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Posts posted by wettingman

  1.  Back in the early 80's I was hospitalized for an abdominal hernia repair. I was a stretcher waiting for the operating room to become available. For some reason there was a long delay. Being semi-sediated, and it being long ago  I don't know how long exactly. 

    I do remember laying there in the hospital hallway,  forever I,had to pee. Eventually  I had to go badly. I could not get up because I was semi-sediated and there was no privacy in the hall. For this reason plus the fact I was still pee shy ,and could not go with people around, and didn't want people to know I needed to urinate,  I remained silent. I went into surgery with a very uncomfortable almost painfully full bladder. 

    I woke up a few hours later with my bladder screaming in pain because it was seriously distended, because I still had not urinated. In addition I was in pain from the surgery as the anesthetic wore off. 

    I had no choice but to tell the nurse that I had to pee very badly.  She brought me urinal. I could not go laying down. After a while she let me try standing,  still nothing happened.  It was frustrating that I had to pee so bad, my bladder and penis throbbing , but I couldn't even leak a drop.

    After falling to be able to urinate after some time and numerous failed attempts, she  was still not confident I could walk on my own without a risk of falling, suggested coming in the bathroom with me. I declined because I knew I couldn't go with her there . I just wanted relief so i begged her to let me go in alone, and she agreed.   In my mind she seemed disappointed. However I still just stood there,  pee seemingly pressing on my pee hole , but nothing came out. 

    I tried repeatedly but eventually got tired and returned to bed still painfully full.

    She finally catheterized me a normally painful process, but I was so full wirh many hours of urine in my distended bladder I didn't notice. All I felt was sweet relief as the pressure disappeared. She commented wow you really did have to go when she saw the huge volume of urine in the urinal. Not long afterward I had to go badly again but still couldn't so she catheterized me again.

    Later having fantasized of a woman watching or helping me pee, I regreted not having her come into the bathroom with me to at least attempt to go. Maybe  she wanted to watch me urinate and this was a perfect opportunity.  Could I have gone pee that way ? Probably not, but I like to think I could and she would have enjoyed it .

    To this day, I wish I had tried, maybe we could have become pee friends since she also had a pee fetish in her personallife. . I had to settle for knowing she held my dick twice as I peed even though it was through a catheter and I couldn't feel it coming out.





  2. 2 screen grabs of me peeing out the window The obvious warning contains male nudity and male peeing.

    Yes I do enjoy the idea of peeing out the window. It is fun, non-destructive naughty pee, with little if any cleanup . The only possible mess is if I dribble a bit on the window sill .

    The main impediment to me letting go out the window was being caught. At the time  three years ago, I was living in a mobile home park with neighbors very close by.  Very late one night ( after midnight) I was feeling rather randy and naughty. So I held my pee and got set to pee out my living room window. I turned out all but one light limiting the chance of being caught . I was still apprehensive and thus waited a bit longer. Holding my pee is good anyway.

    Finally I decided to go for it. I challenged my bladder a bit more by slowly unzipping my jeans and pulling out my penis. I let go of a rather thick stream of pee for about 30 seconds.

     I made a video  which of course contained nudity,  and attempted to share it ,but unfortunately it is in Mp4 format which is not accepted here


    Yes I do enjoy the idea of peeing out the window. It is fun, non-destructive naughty pee, with little if any cleanup . The only possible mess is if I dribble a bit on the window sill .

    The main impediment to me letting go out the window was being caught. At the time  three years ago, I was living in a mobile home park with neighbors very close by.  Very late one night ( after midnight) I was feeling rather randy and naughty. So I held my pee and got set to pee out my living room window. I turned out all but one light limiting the chance of being caught . I was still apprehensive and thus waited a bit longer. Holding my pee is good anyway.

    Finally I decided to go for it. I challenged my bladder a bit more by slowly unzipping my jeans and pulling out my penis. I let go of a rather thick stream of pee for about 30 seconds.

     I made a video  which of course contained nudity,  and attempted to share it ,but unfortunately it is in Mp4 format which is not accepted here.

    I was able to grab screenshot png  format.

    Not the clearest I have done  but anyway44664994_Snapshot1Windowpee(3-29-20204-36PM).png.5f4fc0d6040a3e253fbe8fd9e0f5d71c.png511116365_Snapshotpeeingoutthewindow22(3-29-20204-37PM).png.1eb3e77fde692fc26aba6289b8559c19.png

    The obvious warning contains male nudity and male peeing.

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  3. I went to a boy’s summer day camp for two weeks one year. The camp also had dorms for overnight campers. We were defiantly second class campers beneath the full time campers.  These dorms had bathrooms in them for their use. There was no thought of day campers needs. It turned out going pee would be a daily humiliating hassle.

    I didn’t give it much thought until lunch time and I was desperate to pee.  I held on squirming and holding myself until we went to the pool after lunch. I had been trained the only acceptable place to urinate was in the toilet. So, I didn’t enter the water at first because I knew that would be my undoing. Instead I sat on the edge of the pool franticly squeezing myself, and squirming  because my pee was right on the edge of coming out. Another camper noticed, and asked if I had to go. I replied yes, and he said get into the pool and go, that’s what I do. With my dry so far bathing suit about to get wet as I obviously peed on the edge of the pool, I jumped in. I did not even need to relax for it to gush out. Problem solved for now whenever I was in the pool, needing to go I just let go.

    However, there were some days we didn’t use the pool. As I have mentioned in many posts I was super shy about mentioning my need of a bathroom. If somebody else mentioned it I would tag along.  This was a big hassle, annoying the camp councilors because we had to pee like everyone, didn’t just hold it all day. But, there were a couple of days when cool weather prevented us from swimming, and I didn’t notice anyone else asking to go. So, I just held it, hoping for the best. I had learned to reduce my fluid intake which helped. Nevertheless, by the end of our day at 4PM, I was franticly it’s about to come out desperate. Day campers did have a tiny cabin well separated from the overnight barracks.  There was a toilet in there that was always locked. Each individual the absolutely had to go was required to ask our councilor to unlock it just for ourselves. We were expressly prohibited from relieving ourselves outside.  I was grabbing myself and pee dancing but I knew it was hopeless. I could not hold it anymore. I did not want to wet my pants, so I ran around back and urinated behind the building. I was amazed by the longest, hardest, to that point pee of my life. I got caught and punished in front of everybody.

    The next day I was not quite as desperate at that same point in time. However, I had to return to the main compound to wait because my father could not pick me up until 5PM on his way home from work. So eventually I was in the same predicament, desperately struggling, about to wet my pants. I debated going in a wooded area but fear of getting caught caused me to hesitate a bit too long. Realizing I could not wait until my dad picked me up, let alone get home, I slowly walked towards the woods. I was sort of but not entirely concealed, so I momentarily hesitated to unzip. My bladder had done all it could and had enough of my procrastination. I could no longer stop it from coming out and even as I continued walking to a more secluded spot; I began peeing uncontrollably in my pants. Thankfully my cotton briefs absorbed much of what I could not prevent from coming out, and whatever wetness in my pants, somehow nobody noticed.

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  4. I should add to my above post that I learned the hard way to have everything set the way I want it before I am desperate . All my videos are done when I can't hold it anymore.  I have in the past been on the verge of wetting and realized something was wrong, like camera not ready, lighting not good (less an issue with modern cameras) , nothing to contain the puddle, etc. . I ended up struggling not to pee while attempting to fix the issue. I didn't always make opportunity lost.  

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  5. 6 hours ago, walanuk said:

    I’ve peed off a bridge before but on a completely deserted road. Wouldn’t do it in public.

    I have done it but off of things like an abandoned railroad trestle in the woods . I think I was seen anyway. I wonder if she knew I deliberately selected the spot. I have long dreamt of peeing  off  big bridge like one crossing a river. However today there are way too many CCTV cameras with a high likelihood of getting caught and arrested. 

    4 hours ago, Alfresco said:

    I wonder whether she knew what she was doing and stopped there specifically so she was peeing directly onto a carriageway or whether she had just stopped out of desperation and it just so happened that there was a road underneath. 


    Perhaps it's just how my naughty pee mind works, but I think she knew full well what she was doing. Reading posts on pee sites shows some people enjoy the risk of getting caught. That's fine unless the police get involved.

    In any event p_lover90 I am happy for, but a bit jealous of your right time, right place fun. 

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  6. I have been a nudist for 22 years. Here in the USA anyway it is NOT okay to pee anyplace you wouldn't pee on a textile ( wearing clothes) beach. Not only do people not want to actually see you peeing , after awhile the place would turn into an unhygienic smelly mess.  Would you like walking through a place people just urinated ?

    The rule of edicate is you walk away from where people are or behind something. You could of course pee in the water. People may know what you are doing but feel disrespected if you just do it right in front of them.

    I frequently step away to pee,turning my back too, and nobody cares. I remember a female popping a squat and peeing in front of a group at a campfire.  I enjoyed watching because she was a woman. She was sharply criticized by others though.

  7. First a disclaimer .This happened Thursday evening at camp. I was naked, as it is a nudist campground. To be clear we cannot, do not just pee anywhere in front of people, or in a public area, just because everything is exposed. Doing so is so obvious it would be considered worse than wetting my pants in public. I only mention this up to because of comments on some pee boards, people thinking we just let go wherever whenever. We don’t that would be offensive and cause an unhealthy mess.

    That boring stuff out of the way, on to my fun, though unplanned evening hold.

    I had to pee a little bit as I sat down to dinner, but no big deal, maybe 4/10. I had two twelve ounce beers with my leisurely dinner about 6:30 PM. About 50 minutes later I finished eating and ran water to do the dishes.  Of course the beers and time naturally increased my need to go a bit maybe 5-6/10. But running very warm water and putting my hands in it instantly brought me to the edge of a leak.  This annoyed me because my bladder was not that full, so I decided to hold it. My hands were in the sink, so making sure my penis was between my legs I squeezed them tightly together. I lost a tiny drop or two onto my leg, and my need to pee returned to normal.

    I finished my task and I didn’t feel any urgent need to urinate, and not wanting to just give my bladder a habit pee break I decided to sit in my recliner, and read a book and just held my pee for a while. I set a 2.5 hours goal. After 1.5 hours my bladder was very uncomfortably (but pleasantly) full. Pressure was starting to build at the base of my dick. Another half hour my bladder was so full it was stretched to the point it had started to hurt. The pressure in my penis had extended to the tip just below my pee hole. Soon I got the sharp pricking feeling right at my pee hole, feeling like my pee was about to come out. Being nude in this situation has the advantage that I can get direct access to my dick and started squeezing it tightly. The bladder spasm passed without a leak for now. I removed my hand but within a few minutes another wave occurred and I grabbed myself again but this time I leaked a little bit on my hand.  I had about 15 minutes left until my goal, but the strong sharp stabbing pressure at my pee hole became constant. I had to hold my dick or squeeze it between my legs, or both constantly. I experienced a few tiny leaks onto my legs or hand. Ahh I had to pee so freakin bad.

    All this occured while I continued to distract myself by reading my book. Turning the pages got a bit tricky because my hand was  slowly getting a bit wet. I reached my 2.5 hour goal, but had 10 minutes left in the chapter. I had not planned to do a hold, and had not done on in a long time. But despite by distended bladder and the pressure in my penis, I was enjoying it, so I decided to continue to hold my pee.

    My bladder complained by sending a couple of bigger leaks of pee down my urethra. I struggled to keep them from coming out, successful at first, but eventually they seeped past that small slit at the end of my shaft. Fortunately I had a towel on my chair, as is etiquette for being naked, because the leaks had become more frequent and a bit bigger. I would have gotten the chair wet. I don't want to pee on furniture.

    Finally I was finished with the chapter and put the book down. I did not have a good grip right at that moment and a bigger more forceful spurt sprayed across my left arm on onto the chair ( I  usually hold myself with my right hand). I squeezed my dick tightly but I couldn’t hold it anymore ,and still peed  enough to get my hand and belly wet.  I tried to get up to go outside, pulling myself up with just my left hand, and relieve myself in the wooded area behind my site. However with bad knees I could not do it.

    Now I had a problem. I could not hold it any longer. My pee felt like it was about to exploded out of me. I could not get up without both hands but if I let go of myself with my right, I was going to spray pee everywhere.  I uncontrollably leaked a bit more onto my hand and leg. That lessened the pressure a bit momentarily.

      With both hand free for a brief moment, I got up quickly and headed for the door. Pee started to flow into my urethra under pressure. As any  guy knows once pee gets past the sphincter and into the urethra, under high pressure there is nothing I can do to stop it  from coming out, and to try causes excruciating agony that reflexively forces me to stop squeezing. This happened just as I opened the door. I removed my hand and pee exploded under high force from my pee hole. The force of my stream was so strong I felt my pee hole stretch to let my urine  gush out, a rare occurrence. I was on the top step of two of my RV down to my 8 foot wide deck. My high pressure stream aided a bit by my height off the deck shot ¾ of the way across my deck, splattering loudly all over. I descended my down the steps and across the platform. Stopping or even slowing the flow was impossible. I did not want to urinate on my deck but I was powerless to prevent my overfull bladder from emptying itself. As quickly as I could I rushed to the grass and behind some trees, but not before I had gushed out 2/3 of what my bladder held into puddles on the deck.

    I was surprised at how far my pee stream shot out. I think this was the first time I did an extreme hold until I couldn’t while nude. Normally I do it in my pants so I feel rather than see the stream. I know when peeing outside in private it does not go near that far. I have peed on the floor nude but not like that. Wow.

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  8. A little background first I am a 71 year old male. I have been treated for an enlarged prostate.  I take medication and had a urolift done a couple tears ago. Also in my teens and twenties  I held my pee all day frequently because I could not pee with people around. Of course I did, and still do sometimes hold my pee until I can't just for fun.

    After I release as much as I can I don't feel completely empty. I wait a few seconds and push the rest out. Sometimes it's just a few dribbles others it's  a good sized spurt . If I have been holding my pee I can sometimes go a bit longer on the second try.

    Now if I am seated for the other thing , I can't empty my bladder completely.  I stand and finish peeing for several seconds , I estimate at least a quarter of my bladder's contents .


    My ex-wife used to almost always hold her pee until the last possible second. She stopped doing that after our kids were born.

    However , I think all the years of extreme holding permanently stretched her bladder.  It takes her a few minutes, and several starts and stops to empty her bladder. I have seen her pressing on her bladder to keep or start her flow going .




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  9. I have always enjoyed listening to women pee, not so much males. I can still remember time when because of the configuration of a friends apartment we were sitting right outside the bathroom at the kitchen table. She seemed to rarely pee, I am sure she held it. So the highlite of the evening was when she went in to go.

     But, nothing compares to this :. Back in the 60's when I was growing up the state campgrounds my family went to had 'pit toilets'. They were essentially a muli stalled out house. They had individual stalls like a regular restroom. There was always liquid down in the pit to dissolve solids. 

    I loved standing outside nearby ( not obviously ) because I could clearly hear the women peeing. Due to the drop into the it the sound was always extra loud . Although the men's and ladies room were often in separate though close together buildings, on some glorious occasions they were in the same building. These were my favorites as I could sit in a men''s stall and listen to the females pee . I was in heaven . I'd  particularly enjoyed a long hard pee because I knew she must have been holding it.

    IDK what women think of me peeing if they notice at all. In my young years I always aimed for the porcelain because I was pee shy and doing it almost silently, was the only way I could go. Many times that didn't work either, meaning I just had to hold it.

    Hitting the bowl with my pee while standing, although  quiet frequently causes splatter. I no longer care who hears me peeing. In fact I secretly hope they do. If my urination is particularly long I wonder if they notice and think 'wow he must have really been holding it'.

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  10. On 10/27/2022 at 3:39 PM, Colormerose said:

    "Is it just me here?

    Talking to anyone, or around people and you hear those few words? 

    I have to pee

    I gotta pee

    I have to pee so bad

    I'm bursting

    Am I the only one that can't help being triggered?"




    All of these words get my attention when uttered by a female, even total strangers. I heard 2 woman talking in a convenience store. One complained she had to pee really bad. Her friend said "you have to hold it ". Companion "I have been holding it a long time"" I  discretely observed them until they left ( not so much to be creepy) . The desperate one appeared stiff and very uncomfortable.

    I listen closely whenever pee is discussed, which my luck is usually by woman.  They talk about peeing outside, and sometimes wetting their pants . If they are discussing how badly they have to or had to pee, I have had to  put my hand in my pocket to hide my erection.

    I do not consider this a curse at all. On the contrary I enjoy it immensely. I get sexual pleasure from it. 

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  11. On 4/16/2022 at 8:05 AM, M.Vixen said:

    Anyway; the idea really turned me on so I wanted to try for myself. I own a Womanizer but I rarely use it because even on the lowest setting it tends to get me over the edge way too fast for my liking ☺️ I figured though that I might experience the same effect with a very full bladder (to the point that I can hardly not dribble a bit every few minutes) and placing the suction cup on my urethra instead of my clit. Which worked to some degree because I instantly pissed a big squirt. I couldn’t repeat it right away somehow (possibly because being very aroused makes it hard for me to pee) so I waited for a moment until I could start to empty my bladder by myself. Once I started I put the Womanizer on my clit, which felt absolutely amazing. I could hardly tell pissing from masturbation at that point and I came very hard. 

    What if you were not on the edge of peeing yourself anyway ? If your pee was on the verge of coming out, any stimulation may push it over the edge. Have you had similar results if you were not so desperate, but just had to pee badly. Just curious. 

  12. Great story. Thank you for sharing.

    So you peed outside only because you couldn't hold it anymore  and nothing negative happened. 

     How do you feel about it now? Would you do it again even if you weren't so desperate you had no choice.

  13. I have never been able to pee while driving. In fact even if my bladder is screaming in pain, pee rarely feels like it is going to come out until I am almost home. I have had to hold myself to keep from wetting my pants on the road to my house , but nothing actually came out until I got out of the car and then it came gushing out.

    In fact one time, on a long drive, everything from my bulging, distended bladder to the tip of my penis throbbed in agony. It had hurt for a couple of hours. As we rolled into our town I told my then wife how badly I needed to pee and how much it hurt. I told her I could not take the pain anymore and was thinking of letting some out. Ok, I wanted her to know how desperate I was. She said go ahead if you want to wet your pants. I tried I really tried, not just for the fun of wetting my pants, which at that point I had not done, but to relieve some of the pain . No matter how badly I needed to pee, or how much it hurt, I could not let out a single drop.

    To this day I have not peed in the car while driving.  I have come very close, with pressure right at my pee hole, but not through it.Perhaps if I feel that urgent it's going to come out sensation, I should not hold myself and see what happens . I will have to be in a situation where I can get inside without anybody noticing my wet pants.

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  14. I spend much of the summer in  fully equipped RV .I have a nice wooded site . I enjoy peeing outside as much as possible out behind my rig. 

    I love the sensation of a full bladder so sometimes I hold  it to the last minute and I start leaking as I go out the door.

    I also enjoy reading /posting with a full bladder which I have been doing for a while now. While typing this I just had to squeeze my dick between my legs. Time to go before I pee myself.

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  15. Unless you are dehydrated your urine should be a light yellow that will not show on the towel. If it does just rinse the towel in the shower. 

    True story, though I didn't do this intentionally.  I was in a hotel and I woke up in the middle of the night with a painfully overfull bladder. This was surprising since I normally don't wake up at night to pee and here I needed to go very badly. Going back to sleep without emptying my bladder was out of the question.

    So  i got up walked naked , half asleep into the bathroom peed for a long time and returned to bed and went to turn out the light and was shocked to realize I had not turned it on. How did I find the toilet in a strange room in total darkness.  Then coming full awake I remembered a strange splattering sound as I relived myself. I hadn't found the toilet. I just walked to the bathroom and let go totally unintentionally, peed all over the floor..  I returned to the bathroom and found a huge puddle of urine covering most of the bathtoom floor. Obviously my bladder was very full. It took all the provided towels except one i used to shower to mop up the mess. Except for the fact all the towels were totally saturated with perhaps a very slight smell of pee they couldn't tell anything had happened. 

    I don't intentionally make a mess for someone to clean up.



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  16. Over time I have seen numerous  descriptions and stories of people holding their pee until they can't , and they wet their pants. Their hold time varies, of course, but so does the criteria they use in timing it. Some start from the last time they peed, others when they noticed their need to go, others still when they get desperate.

    Personally  I consider my holding time starting when my need to pee becomes bothersome. By that I mean not at the first twinge in my bladder, but when I would have normally have gone already.

    What about you? 

  17. This thread reminded me of an actual incident that happened on the original Earth Day, April 22, 1970. I wrote about it long ago, but it seems appropriate to retell it here.

    ,  This occurred near the end of my senior year in high school, when I was 18 it was no fun at the time. It was the first Earth Day, in 1970. My then girlfriend and I went to a scheduled gathering at a local park 8AM Saturday morning. I guess the concept had not caught on yet as we were the only ones there. We waited about an hour, but nobody showed up.

    It was now 9AM and I already really needed to pee. My GF suggested we walk up to the next town, about five miles away; to see if anything was going on there and to visit her friend there. The walk took over an hour by which time my bladder was very full, and I needed to pee badly.

    My  distended bladder and penis hurt. I decided to head into a wooded area and go. It would serve two purposes, relief, and I wanted to pee in front of her for the first time. The sound of rushing water from the stream back there, increased my desperation .But then I lost my nerve, meaning I had to keep holding it.

    There was nothing happening in that town either, so eventually about 12 noon we ended up at her friend’s house. I had to pee for three hours by then. OMG I had to go so badly. My bladder was seriously stretched  and my penis throbbed.  We toured the house, walking past the bathroom. I remember looking longingly at the toilet, wishing to urinate, but was too shy to admit it. I struggled on.

    By 2PM, having had to pee for five hours I was getting increasingly desperate. Even my kidneys were feeling the pressure, but I just kept holding. An hour later at 3 I decided to take a bus back home, she decided to stay.

    The bus took a longer route back to my town than the one we had walked. I thought the pain and pressure at my pee hole was as intense as it could be, but suddenly it changed.  The sensation was like nothing I had felt since I last wet my pants at age 12. There was a sharp stabbing sensation at my pee hole, like my pee was about to come out. Oh no it was going to actually happen, I was about to have an accident, my pee was actually going to come out in my pants. Horrified, I grabbed my penis and squeezed, placing my jacket over my lap for cover.

    I kept my jacket there, holding myself as each wave of desperation hit to keep from wetting my pants. Somehow, I survived the half hour trip dry.  Arriving at my stop, standing was a serious challenge.  There was a line of people getting off.  Standing up made my desperation worse. Somehow I had remained dry so far but the slow movement getting off the bus was torturous . At 18 I would not hold myself so others could see ,so I just hoped for the best. It seemed to take forever . Oh God let me get off the bus without peeing myself. I did but immediately had to grab myself. I knew I was way too old to be doing this, but also too old to walk the two plus miles to my home in wet pants.  I got about half way like this frequently holding myself., but the pressure at my pee hole kept getting worse. I had doubts I would make it home dry.

     The next wave brought my pee right into the slit of my pee hole again , I held myself tightly, even pee danced a bit, but it was no use. I was about to pee, in my pants or not. The was a small group of trees nearby, I started heading there. It was by no means secluded; I was in a residential area afraid of getting caught, so I hesitated. I needed to decide immediately among a few trees or in my pants my pee is coming out. In my indecision, my bladder decided for me. I felt my cotton briefs getting wet as my pee started coming out. For the first time since I was a kid (12) I was wetting my pants. Back in my childhood, though the wetness was contained to my soaked underwear.  I think it was because my pants were much looser and urine could run down my leg unnoticed. Also, my bladder was smaller, and I was not strong enough to hold this much. These pants were pretty tight and I was peeing hard, so wetness immediately spread to my pants.  My pants were wet in front almost down to my crotch, the wet spot about the size of a softball before I regained control.

    I pulled my long shirt out to cover most of my accident, hiding the rest with my jacket. I walked the rest of the way home still needing to pee very badly, struggling not to let anymore out.  Then I arrived home, hours late, and my sister told on me that she saw me walking up the road to the next town, and was not where I said I would be. I had to endure the resulting lecture without letting on that I was about to pee in my pants, again. Even once when I was younger was unacceptable.  I said nothing in my defense, so as not to prolong it.  The result of that would have given them something else to be angry about, me peeing on the floor. The second my parents were done, with their talk I rushed to the bathroom and peed a long time.

    I was worried about someone noticing what happened, but in a way excited, but I did not really enjoy it until years later. I have imagined that my GF was with me watching the whole thing, starting with my desperate grabbing of myself on the bus. I have had fun with that.

    This was the last time I wet my pants until  years later when I started deliberately not using the toilet, holding it in until I couldn’t happily  wetting my pants at home.

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  18. Back in the day when I was pee shy but absolutely had to pee I kept it as quiet as possible. I would aim for the porcelain not the water so no one could here me go.  When in public Sometimes i would sit to pee . Even thst didn't aleays work, and I had to suffer. There were times I thought I was going to wet my pants, but didn't. 

    Now that I have discovered the on line pee fetish world I want people to here me pee, especially if I have been holding it. I hope someone notices my loud long and strong stream, and realize I.needed to pee baldy,  and had been holding to my limit

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  19. I have some life experience here so I am going to use my experience to discuss the positive side , but also the pitfalls of revealing our fetish.

    Through my life experiences, I suggest you reveal your kink cautiously. Most people view urination as a biologically necessary function, that is done in private. They would, as they were trained as a child, think holding your pee and wetting your pants or whatever turns you on as disgusting and weird.  Make sure your relationship is on solid ground a you totally trust this person. If you decide to tell them I would start cautiously, perhaps ask them to wait when they need to pee, or ask if you can watch/listen/ or help.  You could request they do the same for you. You could also suggest openly and honestly discussing what turns  you and them on, including any kinks or fetishes. It is crucial to be up front that there will be no judgement.   You should accept and indulge them in whatever kink they may enjoy .Hopefully they will accept and at least indulge you, if not admit they also enjoy pee play ( I wish I knew kind of thing), or at least come to do so.

     However, I would not keep it a secret forever. You may be missing out on a lifetime of shared fun. You might be tempted to seek the pleasure outside your relationship, which creates a whole new set of problems. The conversation could be very awkward and embarrassing but IF your relationship is solid you should be fine. Nothing ventured nothing gained. 

    That said my experiences, I revealed my kink to two woman. My GF who became my wife ( now ex)  was accepting and indulged me with many stories of her desperation and pants wetting.  I came out to her by asking questions when I saw her struggling to  hold her pee.  She  accepted it and answered my questions, and told me stories about other accidents she had. She also occasionally held until she wet her pants for me as well as letting me watch her pee and play with her stream. She even wet her pants sitting on my lap my ultimate fantasy .

    On the flip side I was  not at all subtle with a later GF . Without saying a word I held my pee before we took a shower. I jumped into the shower, still clothed and peed in my pants. She was shocked and disgusted. Although we stayed together she never accepted my fetish. A year or so later as our relationship deteriorated over unrelated matters, she threw it in my face that I liked to wet my pants and watch her pee. I can't say it would have worked out differently if I had not revealed my desire for pee play so impulsively and foolishly, but don't do that.

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