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  1. Part one is here http://peefans.com/index.php?/topic/8297-the-holiday-pt-1-on-the-beach/ ____________________________________________________ We bought coffees and walked around town for a bit, Maddie and Adam pointing out the major sights. It wasn't a big town, and there wasn't a huge amount to see, but it was a pretty place with a nice feel to it. Good company made it from a pleasant walk into a fun one. Once we'd finished our coffees we decided to split up. Adam volunteered to take David to the museum he was interested in, while Maddie and I thought we would go shoppin
    4 points
  2. Wet Auto Shop Visit “Okay man, your total comes to two-ninety-three even. I replaced the seals in the camshaft, and did a tune up, you're all set.” Nate collected his payment from the customer and handed over the keys. Now three years into running his own auto repair shop at the young age of thirty, Nate's One Auto was doing good business, as he had slowly built a reputation for quality work on all makes and models of cars. Soon after the previous customer left, his next on schedule arrived in a black 2017 Audi A6, for an inspection and tire rotation. The customer, Ethan, was
    3 points
  3. The last in this series, though I'd like to visit these characters again at some point. If you want to go from the start, part one is here http://peefans.com/index.php?/topic/8297-the-holiday-pt-1-on-the-beach/ ____________________________________________________ I woke up late on the morning of the last day of our holiday. From the sunlight filtering through the canvas I could tell it was another gorgeous day. I glanced at my phone and saw it was half past ten. Later than I would normally sleep, but we were on holiday after all. I had a text from Maddie telling me that she and
    3 points
  4. I have been away for work this weekend and stayed in Canterbury, UK. I had a few decent sightings over Friday and Saturday night which I will describe below, but overall there were not as many as I was hoping. The first was an almost sighting. I saw a woman coming out from between a bush and a building doing up her belt on her jeans. She knew that I knew what she had been doing and she smiled sheepishly as she walked past. She had left a damp patch on the earth behind the bush. The second was a good sighting. I saw a man and a woman in urgent conversation in the queue to get
    3 points
  5. Saturday only yielded one proper sighting, but it was a good one. I was passing two girls when I heard one say to the other “I am going to have to stop somewhere”. Now I could only think of one good reason for her to say that, so I followed at a distance. They walked through a park and passed several spots where they could easily have hidden for a pee, so I wondered if I had read it wrongly. However, very shortly, they stopped by a fountain and the girl in need lifted her skirt and sat on the concrete wall surrounding the fountain, with her bum hanging over the water. I had a clear view o
    3 points
  6. Im sure we all see women who you might not want to watch pee or anything,but stir your pants in odd ways when you see them. This is journalist Julia Hartley Brewer,she causes my pants to twitch whenever i see her on TV.I feel id just like to take her very quickly and roughly,leave her with my love running down her stockings..
    2 points
  7. Im sure we have all seen that classic film,beloved by all,"The Wizard of Oz". Think again compadres....no pissing,but very enjoyable all the same.Any porn is good porn,right?....https://www.xvideos.com/video11045872/the_wizard_of_oz_full_porn_parody_movie_thisisntporn.com
    2 points
  8. Ok, without wanting to disrespect anybody, and taking humbly this time, I have to say that in my personal experience, is better to endure something we don't like reather than to summon the power of outlawing. I don't trust that power, it Always create a bad atmosphere. And I'm not saying that because I love cocks!!!
    2 points
  9. No, they cannot, elsewhere I would be fined for public indecency That is actually the reason I gave up my original intention to put my videos on sharing platforms. In origins, this Whole thread started as list of requests from various forum-members about making videos where I pissed in the places they liked, dressed the way they liked, and (if they liked) talking to the camera, speaking with them. I also made a few, before discovering that the video gallery was down, but they are all still in my pack, stored for better use. I had been adviced to put them on various sharing platf
    2 points
  10. I worship Kali with all of my heart, Sathuta. In fact, I never called Her by name in my various posts, but whenevr I talked about the Great Goddess that rules this planet, I Always referred to Her. I never called her that way actually because it is just a pointless flaunting to call Entities by a culturally-related name, but since you are from there, I think this time it could go. Are you privy to the concept of Digambara? "Dressed by Space only". In fact, I avoid trousers or pantyhose for the same reason, and in Summer I also quit stockings, wearing nothing that short dressess, or
    2 points
  11. I am utterly honoured by your adfirmation, but I have to advice you that when "something" in magick is consacrated to "somebody", it is utterly pointless/forbidden to utilize it elsewhere. For example, a bottle of good liquor set on the altar as an offering must NEVER be drank by any human: it utterly destroys the energies of the altar, not only because in itself it is filled (if you are a real magician) with almost-radioactive energies from the quantistic Entities the altar is devoted to, but also because it as a clear sign that the magician understand NOTHING of how the Quantum works. I
    2 points
  12. Hi guys. Sarah again. Time to tell you all some more of my confessions about the fun Barbara and I have had over the years, pissing all over the place. In our mid-40s today but been doing it since our teens., as you know. Quite a popular niche interest in the watersports community is so-called "naughty peeing", with confessions on pee forums from people who love doing this. Best pee forum out there for this today, by the way, is probably peefans.com. Quite a few naughty ladies have posted confessions there and elsewhere about themselves peeing all around in hotel rooms. As you
    2 points
  13. One night Kelsey and I were driving around when I made a stop at a gas station. I seem to remember we were meeting a friend of ours but I don't remember all the details. Anyway, it was snowing pretty hard that night and so we were just sitting in my car. Out of nowhere Kelsey said "I gotta pee" then literally opened the door and proceeded to pop a squat right next to me car! In a split second I was so excited I hoped out of the car to take a picture. Kelsey wasn't shy, she laughed and just rolled her eyes as I got a shot of her just peeing away in the snow. The picture is below, enjo
    1 point
  14. The other day an ex girlfriend (Referred to in other posted stories) came over (She actually showed up!) after saying she owed me a pee. She comes in with these light pink, loose fitting pants, these light pink moccasin shoes, a flannel print shirt with pink and blue and couple other colors it, oh and her black lace front wig on. We sit, talk, and catch up some. She said she needed a glass of water. I provided her a tall glass. She downed it and informed me she needed to pee. She asked where do I want it. I lead her to my low traffic living room, aka The Spot, short for The Pee Spot.
    1 point
  15. .Well, guys, Sarah here again. And I think this time I'll tell you about the flat wrecking party I enjoyed with Barbara and a few friends when we were in our early 20s. We knew this couple at the time who were themselves only about 25 - Doug and Julie I think their names were. They were friends of ours, but knew nothing about our naughty pleasures. Well nothing beyond what happened at their flat anyway. And the more perceptive amongst you might already be guessing where this is going. They were in dispute with their landlord, who'd failed to repair their broken heating system throug
    1 point
  16. Sorry, didn't mean to make light of your observance. It's just that it looked so dam erotic to me! And your "theoretical" you described above just about blew me away! Love back at ya, girl!
    1 point
  17. Likewise. I guess this explains why there are people you meet with whom you make a powerful connection.
    1 point
  18. Excellent story. Loved the combination of just peeing where she is in the car and the fact that there was an element of revenge in there.
    1 point
  19. Thanks Alfresco. These are great sightings
    1 point
  20. After leaving from my friends in the previous story and being it was after 1am I decided to visit the famous Lot. I arrive at the lot about 1:40am to find it packed and people loitering all over the lot. I drive around the church vehicles, I saw wet spots but no napkins. I continue to cruise to the back row where I post up. I noticed a stream coming from the group of parked vehicles. I park and walk though the parked cars to see where a female left a nice stream which looked to be from a medium squat by the pattern left on the ground. She wiped with a paper receipt which I picked up from the m
    1 point
  21. First, i want to say hi to everybody, I know it's been a while since my new position, I don't have as much time to come on since my responsibilities at work has increased. I am not sure how to categorize this one and it's Friday night and I am on red wine here :-)))))) At my work, we have problems with our drains being clogged up causing bad odors and not so happy colors coming up in the sink and for a reason they decided to renovate the entire women's bathroom.. wooohoooo The down side to that is we have to share the washroom on the men's side as mix for about 2-3 weeks which they
    1 point
  22. That was a great story. I hope your gonna make part 2
    1 point
  23. Today I was out eating lunch, I happen to be sitting near the restrooms which are the single toilet ones. I watch a couple girls go get in line when a very beautiful brunette walked up. She looked to be about mid 20's and wore tight jeans that hugged her round ass and a hoodie. She appeared to be quite desperate to pee. She is the 3rd one in line. By the time she is next up in line she is crossing her legs, squirming around, and grabbing at her crotch in full view of people. And just my luck the girl before her took her sweet time in the bathroom while I got to watch a very good looking girl s
    1 point
  24. You had better all avoid France and Belgium. Shared all cubicle toilets are not unusual there. I know a café-bar in Bruges where the toilet has a urinal on the left as you go in and (I think) two cubicles. So I have been standing peeing at the urinal with a queue of women standing about a metre behind me.
    1 point
  25. I NEVER wear panties and Always wear only short dresses or short skirts Though I didn't understand the second sentence... amd thigh highs?
    1 point
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