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  1. I think plenty of people regret their sexual thrills at least sometimes. When you're horny and in the moment your mind is not where it should be. When I'm sober from my fetishes I sometimes wonder why certain things get me excited and what the hell I was thinking. My friends and I have all experienced smelling a girls nasty rotten ass during doggy style and we all admitted that in that moment, we just didn't care enough to stop mid stroke and leave. An improperly wiped ass smells like death from that close but when you're in that moment, there's no telling what you'll go along with.
    3 points
  2. Well, I totally sympathize with getting caught up in the feeling of self-centered sexual thrill. Impulses like that tend not to make a lot of room for other people's needs and boundaries by default. And I don't have a difficult time imagining feeling good about my urine ending up in a family's shower water -- at least, for long enough for me to actually go do it. (I might feel rather guilty afterwards, but, it's a bit late then, right?) However, something else stands out to me from this post of yours. You noted in there that you almost always tried to poop after a naughty pee. So this was
    2 points
  3. Thanks for your support as well Slade. Please take a peek at my reply to Spectacle so I don't have to say it again. As you say we all regret things done in the heat of the moment and as to consequences I sure hope there weren't any. I hope my pee was diluted sufficiently for the family moving in there not to realise as they showered and brushed their teeth with water from the tank. I also hope my poop (there was only one smallish log) dissolved gradually into the water so nobody knew. Hey I was only in my twenties back then!
    2 points
  4. As well as a naughty pee I also like to do 'something else' in the same naughty place when the opportunity arises. (By the way THANK YOU to someone I've seen describing it that way here and I'm sorry I can't remember your name right now!) OK I realise this won't be a turn-on for everyone, and in fact a 'turn-off' for some, but when I tell of things I've done I like to tell the full story. How do people here feel about this? Is it OK to include the 'something else' if I was successful in that way as well as a naughty pee?
    1 point
  5. This is my first time writing a story of any kind since high school so hopefully I don't run too long winded. This is inspired by all the posters in Wet Carpet Magazine, Wetwulf and of course the great leaky_one. I hope everyone enjoys. Jack and Kimberly had been married for just over a year now. Jack was a tall, slim young man with an athletic build. He had been working as an arborist at a local tree company and as a result kept not an ounce of fat on him. He looked the part of a lumberjack with a meticulously groomed short beard and golden brown short hair, parted on the left. Kim was near
    1 point
  6. Soon be time for Christmas shopping again and I tell you want happened 2 years ago. I was Christmas shopping, with my 18 year-old daughter helping, and while in a store I spotted a door slightly open right at the back. It was out of sight of the main store and I needed to pee so I peeped inside and found it was a stockroom. There was a single light on at the far end, and as I could see there were no staff in there I asked my daughter to stay by the door and keep a look-out. I went in and pulled down my panties, lifting my skirt to do so, and squatted close to a big cardboard box. Relieving
    1 point
  7. Why is it that pissing in a naughty place makes me so incredibly horny.my pussy gets instantly drenched with juices and i am ready for sex
    1 point
  8. Continuing through the morning with their bladders fuller than any one would usually bear, Luciana set about cleaning up Cassandra's toilets from the previous night, while Cassie went to relax on the front porch. With her ear to the open window, waiting for Luci to call her inside if she needed to pee, as per their agreement. Still wearing her sodden panties and skirt she was starting to feel the effects of the cold wet fabric clinging to her twat and buttocks, and just when she was thinking about warming herself up she saw a car coming down the road. Reflexively clamped her pee hole shut but
    1 point
  9. Hey everyone! Sorry I had to take such a very long hiatus, a lot of stress and real life drama :p BUT! I am glad to be getting back into the swing of things and heading back on cam! I will be on tonight @ 9:30pm EST http://cams.peefans.com/Kimberly-X
    1 point
  10. Tea just spat out all over my keyboard
    1 point
  11. Then the next day you get messages from a few trannys thanking you for a fun night.
    1 point
  12. Wow, when you gotta to go... It was funny, because I thought i was alone until i heard one of the stalls that opened. When i came out, i started laughing because it was a friend colegue worker, and when she heard me laugh, she laughed and ask how long was I holding that in for? Then she told me she couldn't hear her self wipe. My cheeks went red and I laughed. Lololol
    1 point
  13. I don't look at pornography as it doesn't interest me. However, i find this law or soon to be, stupid. Many politicians make me laugh when they want to add a law or a new tax for some stupid reason which most of the times makes no sense. They remind me of bullies that want's your lunch money so that you have nothing to eat.
    1 point
  14. I don't see how you can blame Obama or Merkel either for burkas in Playboy or repressive internet restrictions. These laws are the work of conservative/religious zealots.
    1 point
  15. OH,Imgladyouve fun in the woods,but more fun for a girl would be, a nice carpet in a (semy)public place hungry soak up your hot nice smelly piss! ;-)
    1 point
  16. We all regret things we do in the heat of the moment but luckily there weren't any consequences. If you enjoy doing something or watching videos of certain things, go for it. I admit I am currently looking up videos of pee and scat. I said it in this open forum, I like watching both. Anyone who feels differently or is disgusted by that is welcome to those feelings adn I hope we can all still be friendly towards each other. Never be ashamed to be who you are. You never know if you'll be lucky enough to find an amazing person who also likes these things as you do.
    1 point
  17. @PissBaby You think a guy would only be semi erect after seeing a woman do that? I would be hard enough to hammer nails into wood lol.
    1 point
  18. I pissed on clothes I'd tried on in a department store and left them there on the floor in the puddle of piss I left in the floor. They made me angry. Opps. Lol I enjoyed it.
    1 point
  19. a picture when I suck me pussy juice. I hope you like it ?
    1 point
  20. Welcome back. Glad to hear from you. Not sure I can really make it tonight due to time zone differences and working pattern, not to mention cash flow problems. But for any new members who have joined since Kimberley last cammed for us and who can make it, check her out. She is well worth viewing. And girls who pee on camera are very rare. She is the real deal in that respect.
    1 point
  21. Frankly, that sounds like a good idea regardless of what the water belongs to. Brr, near-freezing water! I wouldn't want to have to deal with that for long. But I'm glad you got a pleasurable moment out of it, all the same. I bet that would've come in real handy. One thing I have noticed in general, with peeing in water, is that it can actually be sort of easier when the water's cold. I think that's part of the phenomenon they call immersion diuresis. You might not think it, but people are more likely to need to pee in colder water than in warmer water. So clearly, when a swimming pool is
    1 point
  22. Hey this confession is of something I did more than 20 years ago but I thought I'd still tell of what happened... My hubby and I were looking for a house to buy and while viewing one I needed to pee. The selling agent had shown us around one which was OK but not exactly what I was hoping for. Hubby whispered "You like this one?" and I whispered back "Not really - You?" He shook his head in agreement so I whispered "I'd like to go up in the attic though," with a wink. Guessing what I was thinking of (the agent had said there was a folding ladder for access) he asked the agent if w
    1 point
  23. Hey I know I shouldn't have Spectacle, but I felt able to and couldn't resist the temptation. I pushed and was successful before I had time to change my mind. This is something I genuinely regret doing, even though it seemed a great idea at that moment. Now I'm older I have mixed feelings about urinating into the domestic water supply of that house too. However it wasn't drinking water (although of course it would be used for showering and possibly tooth-brushing too) and I did get an intense thrill from contaminating it then.
    1 point
  24. Many say the same about pissing. But none of them are forced to read anything on this forum. Just as no one else is forcing you to read anything about poo. Ever heard of the expression "live and let live"? It has always been a founding principle of this forum.
    1 point
  25. Just to clarity there would never be a ban on discussing scat fetish material, the only ban would be on uploading images or video of it. - A
    1 point
  26. Thanks for your reply Steve, and yes I did mean that but wanted to suggest it carefully in case it caused problems. By the way in my Confession(2) where I peed into the water tank I also did 'something else'. Up til now I've felt uncomfortable with admitting this, but I did push while I had the opportunity and succeeded into the water with a worryingly loud 'plop' sound as I did so.
    1 point
  27. Thanks Steve, and I'm glad you enjoyed it! Let me first say that my daughter was actually aged 21 that year! (Must admit I've posted things in the past about her activities, saying '18' to keep things nice and legal when she was close to it, and I just did it again.) Yes, she does accept such behaviour as I quietly gave all 3 of my kids permission to pee in naughty places, if they wanted to, while they were growing-up. First I encouraged them to pee in swimming pools, as my mother did for me, and as they got older (when there was more CCTV) I showed them places in our home town whe
    1 point
  28. Seeing a girl pissing in a naughty place tells me one very important thing - she was desperately trying to hold her pee in but the pressure had reached that lovely point where it was so bad she was about to actually piss her pants involuntarily, or had actually spurted a little in her panties already. She just knows in her mind it is 'game up' and just has to find a place, any old place, to let it all out, or she will inevitably loose it all in her panties, dress or whatever she is wearing. That is so so sexy to observe. Sometimes I have spotted a girl deliberately looking around for some
    1 point
  29. Glancing in, through the sliding glass door, at his wife cleaning up her mess in the kitchen, Jack was preparing cheeseburgers on their grill out on the backyard patio. Soda can in one hand, spatula in the other Jack gazed out at the backyard passed the shed by the fence, watching the woods that bordered the property, just making out the old outhouse in the distance between the trees. Thinking about the new game Kim and himself were playing the two extra glasses of water caught up to him, not to mention the soda. Knowing he was alone he put down the soda and gave his penis a squeeze, he couldn
    1 point
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