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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. Intensity in everything you do, just because you know that either you are intense or you are wasting your life, is a choice. It has nothing to do with common ground. People should just realize they have no reason to abstain from pressing the reaction button or write a quick, happy comment beneath a post You already told me your fears. You misunderstand "strenght" and "intensity". You say that your enormous sensitivity prevent you from being strong. But I am not talking of strenght. I am talking of headlong-ness. Even the most shy and embarassed and doomed-by-his-own-demons human ca
  2. Hope she will feel at least half as hot as she makes me feel… in that case you will have to handle the situation.. because a woman horny just simply 50% of me now… is a force to be reckoned...
  3. I simply ADORE the Winter theme and use it since I turned gold!!!
  4. Hope she read what I wrote… I'll taste the moment...
  5. Yellow!!! Like girl's favourite fruits HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  6. SHE DOES But this pijama gets stained like nothing, it's the same kind of an old one that got a bit, ehm, ruined some years ago while playing with both Alex and another girl… that made him cum on me while we were all cuddling in the bed…
  7. As I told ya… some of them were quite vivid in my memory… guess why ihihihih I sincerely can feel her through your description. I understand why you love her so much. She emanates "hot-ness". And yes, so my "planning" stands. Nature, intimacy while cooking (I simply ADORE lesbian kiss&tell while cooking, is like making love, quick caresses while recipes got ready, little embarassed and romantic glances...), and in the end a lot of piss and foam!!! Then, on the bed… she could know my darker and hotter side… shit I got wet down there, it's so funny… almost embarass
  8. For what I would do to her, I need to know her character, my fantasies are based on that. But a great walk in nature, then back home cooking together, and in the end some piss action in the bathtub, would be glorious. Concluding it all among bedpans… with a lot of female sighs… and much MUCH LESS gentleness...
  9. @Grizzly Man Some of these, I remember them from last year… they were the ones that hooked me up with your wife. Fuck, she's hot. My favourite is this by any means But I also sincerely got caught guard down and had a deep, sincere shiver to this one which is delightful PLUS I am absolutely sure I already saw this one because I actually abused my poor clit looking at it, some months ago. I simply can't be wrong ehehehehe!!!
  10. @WantonLee The man you are talking to is quite famous for some strong adfirmations (which are not Always appreciated) but I have had chance to talk to him and he is not a bad boy. If something he says is felt as exceedingly aggressive by you, simply ignore it, he isn't the way he appears. @Raven726 That fella was too hard on you. I have no problems at all believing you, since my childhood had been a bit of a mess too, and I know memories can be buried under a sensation of psychological blur. It's hard to explain by words… it's like Time expanding and then all
  11. I hope she could welcome girls too… I'd die for a shot at her...
  12. Sounds bizarrely arousing… maybe it's because of the words you used in order to describe it...
  13. @Kylenut2 Hey man!!!! Happee Birthday to youuuu!!!!! And remember… it's not a birthday if the baker doesn't misspell your name on the cake!!!!
  14. A portion of me fear we are getting mad at a cockroach in order to ignore the elephant in the room. The chat is nothing more than a place where people talk, and it's pointless to be stressed about turning it into something else to hide the fact we are simply experiencing a terrible "down phase" in the forum traffic (both less people logging in, and less activity by those who do) When more people used to log in daily, nobody was concerned of the chat, as it worked perfectly
  15. And I am delighted to get this from you. The Bosses too noticed a bit of exceeding fragmentation, that's why they engineered the PeefansCup. It was a smart move, but they are leaders, not tyrants, they can encourage but cannot coherce… and after the Cup ended… it all started to roll anew I am seriously displeased. I am even starting to suppose it's because I am a woman. Men are, maybe, stronger, or simply different. I can't stand when something created with all your heart and your soul… doesn't get what it deserves, and goes wasted. If it happens, I simply stop post stuff. And am utt
  16. They were the core. But I like how you write, there and then
  17. We did. But it's up to people to behave the right way!!! Oh Goddess… I am not sure it will work. Let me explain… these plans are EXACTLY the things I LOVE. But… it's difficult to convince so many people to team together!!!
  18. Darling… you are sublime. Really, sometimes Nature is drunk and simply gets bored of creating standard humans… and comes up an inhuman masterpiece like you. Greedy, you are out of this world. Beautiful, not of this Earth. Really love this pic
  19. Oh, I love to drink piss!!! But usually not mine, I prefer that of my man… for girls, I love to drink theirs, but hey, they must be of absolutely proved health. This is not a game. It has been a while since I tasted a girl's nectar… I really crave to pee on a girl like I used to do when I still had a lover...
  20. Anyway, thank you for all of this… I DEFINITELY need more of this...
  21. It's more complicated. And it involves stuff that can offend, but hey, it's me, isn't it? So FUCK IT!!! Breast size is about hormons. Women with small tits have a different hormonality than women with big tits. Different doesn't mean better or worse, but it's up to that, and hormons are due to both DNA-induced character, and dailychoices-induced one. My breasts were a bit smaller when I met Alex, I was heavier than now but very emotionally reserved, my hormons were fucked, staying with him I got thinner but with bigger tits. Anyway, small breasted women can also be influenced by
  22. I adore long hair. Also, they have spiritual meanings in my Path. I am letting mine grow, and grow, and grow!!! But for a quickie, also a short haired girl can go: many of them use that style to have an "energetic" appearence, and they DO look good
  23. Guess why I nominated you as best sights - reporter
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