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Everything posted by Carb0nBased

  1. It must have felt freeing to pee out in the middle of such beautiful scenery.
  2. Given that last sentence, I gather that there are quite a few friends you have peed in front of?
  3. And, depending on the direction of the stream and the design of the toilet (I'm talking about "regular" toilet peeing here), sometimes you hear a changing combo of that "WSSH" hiss, the "TSSS" of the stream hitting the porcelain, and the sprinkling or splashing of drops or a stream directly into the water, particularly at the end. It allows you to visualize what the stream might be doing under her even if you cant actually watch.
  4. Yes, I would have read it as "wet paint" without room for the I. If it had been WETLEGS on the other hand, then I'd have connected it with pee.
  5. Definitely jeans and yoga pants (for women). Jeans because they are so normal and everyday, which contrasts with how unexpected a wetting is, and how if they are reasonably tight they show the figure nicely. Yoga pants because they are almost the closest to naked shapewise while still covering everything. Color matters less as long as it's light enough to easily show the wetness.
  6. While reading and responding to some posts in my thread about the etiquette of friends peeing together, I was reminded of an experience a few years ago. There was a woman I knew because I was a quite frequent customer at the shop where she worked. When the day was slow for her we would chat, and it became clear that she had a significant crush on me to an extent that was actually quite amusing. She was a mom with several kids, and yet in this respect she seemed like an awkward giggly schoolgirl. Even when we barely knew each other, she seemed to feel we totally clicked. The feeling was
  7. If that's the issue, then whoever complains should be clear about that, rather than coming across as complaining about men discussing women's anatomy in general. I agree with everything else you said.
  8. That woman in the "Leave No Trace" video is really cute!
  9. This is in regards to something that was discussed recently in the thread about instinctive female peeing positions, and also in a thread a month or so ago about thick vs. thin urine streams. Apparently, some female members have expressed irritation at male members trying to explain their own anatomy to them, asking lots of questions, or some combination of these. It's a shame that this has come up particularly in a discussion about how people would pee in a world without clothes and toilet training--a question we can only speculate about (given that the few remote tribes left that aren't expo
  10. Though on both sides of the pond you should try to keep your fanny in your pants...
  11. I know "wee-wee" almost entirely as a word that children use, or adults use when talking to children. I wasn't aware that it once was common among adults as well. And I've never heard of a "wee-wee fountain"--that's interesting to hear that female peeing was referenced so openly when describing something that is in itself totally "clean" and everyday. If I had heard the term "wee-wee fountain", I would have assumed it referred to one of the many decorative outdoor fountains (NOT drinking fountains), common particularly in Europe, where an arc emerges from a horizontal tap or nozzle sticking ou
  12. This makes me--and I bet quite some people on here--wonder what courses you teach! It seems like a college teacher who smokes weed while looking for pee opportunities would be fun to have...
  13. I can't say about women/girls, but I would caution you not to assume that males standing to pee is "instinctive" in the sense of somehow genetically hardwired. Keep in mind that voluntarily controlling peeing is a learned habit that must be taught (sometimes with quite some trial and error) to children, and also that while walking itself is partly instinctive, an important part of it is also learned after quite some time of living (and regularly peeing). So peeing starts out as something that "just happens", and nobody starts out peeing when he or she is already standing up and walking around!
  14. Does she even have an issue if you ask her to open her legs so you can see her go in the toilet? or only when she's peeing in less conventional places? More on the original topic, there have been threads on here before both on this topic, where men and women described women peeing during sex, and also about the other way around, where either men described peeing inside their girlfriends/wives, or else where women described getting peed in. On both sides it can be possible or not, depending on the physiology and anatomy of the pee-er--some women can pee with a penis inside and some guys ca
  15. Of course. Just like it is with every guy. There are some guys who will only pee alone in a stall even as adults, and there are those who think nothing of peeing on a wall shoulder to shoulder in a line of guys they just met while chatting. Also, if the women on this forum give merely their own comfort level, I'd expect it to be at least somewhat less shy than for the average woman on the street, as it takes some openness to even admit your fetish to yourself, and even more to chat about it with others. I was just curious roughly what percentage of female friendships have what level of opennes
  16. I feel like this has to be VERY social group/"scene" and culturally dependent. My experiences have not shown nearly the effect of gender that you have observed. Maybe in some outgoing, extraverted circles what you're describing is true. Especially if you're the kind of nonchalant guy who makes really good casual conversation with party girls. I myself have never spent a lot of time in the party scene, and when I did, I usually was the guy sitting alone watching everyone, which may have made me seem "creepy" to some. I also have been alone so much that when I am talking with a girl, especi
  17. I've done it. If I squeeze it closed hard enough, as some have already said, it swells up like a balloon. It's much weirder feeling, though, to just pinch it enough that it's closed, but loosely enough that the flow can push it open. The feeling of the liquid rushing through the ring of sensitive skin at the tip and making it flap a bit is really unique--to give maybe a slightly gross analogy it's almost like farting out of my dick. Using the foreskin to force the flow of pee to go around is also a way to wash some of the residual stickiness off the head after cumming, when I'm not in the
  18. That IS clearer--so the difference is her giving an invitation to join rather than simply going off to pee. I would be the same way--I would assume a woman wants to go off and pee by herself unless she made no effort to move away and/or hide, or actually invited me to join her.
  19. You said that you think women going into a bathroom together to take turns peeing shows that women are generally less pee shy than men. But men regularly pee in urinals next to other men. There is the etiquette, at least among men who don't know each other, to look at the wall rather than at the guy next to you, but you're still definitely peeing in the same room together. What I meant is that if two women are in the same bathroom, but the one who isn't on the toilet faces a wall looking away from the toilet, then that could actually be less, or at least no more, of "peeing together" than
  20. If it's at a house party then yes, they must be in the same room. I don't know to what extent they actually face each other while peeing--maybe you can answer that since it sounds like you've been in such a situation. I'm surprised that two women wanted to join you to pee rather than just go in by themselves. They must have really trusted you.
  21. I wonder if some of us develop this fetish because we were--or maybe still are--especially private about peeing. I was the kid who always peed in a stall as a kid (before high school), though now as an adult I rarely do. I am kind of like you in that just typical friends it's as awkward of not more so than with strangers. Basically, it's the friends that talking about sex with wouldn't feel awkward that I'd feel ok peeing around, and for many periods in my life I haven't had even one friend like that. Possibly it's in part the other way too--like if we see peeing as "exciting" growing up
  22. That sounds like a contradiction--I must be misunderstanding. Maybe you meant you wouldn't feel right going up to a female friend who walked off somewhere to pee and joining her, but if she's decides on her own to start peeing without moving away from you, you would not mind joining? or maybe what you'd have a problem with is asking if a woman wants to pee together, whereas you'd ask a guy?
  23. I think there are two things going on here--depending on whether they are in a place with bathrooms or somewhere outdoors--neither of which necessarily say anything about peeing while in view of someone else. In a place with bathrooms, going to the bathroom together is an opportunity to chat without the company of other people in the room (particularly guys). It doesn't necessarily men that they will leave the stall door open or go in the same stall. Yes, some women DO do those things, but even those who don't likely would talk to their friends at the sink or whatever. Men usually go in
  24. I got thinking about this after my recent sighting at the beach (see here https://peefans.com/topic/6940-ladies-piss-aftermath-puddles/?do=findComment&comment=333866). Namely, particularly for girls and women (but guys can answer too, as I'm sure this varies greatly among our gender as well), how good a friend do you have to be with someone to be comfortable with what level of peeing with/in front of her (or him). In the sighting I described, I mentioned that from far away, it looked almost like the two women (presumably friends) not only went to the dunes together, but that they coul
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