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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. I dressed like a proper bride for a wedding of a female friend who requested for very strict cultural reasons that the First Bridesmaid was dressed like a bride too and it was one hell of a party, I will have to write about it one day, as it was the best weekend of my life, five-star foods and limousine and drunk for 3 days non-stop, pissing EVERYWHERE and in the end a threesome with the other bridesmaid… Anyway, it wasn't simply difficult, it was IMPOSSIBLE. Indeed the second bridesmaid also had as a full-fledged official duty to hold it up high when I needed to pee, and since the
  2. Hi Scot... I am glad to be here I read and answered the public post about your recent misadventure… You are still loved anyway The two of you are marvellous persons A huge hug
  3. I missed you guys desperately And your ass pics!!!!! THank you for being so eager in welcoming me back!!!
  4. spywareonya

    ROOM 101

    I usually tend to see things from the right/wrong perspective about Politic and Morality and sometimes forget how people actually feel… It's not that I'm heartless, is that I want to change the world and I get used of the fact that regardless of what you do, whatever you do in any situation, there will Always be somebody who's not happy… not to say that my life was never happy… so I simply gave up caring for people's emotions, unless for special individuals that conquered my respect (like people on this forum). On a general stance, I focus more about not doing uncorrect things, but I just
  5. spywareonya

    ROOM 101

    Marriage should be law-abiding without restrictions of sort But I propose a counter-reflection. Marriage is a religious feature. I mean, it was religion that created marriage, shamanistic cultures practiced free love, if a couple wanted to be just by themselves they simply said "no" to people proposing them sex Since religion is against homosexuality from the start, why begging? One could say: to me is just a way to get social ratification of our couple Ok, I then ask, for which use? Is a matter of emotions? Nobody is more married than Alex and I (we are married before
  6. spywareonya

    ROOM 101

    fascinating can I answer? people that smoke in public I ask pardon, but I am a 101% pro-tobacco person. I don't smoke that much, but I adore to do it and I would even like Law to lift last decades prohibition of smoking in public closed places like pubs and theaters loud guys Yes, they can be bothering. I just discovered I was bothered because of a subtle envy: during my best periods of life, they mysteriously bothered me much less, so I investigated my own unconscious and boom!!! spineless parents with animal-like children ok, they're th
  7. spywareonya

    ROOM 101

    aroused, the other two are less impressive and we will call it SHEER POWER unisex, you spray it on yourself and feel like you are high in anphetamines ahahaha
  8. I missed you all, too, I would have been back earlier if I could have had I still love you so...
  9. spywareonya

    ROOM 101

  10. @Scot_Lover I first wanna apologize for being absent during this Now, back to important stuff How are you? And much more urgent, how's Maigh? She has Always been so sensitive… I really hope she is ok No words can describe how I feel for your loss, but sometimes, things are pre-destined not by Fate or Destiny, but by their inner structure If she really wanted a husband for her alone and children, it was impossible for her to remain with you What left me speechless was the fact she blocked you away from her new life, this indeed sounds like mani
  11. your cuteness-level is impressive as Always, but as you correctly said, you disappeared for a week, I disappeared for 5, and many people had a day-by-day PM chats with me who got interrupted too it was hell I'm just back after Mastering it THE BITCH IS BACK!!! ahahahahaha!!!!!
  12. I have been away for all november and the first week of december I am so sorry and want to ask forgiveness to all my friends and fans I have been a very difficult moment that really prevented me from any kind of pleasure and free moment I am confident it won't happen again any soon thank you all, for everything I'm back!!!!
  13. This ritual was to harness the terrible powers manifesting on Earth on these days, but I really acknoledged that it had been better to let them just pass… I channeled them in my life and it was turned upside down to a point that is really hard to remain skeptical about the existence of the supernatural after this...
  14. A sincere advice? Never believe ANYTHING said publicly, as anybody with a bit of real occult knowledge, craft his own words when speaking publicly, so to have the vast majority understanding only the non-Dangerous portions of what he personally knows But I am not forcing you on this subject. a kiss...
  15. @Riley The equation you quoted was an adfirmation about quality, not epochs But your post was excellent anyway
  16. I was skeptical since the beginning about this ritual Not because I think you guys are beginners, but because there was too little time actually I am almost glad nobody answered: at this point, I officially declare that I won't go any further in detailing it, this actual thread remains open for questions but I won't go on with the ritual explainations A kiss to you all
  17. Hi boy Tell us more about you, so that we will be able to know you better!
  18. What do you think is more accurate? Books written for non buddhists, or first hand twenty years experience? What I wrote upthere is the only truth buddhists really believe. Other are just self-(believe-to-be-)taught humans who know nothing Please, don't be that headlong when talking with people who explored these things from within for decades EDIT If for non-theist you mean that they consider the Gods only embettered versions of themselves and thus refuse to "adore" them on a metaphysical stance, then in that case you are right. The Gods are just the biggest fi
  19. Allow me a little clarification Buddhism isn't really atheist In true Buddhism, they perfectly know that when a living being attains buddhahood, he develops psychic powers and the ability to live in the Quantum, like a ghost or a god, and they know entities started this evolutive road thousands of universes ago, and by now they are one million times more powerful than the god imagined by christians For us, for Science, they are nothing stranger than aliens made of energy, able to influence reality, they only are REALLY BIG These entities did not created existence but had th
  20. Reciting "By the Power of Satan" will produce roughly 1,4 times the amount of energy released by reciting the the "Ancient Ones version", but can also backfire, in which case it will disperse part of its strenght and thus unleashe only half of that, so 70% of the "Ancient Ones version" Because of this you must make your pick wisely Satan here must not be a reminder of satanism or pop culture, it must be considered as something ominous and terrifying, detached from anything you think you know The hungry spirits are all entities residing in the astral that are predatorial
  21. Have you ever seen "Contact"? Is a marvellous movie that uses the plot-excusation of a transmission received from aliens to shape e 3-hours story about the emotions of people that are dragged to that situation In the end, a scientist must be chosen to be sent to meet them and the female protagonist is shunned because she is an atheist. She protests, and the co-protagonist (who's also in love with her) makes a life-changeing explaination that really modified forever my opinion on religion The Whole script is too long and too touching, I will simply shrink it here in a few
  22. @greedyneedygirl Thank you for sharing, darling You are so hot I consider anybody that touched you to be lucky I long for you so much and intensely, cunts are cunts, what matters is the person they are attached to, their character And yours, is the one of the hottest and most visceral woman I ever had knowledge of
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