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Everything posted by steve25805

  1. Welcome to the forum, @Haley. By all means do share some of your stories.
  2. I guess I am not a roadhog in the discourteous sense. I have zero tolerance for prats who cannot drive competently at a reasonable yet still legal speed, and who potter along at well below the speed limit. I guess I can take risks overtaking them and in that sense could be seen as a bit road-hoggish. I remain a courteous driver though and will often flash people waiting to turn into a junction in front of me, stopping to let them do so. I will also often let people pull out in front of me and will stop to let pedestrians cross. I always give way when I should and respect the right of way of ot
  3. Another delightfully erotic and superbly written true tale. Nice one @Sophie. Just curious about something though. Does your friend know anything about your peeing interests? Or was the use of the shed an entirely innocent practical suggestion?
  4. A belated welcome to the forum, @Devonpee
  5. If you had the total freedom and ability to direct any pee porn movie of your choice, what would you create? Mine would involve three or four girls partying in a house, drinking loads and smoking weed and generally having fun by pissing all over the place - on the carpets, on the furniture, on tables and beds, in cupboards and drawers, against the walls, etc. Maybe a little peeing on each other too. I would use young and sexy porn stars who are genuinely into it.
  6. If you could have any alternative career of your choosing and had the talent for it, what would you be and what would you do? I guess I would like to be a political columnist for some progressive publication like the New Statesman. What about anyone else? I am sure some of you would pick far less boring and far more interesting careers than that.
  7. I call them crumpets too, though I prefer them only with butter. No marmite or jam.
  8. @Sophie, if you could have had an alternative career - anything at all - and had the talent for it, what would you have done? Formula 1 championship driver? Rock star? Classical pianist? Astronaut? Scientist? Pee porn star? Or something else?
  9. I have little patience with those driving at ridiculously slow speeds. Nice straight bit of road with 60mph limit and some twat wants to drive at 40. I will take risks to get past the twat because I find it too mind numbing to follow. Does that make me a roadhog? I guess so. I have zero patience for idiots who cannot drive competently at a reasonable speed for the road
  10. My employer, like many, has an internet policy that forbids any online activity likely to bring the employer into disrepute. I have long realised that for many, being active on a forum such as this might come under that category. I for that reason never identify my employer here, nor identify myself. I only have to access the internet in work for training purposes and I have a work email address for that entirely separate from my own. I try to make sure the world of work and my life on this forum never mix. Though in the past I did accidentally send a pee porn pic to
  11. Let there be love- oasis lyrics - YouTube
  12. I havent naughty peed for ages. As a guy I have lost interest in doing it in the absence of female company. When I did do it it was usually in my own home so I had to clean up afterwards which was a hassle. To be honest I am much more into girls peeing in naughty places. I think if the lovely @Sophie were ever to pee on my living room carpet, it would almost be a shame to have to clean it up. I'd be tempted to leave it there as an aromatic and visual reminder, lol. The fact that I sometimes get visitors though would make that unwise.
  13. For me I am much more interested in seeing the ladies peeing than in doing so myself. I love the idea and sight of girls peeing in naughty places. I think the brazen wrongness of it works for me.
  14. Welcome to peefans. I love girls like you. You will gain a certain popularity around here, methinks. Especially if you were to share a few true tales.
  15. I uploaded some pics this morning. Some of them were screenshots and a few of these still fell foul of the 3MB limit. Generally when that happens I find the quickest thing to do is to open the offending image, click on edit, screenshot that, edit the screenshot, and the end result is usually only a few hundred KB. But it is a hassle. In practice when I have the time I will do it. When I am more pushed I am more likely to simply delete the image without sharing. Lesson learned? I should only upload pics when I have sufficient time to spare, or should perhaps resize the larger ones when I f
  16. As someone who started this thread a very long time ago now, by all means.
  17. I think 3mb as a limit will be fine. Very few pics are larger than that so it is not too onerous to resize the few that are. The majority of the screenshots are larger than 2mb but smaller than 3mb.
  18. I have had to resize about a dozen pics this morning, many of them screenshots from new pay site trailers and similar and generally unseen before. They are typically all amongst my best pics. Their size was all 2 point something. The size limit is too low for most screenshots. If this continues I may have to give up on screenshots as they are too much hassle. This would be a shame since they are often original pics, sometimes drawn from pay sites
  19. I have just discovered that there is a new file size limit for pics and many of mine - especially screenshots - are falling foul of it which makes uploading them a much more arduous and time-consuming activity, increasing the hassle factor by a factor of 10. In practice this is likely to mean far fewer pics from me because I seriously lack the time quite often and having to resize half my pics greatly undermines my enjoyment of the activity. Can't the file size limit be increased to 3mb instead of 1.95mb? Too many of my pics are falling foul of this new limit. @Admin
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