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Everything posted by CON2H4

  1. CON2H4


    I find it's hard to find anything there. There was one vid of peeing during a theatrical performance, that I can't find easily either.
  2. Lot's Cave published a book called "Pee Shy"
  3. Where's the first place you pee after a long day's work?
  4. I don't know if you've ever played the social media game where you Ask a question, then when you get an answer you edit it to make the answerer look as bad as possible. Well, I was thinking of doing a thread of that where we ask questions not about pee, give mundane answers, then edit the question to make it about pee. For example Person1: how often do you brush your teeth Person2: Twice a day Becomes Person1: how often do you pee on someone else's carpet? Person2: Twice a day Have fun!
  5. @marking my territoryI have to say, this idea is becoming more intriguing the more you talk about it.
  6. Sounds like a fairly ordinary kink to me. I recall one guy at a kink party, polishing everybody's shoes. I can only lament that mine weren't the nice leather ones, but the comfortable plasticy ones
  7. I think the fact you are holding yourself means you are unlikely to become incontinent.
  8. The problem with that attitude is that regardless of how much google, or your ISP or anyone cares, they can still do harm with your information. Including selling it to scammers, selling you items/political campaigns that are harmful. and potentially distressing adverts. There have even been a few cases of domestic abuse survivors uprooting their entire lives, crossing US state lines, only for their exes to track them down with information that should be private, and murder them. I too would probably be fine otherwise. I am a fairly open book after all. But I practice online privacy out o
  9. Even if you are using a vpn, only your isp is affected. Google knows all the same.
  10. I'm finding the questions unclear and the form broken
  11. I already made an alt version for a trans friend of mine. Happy now?
  12. My personal response is a rather boring "Whatever, not my problem kind of response." I know better than to snitch.
  13. I think the general rule is that when people post content that is intended to arouse, then that kind of behaviour is expected. The only thing I would be wary of is that being too explicit about it comes across wrong. If in doubt, don't announce that you'll masturbate or anything. But saying that something is hot is fine.
  14. Which one? I'd say the ones I've seen so far are really good.
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