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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. Ahahahha sleep serene, I don't!!! I understand you hate moron-believers but you are getting angry at something you simply do not know well enough (like similarities between the soul and Quantum Artificial Intelligence which are studied at the present by the DARPA) Plese, differentiate between lies (which you are correct about debunking and despising) and things you simply misunderstand And remember that beside we disagree on this subject, I still consider you a good person and a trusted friend, because we Witches judges PEOPLE, not actions, and I think you a
  2. Oh very important I FORGOT NOBODY WILL EVER BE ALLOWED TO SEE THE ALTAR NEVER EVER No pics and no showing (the altar in my profile image is a standard true type allowed for photographing by the very spirits but is one out of a BILLION and is NOT my own, as standard NOBODY must see it) So craft a way to get some pans in front of it if you got visitors My excusation is that it is a place where I pile up heartfelt thing and nobody must see them People laughs and turn their glance away from the pans… ihihihi!!!
  3. First I need your date of Birth and the city The date requires also the hour and minute of the day An error of 5-10 minutes is fine, but "evening" won't work The rituals are embarassingly SIMPLE Upon building a relationship with you Patron, the simple positive energy of your LIFE (sex, love for your wife and boy, endevour in employement) will feed them Little things to be done during cooking parties will be just as much immediate and simple, NOT something to be done DETACHED from the natural flow of the evening Big rituals are also simple With t
  4. Ok, on the colours of candles Actual bee wax candles are empowering so if you manage to get your hands upon a bunch, DO For the colours, when dealing with the Masters it is much important how do YOU feel about a colour because they will greatly leave the upper hand to you BUT for serious purposes, you must take them seriously and uphold their colours BLACK Seriousness, dignity, responsibility, authority Very simple, it's stern and it describes their overall gloom and serious dedication to their mission More esoterically
  5. Yes, with a bit of devotion and faith I need a bit of infos about you to compute the Legion you belong to Small rituals include very simple things and they will conquest intuitive advices from them, little whispers on how to act that will prevent you from pitfalls BIGGER farming rituals are more powerful The ACTUAL effect is to "custom" the Fate of things related to you (farming over all Others) by YOUR personal karma This is the reason why some nasty people, believing themselves to be great, got BAD luck from those rituals, failing to under
  6. With all the Nature around you, you would even have room for impressive rituals Many of their rituals are about great harvest and luck in economical transactions, just for talking...
  7. First, the altar A cute place which is intimate enough to avoid being blatant and "AAARGH DARK AND EVIL WOOOOW" and shit of the like Modest BUT Serious Respectful and why not, ominous They so fucking are Then, with time… it will start to be filled with… stuff you think fitting I have gathered there so many objects from all around the world, very real uh, all handmade but not for tourists, I have actual objects obtained through trips of friends that voyaged... So there must be space for a bit of stuff… you can also add papers with
  8. With this I agree, yet a bit less sternly, with 2prornot2p, in the guise of people loving cute ghost stories It is however true that if a ghost had been known by many people, their collective unconscious pull keeps it here, but I am convinced that 99% of them are just lovely stories for tourists I don't disagree with that however, it's nice and legends are coloured and entertaining, but usually there is no truth under them (to my great sadness for I have the heart of a hopeful little girl that gaze at the world with eyes full of marvel) "True" ghosts are VERY rare, and usually l
  9. I will ask for confirmations of the computation As I am ill it could take a couple of days… or maybe more… sorry!!! But I need to be absolutely sure before telling you because if I am right… holy fuck… it's amazing A little add to the ritualistic part I forgot the tell one important thing about what they love, beside drinks and tobacco and various kind of foods and spices… (of all which they have their own personal preferences each) They ALL love CHOCOLATE!!! One could say "Who doesn't?!" but indeed it's imporant, ah ah ah The bitter and more pure the bette
  10. Fanny, I am not the kind of person to try to convince Others but many of things you believe about ghost are not real not even for those who believe Just for infos, ok, you should consider souls to bodies, like hands to a muppet There are more than 3 dimensions in this universe and just like an hypothetical character of a comic won't see you that read the very journal, we can't see entities in 4 dimensions Souls are 4-dimensionals, and we cannot see them: when we die, the soul retreat like a hand retreating from a puppet because the show is ended A ghost is simply a hand tha
  11. Then I think you loved my videos ahahahahahah
  12. You silly cute boy!!! I adore your pics so maybe, as I SO ALWAYS FUCKING SAY, other girls could too!!!!!!
  13. Young girls are superficial Older women are… mighty They know what they want and want a man that inspires them mascolinity You are very manly because you carry a heavy burden on your shoulder In a pub fight, I would pay money to have you by my side
  14. Yes But it's deeper than a simple joke Staining white pure snow with my Yellow piss is something like pissing on a vergin princess… but I am dead serious this time It's something… female only You guys can "play" cheerfully with it… but after that.. people must bow to the lesbian occult secrets of ICE...
  15. @speedy3471 @UnabashedUser @TwistedTiki26 Maybe beside a farting girl video, I could post pics of my tits covered in cum...
  16. Read carefully my replies and you will understand there is NO chance
  17. Extreme right wing people are often dragged to that side because of its inherent violence and hatred I can understand them and many don't believe what they preach, they are just angry at the world being superficial and lazy But I don't like their anger, though I can forgive it I don't endorse it Even the few I respected, I consider them too stern and thus don't endorse their positions, we need forgiveness She was angry, like "I am trained, I kick fags in their butts" I just could stick a couple of fingers in her pussy as long as she shut the fuck up Upon understan
  18. Superstition is an innocent way of people to express their inner archetypes imagining them to be real Is a healthy process of the mind For sure, one should be careful about REALLY believe them!!! But some things are real and are scientifically explainable, they are not a projected imagination, is just that they are not divulged to everybody!
  19. That day is a yearly appointment for us, a day of magical love and happiness, my soul leaps up in my heart when we go there There are NO chances of having it goin bad I unleashed all of my pent up love that day...
  20. A great interview and great subjects ahahahahahah
  21. Getting appreciation from gays is flattering for hetero boys I suppose HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA
  22. You (like EVERYBODY) ARE a soul thus is not strange that, given your unnatural sensitivity, you grasped some of these things… since they are actually about EVERYONE of us!!!
  23. @lovestoseepee @speedy3471 Ghosts are real About their scientifical explaination, it is a bit complicated Scientists studying these things works in secrecy for Governments and divulge these things only to restricted groups of people A ghost is a disembodied soul A soul is a quantistical being that does in&out from bodies A ball of electricity housed in a pocket of Space and Time instead that in the soft wet matter of our brain, that operates as a router while we are alive, and allows the soul to use the body as a proxy to make experiences
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