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Everything posted by Bacardi

  1. Yeah. That would probably turn me on too lol. Sound is such an important part of my arousal, and so is being so nonchalant about peeing 🥰
  2. I just had a pretty good orgasm (or at least all the cum in my pj's tell me it was good lol), and I commented on how good peeing after an orgasm feels for me. It's a recent revelation, and I noticed it tonight specifically because I got off and then peed before bed lol. I'm curious about what other peefans prefer. Idk what it is. Maybe it's just the pressure that builds up between my legs and releasing my pee just enhances it haha. Everything is already so sensitive that peeing just kinda gives me one last wave of pleasure.
  3. Well that's good you're having an awesome time! I will forever be jealous because I am dying to visit another country. Have fun and don't over do it 💋
  4. This is the coolest thing I've ever seen lol. I love it. Imagine peeing outside at night to hide it from your family and the next day they walk outside and see this 🤣 with my luck it would be me!
  5. Very yellow and smelly pee is a turn off for me, but it sort of mildly amuses me when I catch a whiff of my own and it smells different. Morning pee definitely not, but sometimes it's rather sweet smelling depending on what I've eaten during the day. Doesn't turn me, but it is nice to smell lol.
  6. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRVVXqxp/ If you aren't this dedicated to watching me pee then just leave me alone.
  7. Hi best friend. I hope you're feeling better than when we last talked. Wanted to revive your thread by asking you if you had anything fun planned for the holidays, and what, if anything, do you celebrate?
  8. I love everything about this 😍 thank you for sharing!
  9. Ciao e benvenuto mio amico 🥰 Hope you enjoy your time on the forums! I for one love it here.
  10. For me It'd be a toss up between on their bedroom carpet, or in their closet. Would probably prefer their closet for some privacy lol.
  11. 1. When people guess my age they usually guess a lot younger. Two years ago at my old job people would guess that I was a high schooler when I was in my mid 20s lol. When I lost weight people thought I looked younger, and to this day people think I'm in my early to mid 20s when really I'm almost 30 😬 I feel like I act my age, and I generally feel my age too. 2. My favorite age was probably my early 20s when I was pregnant and taking care of babies. I'm so happy i decided to have kids young. Wouldn't change it for anything. 3. I don't really fear getting older. I've already found my
  12. You send me pictures of you cumming over me. That'll crisp them up! Totally not in a thirsty, selfish, I'd totally get off to a video of you shooting your cum, kind of way. I've scientifically proven it!
  13. He is. And so am I 😫 not that i vigorously scrub my face and hair with the same towel I dry my body off with (curly hair, remember? Air drying only!). And in the shower I wash my face with a wash cloth and the rest of my body with a fluffy loofah 😊
  14. Bacardi


    Yaaaaaaayyyyyy people are coming over from Misterpoll! Im so happy. My teenage hood was basically spent getting off to the pee content on there. That site played a huge role in me accepting my fetish and im so sad to see it go.
  15. Thank you Oysterman!! Hey! No beating your meat to my posts 😡 Just kidding. Makes me feel good to know I stroke that particular part of you 😊
  16. So much to unpack here. One this website has ruined me. Because the first time I saw this i said "haha. Someone peed on a post and it looks like a man peeing gallons!" But upon further inspection it looks more like chipped paint in the form of a man receiving a bj. I am so out of it 🤣
  17. Grazie mille amico mio. Maybe I'll need your help for next time I try lol
  18. Don't threaten me with a good time now! I dunno lol. I don't remember if I counted the drips. I think the rules I adhered to, if you want to call them that, was as long as it was steadily coming out if me it counted. The drips could have been clinging to my pubic hair (I really need to shave when my period is over) so that's why I didn't count it.
  19. Guys I am so proud of myself right now 😭 This afternoon I decided for no particular reason that I was going to pee for longer than a minute. My previous record was like 56 seconds or something like that, and I've really been trying to make it to a minute (thanks to those that have been helping me train my bladder!) But it's been a goal of mine to pee for a full minute. I'm about halfway through my period so my body is no longer retaining water. This means water tends to fly right through me, and I have to pee more often. I filled up my favorite cup and downed 24 oz, then filled it up aga
  20. Don't you hate it? That first time I was so devastated that I didn't hit a minute. Better luck next time. I really, really had to concentrate to get there, and it came in two parts!
  21. Update: ten minutes I had another 11 second pee. That's a lot of pee for me so I'm counting it in with the last. That means I finally hit my minute long pee!
  22. Holding contest with myself just now. Got down 48 oz of water and -almost- beat my goal of a 60 second pee. ☹️ one day I'll get it.
  23. Uuuuuuggggfhhhh I was sooooooo close! SO CLOSE TO MY MINUTE LONG PEE! but, @Maclir I told you i was gonna have you beat lol.
  24. 48 oz down and I can feel how my bladder is stretching 😔
  25. Thanks! I hope so lol. 24 oz down so far.
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