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Posts posted by wettingman

  1. I have been a committed nudist for over 20 years. I have also been someone who has enjoyed pee holding-desperation-naughty peeing/ wetting  both my own and others , all my life . So I speak from experience.

    If just open peeing whenever, wherever a person feels the urge were acceptable it would remove the naughtiness factor and thus much of the fun.

    Many people connect nudity and sex because it is the only time they are naked in front of others. Being a nudist being naked is not about sex, we don't become aroused just seeing people's  "private areas"exposed. In any reputable nudist resort / beach/ campground anyone violating that premise will be asked to leave.

    I know people have varying  ways to enjoy pee fun . For me  and many others it is highly sexual.  For that reason alone public peeing is not allowed.

    Also while one person letting go in a common area seen or not will not be noticeable. However, if it is done repeatedly it becomes a hygiene issue.  People will notice the nasty oder of stale piss. But more directly members do not want to walk through a spot where people have peed, especially if they are in their bare feet. They are disgusted by that. In addition the same social norms exist they don't want to actually see you relieve yourself. Most people consider this a private function, they are not into pee play etc..

    I recall an intoxicated female popping a squat and peeing right at the campfire one evening. I enjoyed seeing her urinating and strained to watch . Everyone else was offended and blocked the view and made her stop

    That said stepping away to a semi-secluded spot where people are not walking is fine. That is done frequently by both men ad some females. I do it myself. My friends know what I am doing, they just aren't forced to observe it. That is just being respect.

    Nonetheless , I still have some pee fun . I have held my pee until  desperate , then went for a walk in the woods. I hold my peet in until it comes out. I continue walking hands free, pee spraying wherever. I love peeing off high places. I have a secluded campsite, and have peed off the roof numerous times.

    But the most fun was in an old , abandoned unusable RV. I went in there with a full bladder and peed on the bed, couch , and the floor. I even soaked someone's clothes that were left behind. Same thing on an old junked truck . I peed all over the seat several times. And over a period of several days every time I urinated it was in the gas tank, well over a gallon of piss.



  2. On 12/29/2023 at 12:39 AM, Pseudodegen said:

    I don't know how to edit my posts, so I'll just reply to myself here: I think I misinterpreted the question a little.
    As regards women, most positions are OK, but the best are either standing or the kind of a full squat that offers a great view, usually with their knees apart as @Mattew said, like this.  


    I love this image and hope to see a real live female pee like that in person.  I hope  you don't mind I copied it , with due credit to make that point.

  3. For watching a female pee I love to see where her stream is coming from. Squatting is good, standing is much better.  I can get much closer to the source, and she has a longer stream. Even better if she spreads he lips so I can actually see her pee hole. Bonus points if she can arch her  long stream. Then there is this amazing view, tha I stole from Pseudodegen. That would be incredible.  Thank you @ Pseudodegen.




    For myself I always pee standing up, it's just natural I especially enjoy peeing from a high spot causing a big long arch. My best  high pee was off an abandoned railroad trestle into a stream below. I was at least 20 feet up.

    I also like peeing naturally, without holding my penis, especially while walking . I do it alone in the woods, because I need to remove my pants . Otherwise I just pee all over them. I'll hold it until I am very desperate and it comes out on its own. I then let go, my dick swinging freely, and my pee going all over the place.





  4. My ex-wife used to really enjoy holding my dick while I peed. She was not so much into the pee holding fetish , but she was fascinated by the sensation of my penis puffing up slightly as my urethra expanded a bit to allow urine to flow. She  also liked the feeling of my pee flowing down my shaft, sort of like liquid through a straw was how she described it.

    However, her ability to aim was terrible. I attempted to assist her, but was unable to stop the flow, so much of my pee ended up hitting the wall or going on the floor. The solution, we used the tub , where aim was not so important for me to pee into

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  5. 17 hours ago, weequeen said:

    I usually squeeze my legs together or grab at my crotch when I'm really desperate and not ready to pee yet, both sitting and standing. But one I do not listed when i'm sitting is I'll sit on my foot, and I press my heel against my pussy. It's really effective for holding, and also I rub myself on it and gets me horny which delays having to pee too.


    15 hours ago, weequeen said:

    i usually press against my hole, creating some pressure against me. but i've also just pressed against my whole pussy before too

    I  love this description.

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  6. Well that didn't work at all. Upon standing the my pee is going to come out feeling hit me hard. I tried holding myself but I started leaking and could not stop. I walked to the laundry room , just a matter of feet, and the leak became a stronger stream. at that point trying to stop the flow by squeezing my dick with my hand became unbearably excruciatingly painful. I was forced to remove my hand. When I did a full unstoppable stream of pee erupted from my penis. I was making a growing puddle on the floor. I spotted a  mop pail and quickly removed the rag and mop. Having no choice because, I could not stop the flow of pee at all , I let go in the pail.

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  7. I had to rush pouring a drink and making a sandwich. I needed both hands, so despite clenching my sphincter tight as I could I dribbled on the floor a little.

    I am still holding the rest though. The leak brought a little temporary relief.

     A few minutes later. I have got things to do . I know I should just go pee .  I have to do some exercises , which should be interesting .My bladder hurts. But what the hell. I am taking off my bathrobe so I don't get it wet. I don't want to make a big mess though. will see

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  8. I really have to pee badly right now. I have been holding it for awhile , but suddenly had to hold myself with my hand to keep it from coming out. 

    AHHH it feels like is going to come out. I am only wearing an ( opened) bathrobe , so any leak will go on the floor. 

    7 minutes later my pee feels like it is about to come out ....Squeezing myself with one hand and typing with other. Shit , I am leaking on my hand. I can't hold it. 

    Ok small leak back under control. Getting up for a drink and lunch, hoping to not pee on the floor.

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  9. I really have to pee badly right now. I have been holding it for awhile , but suddenly had to hold myself with my hand to keep it from coming out. 

    AHHH it feels like is going to come out. I am only wearing an ( opened) bathrobe , so any leak will go on the floor.

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  10. On 1/18/2024 at 12:02 AM, SnakeFace said:

    Going to sleep with a fairly full bladder is something I love as well, feeling the extreme desperation when I wake up, perhaps peeing in the bed a bit as well.

    I have a lifelong affliction, likely caused by my parents. I cannot relax unless my bladder is completely  100% empty.  I usually sleep through the night without waking up to pee. If I am not sleeping well one night, my filling bladder might wake me up, but this is rare. I try to fall back to sleep so I can wake up really full, sometimes I can other times I can't

    Most mornings I wake up with a full bladder. Since I  am retired and don't have to be anywhere I almost always lay there for a while enjoying the full bladder sensation. Sometimes, as I come fully awake  the need to pee badly feeling moves into my penis. I love this and it encourages me to hold it a bit longer. Most times, perhaps with a little help from my hand I can hold it until I decide I need to get up because I have things to do. Others I start to leak a bit. I have never wet the bed other than a small wet spot because I played too long. I don't want to wet the bed. Not only because it causes a problematic mess to clean up, but it might become an uncontrollable habit. i enjoy the sensation of trying to desperately hold my pee. I don't want to just wake up wet without enjoying that.

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  11. Your picture of your bladder bulging because it is filled with hours of pee holding  is hot. I like to imagine what you were feeling, both in your bladder and down below, as you struggle to hold in a ocean of pee.

    How did it end? Did you give in and let it out , or did it come out on its own because you could't hold it any longer. 8 hours is quite impressive.

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  12. Part 2 I Push My Luck

    So I had urinated 950ml. just after 5PM. I had dinner and .5 liter beverage around 6:30.  Around 7:30 I got comfortable lying on the couch, and began watching a two 1 hour TV shows. Shortly thereafter I noticed my bladder was filling quicker than I expected. By the end of the first show my bladder was very full.  I thought about getting up and going because I already had to pee pretty badly. But once I get comfortable on the couch I hate to get up, and of course I enjoy holding. I was comfortable everywhere but my bladder and penis, which was beginning to exceed pleasantly uncomfortable, I soon started to doubt I could hold my pee another hour. I was squirming, trying to find a more comfortable position, and with strong pressure at the tip of my dick, I had started using my hand periodically.   There was a sharp sting at the tip of my dick .I had to pee so badly. By the halfway point in the second hour I was holding myself constantly, trying desperately to hold off  the leak that felt like it was about to happen any second. I was not going to stay dry this time.

    Another 15 minutes and the sensation that urine was in the slit of my pee hole, and it was about to come out became stronger and more persistent. So, it was not really a surprise when I felt my hand start getting wet. I thought, I am holding it another 15 minutes damn it. However, every few minutes another tiny leak escaped. My dark grey sweatpants were starting to get wet. As the program ended a long slow leak occurred, right through my hand, maybe 10 seconds. Fortunately the absorbency of my pants, and boxer briefs underneath kept the couch from getting wet.

     It relieved some of the pressure, so I got a crazy idea. Instead of just going pee in the toilet like a good boy, I decided to try and hold it while I had my snack and a drink getting ready for bed and just pee when I usually do. Honestly I knew this wasn’t going to work. Having leaked some I was ok at first, but as I filled my water glass, I couldn’t hold it any longer. A big strong spurt sent urine gushing down both legs and onto the kitchen floor. My hand was no longer effective  holding my pee so I stopped using it. My pants were getting really wet.

    Then I remembered I had to fill the humidifier. I needed both hands so I was unable to resume squeezing myself, even if I wanted to. Another big spurt forced its way out. This time some pee came out directly from my crotch to the floor.  There was now a sizeable puddle on the floor and my although dark pants didn’t show much wetness I could feel they were soaked. I think what helped stop the flow, was I was getting aroused. I had half a hard on in my pants.

    Once again pressure released, I decided to try to hold on a bit longer while I brushed my teeth. My bladder did not like being forced to hold in a still large amount of pee, so it pushed out another longer stream, the longest yet. My sweatpants are highly absorbent and I could feel they were sodden. Since they couldn’t absorb much more, pee just ran down both legs, and ,more directly from my dick through my crotch, like the cloth was not even there. It had created another large puddle on the floor.  Like a few minutes earlier I started getting another erection.

    Having totally soaked my pants, but not feeling empty, I stepped into the shower and let go. Now I was peeing full force, and for longer than I expected.  Urine sprung through my pants in spots down my leg. Despite my mutable loss of control leaks there was still a lot of urine inside. Finally my bladder was empty and relaxed.

    This was the first time I enjoyed holding my pee until I couldn’t and I wet my pants in a long time.

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  13. I held my pee Twice Yesterday Part  1


    I have not been able to hold my pee for fun in a long time. Yesterday I did it twice. I was wearing dark grey sweats.

    First off I cannot overstate how much I enjoy the sensation of my bladder gradually filling with urine, and remaining that way, for a long time, without becoming overly painful, until near the end of my holds.  Of course by that time, I have developed my favorite part; strong pressure in my penis, right down to the tip .This is why I don’t use the rapid desperation method. That’s just my personal preference

     I am not sure when I had peed last, but I did not need to go when I started reading my book around 2 PM. I was laying on my bed .Within about 1.5 hours, so around 3:30 I became vaguely aware that my bladder was getting really full.  It was stretching and was quite pleasantly  uncomfortable. 45 minutes later I am becoming desperate, and in addition to my bladder becoming almost painfully full, I was experiencing strong pressure in my penis. It was then I decided since I was enjoying the hold, I would continue to do so. I set a goal of 4:45 a half hour later. But within 15 minutes the pressure in my dick had reached the tip, and my urine was pressing against my pee hole. I was determined to reach my goal, no matter what, but my pee felt like it was going to force its way out, so I had to begin holding myself with my hand. Since I was wearing loose fitting sweats it was easiest to slide my hand inside intermittently as needed to grip my aching penis directly.  I was only doing it when necessary to keep my pent up pee from coming out. I made it to my 4:45 goal without leaking, but by then I had to squeeze my dick constantly. There was a sharp pain right at my pee hole. My bladder was rock hard.

    It was then I noticed I only had 10 minutes left in the chapter I was reading. Dare I push it another 10 minutes even though my pee felt like it was going to come out any second?   Oh what the heck what is the worse that could happen, this is fun. So, although it had become difficult to concentrate, I squirmed around a bit, squeezed my legs together over my hand that was gripping myself tightly. My bladder knew I was past my goal and complained about the overtime. 5 minutes in I felt that sensation of a little pee was in the slit of my pee hole. It was about to come out.  I checked how close I was till the end doubting I could hold it any longer, 5 minutes left. I felt my hand get a little wet as I could not prevent a little leak from happening. I finished the chapter, with just a few very small leaks occurring, mostly getting my hand wet. I wondered what would happen if I stopped squeezing myself. Not wanting to get them wet I pulled my sweats down in the front to free my dick. Within a minute a very slow but continuous leak occurred for about 10 seconds. I enjoy this sensation the most, so when I regained control, I pressed on my bladder. Instantly a bigger spurt leak occurred.  It was time to get up and pee in the toilet.  Actually, I ended up measuring what I had held. I can’t hold it like I used to, but I still hope for about 1 liter. Yesterday’s first hold 950 ml, not bad for an old guy .To be continued… More pushing my limit.

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  14. On 1/15/2024 at 12:51 AM, Emilaze said:

    The girl in question is me. When I am very very desperate and literally explode with pee, I tend to gush heavily for ages and hiss really loud. More than normal. While I have no issues in peeing in public, the loud hissing still makes me shy hah

     If I heard you peeing loudly with a awesome hiss I would  listen and enjoy it . But I wouldn't embarrase you by letting on.

    Don't be shy though most people who don't share the fetish wouldn't even notice. They are like peeing  we all do it I doubt they would be close enough to hear much. 



  15. I generally don't do much pee dancing in public because I don't want to draw attention to myself. At most I will give myself a quick grab if I think nobody is watching and only if my pee is about to or has started leaking out. Fear of embarrassment helps me hold it longer in public. If I do leak a bit, I hope nobody notices the wet spot. Holding and dancing draws attention to my plight , making them noticing the wet spot more likely. I hope most people are not looking at my crotch.

    One option confused me a bit. While leaning forward when standing with a painfully distended bladder while standing helps, in fact it is difficult to stand up straight. However , when seated bending forward when desperate has the opposite  effect. It squeezes my bladder causing me pain and making it more difficult to hold my pee in. I lean back and stretch out my legs in front of me giving my overfull bladder a bit more room to expand. If I can get away with it, I will also unsnap my pants. 

    I forgot to comment on a couple of other choices one  that may work for others but not me. Bouncing up and jostles my painfullly full bladder,  not only  does that really hurt sometimes even urters  it  increases the possibility of a leak.

    I have squeezed an object specifically my leg when my pee felt like it was going to come out but I  absolutely could not hold my dick . It's just psychological holding myself anyway and this apperently worked. My pants stayed dry.



  16. I love the sensation of my bladder filling , and the increasing pressure in my penis.  My favorite part is continuing to try holding my pee once I become very desperate, and my pee is pushing hard on my pee hole trying to come out. Of course if I don't relieve myself properly, because I am enjoying the awesome it's going to come out sensation, I will eventually wet my pants, which is fun too.

    I am not at all interested in drinking pee, mostly out of health concerns. I did put some of my own fresh, still warm urine in my mouth. It was diluted enough that it didn't taste bitter like I expected. However, concern that swallowing it could make me sick, I spit it out . I also put peeing in the toilet did nothing for me. That is where 95% of my urination is done, but that is just routine, everybody does it, so not thrilling .

    Naughty pee can be fun, as long as I don't  get caught ,offend anybody, or damage someone else's property or leave them a mess to clean up .

    I selected peeing in my yard as my naughtiest  spot  I have peed. It's true, I have whipped it out and peed in my yard , after dark ( my neighbors were very close and I could easily been seen) and have wet my pants there during the day. I have also peed out the window at night.

    However, after I voted , I thought of something else. I found a old abandoned RV at a campground I was staying at. I waited until I had a really full bladder, and peed in as many places as I could, on the bed, couch, and the carpet. I even peed on some female's jeans that were left behind. I did this more than once.

    At the same camp there was an old non-running truck destin for the scrap yard. I did multiple pees all over the seat. Then over a few days I urinated into the gas tank. I calculated that I put at least a gallon of pee in there. 

    I have some videos of some of the naughty adventures, which of course contain male nudity.

  17. 2 hours ago, LadyP said:

    Tonight I'm laying on my sofa, holding while watching tv. I could get up and go to pee, but I want to keep enjoying this feeling a bit longer.


     I am doing the same this evening

    My favorite part is feeling my bladder filling , becoming increasingly full and firm ,with growing pressure.  The highlight comes when pressure increases in my penis,  finally  feeling like my pee is pressing against my pee hole like it is going to. come out. I don't mind wetting my pants sometimes. Just a few minutes ago I experienced such a wave of desperation and had to squeeze my dick to keep it in. That kept it in for now  but I am getting even  fuller.

    10:43 editJust experienced another desperation wave. Held it in but the pressure in my dick id remaining high bladder  actually almost painfully full..

     I am going to get up now and get ready for bed including something to drink. I will try not to pee until I am done .l

    11:06Having a cold drink  and thought I was going to pee myself just now. Had to squeeze myself again. This feels great. Gonna feel good to let it out soon, if it does not come out by itself .






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  18. On 8/29/2023 at 2:44 AM, Ilovepiss123 said:

    Has anyone ever used their own mouth and face as a toilet when they have to pee? I personally love self peeing!! If so, what was your experience? 

    I love self peeing, mostly wetting my pants.I don't know how peeing in your own mouth would work. I have held my pee for as long as I can and laid down in the tub naked. I don't pee until it starts coming out on its own .I have used my penis to create a pee fountain peeing all over my body.  I start with my dick pointed at my face . If I have had a really good hold and the pressure is exceptionally high I hit my face and mouth briefly  before the strong stream drops a bit .

  19. I love the desperation the struggle to hold it in. I enjoy the sensation of  my bladder filling from just needing to go to a full bladder having no intention of peeing anytime soon .Eventually I and or the woman I am with bevome desperate, distended bladder aching pee pressing on the pee hole threatening to come out. We do everything possible to keep from peeing; holding ourselves squirming,  pee dancing etc. The best part is when I feel my pee is  pressing on my pee hole and is going to come out. Of course I know what I am feeling, the pressure similar to when I am about to cum. But I need her to continually update what she is feeling and where. I enjoy the sensation so much sometimes I keep holding my pee until I can't and it comes out uncontrollably.  When she is obviously coming to her end. I watch hoping to see the first leak and small wet spot, but  her still trying to hold it.

    I have been enjoying holding my pee filling my bladder over the past few hours. A few minutes ago I had a bladder spasm that threatened to push pee into my pants. I had to grab my dick a couple times. My bladder has calmed down a bit for now, but is pleasantly very full. I lovr this sensation of a full bladder and pee pressure in my penis.


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  20. I want my avatar to represent who I am a male who is interested in attracting females who enjoy watching or reading about me being desperate and peeing in my pants.

    It is not about displaying my penis, which is now  frankly no more than average, nothing special. I never considered using something non representitive random object, or a female peeing because that would attract men , maybe even make people think I am a woman.

    Although I have been on this site for five years, I have been active on various pee sites for over twenty . I asked on some what the women want to see.  Many answered they like my videos of me peeing naked or wetting my pants or underwear.  Although I have done nude peeing videos , i don't think it would be acceptable to use my  peeing penis as an avatar. I normally wear briefs or boxer briefs. They are tight enough to show the shape of my manhood without putting it actually displaying it. Of course since this is a pee site I am actively peeing.



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  21. I sometimes enjoy playing with my pee stream, including  peeing on my hand . I aim for the highest pressure too. Sometimes I am sitting for the other thing and place my hand over the end of my penis. I much rather be standing , holding my hand in front and below . I do that in the tub , because otherwise my pee splatters all over. I have found the best way to get full pressure on my hand is to squat only as far as necessary to rest my hand on the bottom of the tub. I use my other hand to aim. This way my pee is using gravity to achieve maximum pressure. It also helps if I have held my pee until I am very full. 

    Another thing I have done is to take advantage of having a penis. I wait until my pee feels like it is about to come out on its own . Obviously the longer I hold the more pee to play with. Then lay in the tub and create a pee fountain going all over me.  

    I also love putting my hand under a female companion as she pees on my hand.

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