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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/31/2019 in Posts

  1. I know I'm nor the most active participant, so my reduced presence has probably not been noticed. That said, I usually like to read most of the forum content, participate in the contests, and keep my finger on the pulse of the community. That hasn't been possible lately and probably won't be for the next few weeks due to lots of events swirling around in my offline life. So dear friends, even though I haven't been around much and won't be for a bit, I look forward to the time when I can return and more fully participate in the community here.
    6 points
  2. A bunch of our nerdy friends got together and had a giggle over hacking, the dark web, and other ’grey, murky’ things and we got to talking about how anonymous you really are on the internet. Do you know how easy it is to find someone without a name? Consider this, most people won't bat an eyelid when filling out a survey, thinking that it's anonymous. After all, you're not giving your name away, or your phone number, right? You happily enter a postcode, what make of car you drive, how many cats you have, usual inane survey things, but when you put all of th
    6 points
  3. Your reduced presence HAD been noticed I did for sure Remember that it was YOU who brought me to this site I came here because I discovered you on Literotica And I particularly love your incredibly kind heart If you need advices for your life I will be online until next week, then away for a while due to holidays
    6 points
  4. @Chr1908 @Kylenut2 @speedy3471 @Sephora I have never been in line in my life It's a complete NO for me, I refuse to piss in public toilets, and to wait for a bodily need in the name of moralism, no, definitely not I need to piss I pop a squat, maybe not necessarily in an angry and over-visible way but I will never be in a line I just remember during a concert I stirred some kind of an uprising when I saw a very long line for portable bathrooms and I just reached some grasse twenty feet away from the line, and just performed a high squat and peed in ful
    6 points
  5. Guess why I never tell in which country do I live With all I shared, it would be easy to track me down I am exposing, but I do for a cause, I know that I could one day regret of ANYTHING I posted here But I go nonetheless, as I believe in the message I am spreading, in the people whose lives I am slightly embettering with my love... ...and with my piss!!! In the past, both @Admin and @steve25805 explained to us that absolute anonymacy is impossible and yet this forum is definitely well protected, so people should trust that, but cross-checking of infos has nothing to d
    6 points
  6. You are a loved and respected member how could we not notice? Take care and i hope you will be back soon:)
    5 points
  7. It definitely was noticed, but glad to hear you're ok and that it sounds like a temporary absence. Take as long as you need of course, but we all look forward to having you back more regularly.
    5 points
  8. Well today it finally happened. Coming home from work and traffic is at a complete stop due to a wreck. And what do you know, I have to pee so bad I can hardly contain myself. I kept squeezing my legs together and shifting from side to side hoping to make it home. Out of nowhere some jackass cuts me off and startles me, and the flood gates open. As hard as I tried to cut the flow off, it just didn’t happen and I peed and peed. All down my legs, soaking my seat and the floor of my brand new car. Below is just a quick clip I was able to capture before traffic started moving again. *sorry it
    4 points
  9. Indeed, there are plenty of posts here that I do necessarily care for, or that are of little interest to me. And that's fine because not everything has to be for me! The things I like certainly are not for everyone.If I see something I don't like, and it isn't actively harming anyone, I simply move on.
    4 points
  10. Oh I did many more memorable things, even nastier ahahahah
    4 points
  11. I have not a big one bladder, i pee not very much and some time i pee more. I pee in cup 2 time and it is 500ml. @Sephora pee more alot. She start and fini before I fini my pee. Lolololol she cause inondation lololol
    4 points
  12. Hi everyone! I started coming here regularly and would love to meet some friends on here into similar things that I am...pee fetish or otherwise. have a great day!
    3 points
  13. Thank you to everyone who responded to the survey. All entrants who listed their username will have a chance of winning free gold membership in the upcoming prize draw next week. Whilst the survey was done for the sole purpose of improving PeeFans, I thought I would publicly provide a summary of the responses. Section One Q1. What is your main reason for visiting for visiting PeeFans? The overwhelming consensus was 'the community / chatting with like-minded people'. This was not surprising, as I have always felt our biggest differentiator was that this isn't just a p
    3 points
  14. I guess if anyone had a good enough reason to track us down and expose us, it would be easy enough. I have revealed my first name, the city and country in which I live, my age and gender and the kind of job I do. If all this and more were put together I suspect I could be tracked down. It is just a matter of anyone having good enough motive or reason to want to bother. And there's the rub. Although only an ordinary footsoldier, so to speak, in my real life I am politically active, and under my real name am all over facebook politics forums and twitter with political posts. If I ever gaine
    3 points
  15. I hope things sort themselves out quickly for you, come back when you are able to. Your reduced presence was noticed, we all miss you
    3 points
  16. IP can be hidden but surveys etc you should always be carefull with. But on the other hand who would want to track any of us down? There's no reasson and they would not get anything out of it.
    3 points
  17. They will be politely asked to fuck off
    3 points
  18. Nice nice. Sounds like it was pretty memorable lol
    3 points
  19. For most people (including myself) the phone sends all this data anyway "for free" to multiple companies (ever noticed that you have to agree to "give access to gps data" for pretty much any app you have on your phone lol)! W.r.t. anonymity in the internet: let's be honest, e.g. Google for sure has enough data about anyone of us to link our pee fetish-related internet activities to our "real identities". I guess they do not compute such things on a regular basis, but I am sure they could do that if they wanted to.
    3 points
  20. Only way to enter is with a army they would need tanks planes and infantry otherwise it's just suicide. The US army will shoot to kill if a 1000 people try to storm
    3 points
  21. 3 points
  22. My big wait was at a football game. When I did get into the bathroom guys were pissing everywhere lol. I can imagine the womens bathroom wasn't any different lol
    3 points
  23. Sorry if this isn’t well written or particuarly interesting. I just wanted to share the incredible pee I had. It started as a mostly normal day. I woke up at about 10am, a little later than usual after going to bed late welcoming in the new year. I knew what I was going to do that day but nothing really changed. I started by having a shower, letting the hot water wash over me before letting go my morning pee, smiling to myself as I began to feel the relief. It seemed to go on forever, I went to bed with a full bladder but I never expected to pee so much. After my shower I got dressed, wea
    3 points
  24. Everything which takes us to the fringes of human emotions is spiritual Then people can master them or be ruined There is evil, which is pointless cruelty, and there is the Dragon The Dragon is a force so stressfull that skins your soul bare, people can realize it's a test, or see it as an unjustice by Chance or God It seems cruel, but its undertone is to make you grow up and know yourself, not plainly damage you It's almost impossible to understand the difference on a technical stance, let's say it's the difference between playing a videogame where you play a s
    3 points
  25. @will64 GREAT that you post your stuff again!!! YEAH!!!
    3 points
  26. Here is an interesting couple of questions: 1. What is the longest line you have ever been in to pee? 2. What is the longest line you have ever seen for the bathroom (male or female)?
    2 points
  27. I let Emily guide me out of the room with her glittering eyes and intoxicating smile. She lead me to the kitchen where she procured two large glasses and handed me one. We both drank, smiling and giggling at eachother over how odd of an act this was but both enjoying it nonetheless. I felt her hand yet again wrap around mine and my heart slightly skipped a beat. We both kind of just started at eachother for a little while. All I could help but do is just admire her beauty and not be able to believe how this wasn't a dream. We slowly got closer to eachother again and kissed again, t
    2 points
  28. Took a little break from yard work this morning https://www.erome.com/i/vLt72Gt2
    2 points
  29. As a little bit of pre information for the story, I was feeling rather naughty and wanted to do something pee related but then also realized I needed to go get gas. I sat down with a large glass of water and gulped it down, feeling my already full stomach struggle to accept the incoming water, but I kept drinking. Then I waited. It was only about 10 minutes to the gas station so I didn't want to leave too soon, or I wouldn't have to pee. I looked at some clothes to wear and settled on a shorter sundress since it was very hot outside and it would be convenient for the future😂 I wait
    2 points
  30. I've stopped waiting in lines now as well. At an outdoor event it's easy to find somewhere else to piss lol
    2 points
  31. two of my favourite quotes would fit here 😂😂 "I want the truth.....YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH" A Few Good Men "Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don't know we don't know" Donald Rumsfeld
    2 points
  32. I am convinced nothing at all will happen People will go there but won't enter as they will not be allowed obviously Even more, Area 51 has more sub-levels than denounced They say "This layers are not accessible but we can disclose what we do there", and for the deeper layers "These layers exist but we cannot at all disclose what we do there" BUT THEY DO NOT SAY ANYTHING about a third block of layers whose existence is not even admitted It's where they do the real BIG shit, things we only know thanks to people who were subsequently been "missing" after postin
    2 points
  33. I'm definitely sure of this
    2 points
  34. I often joke with one of the girls I work with, we both tend to get absorbed in the work and forget about the toilet until it's fairly urgent, comments go back and forth like...."there's going to or a puddle under the desk if I don't go soon" or "wouldn't it be handy if we had commodes at our desks" I do wonder if she's one of us, or if it's just being married with lots of kids and pets that creates the relaxed attitude to talking about peeing.
    2 points
  35. Very nice addition riley
    2 points
  36. Longest wait for me was a out 10 min tell I said fuck it and pissed outside behind the port-a-John. This was tailgating at a baseball game so taking a leak infront of hundreds of strangers was an odd experience. Lucky for me the cops just missed me lol. Womens line is always longer in my experience.
    2 points
  37. Nice panties lol. Looks like they don't quite hold your cock tho lol
    2 points
  38. O let me search my memory banks lol. The longest line in was in must have been 20 minutes or so In my experiance the women's line is usually the longest
    2 points
  39. Welcome, iam sure you will make new friends in no time. Lots of like minded people here
    2 points
  40. Thought I would add my 2 cents lol. Lovely story Sophie. Thanks for sharing
    2 points
  41. Welcome to the forum! 🙂
    2 points
  42. 850ml isnt a small bladder lol
    2 points
  43. Absolutely agree and endorse
    2 points
  44. Me too. In the early days, we had negative icons in our armoury, including one for "disagree" and another for "dislike". A small number of members used them incessantly to express disapproval of anything they didn't like, which utterly undermined our friendly and welcoming ethos. This was particularly so when "dislike" icons were applied to the first posts of new members, as sometimes occurred. And they also proved at times to be a gift to trolls. I campaigned to have all negative icons done away with and think I persuaded the Businessman Admin who was in charge for a while, who if
    2 points
  45. Then I must plan a lesbian piss orgy for this 31 of Dec HAHAHAHAHAHAH
    2 points
  46. Love you are HERE!!! Oh I hug you so bad!!!!
    2 points
  47. Section Four The vast majority of people seemed to find us by searching (mainly on Google). This does highlight the need for promotion elsewhere, which I will try to do. I would ask that all members continue to refer people they know of who may be interested, including sharing the link on appropriate other sites. It really does help make the site better and more active. Thanks a lot to everyone who has already been doing that. Obviously the more people who chip in with promoting the site (especially as some people seemed to have some good ideas of where/how to promote), the faster we'll g
    2 points
  48. UNIVERSITY LIFE (part 2) – My First Night It would be a lie to say that I had not been turned-on by events of the day, after seeing my roommate Sandra have a wee in the open college grounds. Having been caught having a leak of my own by one of the teachers had initially been a shock but it had been the same teacher who had suggested that the fun had yet to begin. The hours of my first day had flown by with a brief guide around the local buildings before attending a welcome meeting that had dragged on for way too long, my attention drifting elsewhere. Fo
    2 points
  49. Hi Jack, As others have said, there are a lot of other posts about said subject, and I have contributed as well. I haven’t posted lately, so I’ll add here. I’m 48 yrs old now (alas, not a spring chicken anymore), and I can’t remember staying in a hotel room without urinating in the room somewhere, usually multiple times. Only exception was times when I was with a guy that wasn’t aware of my fetish. Fortunately my hubby is well aware now and thinks it’s funny. I’ve added air bnb ‘s to my list now too. To reduce risks, I usually try to pee in places easily hidden like on th
    2 points
  50. I'd dress up as an alien and wait outside.
    2 points
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