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  1. I have mixed feelings. I don't have any attraction to people smearing it all over each other, but I am not averse to doing number 2 outside at times and there is definitely a naughtiness to crapping somewhere other than a toilet.
    2 points
  2. Great reports Alfresco. I live not so far from Bristol but my days of wild nights out are behind me. Can't believe how lucky you were with the two girls, that is a great sighting. Sounds like they weren't bothered about you watching too, who know, perhaps they were open to having an audience as long as they still felt safe, which it sounds like they did. As I understand it, it's quite common for lesbians to be into pee play, so imagine if you'd seen them indulging doing that too, that would really have been the ultimate mother lode.
    2 points
  3. My sister in-law's parents are gone for a week on a trip and asked her to take care of the house. Last saturday, my gf said that we are going early because she is making a spaghetti sauce together. Skipping over this, after supper, she wanted to use her parent's outdoor spa. I went in first, wearing my boxers since i did not have my bathing suit. Both of them come in but with nothing on, now i don't know about you guys, but the discomfort level went up for me because it is something i am not use to in front of my girlfriend. During our time, it was nice and relaxing, which i am trying to not t
    1 point
  4. and yet there was no coverage of this from anywhere in the UK...the outlets were more bothered about the Autumn Statement and the story of Jo Cox's murder...there has to be a way to prevent this from happening surely...i refuse to believe that the government are doing it 'for our best interests' because frankly this is a serious impeachment of my personal life, however if we do the same to the government its a criminal offence (Julian Assange, Ed Snowden etc), how dare the government dictate what i can and cannot watch/like in my life, this is meant to be a free country yet our basic liberties
    1 point
  5. Yes. Thanks for also feeling the same way.
    1 point
  6. Same here. For me, it's a close second to our primary fetish, up until the smear all over body and eating begins. The only thing that I like seeing women spread all over their body is oil.
    1 point
  7. Smearing ruins it for me as well.
    1 point
  8. I would bet that most of them just don't think or realize how loud they are. But I wouldn't be surprised if some pee as loud as they can as a subtle show off. That's a good question for a discussion thread.
    1 point
  9. Maybe some of them deliberately pee as loudly as they can, wanting people to hear them. Not like those who try very hard to pee quietly so that nobody can hear them.
    1 point
  10. Hahaha, My supervisor is quite loud as well. Imagine hearing this a few stalls away? I was wispering to myself, holy shit!! I do have my loud moments and i believe many do. What makes it loud or a strong stream, i am not sure.
    1 point
  11. I for one do enjoy hearing about the other thing as well very very much and seeing it too.I've never seen it in person so far but very much hope to.
    1 point
  12. This is a really nice story, and I'm not sure why nobody has replied to it yet. Peeing outdoors seems to be a bit of a thing with nightclubs. I suppose it's preferable (by some perspectives) over peeing indoors! I can't believe the restaurant owner scuttled that one moment, but it's great that you got to witness girls doing their thing those other times. And I rather enjoy that you contributed to the outdoor messes as well, relieving yourself on the back of that bin. None of us are really above it all, are we? But yes, thank you very much for sharing that with us. I always like seein
    1 point
  13. Alfresco, some awesome sightings, and the two girls is incredible, I have seen blow jobs down a side street but never girl on girl action. I used to try to go out in Sheffield most Friday nights some years ago and have seen some amazing sights, but never that many in the same night. One which springs to mind, and it was in Hull town centre, I was wandering about as you do, when I spotted two girls who seemed a bit desperate but there was nowhere obvious to go. There was a little circular garden area with benches so I guess in the daytime people would sit there for a rest and look at
    1 point
  14. Oh, that's nice, Steve. I don't think I quiiiite like it the same as my usual (I'm generally a much stealthier type), but you're right! It does break taboos all over the place. And I appreciate you showing it to me.
    1 point
  15. Thanks Steve and I agree. "Live and let live" is something I particularly like about this forum.
    1 point
  16. Many say the same about pissing. But none of them are forced to read anything on this forum. Just as no one else is forcing you to read anything about poo. Ever heard of the expression "live and let live"? It has always been a founding principle of this forum.
    1 point
  17. Just to clarity there would never be a ban on discussing scat fetish material, the only ban would be on uploading images or video of it. - A
    1 point
  18. Thanks for your reply Steve, and yes I did mean that but wanted to suggest it carefully in case it caused problems. By the way in my Confession(2) where I peed into the water tank I also did 'something else'. Up til now I've felt uncomfortable with admitting this, but I did push while I had the opportunity and succeeded into the water with a worryingly loud 'plop' sound as I did so.
    1 point
  19. Oh wow, that is a hot thing to do, now your giving me ideas ;-) This was a good read, thanks
    1 point
  20. Hmm I would not mind seeing them puddles
    1 point
  21. That's awesome. And yes she showed me the puddles she left on the carpet out there. :biggrin: I love girls who do things like this.
    1 point
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