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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. Yes, it's peculiar that some persons… simply won't get that their chatting style isn't appreciated For shyness, we hug you about that, but you are a fucking great add to this forum and I sincerely would love to see you carve the niche you deserve, as we all love ya man. It could be interesting. I personally had been positively intrigued by this: I think it could be good...
  2. As a great feminist once said, "A man without cock is not a man anymore". You guys should be able to appreciate us girls. You know what could be the point, theorically speaking? As I faced this myself… sometimes, boys are NOT spiritually polite when making appreciations. You got the innate courtesy of old school privateers. Many modern boys are just rude, and indeed that is not laudable. Maybe it's THAT that bothers women. But I conquered the strenght I needed to be feared, respected and loved. Why shouldn't other women do the same?!
  3. Indeed this is where the envious misunderstood feminism led us. I am woman, for fuck's sake, but all of this hatred against you boys MUST STOP. I mean, what the hell… why considering men as violently Dangerous unless, in first place, there was aggression in the woman's mind, uh?! When I walk down the street with obscenely short skirts and traverse dark alleys filled with Dangerous men, the never bother me, not only because I got a reputation back in the times of gang life (or because many got help from me about occult problems and fear my actual capabilities) but mainly because they SENSE
  4. One day I will e-mail you, through my lawyer, to ask for official permission to write this very sentence of you as mine in some pamphlets. Because in my opinion what you just wrote is THE ULTIME KEY TO STOP SEXISM AND SEX WARS ONCE AND FOR ALL Not even God could have put it down in a better fashion. This is Bible, word by fucking word
  5. This means being a healthy male. Fuck this fake modern culture 🤣
  6. I Always faced this since being a Young girl. Reflecting my place in the world… My family wasn't poor, at all… and yet it had been unable to prevent me (or maybe it actually was responsible and I simply am unable to write it down?!) from a horribly abused childhood I swore that I would have dated only men I could love… men that wouldn't ignore the cry for help of a destroyed little girl… (again… the IHS...) Strong, good men like there are some on this forum. Alex, you, Steve, Scot… Owlman is a great man too… there are some... Yes. I would say I pity them. But they are
  7. Again, quite funny. You know how highly I treasure you, and indeed because you are a fucking great MAN. Maybe you are not the most reassuring she-boy modern women seem to look for (I feel you could be quite fearsome, with your braveness and sharp intelligence) but FUCK how much do I love people like you. It's that suddenly… we remained just a bunch!!!
  8. Oh, I wasn't addressing at you my friend. As you could see, I listed you since the beginning among those who care about the forum wellbeing. But it's really strange the impressive "down" phase things are undergoing. I have been here since the beginning of the year, really nobody (beside my dearest friends like you and few Others) ever quoted or liked anything I posted. Also yours and Steve's reputation points increased very little... people seems to have become cold I absolutely don't like that...
  9. Why I am writing all of this? Because something happened since the PeeFansCup in September. I did not wrote much during the following months, but I logged in from time to time… and I noticed a Dangerous trend taking strenght. During January, it detonated with such force, that I witnessed with my own eyes the chat un-used for 30 HOURS IN A ROW and this happened thrice in a ten days. THRICE. Not to say that the forum seems to have completely forgot about me recently. I am here to spice things up. I am here, just like I am present in each of the portions of my life that I st
  10. The reason why we Witches put ourselves on display both sexually and spiritually, is to INFRINGE the IHS. We rock consciousnesses, we gather looks unto ourselves. Why? Friedrick Nietzsche used to say: "If you doesn't know yourself enough to be your own leader, at least find a leader that won't fuck your mind" There is no best leader for each of us than ourselves. But somebody under the influence of the IHS is NOT his own leader: he is just alienated. He is not free: he is blind. He is not on the top of it all: he is just isolated. As long as there will be peop
  11. What is the IHS for me? An acronym doubtlessly, but doesn't stand for In Hoc Signo. It stands for INVISIBLE HUB OF SILENCE. It's what Marx (that has to do with Stalin's so-called "Marxism" just as much Christianity has in common with the actual teachings of Christ, i.e ZERO) called "Alienation". It's the empty space between people. The invisible wall that prevents people from feeling the raging desire to interact with each other. It's a deafening silence, a blinding nothingness, like being mesmerized into lack of five senses, unable to perceive our fellows humans even if
  12. Do any of you have familiarity with the acronym "IHS" ? Is a christian term, it is sometimes written above Crucifixes, and is latin, it stands for "In Hoc Signo", which means "In the Name of" referring to the Cross. As a Witch, we know that the teachings of Christ were NOTHING like the shit is squandered around by the Church, and indeed we Witches list Christ as one of us. But if we consider christianity like the modern diarrhea perpetrated by religious leaders (that, I would like to remember all of you, would sentence ALL of us fetishists to hell) I could define myself as a full-frontal
  13. Last year, after a roaring start, something happened. During January, I began to be ignored, surpassed by some other contents that were offering something more immediately enjoyable than mine, and this hurt me, yet without realizing why. I left, offended that people were failing to realize the true meaning of what I was giving to this forum… the funny thing, is that gun-to-the-head, it wasn't exactly clear not even to me... I never stopped logging it, but I stopped to post, until late Spring. After being back, it was quite obvious to me that the persons that overrun me into people'
  14. Hi Forum This is a very important communication from Spywareonya And it's the only thing I should have been talking about since the very beginning My unability to realize this had been to be blamed unto my personal immaturity This is about why I left for two months last year. And about why it is NOT IMPOSSIBLE that I could leave again… this is about why I am here. On this forum, just as much as on this world. Under any circumstances, you will never, ever, read from me anything more intimate and dead serious.
  15. Love these games!! Where I shouldn't. The wronger, the better (with the exception of bothering something that deserves to be respected, which I will never do) I have a deep grudge for the un-healthy-ness of modern world mindset. Peeing where I shouldn't is both an act of war against this fallen world, and an act of freedom to reconnect with the theorical perfect world I see in my mind, where Nature is listened to, instead of completely ignored and ruined Impossible to tell. I piss literally everywhere. I peed into friends' sinks in the bathro
  16. I suppose it's because of her great humility. Plus, she hadn't been writing anything for years, maybe she got reasons very personal and intimate. Maybe she doesn't feel to be Leaky_One anymore, and now she is "just" (the fuck!!! This last story is Amazing!) Lesley…
  17. Indeed. Maybe it's my browser. Edge is behaving bad these days. Ahhhhh that worked!!!!
  18. Mainly asking @Admin but anybody could help!!! When I try to post a link to a video, it embeds the actual URL but only as letters and numbers, not an actual link. People should have to copy it in another page and it's quite frustrating on a porn forum. It's a problem with my browser or anybody experienced this before?
  19. Oh Goddess!!!! So… @lesley is…? WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!! I can't remember how many times I fingered to Leaky_One stories!!!
  20. spywareonya

    ROOM 101

    I adore dogs But I can understand the silly behaviour of people putting them on display. You get out of your home, you see one hundred of them in 5 minutes. I am beginning to understand the reasons laying under each your complains and interlinking them all. You are against anything that emanates an overall sensation of "bad taste" and I can definitely agree
  21. @Lilipee Cummed just now... ...thank you...
  22. Getting wet reading this Agree. Yet when I read the part of you imagining her pissing on the floor I got even wetter Such a sweetheart... ...and here is where I started fingering. Sorry, couldn't help that. You are somewhere between a lovely mom and a kinky friend. That's so Amazing. Ehehehehe… I love to see this scenario you built, going on in my imagination...
  23. I simply ADORE these games!!! Great job Riley!!! I laugh lovely but intensely, to convey a message. Then I turn to her, while still laughing (to use the psychological assertiveness drawn from the laughter) and tell her: "Then what are you waiting for?!" Ok this is subtle. I say nothing. It's important. I came to realize that people open to fetishism, are pro-active, they don't need encouragement. Those who need it, are not yet became sure of their boldness and kinkiness, and being pushy only results in having them becoming emotionally embarassed and behaviourally
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