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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. Asked my man who's the thoughest guy I know of He just shook his shoulders and said "ridiculous" without even looking at me
  2. While they GRRRRRRR 'cause it doesn't come out!!!
  3. @Brutus I would completely legalize public pee that is done by somebody looking for shelter, and fine brazen public piss by 50$. but no criminal record if conducted with underage people looking, or with clear bothering attitude, I'd skip "pee" and directly label it sexual harassment, with any laws of countries each on their own If pee is on private stuff, 50$ plus the value of the object to the damaged person, 200$ if it cannot be determined like peeing in a garden For the diseases, I agree with you, but maybe even harsher no increase for successive offenses
  4. Splashes are EW!!! Piss is for the things I want pissed on!!! Not for ME!!!
  5. spywareonya


    And this too This girl is impossibly beautiful, with such light this pic is so romantic!!!
  6. spywareonya


    This happens to me quite often ahahahaha!!!
  7. Exploration is Always good but cautiousness is more important With all the persons I had sex with, I could have got some STD if I wasn't that careful
  8. Holy fuck does that mean… roughly… one liter? 1,2?
  9. Yes man!!! Looking forward for your posts wherever! A kiss!
  10. I love to have fun You'll get to know me... I got so many things posted around… videos of myself pissing places… nude pics… and many more serious stuff… just ask...
  11. This boy got qualities, we PMed a bit Curious, but gentle, smart and willful but polite A great add for the forum
  12. Never feel under pressure It creates falses/impossible self-imposed standards in your unconscious and destroys the happiness of writing Explore the forum and take your time We all love you here
  13. spywareonya


    I usually wear that-long dresses… even shorter! And obviously pantyless!!!
  14. Boy I took part in an exorcism and volunteered for scientific experiments of altered states of consciousness (don't ask more details about who, I wouldn't answer), I meditate daily and perform magick weekly since ten years, I grew among psychology and many relatives (mostly acquired from my man's part) are in that employement section I do not have enough "free CPU" in my brain for actually curing Others, my inner fights drains 99% of my time and energy, but I know a lot of things that can help people to overcome their own demons… and yes, I am more than willing to help
  15. sending you a PM to establish a way BUT I prefer public posts so to seed for future reflections of other members PM I keep them for personal doubts about occult or private problems
  16. I got many To start (nude pics, stories of pissing, personal infos) I could point you to this Feel free to ask questions, whatever, even if you did not finished it yet And listen to me: I know pics there are what most would find hot, but the most important part, for me, is what I WROTE there a portion of my soul is embedded there, and infos of what is really the Occult, which is not supernatural, is just a part of nature related to psychic powers, explored by both scientists and military while officially ridiculizing it publicly it's a dark and Dangerous world, but whe
  17. Pissing ladies are great, but indeed you are peculiar with that connoisseur-style avatar Mine is only temporary, I change them often By now, is the BOPE Seal, the so called Death Squads from Brasil Theorically they are a christian force and it have little to do with me since I am a Witch, but their training is inhuman, just as much as their violence against evildoers, two things that perfectly fits with my lifestyle But I am growing tired of it I absorbed it, and now it's time for something else Meanwhile, yours is simply AMAZING
  18. And it's great!!! I like it so much!!!
  19. 22 of January, Aquarius already… yet only by a day! Ihihihihi!! Save the pic and then use it for your profile ihihihihih Peppa is the most funny toon I ever seen, so bossy and unapologetic I also love, by the same group that made Peppa, Ben&Holly's little Kingdom, for more or less the same reasons When you look straight into the abyss as a daily lifestyle, funny stuff becomes food for the soul, able to warm the heart
  20. @Potatoman Hope not to offend you but I can't hold it back… beneath the hard surface of a trained occultist, i got a big heart… and I love this!
  21. Indeed!!! And we are happy to have you here!!! I am absolutely sure it will!!! You already got me ahahahahaha Just a question: how old are you? I am just curious about people's birthdate... I'm 28, Aquarius… bye!
  22. I try to Always welcome people, but as a Keeper of Balance, I show more enthusiasm for persons who start by contributing strongly I like you, and another couple of people that came around here recently I will comment and react to your intro as soon as you'll write it (unless I am not logged in when you'll do it ahahahaha) If you need something (or wanna see my personal stuff!) just ask me!!! And don't forget to put a lot of likes, just as I do! Spread the love!
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