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Everything posted by speedy3471

  1. Looks like you have more laundry to do haha
  2. Awesome. Iam looking forward to your progress
  3. When is day 3? I don't even know how to run a till haha
  4. I've never met anyone like her when I was out walking hahahaha
  5. Good job, another big step taken. Keep up the good work
  6. Welcome. There is a few members from the UK here. Iam from Canada, it's at least a commonwealth nation hahah Sounds like you found yourself a good women, my wife also squirts on occasion hags I hope you enjoy it here
  7. Well at least you have no one else to blame hahahaha
  8. Girls like you aren't found very often. I would like to see you piss on the dance floor tonite haha. I know you have likely done it before haha
  9. Never ever have I been arrested
  10. Wow smoking hot. Your gonna get any women you set your sights on haha. Good hunting
  11. Iam 200km to the nearest city that has a big muslem population. I can't speak directly about that city but as a whole it 1% that give the other 99% a bad name
  12. You said it very well, I totally agree with you. Extremists can be found in any race, religion and walk of life. They are the ones that give the rest of us/them a bad name. Islam definitely has its share of extremists who then brain wash young people into carring out jihad. Many muslims live in peace among their Christian counterparts That being said our goverment in canada goes out of it's way to accommodate Muslim emigrants. Iam not opposed to emigration but they are free to practice their religion here but don't press it into other people. We have changed our customs and traditio
  13. Your mom said it way better than I did. 😀
  14. Please do. I know it's hard coming out of your comfort zone, at the end of the day you will be glad you did
  15. That's awesome man, good for you. Now that the scariest part/step is taken I hope the rest fo easier for you. Just remember you have everyone's support here, don't overdue it and if you need to talk we are here
  16. Yes a very sad day for new Zealand. 8 don't think it will ever stop, humans seem to be hardwired to kill one another in the name of religion or beliefs
  17. It's amazing how much easier life becomes when we stop caring so much about what other people think of us. If someone doesn't like me or the things I do I don't lose sleep over it, who cares what they think. Make your self happy and great things will follow
  18. To bad she didn't do that again. As far as your pissing goes sounds like unlimited possibilities hahaha
  19. Well my experience is pretty lame compared to yours haha. About the naughtiest place for me is pissing on the back door to the house haha
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