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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/01/2019 in all areas

  1. I was bursting for a piss after the final day at work of my hellish past 3 weeks, and knew I had to shoot a video... In the car with Alex we paused in a little side-park along the main route, on the highway… well, I pissed in its center, where everybody could se me... and you know what? While I was pissing, a car stopped by, there was a family, which saw me I am sure (you can see me turn my head at the end of the video as I heard a car approaching), they said nothing but A GIRL stepped out of the car and PEED ON THE CONCRETE a few meters from me!!! She tried to hide behind her own ca
    9 points
  2. Hi everyone! To explain about my subject, I have just recovered from a bad hang over which was sick and slept pretty much all day :-(( Last night, I went out with 3 of my friends and met up with 3 others and we went out clubbing to 2 different places. We danced and drank quite a lot. At a point, me and 2 of my friends went to pee in the wash area. The toilets or most of them were completely destroyed, if I may say that, and at that point and the state I was in, I remember my friend in the other stalled freaked out because my pee was leaking towards her shoe .. lolololol So we went
    5 points
  3. This is the only important part so I start replying from this I ABSOLUTELY did not want, and holy fuck Raven open up those goddamn eyes and absorb these words, by ANY MEANS I DID NOT WANT to say you are not brave. For example, how does it come that I am so brave I almost killed outlaws, and I do not show my fucking face? Circumstances, Darling. We all have our reasons. When I talked about steel claws to grip the world I did NOT meant (AND THIS IS THE FUCKING CORE OF IT AL!!!!!!!!!!!!!) about PORN CONTENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Raven, what do you think brought you to 80
    5 points
  4. I suppose I’m a bit on the cautious side when I do actually post which hasn’t been for a little while, I would love to share my own pics (no face) and maybe stories but I’m terrified they would be saved and shared elsewhere
    4 points
  5. AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy fuck I go away for a while and BOOM, as soon as I look the other way my friends here start a piss party of great videos!!!
    4 points
  6. Peefans is "dominated" by men because women don't take their place in the world of porn with steel claws As long as girls will be shy, and reluctant, and simply refusing to step ahead (you have tons of reasons to step back and YET YOU DON'T, now guess why I like you so much, uh?), then it wil simply happens that porn will be mainly centered around the interests of men, as they are more sincere with their instincts and they ALL enjoy porn, while girl are shy We have some AMAZING female members here who are posting from time to time, I could immediately come up with Puddyls (the
    4 points
  7. I'm on a trip to Copenhagen at the moment, and given the hot weather thought I'd spend a day down on the sea front (it's kinda sea and kinda river at this point). Copenhagen has these wooden constructions along the front, a bit like piers, for people to sunbathe, and you can swim in the sea nearby. Being in town it's quite busy, and you don't get much more than the space you need to lie down in. There are a couple of (pretty gross) toilets there, but I had no intention of using these. I was already feeling the pressure in my bladder when I arrived, and relieved it the traditional
    4 points
  8. I saw her walking towards me smiling and began to slightly panic inside. What if I do something wrong? What if she expects me to do something different than peeing? What if.... These thoughts floated in my head but I tried to stay confident. I didn't want to back down because that would be awkward and, I mean I really enjoyed this. "Are you ok?" Emily looked a little worriedly at me. "Sorry I just zoned out" I said smiling and heavily blushing. My bladder had started to ache again and I walked over to the toilet, seeing Emily's excited stare. I reached down and slowly lo
    3 points
  9. Michelle's Story (Short) Last month, the board of directors and Natalie, our CFO invited me to an important meeting to discuss next year's budget. I've only been the head of our finance department for three months and at thirty-four, I'm the youngest to ever get that title here. So of course there's only funds for one promotion in our department and it was up to me to decide between Bryan, who's been a payroll specialist for five years, and Rachel, who's been a staff accountant for three. Bryan had seniority and was next in line, but I wanted Rachel to get it. Me and her often go t
    3 points
  10. Good points! I think I do have an old erome account, I’ll have to look into that I don’t use a pc though, I use my phone Wow very hot pics!! 🔥🔥 i will get the courage to do it!!
    3 points
  11. @Riley Short and intense And peculiarly romantic after all, I mean the overall atmosphere
    3 points
  12. Absoluetely agree I have Always been fascinated with piss since a child, but to me it was less openly sexual and more… how can I say? Pansexual To me everything is sexual, thus also pee. I have Always peed wherever I wanted and needed since very Young, but I never understood how deep such a devotion was until I started to practice the Occult. Such a deep trip into my own unconscious brought down some barriers and unleashed the depraved and sexually ravaging me you all came to know and love. My first sexual attempts with piss had been with Alex, he was both very horny a
    3 points
  13. NO pressures But I would enjoy fresh material for when I lonely practice a very precise kind of intimate self-massaging, if you see what I mean...
    3 points
  14. A site like this will ALWAYS need more females, because in terms of active participants the men will always outnumber them. It is simply the nature of the beast. As @spywareonya has basically said, there are lots of female members listed but most of them have never posted. Men are often quite open about their interest in porn and such things, but many ladies still on a subconscious level regard it as a little bit shameful I think. This is why so many are so shy when it comes to stepping forward and becoming an active member. But we have some great female members just the same. @spywa
    3 points
  15. I can' wait to see the pics holy shit!!!
    3 points
  16. I consider the first half of your post the most problematic, I mean that you are right about it. More bold girls will FOREVER be a good thing!!! The second half is not a problem. We have newcomers everyday, and with each one of them IF WE CUDDLE THEM PROPERLY, there is a chance to get a really new contributor!! Time will tell, we can just go with the flow, and love people as best as we can! I obviously could use a bit of fresh pussy hahahahah But this place has all it needs, in my opinion. Let me explain. It has great friends, people so good-hearted they shoul
    3 points
  17. Thanks for clarifying 😊 I’ll be very careful about posting considering all that. Another reason I haven’t posted pics is because I haven’t seen any from members here that I know of, in the pics section it’s all from porn sites that I have seen and the same with the video section
    2 points
  18. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    2 points
  19. But it also made you the kind of man you are, which is why I consider you so deep and marvellous
    2 points
  20. A bit of both 🙂 It depends on what it is.
    2 points
  21. I read a fair bit,but it has to be either something factual,historical,science etc,or something like Bond,in which i can envisage the main characters.Funny like that.I find it hard to read fiction if its not about a film ive seen etc...🤔
    2 points
  22. You are so know that people already know a lot about you!!! But there is a personal question I Always wanted to ask: which is the precise emotion that is activated into you when your nerd-like side discovers some fascinating oddities? I still remember those videos you posted in the chatroom about those funny experiments...
    2 points
  23. But in the meanwhile I got CERTAINTY to have you around ihihihihihi Hugs and love, sweetie
    2 points
  24. Hopefully more! When I go back into work I’m hoping that it won’t be as emotionally draining as the last one and I’ll be able to spend more time in general
    2 points
  25. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can have you for 6 weeks!!! It's like a dream come true!!!
    2 points
  26. Hi sweetie! I’m back full time now - I went on my summer holidays on Friday and have six weeks off! As I recover both emotionally and physically, I want to be more active here! And it’s glorious to see you again 🙂
    2 points
  27. Welcome back darling 🙂 lovely to see you again!
    2 points
  28. Haven't you got a boyfriend or a friend with benefits? Ahahaha blame it on shyness ahahahahah You are so sensitive, you could just find somebody by blinking your eyebrows Anyway, I practice tantric sex so... To me, having sex is like all my energy surfaces, giving me the freedom to be how I really am without fear of being misunderstood. Physically, is like all my inside are pushed/pulled toward my depth pleasure points, following the imput of the cock... Emotionally, I feel completed, exorcised, all my passions are unleashed and I feel like I am purified
    2 points
  29. Terrifyingly true
    2 points
  30. As a male person on this site,i must say i appreciate the unput of all of our wonderful ladies.Whether or not they post intimate pictures or just join in the chats,we should treasure our lovely ladies.Only they can give a real insight into the mysteries of what happens behind those doors with the figure in a dress on!😄
    2 points
  31. Oh I do not think she intended to say night was "bad", just a bit exhausting ihihihi
    2 points
  32. Steve is great But you too are a force to be reckoned. I Always love to read your posts
    2 points
  33. Embarassingly true!!!
    2 points
  34. Sounds like fun. Btw if you wanna get rid off your hangover have a ice cold shower and some pizza. Fat food is good for hangovers and also a beer or 2 but not more
    2 points
  35. Oh poor them hHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH they just need to be cooked properly!!!!
    2 points
  36. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH yeah you can bet on it!!!! That's why I LOL, not to be playful but to show my tongue in anticipation HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH But recently my diet is a bit poor from tasty flat POTATOES if you see what I mean...
    2 points
  37. There are plenty of us involved in politics - I am an active member of a UK political party - who also hate all the "slimeballing, corruption, obfuscation and deception of politics". But we tend to be the ordinary foot soldiers of politics, in it because we believe in something, volunteering our efforts for a cause and being wholly unpaid for it. We are entirely different from many of those climbing the greasy pole, in it as much for their careers as for any cause quite often. Indeed my party currently has a leadership which to some extent bucks the trend but is under constant attack by i
    2 points
  38. We all know about your love of big sausages hahahahahahahaha
    2 points
  39. Sincerily, please take pics of the festival My heart bounces beneath my tits for such a solemn and heart-touching celebration
    2 points
  40. Yes, my interview can be silly and cool, everybody is invited ihihihi
    2 points
  41. Bah Road-side astrology can go fuck itself Aquarius and Pisces can do great to each other, the only potential problem is that it can happen that Aquarius can stir, within Pisces, some reflections based on situations created by the very Aquarius, reflections I was saying, about things that the Pisces one would have been better left alone, and shun forever without facing them Unconscious stuff But it is just a chance You guys simply grew up together and now, being emotionally mature, are not clogged in the most base entaglement of astrological signs
    2 points
  42. 2 points
  43. i argee we do NEED more female menbers on this site
    2 points
  44. IF you were addressing me (elsewhere this will just prove my vanity ahaahah) I ABSOLUTELY give you permission!!! It would make me feel HONOURED!!! As I Always said, abuse me, worship me, fear me, crave me, but never "respect" me, it's so boring!!!!!!!!!
    2 points
  45. @mickymoist @Brutus @Peefreak99 @speedy3471 @steve25805 @Alfresco Transgression is a good thing but is NOT inborn, it is a SECUNDARY pleasure, the REBUILD of freedom from limits. Without limits there is no transgression. Which is why sometimes I am perceived more as free than not actually trasngressive, for I simply ignore the laws and morals society built and obey the Gods only. Pee fetishism is simply linked to the communication through hormons, pee contains waste products but is NOT a waste product, is primarily a marker. E
    2 points
  46. If the devil existed I would gladly sell my soul for a shot at @Lilipee's pussy… I know things about this girl I'll keep to myself but believe me I would DIE to fuck her...
    2 points
  47. Hey, if you need a volunteer, I'm here.....
    2 points
  48. Does a side-park along the highway counts? Maybe with other girls peeing there and me having sex in front of strangers?
    2 points
  49. Omg I forgot to post about this! So I drank some water and waited until I really had to pee and then I snuck out to the closest slightly private green area near me and squatted behind a tree and let out a great river of pee😂😂
    2 points
  50. sorry for the lack of vidoes {or anything} i just have not been motivation because of my mental health issues autism and depression is not a very good mix and also my mobile phone the one i use for record my video's because i may need to get new one the battery is not holding a FULL charge once I get that out of the way i'll resume making videos 🙂
    2 points
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