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Everything posted by steve25805

  1. Years back I went through a phase of copying sexy girls from lingerie catalogues, except I drew them nude and pissing, lol. Such were the ways I amused myself in pre-internet days when porn was hard to get hold of. A very warm welcome to the forum by the way
  2. I tend not to pay for custom videos because they tend to be pretty expensive when there is so much free stuff around. Because basically right now I am in debt and struggling financially. But there may be others with spare cash around. Were I to pay for a custom vid, wetting is not my main thing and probably not something I would choose to pay for. But if you were pissing on the carpet or something like that it would be a very different matter possibly. But am sure there must be plenty of others whose main interests include girls wetting.
  3. There have always been stupid people. The difference today is that they have access to something called the internet.
  4. That track has a very retro feel about it. It is very reminiscent of the kind of synthesized sounds that were around in my youth in the early 80s.
  5. There are two schools of thought as to why. One is simply gross stupidity and incompetence, which is itself a damning indictment of the people we voted into office if true. The other school of thought it is that it is quite wilful, the intention being to gradually spread the virus more readily in pursuit of so-called herd immunity. If this is the case they are not being honest about it. What is doubly baffling is that both the political opposition and most of the media are utterly failing to hold the government to account on this, thereby making themselves de facto complicit.
  6. Here are some of your great grandmothers having fun back in the day....
  7. Well the threat of the virus is well and truly with us now. Situation in the UK. It appears to be decimating the occupants of elderly care homes, but not all the deaths are even being recorded as due to the virus. I think we are being misled. The official figures released every day only include those dying in hospitals. And still there is zero testing at airports. Planeloads of people are still arriving - often from virus hotspots - and heading off into the general population, unquarantined and untested. Yet no one seems to be making much of an issue out of this gross
  8. Thanks for pointing this out. It is not something most of us would have thought of. Problem is, shemale - like milf - has become a sexually descriptive word. We all know what we are going to get if we click on it. In that sense it serves a functional purpose that other terms would not so much. If I see the term "shemale pissing pic" I know exactly what I am going to get - a pic ofsomeone with a wholly female body but also a dick pissing someplace. I think the terminology has become entrenched as a descriptive term in porn and we are never going to change that.
  9. I think quite a few of us would like that, lol. Welcome
  10. Welcome to the forum, @peenewbie and @Spageto
  11. Just browse the forum to see what we have to offer - ideally contributing a post or two here and there - and you will soon get a feel here for what floats your boat, at least insofar as pissing is concerned. Welcome, by the way.
  12. steve25805


    A very warm welcome to you.
  13. We pride ourselves on being non-judgemental and friendly here and have rules against anyone being down on anyone else. Also - as perhaps you have noticed - many of us here are into what is often called naughty peeing, basically peeing in naughty places. Personally I love stories and true accounts, as well as pics and vids, of girls doing this. My avatar is itself a clue to that. So thank you for your account. It was much appreciated. And welcome to the forum. The guy was being a regular asshole and got what he deserved. Under the circumstances I don't think what you did
  14. I should have acted against that member but chose not to because the lady concerned did not herself report it. Apologies, I should have been more pro-active. I believe Admin has now had a word.
  15. I like the way Facebook blocks work. Whether or not that can be done here is down to Admin. But if anyone is being particularly annoying to you, report them to us with an example and a comment about what they are doing. We will look into it. In worst cases they can be banned. We can also warn them off what they are doing with a private message which they could be banned for if they ignore.
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