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Everything posted by steve25805

  1. Two recent twats on the road incidents. I was approaching a mini roundabout where I encountered some young twat on a moped pulling wheelies in front of me. So I manoeuvred to go around him to which he took offence so he sped in front of me then slowed down to a crawl just to piss me off. So getting annoyed at this prat I drove right up his ass, to which he pulled over to have a go at me. I didn't stop though. I just drove on past and left him behind. Second incident I was following this woman in a car doing about 45mph in a 60 zone. So when we came to a long straight with nothing com
  2. As we get older we may forget some of the wonder up in the skies and take it for granted. But who amongst us has never looked up in the sky and wondered at the full moon? It is worth remembering some of the awe we felt as we gazed upon it.....
  3. This is Jupiter - the largest planet in the solar system - and the comparative sizes of it's four largest moons - Callisto, Ganymede, Europa, and Io. The largest of the four - Ganymede - is the largest moon in the entire solar system, larger than the planet Mercury, though it only has half the mass of Mercury which has a much higher iron content and much less ice. The reddish yellow moon Io is the most volcanically active body in the solar system.....
  4. @Sophie, I love your little true tales. Not so long as to be a daunting read but long enough to deliver the goods. And it is always an awesome read, a very sexy thing to see with my imagination. Mind you, in my imagination you have already peed on my living room carpet, lol. But it is superb to know that these sexy little snippets are true events, things you have actually done before telling us about it. Thanks for sharing.
  5. Welcome to the forum. But I must warn you that your subject matter is skating on very thin ice re our rules against underage erotica, which schoolgirls peeing in class inevitably is for most here. If you wish to continue can you please restrict your fictional writings to females who are explicitly over 18, which could possibly include high school or university. Otherwise your posts risk being deleted. For legal reasons this site cannot be seen to be complicit in apparently under age material. Personal childhood experiences are valid if not overly eroticised.
  6. Welcome to the forum.
  7. I once had a girlfriend who had a bit of a thing about being on the receiving end of playful spanking. Sadly though in those much younger - and pre-internet - days I was far too in the closet about, and bit ashamed of, my fetish to try and trade. I should have moved cautiously - let me watch you pee and I'll give you a spanking for being a naughty girl. Or something like that. But alas a missed opportunity.
  8. That was superb. Peeing in the kitchen sink eh? Nice one.
  9. Wow, that was awesomely sexy as always. I've said before and no doubt I'll say it again, but your husband is a lucky dude.
  10. The Venusian atmosphere remains very thick in spite of the solar wind. There is a lot of it, so much so that at the surface it is 100 times more dense than the surface atmospheric pressure on Earth. Much of this atmosphere consists of carbon dioxide, a known greenhouse gas.
  11. It has been proposed that a planet once existed between Mars and Jupiter, named Phaeton, which was destroyed by some cataclysmic event. But the idea has fallen out of favour in recent decades.... https://www.guide-to-the-universe.com/planet-phaeton.html
  12. They have found significant amounts of phosphine in the atmosphere of Venus. They know of no natural means of producing it other than as a by-product of primitive microbial life. Some think there may be such primitive life high up in the atmosphere where temperatures and pressures are far more temperate than on the scorching surface.
  13. For a star to be so massive it is highly likely to be in it's red giant phase. And something so large will probably not die peacefully. At some point it is likely to go supernova, leaving behind a rapidly rotating remnant where all the protons and electrons are squeezed together into neutrons, creating a neutron star. Such an object is only a mile or two across but can contain the mass of several suns. It is so dense that a teaspoon full can weigh billions of tons. There is also the distinct alternative possibility that the core will collapse beyond the point where even a neutron star can
  14. steve25805


    In my experience pissrip is far worse in this respect than anywhere else I have ever been. At times it is like every pic you try and log onto -let alone video - results in an attempted virus attack which you have to be fast to avoid. I don't want to play chicken with viruses just to gain a few pics or view the occasional video.
  15. steve25805


    I don't go to pissrip anymore. Way too littered with viruses for my liking
  16. If anyone is making you feel uncomfortable, the mod team will take it very seriously. We don't like seeing our lady members scared away. By all means report anything untoward.
  17. Yes that is the typical straight mind perception, that we are all sub-dom humiliation fetishists. Am sure that is because people not into pee cannot conceive of being peed on as anything other than humiliating, therefore it must be about humiliation is the assumption. Clearly they don't understand us at all.
  18. Welcome to the forum, @Eliminature. I think you will find that we are all a pretty friendly and welcoming bunch around here. Glad to have you here.
  19. Welcome to the team, @gldenwetgoose Am sure you'll be a great asset.
  20. Yeah we get those kind of annoying gits here. Long straight where it would be easy and safe to overtake if they slowed down they travel at a decently fast speed. But as soon as you come to somewhere where overtaking is dangerous, they slow down to a fucking crawl. I dream of a magic button that makes the car in front accelerate.
  21. Could it possibly be a subconscious association between the type of car and the assumed age of the driver? I know that I am far less likely to let older drivers out in front of me due to the likelihood that they will "thank" me by driving slow as fuck in front of me. Maybe people associate a Bentley with an older driver? Just a thought.
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