but my penis does swell a bit as my urethra expands a hair to allow the pee to flow.

    I came back  over an hour later to add some thoughts I forgot. I still have not peed and being desperate reminded me of what I missed. Sitting here I know I have to go badly, but standing up doing chores as an excuse not to go, I have to hold myself from time to time when there is strong pressure at my pee hole.I am close to doing that sitting here now.


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  10. I would first do option 2, ask her to hold it, if just to hear her say how badly she needed to pee, to hear those magic words, "I can't hold it much longer". If we were just colleagues , and casual friends, I would be a gentleman and look for a rest stop or exit. I would not deliberately slow but I would not rush either  ( safety first). 

    I have no desire to hurt , offend ,or embarrass  anyone. But, If we were close enough that I knew her reaction would not be too adverse, I would stick with asking her to hold it and enjoy the show of her struggling to hold it.

    This is not just  hypothetical. I asked my now ex-wife numerous times to hold it. She would protest she was going to wet her pants, and the car seat- vinyl in those days- but she knew  of my fetish, and never became angry. She just complained about how it hurt and was going to come out. For the record she squirmed,  crossed or squeezed her legs together,  but never wet her pants in the car. The most that happened  after a car hold, is a leak before she reached the toilet.

  11. This is my life long unfulfilled fantasy. Although parts of this has happened the best part – the fantasy - has occurred only in my mind.
    Mine involves my girlfriend coming home after a long day, during which she was unable to pee, and therefore needs to go badly. She is wearing tight light colored blue jeans and bikini panties and a top. I ask her if she can hold it a bit for me. At first she protests, saying she has to pee so badly it hurts, that she has not gone since getting ready for work that morning, but knowing about my fetish she agrees. . Remembering that I love hearing the details of how it feels to be holding it she tells me that her bladder has been stretched tight for a couple of hours. She has had to pee since noon; it is now 5PM. Her pussy feels full of pee as well. On the ride home partially anticipating relief the pressure at her pee hole increased significantly. She lifts her shirt and lowers her jeans a bit to show me her bulging bladder.
    .We prepares dinner together, which will take about a half hour, during which she needs to cross her legs tightly frequently. About 10 minutes pass and, as we proceed she has to run some water. She has to bend over with her legs tightly crossed and squeezed together, pushing off against the sink with her hands, for leverage. With a sharp intake of breath she says her pee feels like it is going to come out. The wave passes and she somewhat regains control, but her need to pee stays worse than it had been.
    Within another 5 minutes, she begins stopping what she is doing to hold her pussy with her hand every few minutes. At this point I am not a lot of help in our task, as my attention is focused on her. While admiring her bulging bladder, holding a days’ worth of urine, I am watching her crotch for any sign of a leak, and of course her squirming, desperate attempts to keep from wetting her pants. She admonishes me to help, because we need to hurry up, as she can’t hold it much longer.
    I notice she has undone the button of her pants to relieve pressure on her bladder. She tells me the pressure at her pee hole is extremely intense, so strong she may only notice if her pee starts coming out when her panties start getting wet. 
    We are almost done, but her progress has slowed because she is working one handed, the other is relentlessly holding herself tightly between her legs, which are tightly crossed. She is doing a continuous pee-pee dance and curtseying, desperately trying to prolong what she knows is turning me on. She keeps telling me how badly she has to pee, and that it is about to come out any second, because she can’t hold it any longer.
    Dinner is ready, and I can tell by the look on her face that she seriously wanted to let go. But her eyes travel down to my crotch and she sees, not for the first time, the huge bulge in my pants caused by the full erection, this activity has created. She smiles appreciatively, saying, “I surely can’t hold it through dinner but I will try for you”. As she sits down her hands moves enough momentarily that I get a quick glimpse of her crotch, which amazingly is still dry. I imagine all the pent up urine in there and how it feels to be holding it.
    We begin eating but she is more focused on not peeing and I am on watching her. She is constantly moving, fanning her legs back and forth, crossing her legs and bouncing them up and down, all the while one hand is buried between her legs. Suddenly, she drops her fork and quickly holds herself with both hands. She squeezes her eyes shut with effort and says, “No, no, no it’s coming out.”
    I watch intently for the accident, but she regains control. She says her panties are wet a little in the crotch, but a check of her jeans show no pee has leaked through yet. 
    We are nearly finished eating, but she is thirsty. Believing correctly that any drinking would be her undoing she has put it off. But now she drinks, and after a couple of swallows she quickly puts down the glass and thrusts both hands between her legs. She is pressing so hard against her pee hole, she is groaning with the effort. She feels the wetness against her hand as she begins leaking uncontrollably, and after a few seconds she stands and walks over to me. 
    I see a small wet spot in her crotch. Pee dancing like her life depended on it she tells me to move my chair away from the table. I instantly understood that she was about to fulfill my ultimate fantasy.
    Pressed my legs apart and she straddled one of them up near my crotch. She sat down with her pussy against my thigh. She tried holding on for a bit longer, but when the next wave caused a big spurt to escape through her jeans she sighed pleasantly and let go. Only 2 layers of fabric separated my leg and her pee hole. I could feel her pee stream jetting hard and hot, directly through her pants and mine onto my leg and erect penis. Having held it all day she peed for a long time. I was so aroused I literally nearly came in my pants as her hot pee washed over me, onto the chair, and splattered to the floor.
    I sat there ecstatic with both our pants soaked with pee. My life long unfulfilled fantasy fulfilled. The sex that followed was amazing. 

    I just got hard writing this.

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  12. A Road Trip Needing to Pee

     I don’t normally leave the house needing to pee , However ,I several years ago when I did.

    I wanted to go for a drive to look at the beautiful fall foliage that is prevalent here in New York’s Hudson Valley. I also wanted to have some pee fun after dark that evening (about 7 PM). The route I planned would take about 2 hours. It was about 2:30 PM, and I needed to pee but not desperately. I was concerned that if I peed then I would not be desperate around 7PM. For a wetting to be fun it must be preceded by desperation, the wetting only because I could not stop my pee from coming out. So, I decided to combine the two and challenge myself as well.

    I set out and after I had driven most of the way, two hours later my need to pee had increased, my bladder felt quite full but I was not desperate. I was caught up in the challenge and decided to up the ante by walking up a huge hill for a nice overview of the valley. That increase my need significantly but I was still ok.

    Arriving home about 5PM, as I was entering my home, when my playing around caught up to me. I felt like I was going to pee my pants. I grabbed myself tightly with my hand, but to no avail, I started leaking. I struggled to bring my bladder under control, I did not want to lose control now, and I wanted to save my pee for 7PM..  I continued slowly leaking pee into my jeans however, getting it stopped only after my white cotton briefs were wet in front, and crotch and my blue jeans had a golf ball size wet spot in front.

    I doubted I could hold on for another two hours until 7: PM.  My plan was after it was completely dark, to avoid the neighbors from seeing, to go out onto my deck and pee my pants. Having released some pressure I was going to try.

    I had dinner which included my usual 3 -12 oz. (US) beers. By 5:45 my need to pee was back with a vengeance. My bladder, which was seriously stretched, now hurt severely. I felt the pee pressure throughout my penis, especially at my pee hole. I was grabbing myself almost constantly doing everything I could to keep from peeing for another hour and fifteen minutes.  At 6PM, another strong wave of urgency hit, and I doubled over holding penis tightly, but I started leaking again. One hour, seemed so far away, but I could not give up now. I got the leak stopped, but my briefs and jeans, which had dried, were wet in the same spots again.

    I sat down and continued squirming.  By 6:20 another wave struck, this time my pee hole hurts so much I thought I was going to totally soak myself. Squirming my legs back and forth while holding myself could not prevent a couple of hard spurts from escaping. My briefs were now soaked and blue jeans wet to the crotch and towards my butt. I did not want to get the couch wet so I would have to stand, or sit elsewhere before I lost more pee.

    I walked to the kitchen doing a pee-pee dance, but I kept leaking. With the wet spot now extending part way to my knee the likelihood, that I would not make it increased. I sat down on a kitchen chair, squirming holding myself tightly, leaking intermittently. I was in serious pain, to the point I was strongly tempted to give in and pee. Everything from my distended bladder to my pee hole hurt severely, beyond the fun point. It was getting dark by 6:40, and I was in such pain, and leaking frequently, I wanted to go out and do it a bit early.

    But no, I struggled on leaking until 7, by which time pee was dripping off the chair, and my jeans were wet past my knees, and back to my butt. I stood and walked towards the door. My pee was trying to come out full force. I tried to stop it by squeezing myself tightly. This method is pleasant for stopping leaks, but for full on peeing is way too painful. I let go and my pee started gushing out so hard I could feel my pee hole stretch. I rushed outside.  I was standing on my deck my pee gushing hard, down my legs, but without the splattering sound of it hitting the ground yet. Pee pooled at my feet then ran between deck’s boards, splatter on the ground below. After over a minute of hard peeing my bladder was as empty as I could get, it having seriously stretched it. My pee continued to splatter on the ground for several seconds after. It was worth the struggle to hold (most of) my pee in despite the pain. I don’t usually hold it until it hurts that much.I just enjoy the feeling of my pee, pressing against my pee hole like it’s about to come out.


  13. This occurred many years ago when my then wife Debbie and I were camping in the Adirondack Mountains, in New York State USA.

    After breakfast which for   me included a couple of mugs of coffee, orange juice, and her a tall glass of orange juice, we set out for a hike up a mountain offering a gorgeous vista of the land below. On the way we noticed a great deal on what turned out to be excellent firewood. We loaded the trunk to capacity with it.

    The start point for our hike was about 10 miles from our campsite. By the time we were about to start I already needed to pee badly and decided to pee in the woods first. I asked Debbie if she wanted to join me but she said she did not need to go.

    The hike up the mountain was uneventful. It took about 2 hours.  We had lunch which included a 12 oz. soda each. After our meal, she seemed distracted and did not seem to be enjoying the view. I wanted to climb the old fire tower for a better look, but she kept rushing me.  We had planned this for a long time so I asked her what was wrong. She finally admitted that she needed to pee badly; in fact she needed to go when I went, but did not want to go outside. I explained to her that it took 2 hours to get up here, so it would take another 2 hours to get back down, so she should just go off into the woods and go. There were no facilities up there and everybody had the same 4 hour walk so she would not be the only one doing it. But she said no, she would continue to hold it.

    We started our long trek down the mountain.   We were less than half way down when I noticed by the way she was walking that she was in trouble. She told me her bladder and pee hole hurt and her pee felt like it was going to come out. I again suggested she step off the trail and go but again the answer was no. She said she would continue to hold it until it came out. She would rather wet her pants if she could not hold it, than risk somebody seeing her with her pants down.  One part of me of course found this exciting, but she was my wife and I did not want her to suffer or be publicly humiliated. I tried telling her that if she went off a bit, even if somebody happened by, and noticed her squatting down they would not see anything. So what if she had to pee it was better than everybody saw her in wet jeans. But it was to no avail.

    We made it back to our car and she was sill dry but very desperate, not sure if she could make it back to camp. Her heart sank when we noticed we had a flat tire. She had been anticipating relief in 20 minutes or so. Now we had to unload all the wood we had bought earlier to get to the spare tire. Damn (or something like that) she said as she quickly grabbed her crotch and crossed her legs.

    We quickly unloaded the wood so I could change the tire. As I did so she sat on a nearby log. Despite her desperation, the walk made her thirsty, so she drank some water. I looked over at her while changing the tire and she had her hand placed tightly between her legs and was rapidly moving her legs back and forth. She asked me to hurry because she was almost wetting her pants. I worked as quickly as possible, so that would not happen in public.

    I finished up and we started back to camp. We had to stop at the supermarket for a few things, but she would not come in, because her pee felt like it would come out if she stood up. She sat in the car with her hand firmly holding her pussy and her legs squeezed tightly together.

    We also stopped for gas. She wanted me to ask about restrooms, but this place just had a booth for the attendant, so I told her they didn’t. She begged me to ask anyway, because if I didn’t I would have a wet car seat, and since she had been holding it so long it would be a huge accident. However, having avoided a public incident I was having fun watching her struggle and did not care if the vinyl seat got peed on.

    All the way back to camp she told me how badly she needed to pee, it was going to come out. She constantly held herself while squirming, trying to hold back the flood. A couple of times she made a sharp inhalation of breath and squeezed herself tighter, sitting upright in the seat. I looked hopefully over at her hoping to see a wet spot on her jeans. However, somehow she made it back to the campground dry. I deliberately drove past the restroom as she protested. Our campsite was at the end of the road at the very back of the campground. She jumped out of the car as soon as it stopped .She ran around back of our tent , bent forward grabbing her pussy. I asked her evilly are you going to the restroom? As she disappeared behind our tent, starting to undo her pants, she said “No, I can’t, it is starting to come out”. I rushed to join her. She just started to squat and her pee was already gushing from her pee hole. I immediately became fully erect, despite my own urgent need to pee. I bent down myself in order to get a good view of her peeing outside for the first time. I also examined the nice wet spot in the crouch in her jeans. I was in heaven enjoying her peeing in the woods and somewhat wet pants.

    Although it was her first experience in outdoors peeing, it was not her last, as she found it was not so bad, if assured privacy. For the rest of our time there we peed together behind the tent rather than go to the restroom.



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  14. This board has been quiet lately so I thought I would post one of Debbie’s earlier desperation stories. 

    For whatever reason Debbie did not like using the restrooms at work unless absolutely necessary .She often arrived home very desperate and occasionally a little wet.

    This was before we were married and she still lived with her grandmother and sister (sis lived in the upstairs apartment). Her sister a nurse worked in another building on the large psychiatric hospital campus in the town we lived in. Normally she would pick Deb up on the way home.

    On this particular day, her sister left work early and forgot to pick up Deb. Having held her pee all day, and figuring her sister would be along soon, she decided she could wait a bit longer. As time went on it became obvious sis was not going to show, so Deb made a few phone calls determining  what had happened. Sis said she would get dressed and be up to get her. The drive was about 15 minutes.

    Meanwhile Debbie was getting anxious about her need to pee. She was seated at a table with some fellow co-workers. She did not want to say she needed to get up and pee, but her bladder was painfully full and her pent up urine was causing considerable pressure at her pee hole.  She casually put her hand into her lap and soon began to occasionally grab her crouch.

    About a half hour later her sister arrived to take her home. It was a cold winter’s day and that combined with the walk out to the car made her need to go much worse. As soon as she was seated in the car, she moved her winter jacket out of the way and placed her hand firmly against her aching pussy. She also began squirming her legs back and forth. Sis asked if she was ok and Deb replied, yes except she had to pee real bad. She had not gone since leaving the house around 7:30 AM (This was around 5:30 PM). 

    She arrived at home about 15 minutes later, where her grandmother and I were waiting dinner on her. Her sister went back upstairs. Since dinner was getting cold Deb sat down to eat, although she was clearly very uncomfortable. At this point I did not know why. Then I noticed only one hand was above the table, the other was holding back a days’ worth of pee. She was constantly shifting her position in her chair. Now I understood she had to pee badly, and knowing her distaste for using the restrooms at work, likely had needed to pee for several hours.

    Her grandmother finished eating first and went into the bathroom for her after dinner constitutional. Deb and I were expected to do the dishes right after dinner. She washed, I dried.

    Immediately upon putting her hands in the very warm water, she crossed her legs tightly. Within minutes she was doing a full pee-pee dance. Neither effort help lessen the intense pressure on her pee hole. Suddenly she took a sharp breath through her teeth, and bent over as far as she could , pushing off on the sink for extra leverage and  crossed and squeezed her legs together as tightly as possible. She said I am going to pee in my pants. The pressure on her pee hole was so intense it felt like it was starting to come out. Since that didn’t make her feel any better she dried her hands and placed one between her legs while using the other to push off on the sink. She said I hope my grandmother is finished soon, I am 19 years old and I don’t want to wet my pants in front of her. Amazingly she said she had not leaked yet, but the need was so strong that the only way she could tell if she started peeing is if her panties started getting wet.

    Finally her grandmother finished up in the bathroom, and Deb rushed by her, bent over, with both hands squeezing her pussy as tightly as she could. I stood as close to the bathroom door as I could without being obvious and listened to her long and forceful pee. She only leaked a little in her panties after reaching the bathroom. By time She finally got to relive herself it was almost 630 PM, so she had not peed in 11 hours

    In a way I hoped to see her wet, but I didn’t want to see her embarrassed and seeing the long struggle, still got me plenty excited. I had been imagining all that pee causing serious pain throughout her abdominal and pussy area.




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  15. My ex-wife was sitting on a grassy beach very near the lake wearing a  red one piece bathing suit, chatting with a friend. Her need to pee became  so urgent she leaked through her bathing suit into the grass right where she sat. Nobody noticed, so when the second leak occurred, she let go.. The only thing wet was the crotch and towards the back of her suit. She casually walked to the water where the water covered the deed.

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  16. Ouch that sounds painful.

    Nevertheless I have always found the female pee hole a treat to find hidden up there among the rest of your pussy. I guess you can feel it, since you cant see it.

    The only time I had something stuck up there, I was painfully overfull but could not urinate following surgery. I don't recall being catherized being painful, because of the enormous relief of pressure. 

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  17. The last time I peed outdoors was about two months ago. 

    As I mentioned in my bio I am a nudest. I must say first that being nudest has nothing to do with sex. Also we can not urinate in common areas anymore than a clothed person. However , I do enjoy peeing while walking.. So, I do it alone in the woods, and nobody knows.

    I have tried doing it  while clothed but I just end up getting pee on the  outside of my pants ; I don't want people to see that.

    So I waited until I was fairly desperate. With my bladder full and and pee pressing against my pee hole I went for a stroll in the woods naked.  I attempted to hold it in , but once the stream started, I let go, and kept on walking. 

    I made a video of it and could post it in the proper section if there is interest.

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