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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. It doesn't matter to me I like friendship, unless I wouldn't write so much of things unrelated to pee directly YET piss is obviously very important to me There are tons of things like the ones you just saw, that I wanna show you...
  2. Well, as the boss said, introductions written with passion are great bumping them is good anyway!!!
  3. Sophie is married, but she has an incredibly gentle soul, in many cases she let her veil fall and revealed the Amazing person she is, so though without the slightest intention to bother her, I made clear in many chances that I have an actual crush on her, because women like her are one out of a million
  4. @steve25805 I think everybody consider you the most complete and 360" contributor of the forum I am so sad this problem occurred, but your friends gave you actual advices Believe me, there are many ways to extract datas from a broken PC, you just have to know how The problem is that very likely it will be long and hard if you choose to do it by yourself Many years ago, Alex suffered a similar problem: in his PC there were many files stolen by his hacker friends, thus he could not simply pay somebody to extract things from it like in every computer assistence shop of th
  5. @WantonLee holy shit I missed it! Ahahahaha in english and american epidemic means also something spreading terribly wide and terribly fast It's inherently a contradiction of the very meaning of money: money are nothing, pieces of metal or paper They are a CONTRACT and are thus meant to be used to create disparity, this is willing and keeps the world spinning, though we exaggerated the difference between riches and poors If you wanna pay ZERO DOLLARS simply hide to pee, no fines for you. 50$, hightened to 250$ if you don't pay on the spot, are for those people who
  6. spywareonya


    Ahahahahahahaah!!! Anyway, with that light, is a masterpiece
  7. ??? Quite the opposite, it was a way to completely bypass courts and registers as it is not considered a crime but only a sanctioned indecency If you KNOW you WANNA piss in public (no fines if you hide!) then take 50$ ready with you and that's all, it's more a price than a fine, since it's utterly voluntary (again, if you hide there's no fine) no problems with that, but I really failed to understand the question!!!
  8. A narrative delicatesse that indeed struck some chord deep down in me A marvellous story, short, to the point, and weirdly full-frontal in its erotism Compliments man...
  9. @WantonLee MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. No Jesus was born at the passage of Ages between Aries and Pisces, the backbone of spiritual existence on Earth that happens only by each 26 000 years. Buddha was born in an age and a place where spirit was more active than Jesus, no rituals were involved, but indeed Buddha was meant to teach stuff, Jesus was meant to fuck the world. When Jesus was disgustingly murdered and the Church was misleaded into serving evil forces, the Gods looked for a substitute to build an army and counterbalance what fallen christianity had become. Later islam too was corrupted, and now they are b
  11. Indeed He was conceived through rituals to be the way he was: the symbolism of Immaculate Conception means that no human basenesses were included in conceiving him as he was conceived during a ritual under the watchful eyes of Lilith and Shamash Exactly!!! Jesus message was complicated. He did not spoke against violence in itself, nor war, nor dangers nor suffering. The word "meek" here means those who are not rushy. Those who listen to fittingness instead of being blinded by anguish or hatred. Such persons uses 1% of the violence of rushy and low humans, just li
  12. I'll take a look, thank you man PS I want another fucking chapter of the Piss Empire!!!
  13. A clean man is a pleasurable man!!!
  14. Dunno about there, I just read their stuff without signing in and somehow heard about here, but I am not amazed about that you found yourself at ease here!!! This place is marvellous…!
  15. @steve25805 @Scot_Lover The last of the Gods The youngest, though being twin to Lilith He still is the "second" of them, and Lilith's husband I used to call Him Archangel Michael during the previous posts, and is not that wrong, since indeed He is The Sun, the essence of life, regeneration, hope, forgiveness, atonement, and love. Indeed, He is the energy that appears during High Rituals about deep Christian secret Witchcraft, as The Christ. Though the man that embodied himself as Jesus of Nazareth was indeed a man, the Presence that was felt through him,
  16. Mark is good fella This forum is indeed experiencing a second youth
  17. I adore the funny use of boldness ahahahahaah
  18. They are made of impossibly rare materials that are the basis of genetical life on planets… they fly, and spread their seeds...
  19. Another one that strikes a chord in my depths Marvellous Thank you man, awsome
  20. I am left without words This is out of this Earth Incredible Steve Downloaded on my pc because it's impossibly beautiful
  21. One of my favourites of yours I adore water, and I adore these colours… thank you my friend for sharing this with me
  22. I agree my friend, this is awsome It's a place I would love to live in, but also even simply visiting it… you can feel the power it emanates...
  23. They are remnants of dead stars… and from them new stars are born into existence… marvellous cycle...
  24. Ok first of all I love these two They make me think of the two you talked about to me, with those Genius pitch names…!!!
  25. I'm not, but I would like to be, so we could be flesh-and-blood friends!!!
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