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Everything posted by speedy3471

  1. I've pissed outside 3 times this morning. My first on of the morning I pissed off my deck(I do this every morning haha) the second and third were out in a field
  2. Hopefully you have a waterproof mattress protector hahahaha
  3. I totally agree. Everyone of us has a phone with a camera in it, just got to look at social media and there's your story The professional photographer/journalist is a dying profession
  4. My old flip phones had better service than any smart phone I've owned haha. They are good at sending emails, texting surfing the web etc but suck as an actual phone hahaha
  5. Bums are lovely to look at as well hahaha. I like to give my wifes a little smak from time to time Haha
  6. Just a skirt and no panties makes for easy pissing hahaha
  7. Iam the same way haha. If iam seen pissing along the roadside so be it. If iam pissing where I could potentially be issued a ticket(fine) iam alot more careful Haha
  8. Nice haha. I find it to be such a turn on when women piss naughty and openly like you did. Did anyone see you pissing?
  9. Booze down under is more expensive then here hahaha. A 1.17 bottle of spirits is aroun the $40 range. Important stuff is more of course. 24 cans of domestic beer is around $48. Corona is probably the most expensive import beer here
  10. I don't mind a gin and tonic on a hot day haha. Bombay sapphire is my preferred choice
  11. Women who piss freely and anywhere they want to turn me on haha
  12. I would say both places are very naughty hahah. Were you 'expecting' to get caught pissing? I only ask because some people like to be seen pissing hahaha Nice work tho
  13. Your welcome. You deserve it, you've made great strides keep it up
  14. If Germany and the U.S had developed atomic weapons at the same time it would of been just like the cold war, mutually assured destruction. No one would of used them. If Hitler had LISTENED to his generals and admirals I do belive th war would of ended much differently. Donetz wanted more uboats, Hitler rushed to start the war. With more uboats they would if blockaded Britain into submission. He chose to run thr war like a corporal he was in the first world war instead of listening to his generals. A thankful mistake for us As F.W said, Japan was way more fanatical. Unit 731 practically i
  15. Very well said. I totally agree with you
  16. Thats awesome. Your doing great. It's amazing to see how far you have come in a short time. Keep up the good work
  17. I don't think nuclear war will happen in my lifetime, likey not at all. With mutually assured destruction I can't see any nations going to that extreme. Iam sure they will come close sometime. Destabilizing a country and invading is just about as good as totally wiping them off the map As for being here in a 1000 years iam hoping so hahah. But I firmly believe that the earth can only support so many people. The way the world population keeps growing we can't support them all. Hell just feeding that many people is almost impossible. As cities grow more and more farm land comes out of produ
  18. Does he at least try and connect emotionally with you when he is home? I get how you need that connection My wife enjoys this type of connection as well. When I get back home i always ask her how her day was and how our little boy was Haha. I also ask her what she wants for supper(providing I get home in time haha. As a farmer iam getting busy this time of year haha). We like to have a bath together as often as possible. Sometime it leads to sex right in the tub other times we just talk. Sometimes she just needs to vent and I listen and offer to help however I can. I hope you can get thru
  19. Are you gonna try and beat 1 1/3 meters haha? Now that you set the bar, you must try and beat it hahahaha
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