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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/27/2018 in all areas

  1. I work in an office building with 5 levels of underground parking. The building has a separate elevator for the parking levels; just to its left is a seldom-used stairwell. Half of the fifth (and lowest) level of parking (P5) is storage for our building, and every once in a while I need to retrieve items from storage for my job. This morning was one such time. After grabbing what I needed, I was waiting for the return elevator on P5 when I heard a familiar sound echoing from the nearby stairwell. It was the sound of liquid falling on concrete. Someone was definitely pissing in the st
    5 points
  2. I am not a fan of drinking pee and it was with the opposite sex, and not very much. It was okay and sexy, except it didn't do much for me. I seem to get a big reaction from my husband. His eyes are glazed and seems dominated, which he likes. I have seen him begged at me to piss in his mouth many times in a week. Last year, we had 1 week of vaction during honeymoon and everyday i gave him a golden shower and every moment he seemed dominated. As long as i get that look in his eyes, i will keep showering him.
    2 points
  3. Red Tree in Canola, with Storm This one was outside my front door this morning. Elms in Fog.
    2 points
  4. Never seen anything more arousing than this
    1 point
  5. It has been 53 minutes since I started working and the fire alarm went off, forcing us to evacuate the building which we are still waiting to get the clear from the fireman. From what i was told, a fire started in the kitchen which no one is hurt. That being said, we are still waiting outside and with no restaurants open at this hour, me and 4 other women, ended up peeing next to a wall of a building in a park, which i got to meet 2 newer employees. I swear on my life, that janitor Justin, i caught him going to pee exacly where we peed. I knew it, this guy has a pee fetish, i mean why go
    1 point
  6. The ex wife and I have been working things out. She was over Saturday night. I made a comment to her about peeing in my mouth. She was drinking some wine she had at the house from her birthday earlier this month. She also drank water which she often does so I knew she’d have to go after a while. She also has no problem using me, my mouth, or the floor for relief. During some intimacy in the guest bedroom she mentioned having to pee. I told her my mouth was available as it always is. I laid out on the floor with my head right at the foot of the bed. The room was dark except for the light f
    1 point
  7. So my hubby had asked me to drink a lot of water and to hold it in. I am not sure how long i can hold it in, not too long I hope. Besides i already drink a lot of water during my day. One thing i have noticed, when i do consume wine and have a few puffs of mary jane, i can hold it in much more than normal. Why i don't know. However, i might just try that combo again and see.
    1 point
  8. Ohh i had no idea it is bad for men. I know i have tried the stop and go and the feeling doesn't do it for me. I believe its why, once i start, it doesn't stop
    1 point
  9. oh it is a wrong action, since the names I choose are really to avoid calling Them by numbers like Sumerians did, they fittingness of the name is baout the 5% ahahahahahaha
    1 point
  10. Ah, ok, ok. I'm trying to relate your names with my research. Sorry for the mix up.
    1 point
  11. The Egyptian Ammut is a symbol of what happens whan you chose the path of black magick ten lives in a row. You become impossible to save. I chose this name for Her as a "bouncer" against evil. If you prefer, use Sekhmet. The image of Ammut was a symbolical one, those three animals has spiritual symbolisms, and all of this is not that fitting with the entity I am describing, or maybe is, I don't care that much. I never said She is Ammut: I only said I would have used that name, like I did with every other God and Goddess.
    1 point
  12. I'll get back to you on this later. There is so much that I keep going back to the beginning of the thread. I know Ammit never devoured the soul, she ate the heart (or cast it into the lake) consigning the poor unfortunate to endless restlessness. The soul wandered lost and alone, unable to meet Osiris and continue to the afterlife. This was the ancient Egyptian cast on things, is it still similar now? She was pictured as a crocodile/hippopotamus/lion creature.
    1 point
  13. I used the name of Ammit to describe Her, and yes, Ammit of the Scales of Justice, yes. Obviously She doesn't devour souls, I chose to use the name of Ammit simply because Ammit was the ultimate filthgrinder of the Egyptian mythology For what concerns my world... yes... thank you from the heart...
    1 point
  14. @spywareonya Wow, I'm starting to understand the world you are living in, well, understanding how it affects you in this world. I will heed your words, believe me. Is this the same Ammit as the one at the 'scales of justice'? The eternal restlessness 'to die a second time' that was heaped upon the unworthy sounds dreadful.
    1 point
  15. @Scot_Lover @steve25805 Ok. The time has come. Please, PLEASE take what you are gonna read with incredible cautiousness. But I cannot proceed unless I talk about Her! She is the next in the list... I have no name for Her. We could call Her Sekhmet because this is the name under which She was known to the Egyptians. In India, Tibet and China She is known as Baghala. But I have no name for Her. Sekhmet was a war goddess so Dangerous that Ra Himself had concerns in unleashing her against demons and sinners, because she could not be controlled. Baghala is the assi
    1 point
  16. Hmmm,i would say once you start disobeying your bodys own messages to pee,you could damage yourself..
    1 point
  17. LOL I love to see that glance in girls...
    1 point
  18. Warning: This vignette contains much distorted elements of a boyhood memory. Minors are involved in some of the action although they do not participate in anything blatantly sexual. Mods, please take this down if it seems to violate the "no minors" rules.   The boys urinating on each other were surprised when there appeared an old man, on his knees, watching them. As far as they knew he had snuck into the stinking school bathroom while they were having their piss fight. In reality he had been transported back in time. He was a much older version of the other boy, who obser
    1 point
  19. Slutty face!!! And marvellous pussy!!!
    1 point
  20. Yes, we have the biggest groves of Dutch Elms outside of Europe, ours are not afflicted with the blight that is killing other trees.
    1 point
  21. I often drink Alex's piss, both as a hierarchic action or for the simple love of it He drinks mine too, but only for cheerfulness and love, our hierarchic position is not equal😋
    1 point
  22. You mean this is theplace you live??? WOW!!!!
    1 point
  23. Yep, done that several times. It is only grass. No evidence to be seen. Far easier to pee under the table rather than go back inside. Same applies if on the beach or pretty much anywhere outdoors - tend to just pee where I am if the opportunity arises. Earlier today I was sat on a grassy slope and peed out of the leg of my shorts with the pee running off down the slope. There were two ladies within about 20 metres of me, but I don't think either suspected a thing. On Saturday evening, I knelt on the beach and unzipped and peed forward between my knees. There were people around
    1 point
  24. Your timing on being there was so lucky. I would have definitely entered the stairwell WHILE she was peeing. You had every right to be there and the pissing person was the one who would be caught out, not you. You may have seen a perfect sight.
    1 point
  25. We do it all the time, lol. Tends to be a little expensive way to have wet fun though. Some clothes don't hold up well to repeated washings, we have found that the somewhat 'disposable' clothing from KMart (Walmart) last the longest. Understand that this is not something to wear when you go to have a pee, these clothes are to wear when you are peed on 😛 We bought more last weekend, lol.
    1 point
  26. So it is possible to develop spiritually and in your heart and soul, on a subconscious level without being consciously aware of it sometimes?
    1 point
  27. So she is the one who can help with understanding the deepest parts of our subconscious minds? Where we have most of our deepest, darkest, or most traumatic shit buried? After all, every human has within them the spark of both good and evil, the capacity for both deep compassion and cruel sadism, the willingness to risk one's life to save another, or the ability to snuff a life out for sadistic pleasure. The spark of all that is good and all that is bad is within everyone. Most of the potentially very worst stuff is buried so deep in our subconscious, firmly under lock and key and guarded my o
    1 point
  28. I see what you mean by darker than She deserves. What does seem to happen a lot is that Truth often gets overlaid by flawed human suppositions and misinterpretations so gets distorted into different directions. In pre-colonial South American societies, these directions do often seem excessively bloodthirsty.
    1 point
  29. Satan as overlord of pits where belligerent spirits fight each other is evocative of Christion notions of Hell. Is this just coincidence? At some point when I next have a day off I will have to go back and read all your descriptions of the Gods in that other thread, because preconceived archetypes I have grown up with are very entrenched and probably still influence my perceptions more and more as some of the details of your descriptions fade from memory. Also, I need to fully reaffirm in my mind exactly whom is the son or daughter of whom, and revise in my head something of each of
    1 point
  30. Lilith. The one whose pics you share the most and who is the most sensuous and erotic of them all, it seems.
    1 point
  31. I honestly don't know, I stumbled across it probably ten years ago and then stumbled across it again recently.
    1 point
  32. I used a girl I was datings mouth, per her request once. I knew I had to go and would fill her mouth quickly so I had a 10 ounce plastic cup to catch the rest. She was on her knees, opened wide and quickly filled her mouth and half of the cup. Then I shook on her. It was great!
    1 point
  33. Yes, I am curious to hear other hot girls from this forum reveal their secrets ihihihihi
    1 point
  34. This is a very esoteric image Pan here manifests as a living symbol of unconscious surfacing, making the soul, here represented by the woman, to see herself in the mirror, where her semblance is shown in couple with her shadow. His Right Hand is the revelator of the secrets, but in His Left Hand He carries a flame of enlightening. It is not the direction toward which she is looking, thus it will not be a conscious process, but its presence enlighten the Whole room, thus making, even if not directly gazed upon, the Whole process to be possible
    1 point
  35. Another incredible image of a Khlysty Church in Russia If this cannot make people reflect about the impermanency of physical life (thus fearing less death) nothing else will!!!
    1 point
  36. A pic to state quite clearly the kind of inner struggle and sensations a Witch daily have to cope with We have no doubt about the great truths of Life, but our unconscious really surfaces...
    1 point
  37. A pic (I don't even know if it is law-abiding to take one, maybe flashes are forbidden) of the Catacombs beneath Paris. TEN millions of skulls packed together. and no echoes round corners, to the point that tourists have to stick to the Group or could really get lost
    1 point
  38. This is peculiar. She is Cipactli, an ancient Goddess of the original american spirituality, before Aztecs, Mayan and Incas. It is an original perception of Kali, though the myths about Cipactli are bit darker than what She deserves. They say that She was so bloodthirsty that it was necessary to lock Her away in the Underworld, where She found quite well thus becoming its ruler, but only by the Covenant that people would have performed a lot of human sacrifices for Her for all eternity!!!
    1 point
  39. Satan, on His Throne of the Absolute Power The Overlord of the Netherworld All spirits who are of belligerant disposition fight each other like some kind of sport in these fighting pits, and He watches intentely their struggle, Death, and evolution
    1 point
  40. The VERY first picture of Her I donwloaded upon discovering the Internet world about... let's see... twenty years ago!!! Ok not maybe so long ago, but it was really the very first, and so many years ago!!! The Marvellous Lady with the Raven!!!
    1 point
  41. Lots of good stuff here. Thank you all. My horsey story goes back to 1992. I had recently started my first job after university and part of this included training in small groups. This was a two year training programme that involved being split into groups of six newcomers who would have a mentor. We worked on developing various skills in our own time and then once a month would get together in a hotel to discuss progress and do presentations and the like. My mentor was thankfully a gorgeous lady called Pippa with lovely breasts and a superb backside that seems to be quite common w
    1 point
  42. A fractal rendering to give an advide of how Their world looks like on a scientifical stance They are masses of tentacles swhirling in a place like this, preying upon smaller creatures and contacting our race to offer Their Knowledge, so that we can evolve faster and along a safe road
    1 point
  43. Though it is utterly pointless to paint Them as humanoids, I adore this picture because of the deep sensation of "archetypical transcendence" It shows the deep sensation of Their power to hack the fabric of spiritual fluxes, making the impossible to happen
    1 point
  44. I know, right? If it wasn't for porn, the Internet would not have grown as fast as it did.
    1 point
  45. @Brutus Marvellous to have you back, more that you are back with a great analysis post The war against porn is a war about civilization A society who cannot understand and apreciate porn on a phylosophical stance will build a great degree of unconscious, ultimately resulting in violence
    1 point
  46. I love men and all their bits. Love seeing penises large, small... balls tight, hangy... man asses... Love.
    1 point
  47. Getting stuck on the highway while construction, happened to me over about 2 years ago. Holding it in was not an option anymore and peeing in a cup, I would of made a mess in the car. I had no choice to eventually to open the door and pee. At that point, i just wanted the relief because it was uncomfortable.
    1 point
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