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Everything posted by steve25805

  1. Another thing that annoys me when driving is those arses who pull out in front of you then drive slow as fuck. And when you drive up their arses in irritation to try and make them speed up a bit, they slow down. If you are going to drive slow as fuck why pull out in front of people?
  2. You know you're a peefan when you encounter a squatting female from behind and immediately wonder if they are a member of this forum. And you are definitely a pee fan if you recognise them from here - "Oh hi, @Sophie, fancy meeting you here. Do carry on. No need to be shy on my account." Lol
  3. I hate looking in mirrors in darkened rooms. I have an irrational fear of what I might see lurking there. Logically daft but something I very much avoid doing. If a room has a mirror in it I cannot enter without first switching the light on if it is dark.
  4. Does anyone else have any unusual habits or quirks? I am something of an indoor nudist, I guess you could say. I live alone and have done for many years. It is my usual habit to spend all my time at home sitting around naked. When I come home from work I immediately undress. I was thinking today how unusual others might think this, so thought I would post about it. Anyone else got any similarly odd habits?
  5. As ever @Sophie, another superb true tale. Whilst for me naughty indoor locations are the main interest, and my outdoor preferences tend to be the brazenly public ones in full and deliberate exhibitionist view, your descriptive skills bring all the action alive and are a joy to read. You build beautiful pictures in my mind. Your husband is a lucky guy to get to witness all this. Were he to join this forum he'd get a load of backslapping from the other guys for being the main man who has struck lucky.
  6. I am a creature of habit and tend to stick with what is familiar insofar as I can. So happy to stick with yellow.
  7. I have noticed no issues with the site running speed nor any downtime yesterday.
  8. Further to @Sophie's and @Admin's responses earlier I would like to add that we used to have such negative icons in the distant past. I fully accept that you wish to use them positively by applying them to negative posts, but we found in the past that there were those who used them negatively, casting negative judgement upon any aspects of the fetish they didn't like. If ever newbies who were tentatively sticking their toe in the water got bombarded with them they generally disappeared feeling most unwelcome. We do have rules against negative judgementalism and the problem with negative icons
  9. @Admin, I will post this here rather than start a new thread. But earlier this morning, I guess around about 6-7am UK time, and also last night, the chatroom kept disconnecting me. But it seems ok now.
  10. Thanks for that @Sophie. Your little pissy adventures are always a delight to read.
  11. I am not all that bothered by the score I get either. I don't take it at all seriously and rarely bother to look. Nevertheless there are those who see it as a form of recognition for effort - @spywareonya being an example - and who pay heed to it. So in that sense it does seem to matter at least a little to some. When I do look at the popularity stakes out of idle interest I am frequently at the top and almost always in the top 5, primarily because of likes received for pics. And yet the effort expended on finding and posting pics is nothing compared to that involved in writing a good sto
  12. I have discussed this privately with @Admin, but it has always struck me that "likes" are somewhat imbalanced. It takes a lot more effort to post any kind of literary contribution yet a pic can be posted in seconds and is just as likely to be "liked". It is very easy to post 50 pics. I could do it in half an hour easily. Yet 50 stories would probably take months of effort. Because of this the pic posters - including me - get more "likes" than anybody else and are always top of the popularity stakes. Comparatively speaking this tends to devalue the efforts of those who go to all the trouble of
  13. @lesley, you have always been and for me remain the number one writer of naughty pissing fiction, I love your stories. I read fewer stories in general these days but yours are always worth a read.
  14. Burgh Island, a tidal island to which you can walk at low tide. Just off Bigbury beach, it is about 15-20 miles along the coast from me in South Devon..... Don't ask me who the lady is. Just some random stranger.
  15. Sunrise over Plymouth, my home town. In the foreground is Smeaton's Tower formerly a lighthouse situated on Eddystone Rocks at sea but when replaced rebuilt on the Hoe overlooking the sea. Just visible to the left is a part of Plymouth fort, first built in the 17th century.....
  16. A little shocked and very surprised is what I recall of my immediate reaction, lol
  17. This is Samantha Fox back in the day. Way back in the 80s she was something of a sex bomb....
  18. You say you are non-political. Do you vote in elections and have you ever done so? If so, who for? Another question so this is not all about boring politics:- If there were a thriving human colony on Mars and you had the chance to go and spend a year there, would you take it?
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