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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/31/2017 in all areas

  1. First of all, all forms of consenting adult pee porn would not only be totally legal, but state financial support would be available to encourage and support it's production. There would be no laws against urinating in public, and ladies would be actively encouraged to do so. Tourism would be encouraged. My country would advertise itself as a "golden paradise" with pee fans from all over the world invited to come and have fun. PeeFans.com would be bought up by my country and nationalised, with massive state funding to allow it to become involved in the production of it's own naughty peeing por
    3 points
  2. I want to thank you for putting the effort into this wonderful and beautiful community. I love the the new look and the work you put into it.
    3 points
  3. You know you are a pee fan when you see girls doing stuff like this........ ......and instead of thinking, "Dirty cows! Ought to be arrested and fined".....you think, "Wow, sexy as fuck! I want them to do that in my living room/on my bed/all over me." Lol
    2 points
  4. Wow what a weekend, it was a no man trip and we were 4. We made so much food and a huge bowl of sangria which we had to refill 3 times in 1 day. The amount of pee play we had was fun and lasted for a certain time, yes women do get wild from time to time and no one was hurt or flooded. That being said, I did won for the most volume, as my best friend put it, the rain goddess. LMAO I also tied with another which one would put 1 foot in mud, not too thick and we had to remove (clean) it off her foot. Then we got very high and it was trippy but damn, we slept sooo good. I just wanted t
    2 points
  5. One evening i was out to visit a friend,who happens to live on the 18th floor in a block of flats.So i entered the building and went for the lift,it was about 11.30pm,people were about,coming home from a night out etc.I pressed the button,the lift was on its way.Just as it arrived on the ground floor,and i was getting in,a rather nice young lady,about 25 ran in the door,"hold the lift for me!"she exclaimed.So i put my arm to make the door open again,just in time,as she sprinted in. "Thank you!" she said,and i asked her floor."20" she said,"im 18,so its on the way". There was an awkwa
    2 points
  6. I think it's so hot when guys just whip out their dick and piss wherever they want to. I'd love a guy who just dropped his fly and pissed all over our home for me to clean up.
    1 point
  7. Does anyone have any experiences wearing nappies/diapers? Ever since I was a little girl I've been desperate (pun intended) to wear them. Just the idea of being able to pee wherever you are, whatever you're doing and assuming no leaks or hanging, having nobody even notice it. Of course i was never a bedwetter but I did experiment a little with towels in my underwear. I've been stressed lately so I bought on a whim a 12 pack of absorbant pants designed for "heavy bladder weakness". I have one on right now (they're surprisingly comfy to wear) and I'm in bed trying to sleep. The idea
    1 point
  8. For your consideration, a sequel to my story, A Night At The Museum. What do you like? What would you change, if anything? Let me know! ------- I've previously shared something extraordinary I witnessed during a charity gala held at the museum at which I hold a very high position of authority. One of the gala attendees, who happens to be one of the most glamorous, lovely, and famous women in America, upon encountering a long queue at the ladies room, slipped out of the party and into an area of the museum that had been designated off limits. I followed her, and still can't believe wh
    1 point
  9. So I've got the house to myself today and wanted to play some games on the PS4 so I decided to combine both my major loves into one :) I generally drink a lot while I'm gaming and that means I have to pee a lot too. My games of choice are big, immersive RPGs with lots of battling monsters and long cutscenes to go through. Not the best partner when you have to keep running off to pee all the time! I had previously experimented a little with several forms of pee play while gaming. Peeing straight onto the floor wasn't really that fun to clean up and it was still as much of a hassle to
    1 point
  10. Hey. I've been lurking for a while, but I've finally decided to join. Im a female, 34. Started getting into my pee fetish when I was about 20. Since then, I've tried to find naughty places, but looking out for more :)
    1 point
  11. Hello all, as you may have seen an update is currently in progress, so expect a few changes over the next few hours. Will keep you posted with details below.
    1 point
  12. Male 41. Been lurking and checking out content for a while. Love being naughty and pissing somewhere i shouldnt. Shower. Sink. Floor. Public carpark. My favourite has to be my oen front yard though. Looking forward to hearing stories about the same thing.
    1 point
  13. "Lisa:" The First Time by Dr. P. Notes: This is the true story of one of several long-term, "wet" relationships which I have been fortunate enough to have, so far in my life. My relationship with "Lisa" (a fictitious name, of course) was completely different from my relationships with "Ellie," and with "Jeanie," also real women, with fictitious names. The attitudes of the three women were very different, especially at the beginning of their relationships with me. I eventually became very close to "Lisa," and we shared our most intimate secrets, especially after we broke through the "pee
    1 point
  14. Welcome. If you want to hear stories about people pissing all over the place, you have come to the right place.
    1 point
  15. Id offer her £2m!At a venue of her own choice.
    1 point
  16. No not at all, I believe it's just the default setting with the forum software.
    1 point
  17. I would like to go back and edit posts in which I made mistakes. It seems that you can edit, but only for a short time after the original post. Is it like this for a reason?
    1 point
  18. Other campers?? If they can survive my stream, there is nothing to worry about lolol
    1 point
  19. Ummm someone said I should post this but I'm gonna warn you its very poorly written and I might delete it. There's only a tiny portion of pee play in this story but I thought I'd post it anyways.TRIGGER WARNING: There are mentions of bdsm and knives. Clarification from steve25805. I know this author very well so want to make clear that for her this "daddy" thing is role play based upon her pretending to be little. It is not intended as anything incestuous and should not be seen in that light. It's 6:00pm. Daddy got off work at 5:30. There must be traffic. I knew I was in for a punis
    1 point
  20. #4 - Additional Profile Information You may be prompted to update your profile, and whilst this is entirely optional, I would highly recommend it. We experimented with this by adding back the 'gender' profile field recently, and this has now extended to additional fields you can fill in. These include occupation, and an 'about me' section where you can write as much (or little) info as you like. This helps to show off your personality a little better so we can get to know members of the forum better. Don't forget to go and edit your profile when you get chance.
    1 point
  21. #3 - Reactions They're back! Sometimes you want to show your appreciation for a post, but a 'like' doesn't quite do the job. When you hover over the like button (in the bottom right corner of someone's post), you'll now see additional options of 'hot', 'haha', and 'agree'. These are fairly self explanatory, and are often more fitting than a like. Likes can of course be used as normal, but say you find a post funny, or find a picture especially sexy, you can now use these reactions instead. All of these reactions still contribute +1 to a member's reputation, which still displays on their p
    1 point
  22. #2 - Upgraded software This is something you won't really 'see', but I have invested in upgrading our forum software, which gives us some new options, as well as additional security measures to ensure PeeFans continues to run smoothly. An example of just one minor - but extremely useful - tweak, is the ability to use the same description when mass uploading on the gallery, thus making it far easier to appropriately label pictures. Many of these small improvements you will likely discover simply by browsing.
    1 point
  23. Part 3: Origin Story Amanda woke at precisely 8:00 a.m. without her alarm even though it was the weekend. She stretched and yawned, relaxing as she began her first thoughts of the day. Saturday meant no work and no plans, other than the planned tea time with Jill, who was supposed to come over later at around 9:00 a.m. Amanda smiled with internal joy and peace as she laid with her hands behind her head laying in bed thinking about the day while her exposed tits pointed at the ceiling. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and sat up, feeling the smallest bladder twinge signali
    1 point
  24. As for the country side of things, my first act would probably be to ban all women from using toilets - the new law would be that they are free to go wherever they are at that moment when the urge strikes. We'll have cleaners all over ready to tidy up afterwards. As for my personal wealth, a twist on the playboy mansion would be nice - a house full of models living together, with the key exception that there are no clothes or toilets allowed, and people should pee wherever else they like. The floors, walls etc are all perfectly good options, and the cleaners will take care of it immediate
    1 point
  25. Ana Didovic gets my top vote. She has the bladder of a superior being.
    1 point
  26. I believe you will like this video a lot : http://www.eroprofile.com/m/videos/view/The-Piss-Take-2014-1
    1 point
  27. Ellie's Story, PART 2: "P" and Me." I just read a memoir, written by a "Dr.P," of an intimate relationship he had with a woman, several decades ago. I am absolutely certain that I am that woman. He paints a romantic and erotic picture of our times together, which I enjoyed reading. It brought back some erotic and exciting memories for me. I think he was pretty honest and accurate about what happened between us, although our recollections may differ on some points. He certainly describes the sounds of my peeing incredibly well, so he must have been listening to me very carefully! He even r
    1 point
  28. @Sophie, great sighting there. I love the girls who pee nonchalantly whilst doing other things without drawing attention to themselves. They probably get away with it completely most of the time with nobody even noticing unless there are people like us around who are looking out for such behaviour. The best bit is that these girls know that even if they are spotted, nobody is going to do anything about it - the act will either go unnoticed, or it will be noticed and either enjoyed or ignored. Either way, the girl gets her relief and can walk away happy. She doesn't know any of the peopl
    1 point
  29. I think most all of us are "pee-curious", at least at some stage in our lives. While some seem to outgrow it by themselves, most go through life struggling with that shame. Into my early twenties, I was always a bit pee shy, in the outdoors stepping out of sight of others. Once in my late teens, when on a small boat with a date, I made a point of having a big wave splash me just to get relief. Shortly out of college, I met a young woman who had a very relaxed attitude about peeing and, in turn, helped me get over my shyness. On our first hike, she peed in front of me three or four t
    1 point
  30. I most familiar with, as well as have my greatest interest in, the physical branch of sciences - physics, chemistry, earth sciences and astronomy/cosmology. Even as a child, I was fascinated with the stars and wondered what exactly was out there. I had an uncle who worked on the space program, who I'm sure was a big influence on me. In fact, had I made a few different choices and paid more attention to what was happening in the classroom than what was outdoors, I'd likely be there today. While I know a great deal about the subject, at least compared with the average man in the street, the
    1 point
  31. I would love to watch a show like that. I can imagine their area getting a little too soggy so they start hopping up onto the kitchen counter and peeing in the sink. One of the women find it too difficult to climb up so she squats and pees on the floor instead. We had been dating for about a year and having sex for about 3-4 months when it was brought up. Before then I had noticed him watching me while I was using the toilet with him there, subtly peeking while stood at the sink. So I started showing him more, I love an audience. Casually opening my legs wider, that sort of thing.
    1 point
  32. Femulsio Eta - Womens Room Duty part 2 Femulsio-Eta: A far away planet influenced by Earth's cultures where women are bigger, devoid of empathy for men and dominate society. They created a third sex of miniature men for personal use and labor, known as Testervians. Virgil, the new custodian at Hourglass Marketing has now been on restroom duty for 10 months. After a rough start that introduced him to female anatomy up close, in addition to experiencing being stuck inside a toilet and urinated on by several women on his first day, he has settled in and become the finest custodi
    1 point
  33. My name as Sarah, and I am a good-looking, black haired girl. And I have a rather unconventional sexual relationship. You see, I am married with a husband - Mark - but I swing both ways and also have a blonde girlfriend called Melissa who lives with us. She swings both ways too and.....well let's just say our sex life is entirely three way. For those of you familiar with the pee fetish forum - Peefans - our domestic situation is very similar to that of Scot_Lover and his lovely ladies. Sex-wise, it is not all about pee for us, but pee play is something we sometimes enjoy. It is great getting
    1 point
  34. Several of us were gathered at my place drinking wine and having a laugh. We kind of got talking about watersports and how some people got off on pissing everywhere, and generally just laughing about it. It was pretty much in the middle of this conversation that my best friend and I - both sitting upon my sofa - realised at much the same time that we really needed to pee. Feeling rather naughty, and catching the mood of the moment, I laughingly suggested that we both do it right there, all over each other and the sofa. And since everyone else seemed to think it was a great idea we actually f
    1 point
  35. I was in a hotel room with my boyfriend the other night when I needed a pee. I was actually feeling very horny and seriously getting off on the idea of just being a dirty bitch, actually. So I told him to get his camera ready as I positioned the chair in front of the curtains, then kind of sat upon it with my legs open and up in the air. And then I deliberately pissed all over those curtains! I made one hell of a mess as well, with loads of it dripping down onto the carpet. Here's one of the pics my boyfriend took of me doing it..... I think you can tell by the smile on my face how much
    1 point
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