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Everything posted by Remi

  1. Go to the basement if you have access. Even in apartment buildings these aren't frequented too much. If you are lucky there is someones old disposal that you can pee on. Outside it depends on where you are located, city, countryside etc...try something less risky like a forrest to get used to it and lose some eventual pee shyness. Work your way up and see where your comfort zone ends. No need to push it. I was such a sissy, even peeing in the basement made me nervous even though there were only like 8 families/ parties per apartment building and i did it mostly at night or evening. Got us
  2. You are not gay when you clean your butt - you are just clean. You are not gay when you shave yourself more than just on your face, meaning your butt, chest, legs or whatever - you are just....less hairy You are not gay when you wear fancy dresses and act flamboyant - you are just flamboyant with a passion for fancy clothes. When you are attracted to other men, that's when you are gay.
  3. In GTA 2 when you are standing long enough not doing anything the character would light up a cigarette and smoke i guess. But because the game is in an aerial perspective it always looks like the character is peeing. So as a lil' boy i would always get 'fascinated' letting the guy 'pee' against anything.
  4. Tried, once a bit into a pair of jeans that was broken anyways. Second time in a bottle but i found that it was too loud to continue as there was only a curtain and people/workers very close minding their business. Plus the curtain wasn't going all down to the floor so if i'd miss or dribble more than i already had, even if it was just on myself/ clothes i still feared someone could notice. The thought of just carelessly soaking the mirror, clothes or whatever else is nice but i can't bring myself to do it so i'll stick to watching videos of it, preferably with girls.
  5. Water and some soap are good. But try to dry those as much as possible before putting those in a bag and don't close the bag otherwise the moisture has no where to go and those towels will start to smell. Have fun!
  6. Indeed. I wonder how she found out about her special talent?
  7. She goes by the name of 'Annie'. There are quite some videos where she displays her powerpissing: http://www.eroprofile.com/m/videos/home?text=annie+piss&x=0&y=0
  8. Lovely set of pictures in your gallery, i'm amazed 😍
  9. Wow this naughty behavior is so hot and arousing. Dispose off it hahaha
  10. Amazing pic. And it looks like you've got a lot of precision in your stream!
  11. WOW, that's beyond great! I like your way of thinking haha. Thanks for sharing those pictures, it's always a great pleasure!! Good to see you back! Basically everywhere but the toilet
  12. Always all in. I like that, especially the carpet!! This year i'll maybe try it. Or if i am lucky enough i will find a girl on vacation that does it for me.
  13. Holy fuck, now that's a girl i'd like to party with!
  14. Stunning I somehow imagined that you would look a bit 'wild hearted' after reading your descriptions of yourself but man....sometimes a picture says more than a thousand words. Very sexy!
  15. And when you look at it from an economical standpoint it also saves water. So if you want to convince someone to pee in the shower say it's for mother nature.
  16. Besides the places mentioned either here or by yourself at some point (which is basically everywhere :D) i can't really think of something right now. When i can think of some places or positions i'll let you know. Just have to say, this is pretty awesome, thanks a lot!! Oh yea, voting for you: done!
  17. pure awesomeness! That is all so amazing, probably even the ones you don't consider to be. Standing spraying things and leaving pee just everywhere (and on whatever hehe) you can imagine no matter what...wow. I can hardly put into words how great i think this is. You could totally have your own pee diary. As for it being a curse i think it's because it is something rare and unaccepted. Stories of girls peeing naughty are quite scarce in comparison, even more so the girls that openly admit to do it or get a kick out of it. For example when you go out clubbing and you see girls heading for
  18. Some detailed background on those things would be amazing, the bicycles, the car, furniture, clothes......i gotta say that is all pretty awesome. I like the kind of spiritual insight or reflection you guys have on this. You are an enrichement to this place. To be honest, for myself i somehow see it as a curse to get turned on by girls naughty peeing.
  19. Golden showers - 1 Pissing in naughty indoor locations. - 5 Pissing outdoors or in public - 5 Wetting - 2 Watching someone pee - 5 Drinking someone's pee - 1 Desperation - 2
  20. Be confident in yourself. There is no such thing as 'nobody will like it', there will always be guys or girls enjoying it. Especially on this place when it comes to a lady peeing And you'll probably like your own stuff too. As for successfully filming it depends on a few things. Use the light on your phone but be aware that in darkness you can be seen from quite a distance. Try to find a place to lean your camera/phone against so you won't have to hold it with one hand and you can actually see more. Filming a wetting from your point of view with a cam in one hand makes it much harder to
  21. Around 13. Posted my first experiences somewhere on here, mostly peeing in the basement of an apartment building. It was probably the thrill of doing something that is forbidden / taboo and is considered disgusting that made me enjoy it.
  22. Haha! It's amazing how loud taking a piss can be when it's quiet around AND you don't want to get caught. Your post makes me want to find myself a potted plant for some fun. Feel free to share the stories on here if you'd like
  23. Would love to hear more details about the 2 locations, especially the carpet!
  24. I love hearing about this adventurous, naughty pee "prank" kind of stuff. Nice job watering the flowers and the porch! Luckily your fart didn't wake anyone up inside Very well written and enjoyable to read, not just the pee stuff. Keep on enjoying yourselfs, your posts are great!
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