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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. I love the traffic this thread is generating. It's a real fire-side tale of happiness and erotism
  2. You DEFINITELY got an incredible woman by your side
  3. @Scot_Lover We can create bacteria, in our labs, that never existed before we built them, amminoacid after amminoacid. Entities in higher dimension can do the same with universes. This doesn't give them the status of divinity to which we should bow. But makes them gods in our standards. To ME, it also mean that they know the difference between Good and Bad better than us and THUS I bow to them. But in itself, to me the Gods are not Creators in the common inferring of the meaning, nor sovereign. Just "advanced aliens" so to speak. So advanced that the universe is just a pr
  4. The point where you say that you don't like the idea of a creator is RIGHT. The fact that you can conceive a baby just make you a part of the same world of him, you are not his "creator" in some sort of sinister guise But believe, a lot of stuff evolved in the multiverse before us. And can do everything he wants. TO US it would LOOK LIKE a god
  5. Existence originally was structured differently. We never got answers exceedingly precise about how they evolved, the point is that in the VERY beginning, there were some "possibilities", like blindspots in the continuum, that were the sons of the fact that existence originally did not exist, and thus it couldn't be 100% coherent as it was now existing but before it wasn't. These pitfalls needed to be destroyed, and some entities did. This unleashed a cataclism we cannot grasp. Like a PC rebooting after an upgrade. ALL was reverted to nihil, except the Overseers, that simply surviv
  6. Yes, I respect both his sterness and your foresight. Indeed, though different, you guys are among my favourite. A hand should never become a foot and viceversa, but both are utterly mandatory for health. And I understand both his concerns, and yours. I, personally, stand for "remain", but I can dig his anger about UK becoming a trash bin for the problems EU longitudinally failed to filter from South and East. Yes, this is the real enemy now. MAYBE Brexit will make them understand people are angry against all of this. At least that could bring some evolution into a moment
  7. The very first existence was self-generated, and this is why atheists are not wrong on the "spiritual stance" when they say that an hypothetical God would be PART of existence and not its creator, existing before it. But AFTER a first cycle of creation was concluded with the generation of the Overseers, they were alone and omnipotent, and started a new plan… so yes… existence is not an act of creation… but existence as we know it, the matter we feel and the essence we perceive, our very selves… ARE
  8. Yes, more correct to say things this way, it's the true definition. Not less traffic… less… "alive". But TERRIBLY less alive!!! Yes, I can believe this. I try to make my part about partecipating more!! But indeed… we can embetter ourselves… it's Valentine day!!!
  9. My secret dream is to one day emanate the same energy of that pic HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  10. Take this then Isn't it ADORABLE?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Not that immediate as an A>imply>B. You have a good heart, boy
  11. Secret Knowldge of Witches about Jesus cannot be divulged, as in our view, He had been one of the greatest occult pratictioner of all History. Apocryphal Gospels tell marvels of his psychic powers... What we can say about him, is that his attitude toward peace was more complicated than people think. "...let it be known that I came not to bring peace, but a sword, for these are the Days of Wrath, when those who killed by sword, by sword must be killed. So those who got a sword, let them get it, and those who don't own one, let them sell their cape in order to buy one"
  12. The most shared (though behind closed doors) theory about the universe is that in the beginning, much before our universe, quantistic fluctuations gave Birth to a mist which was called "Non-Zero", matter emerging from nothingness. With time, it collpased through gravity, giving Birth to a point of manifestation. From that, the multiverse was born, countless universes cohexisting, without complicated laws exceedingly different from those known by now. Outside the many bubbles of universes, free fluxes sometimes intermingle and crash onto each other, creating points of great compressed
  13. More or less ALL you wrote is true. Let's see what I can add..
  14. Trying to sum up ALL that Alex and I put together in alifetime, asking contacts with important scientists (that 99% of times simply ignore our mails ahahah) and reading every new publication thanks to some friends that got a PhD in physic and sometimes explain stuff to us... PLUS adding some occult stuff on my behalf… mmmh...
  15. 1) your avatar is AMAZING 2) your attitude when you post is just as amazing A huge hug...
  16. You are SO right. There is something hot in her, that goes BEYOND the physical (which is great too), she is… cheerful. Sexual. Hot in the meaning of the term from "heat".
  17. Uìììììììììììììì!!! 😊 Here I am!!! I got a little pussy!!! And tits!!! And a terrific patter!!! So I am a woman!!! Ehe he, yes, mainly Alex. I remember and enjoy each of them, though it's not exceedingly common, mainly because it's messy ahahah and also because piss drinking has two components, one of simple complicity, of love and arousale, and one of domination. We share the first, but in the second, he is the master, thus... I never gave a man my piss deliberately (mainly for lack of chances, uh, I'm not shy ahahah) but according to one of Alex'
  18. My thought exactly. I add mysef to the list of the distracted people ihihihihi Your love story, its trouble and highlights, can warm the most frozen of hearts. I adore every story from you about the two of you!!!
  19. It's the second time in a day that you show (first was with me) you know how to manly encourage somebody, and that you got a good heart. Good work boy, we need people like you. And I so fucking really mean it.
  20. I sense (I am not cuddling you, you actually changed spiritual flavour) you are utterly different from the person I used to sense months ago. You were brave, but without a compass. Now you got a goal. It's marvellous. My love goes to you even when I'm offline. A huge hug my friend!!!
  21. I don't need your constant presence to know NOBODY (maybe not even I) gave this forum as much as you did. In my opinion, my crown as "Best forum contributor" is an eternal #3 beside Admin that built it and YOU that kept it alive for so much I adore you Steve, never think I could be hurt by you Holy shit NOW THIS IS IMPORTANT. Utter respect from me, bro I talked about it with FannyWatcher too. He thinks it will rock consciousnesses more than to "remain&yell", but I am sad you leave anyway. But indeed, EU must change, it's not you who failed us, it's EU who
  22. In fact it weren't the people. It's that I have to admit that, to me, bonding is really a primary occupation. I saw how it feels when people love each other, and have their eyes Always connected to those of Others. Is a comrades life-style that was a main part of becoming the kind of woman I am, that could blow his boyfriend while on the same couch of three of his male friends, provided this doesn't prevent me to look at the TV if the football match is currently in its most heating part I need that world… here in this forum more than anything. I gave this place all of myself becaus
  23. Ehehehe we can't wait to see them!!! A huge kiss!!!
  24. I really was dripping down there. She is amazing
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