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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/10/2018 in all areas

  1. The other problem with a secret symbol is that people who don't know what it is are likely to ask what it signifies. A ribbon or bracelet like are mentioned above are common symbols for various charities or awareness events, so it would be natural to ask about it if someone didn't know. Far more realistic would be some kind of pin that anyone who didn't know would just think it was a decorative badge or broach but people in the know would recognise it. I wouldn't wear it all the time, but there could be times that it would make sense to wear it. It could be something like a Peacock - a
    2 points
  2. Erm, I do not think this would be a good idea in the long run. First of all, secret symbols will not remain secret for ever; since basically everyone can join this (and other like minded) forums, our secret wouldn't be a secret at all. And I would not want anyone else in real life other then a potential partner to know about my secrets. Second of all, I am not quite sure if this would really help in finding like-minded people in real life - we are a rare species, amongst all the fetishes there are. And of cause "like-minded" is probably not very accurate either, since everyone here
    2 points
  3. As I’m sure many of you know, the UK has been gripped by a horrible burst of snowy weather causing mass disruption, cancelled schools and... me peeing myself! Okay so it’s not directly related but hear me out. My work finished early yesterday so my coworker decided to drop me off at the train station so I could make an earlier train. Meant I couldn’t rush off for a pee before leaving as I ordinarily would. There weren’t toilets on the station but I wasn’t massively concerned as my need was only small. It even started to go away as my train chugged onwards leaving me with a pleasant
    1 point
  4. I think on here we have an excellent collection of (dirty)minds.So how about we have a spot where we ask those scientific,or anything really questions that occur to you as you go through life.You may be sat on a bus,and ask yourself"how many species of butterfly do you find in the UK",for instance..(answer about 55-60 odd)but you get my drift. Heres one i thought of;We have blood groups,in which certain groups cannot be transfused with certain others.But i wondered what is the evolutionary advantage of this,to our ancestors?Why did this evolve?How come that in this case,we dont have incom
    1 point
  5. Lol, probably not, I'm afraid.
    1 point
  6. The secret is to make them feel comfortable. i.e. first of all don't make it obvious that you are looking. A passing glance whilst you walk by is better than standing there staring! Secondly, have a reason for being there - often if you walk past, say sorry or excuse me and tell them you had the same idea or say that you are there for the same reason and then go and stand behind a bin or by a wall or something and either take a pee yourself or look like you are then they will just think you are peeing and no threat. Another point is to try and look disinterested. Be typing a message
    1 point
  7. Curly-Poo Hi, Thought I would tell you how my wife and I got started in our interest. It is mostly weeing together, and her wetting, with the occasional poo. The little bit of poop as the stories progress, no smearing or anything remotely scat related If anyone likes the way the thread is progressing I will add more My interest in girls wetting started with my mates younger sister, who often seemed to have wet pants but no one seemed to notice or care, she would just sit there and wet her pants. Later we progressed to the; I’ll show you mine, you show me yours. But that was all Th
    1 point
  8. fannywatcher, To each his own. Female genitals exhibit a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and configurations, many of which affect how pee comes out of them, whether as a single stream, multiple streams, sprays, sprinkles, or gushes, as well as power and direction. The interaction of these anatomical features with their owner's peeing styles is what fascinates me the most. I believe that these features may help to shape the attitudes of girls and women toward the act of peeing, as they adapt to the characteristics of their own bodies. For example, it is easier for some women to pee standing
    1 point
  9. Hi guys, so I’ve not been around for a while due to University commitments, etc. But I’ve got a fun story to share with you from last week! i was coming home from work one day about half past three and I was getting the train at 20 to 4. The particular train is always deserted and the platform is built into a wee grassy knoll with seats etc. all round. I hadnt been to the toilet in about three hours as I’m so busy at work that I never get much chance to go. Often I hold from after my morning pee at 6am right up until 1:30 when I get a decent amount of break. Of course it varies but
    1 point
  10. Dear Wet Carpet My name is Dave, aged 46 and I was on a business trip in Birmingham recently. In the evening I went out to this pub and hooked up with these two ladies aged about 40, both housemates as it happened. Josie and Jessie, their names were. And yeah I know, makes them sound like a couple of American rednecks, but they are in fact thoroughly British brummies. They look good too. As you can see with these pics they let me have as a memento. Josie is the brunette on the left, Jessie the blonde on the right....... And they are easily the dirtiest couple of bitches
    1 point
  11. I went cross country skiing with my husband 2 weekends ago in this park which is also a place for walking and bird feeding. The amount of people that whip it out and or squat to take a pee is quite high. And they don't even bother going off the trail to a point, we had passed 3 women who were surprised to see us and then laughed about it afterwards when we passed by, even had to tell my hubby to look forward before he ends up hitting a tree. So there are pee spots pretty much everywhere along the ski trail and yes, we both contributed as well. I am just putting it out there in case some
    1 point
  12. I get pee shy a lot and it sucks. I try to stand and relax my bladder. Crazy how bad I have to go and cant let it go out of me. Hurts from holding it and cant let it go. I once went two minute long pee and still needing to go hurt from holding it in. Then I went a hour latter and still had to try to release my bladder and let it go.
    1 point
  13. Love facials!!!
    1 point
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