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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. You two could partecipate on a documentary about perfect love The thread title says what moves us to masturbate? Hot stories Like this one of yours
  2. Oh shit I cummed a couple of hours ago but if you make me read accounts like this I got itchy again...
  3. I desire for you to tell me how hard you came in her mouth that time
  4. First-second reaction, I got wet. From the very first instant AFTER that one, I felt my heart melting with romance
  5. Your wife is Amazing, you know what I think of her
  6. Poppy is simply EVIL. The part where she hypnotize the [unknowing medium] mom into believing life is an agitated dream and spectral existence is peaceful, so for her to kill her children. The point is not simply LIE, the point is that evil deads (we call them Dybbuq) really see life as an anguished nightmare and Death as release from it, and we know they are behind much more unexplained murders that many thinks. Often murderers claim they heard voices so to obtain advantages during trials… but sometimes they are awfully sincere. Dybbuq are souls SO damned the DreamWeb of disincarned
  7. I ADORED the figure of the dad. He is a great actor and his character… do you remember that line, "fight yet with love?" I almost cried. THAT is a sample of the kind of human we Witches are trying to craft. Plus, there are many occult things in that serie. First of all, Time all shambled up. Some deepest regions of the spiritual world are like that. And it explains some DEEP mysteries of existence Second, the antagonist, Poppy Hill, the Heart of darkness that invaded the house. She is quite realistic as how forces of actual evil are in reality. She frightened me. Alex too was
  8. Ok, let's see Fav Movies: I have seen 3000+ movies in my life. Have to chose? 1) V for Vendetta 2) Blade Runner 3) too many at peer level, main to point to is "300 Spartans". Spartan's lifecode as seen in the movie (real one was a little bit more complicated) is more or less the Witches lifestyle. Same psychology, on everything, till Death (which I stared in the eye more than once) Fav tv shows: I am against series 'cause they don't try to tell stories but just to be prolongued to make moneys. So I love more or less anything that got the guts to be CONCLUDE
  9. This is where I lost myself in severe arousal…
  10. I think @F.W asked about Flying propelled intra-atmosphere stuff Like airplanes I think it's indeed the ramjet like @UnabashedUser said
  11. It is so true that if you see my post wich overlaps more or less all the planet, I totally forgot to write about the arabic peninsula ahahahahahaha!!!!!!! Yes, that portion of the Qu'ran particularly enrages us Witches because it was added later to hit and outlaw the Yazidis, a subgroup of Islam which remained faithful to the ways of the Ancients, and whose extermination continues today in border lands. Yazid secret rituals involve urine (like all magick worthy of this name).
  12. Jesus, historically, existed. Those who are involved in the occult like I am had access to materials which are kept away from people. I can bet my pussy, he was real. BUT many feature added to him are symbolical, borrowed from other traditions. The Jesus presented to us from the Bible is nothing like the original one, a MAN with his own ideas that made mistakes and tried to become better, and wasn't all knowing or constantly so sure of himself. But Jesus was indeed in initiated of mysteries much darker than those commonly deployed by Conspiracy guys like Dan Brown, and he was an incredibl
  13. @Alfresco I thought worse in the UK, have to admit. Fascinating. You guys sounds like you got balls of solid rock
  14. Likes helps people build visibility, and visibility is a tool to be put in the service of one's goal, that in my case is to cuddle great-yet-lost people like you. I need a lot of reputation points thus reacting to my stuff is never shallow. Answering is Amazing, but if you have not time to craft a complicated thread in a Language which is not your own, then simply react. To me it's not unimportant. I need visibility. I meant that regardless of what they are, holy anger resides in everybody. Crafting it in the unrestrainable will to partecipate to life is a chance open to everybo
  15. I know for personal reasons that Spain has a 0-fucks-given about public urination, but only during parties. There is some kind of "don't ask don't tell" silent deal between party animals and common people, that on friday and saturday night common people simply won't go outside, and you see scenes like those from Galician Nights actually everywhere. Half a dozen of girls pissing in a row in full street-lights with thousands of people passing nearby, taking pics of them, chatting with them as they pee, and thirty feet away another group of ten girls pissing serenely in the middle of the city mai
  16. Sometimes the Human Race just needs human sensibility... I believe in this project. Spread the love!!!
  17. Somewhere in the rights of goldmembers there was written we would have had some privileges about clubs. I agree 100000000000% moving the clubs to the forum, but I have a club, Nancy's hookupclub, where I discuss psychological things with people, to embetter their appearence with girls and increase their selfesteem. it's important for it to remain a closed club somehow. People writing in it obtained an assurement from me that it would have remained private. Indeed I have had tons of request of access I have denied, notifying people through PM that the club is strictly for people of proved sensi
  18. Uìììììììììììììììììììììììììììì !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!!
  19. Very busy in Real Life. She is school teacher and a mom too, these days are over the top for her. We will see her back as soon as possible!!!
  20. Darling, we are a happy bunch, more a family than a community. You will notice it quite soon, and let me tell you something more: whenever you feel alone, confused or puzzled, or you have doubts, just PM somebody you feel you can trust. You can't imagine how tight this community can be. Indeed, I have been complaining recently that traffic decreased below my personal strict standards (am I allowed a bit of moral authority after all I did, isn't it? ihihihi) but befriending new persons is EXACTLY what bring out the best part in each one of us Feel at home and post your fucking hot content
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