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Issues with peeing where you're not supposed to?

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Guest UnabashedUser

I have been lucky enough to have a wife who is into this sport.  Many times she has squatted over me, using a pair of chairs as supports, so I could look directly into her pussy as she  peed. Watching her ample cuntlips, which normally are stuck together pull apart revealing the inner lips which then open , her clit bulging down and then her vagina pops open and I can see the pee orifice which starts to push outwards as her pee begins to flow, in long gushing hissing fountains, sometimes a rounded stream, other times a flat and hissy stream which forks into several branches  some running down her legs, other one falling off to the rear and over her protruding asshole, another one arcing off and up  over her clit which she rubs until the streams rejoin into one round one again.

I just love seeing her pee, as often as I can.


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On 7/12/2017 at 11:49 PM, sillyme said:

Continuing naughty peeing at 30. I tried to stop naughty peeing at 30, but realize I love it so much I feel like I can't. I went almost a month after turning 30 without doing any really naughty pees, then one day I was just so horny I really wanted to. In a cafe I peed in the mop closet; then later that day I went into a restroom at a restaurant where I let out a long pee in the garbage can and on the floor. I know I should have cleaned it up, but it I had cleaned it I wouldn't have gotten so horny afterwards, so I left a puddle of pee there. Last weekend I peed on the floor of a room where I got a message in leaving a stain on the carpet. This weekend I'm planning on doing some hotel naughty peeing. I know this is bad, I love it so much though, and it's the only thing that makes me really horny. Do any of you have advise on how I can stop?

Or do you encourage me to keep on naughty peeing? 

I've often been ashamed of my fetishes in the past, mostly when I was a teen. Now in my late 20's I just don't care anymore. I just said screw it, it's a part of me, for better or for worse. As long as you don't bring harm to anyone, might as well swim with the tide rather than against it. Humans are weird. Embrace your fetish. Keep peeing. And tell us all about it.

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On 5/8/2017 at 5:15 PM, expererg said:

@Brutus said earlier about alpha female...... The real thrill for me is the "I don"t give a fuck" attitude when a woman pees, no matter what the consequences will be for others to deal with. When a woman considers her right and privilege to pee anywhere she pleases, that's a huge and instant turn on for me.  ......For example, girls peeing on changing rooms because they can't bother to go to the toilets, and who prefer carpeted ones or peeing on clothes they won't buy, because of less noise and less chance of splashing their shoes, is just extremely exciting to me.

I never really had that kind of attitude, I was always the sheepish ladylike kind of person, despite the fact I was raised among several boys and had three boys of my own and was always a bit envious of their being able to pee anywhere without consequence. I always felt I had some kind of inside knowledge of how boys behaved that other women were oblivious to. I think the breaking point for me was when I was taking the boys to swim lessons as toddlers, preschoolers at our high school pool. It was only preschoolers there, so moms of boys went into the boys room with their sons to help them change. As we entered the pool dressing area of this huge facility I immediately noticed one, then a second little boy peeing onto the floor where he was changing. Their mothers didn't seem to care and no one else seemed to care. As I began to get the boys ready, their instructor an older woman entered the room and greeted us and tried to hurry us along. A little boy next to us was saying to his mom, "I gotta pee" and she then asked the coach, "excuse me, but where are the restrooms?" To my surprise this nice old woman in her sixties replied, "oh, back at the entrance you have to go down the other hall toward the gym locker rooms, they're not very convenient, so we've never faulted the high school guys for peeing here, not that we could stop them from doing so." "Anyway, boys will be boys and eventually they're all going to realize that the guys don't run to the restroom." "So moms, there's really no point in being squeamish about it, the room gets washed down every night, so just let them go wherever they're comfortable doing so."  "I  know some of the little guys are a bit shy in a locker room at first, so maybe you could take them into a corner,  but otherwise they can just go wherever, they're boys."   

I seemed to be the only mom even remotely surprised by this, the mom whom had asked as well as a half dozen other moms all proceeded in instructing their sons to just pee where they were. In a few moments my three boys began to inquire if they could and I gave them my go ahead. Even that first day, not knowing one another, every single mom allowed or encouraged her skeptical son to urinate on the floor. Ever since the boys have been doing so before and after lessons and all the moms seem to be at ease with it.   So I really don't have any second thoughts of doing so myself any more as we mothers and the coaches are teaching our boys it's okay to do so.  

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  • 1 month later...
On 14/07/2017 at 2:04 PM, Paulypeeps said:

You are never going to be able to give up. Just accept that you need to pee and drink plenty to make sure your pee is dilute. It is silly to get stressed out trying to control something you have no real control over

At 50+ I can attest to the fact that some urges just don't go away.  If anything, I just wish I'd indulged myself more over the years.  I have no regrets ... and I have no intention of stopping.  

That puddle you saw/stepped in on the stairs in the cinema may well be mine and that makes me smile. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On ‎18‎/‎09‎/‎2017 at 9:08 AM, sillyme said:

........the last one night stand I had..........peeing together with her on the hotel carpet was incredible. 

I would really love to hear the details. Who suggested the idea, her or you? Was she into it as much as you or just doing it to please you, or because she found the suggestion funny or something like that? Whereabouts in the hotel? In yours or her room? In a corridor? Was she squatting, semi-squatting, standing, or something else? Did she piss loads or just a little? Was she nude, and if not, what was she wearing? Did she say anything whilst doing it? Did she seem turned on? How big a mess was made? Did you both pee there just once or more than once?

Please give us a descriptive paragraph or two, lol

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On 7/13/2017 at 4:11 AM, Peevert said:

I've done some mildly naughty peeing, so stupidly naughty that it's not even worth mentioning. But I very much want to take it to the next level.  At the end of a movie, when my bladder is bursting from an extra large caffeinated soda, I have so often wanted to take my cock out and pee on the back of the eat in front of me, using it as a urinal.  But, I've never been with someone I can do this with.  Even better, at the end of a movie, I want to wet myself.  I mean completely flood myself, right in my theater seat.  Now that's naughty.  And I think it would feel amazing.

I need to be able to wear a light jacket, so I can take it off and wrap it around my waist (or waste :P) so I don't embarrass myself on the way out.  But when the weather cools off, I just may do it.  I'm not here to debate the morals.  But that aside, comments are invited.      

I mentioned this elsewhere on the site the night it happened, but not in this thread.  I got to indulge in part of of this fantasy, peeing in a theater during a movie. :11_blush:  It was near the end of a movie in a mostly unoccupied theater, and a very uptight friend of mine who never would have understood my taking my cock out and peeing got up and left to use the bathroom.  I decided this was my chance. :3_grin: So I pulled out Mr. Happy, who was bursting from a large soda, aimed under the seat in front of me, so there would be no puddle at my feet, and let go.  It was the most amazing feeling to pee in such a naughty way, and to do it so openly, since in the darkness I had no fear of getting caught.  I took a very, very long pee, and when I was finished, put my cock back in my shorts, leaving just a few drops on the floor in front of me, from when I started and finished.  It was relaxing, erotic, and simply amazing   As we walked out, I stopped and took a glance at my puddle, it was huge, taking up the floor of the seat in front of me, and I'm sure the area under the seat as well. I'd like to say I've "fulfilled" this fantasy, but I can't use that word, since I plan on doing it whenever I can get the chance. :15_yum:

The peeing in my pants movie fantasy is still on my To-Do list, hopefully I'll try it. :1_grinning:    

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  • 1 month later...

A few days ago I took a 40 minute ride in a taxi across London. I had only been in the taxi a minute or two and realised the seat was quite damp. I realised I was sitting where someone had peed sometime earlier. By the area of the seat that was wet it was clear it had been a lady who had relieved herself there, probably in the small hours of the morning; I was in the taxi about 10.00am. I felt really uncomfortable having to soak up the dampness on my trousers but felt unable to say anything to the driver or stop and get another taxi. He didn't get a tip when I paid him and told him his seat was wet!

It wasn't till later that night that I found some pleasure in the experience; I just put my thoughts into the mind of the lady who had peed there in the taxi. She had had a bursting bladder from a night's drinking, she just couldn't hold it any longer in her knickers and her pee just burst out into whatever she was wearing and all over the seat. She probably had no other option but to let it go, and to do it right where she was sitting. No doubt she loved the naughtiness of what she was doing while she was peeing, enjoying the blessed relief that a large pee from an over full bladder would have been giving her. 

It was with those nice thoughts that I decided to forgive her for the discomfort she had caused me in the morning!

I love the way the taxis have signs saying NO FOULING - £50 FINE, but when I girl just relieves herself in her normal sitting position who is to know what she has left behind her till the next passenger gets in!


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  • 5 months later...



I could really suggest you to read my Threads "Lessons in Magick", both of them, they could give you food for thought

making long things short, destruction is part of life, we should just learn to know what is game and what is not

I pee wherever I am when the need hits me, regardless of consequences, sometimes I actually bring little properties damages on purpose, just to tast my own power and do something silly


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On ‎7‎/‎19‎/‎2017 at 5:42 PM, peedude said:

I especially love when women are absolutely desperate and piss a lot wherever they choose to.  

I piss a lot wherever I choose even if I'm not desperate. Why being desperate, if the world is my toilet and I have the Gods given right to dispose of it?!

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On ‎7‎/‎21‎/‎2017 at 2:07 AM, Brutus said:

I've often been ashamed of my fetishes in the past, mostly when I was a teen. Now in my late 20's I just don't care anymore. I just said screw it, it's a part of me, for better or for worse. As long as you don't bring harm to anyone, might as well swim with the tide rather than against it. Humans are weird. Embrace your fetish. Keep peeing. And tell us all about it.

It's not about accepting our fetish

if it was wrong it would have had to be relinquished

the fact is that IT IS NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!

so let's piss everywhere!!!

and by the way, I am the most Alpha woman you could ever meet!!!! (unless even more trained Witches, I would never mess with a Witch in her forties with friends in every Dangerous corner of the world and used to much more extreme life than me hahahaha) but beside that, I have no equals! I mean, who endured what I endured? who knows herself as much as I do? who faced what I faced? who overcame what I conquered? compared to me, humans are toys (marines and secret agents excluded, they're equal and superior)

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12 hours ago, peedude said:

I absolutely love that.  Sounds like a fun way to spend a weekend 😉

Sounds like a fun way to spend a life

Edited by spywareonya
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  • 1 month later...
3 hours ago, sillyme said:

I love naughty peeing. I think it's bad that I pee on public restroom floors, fitting rooms, hotel carpets, elevators, massage rooms; and then leave it there. But knowing someone else will clean my pee makes me so much more horny. I do think naughty peeing that someone else will clean is bad. But that's what makes it so much fun. 

bad is only what is spiritually wrong

what is naughty is good ihihihihih

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  • 2 months later...


I understand you

For me is less a rebellion on the classical meaning of the word, I do that as an actual and well pondered conquest of the world, reclaiming it for fetishism and banning from it every limit and ridiculous rule!!!

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  • 1 year later...
On 5/10/2017 at 6:44 PM, Maggie_555 said:

 I suppose naughty peeing could in some ways be equated to territory-marking by animals, plus we obviously have similar issues coming into play too.

I've been naughty peeing For years now.. And at first It felt so wrong.. But so right

 But not really anymore.. Now I just basically go wherwhere..

But going back to the Territory marking in animals statement, I've only had internet access for the last few years.. Before that I had never heard of naughty peeing (always just called it marking my territory, and a lot of times I still do) 

Kinda thought that was what I was doing.. If a buddy peed someplace, I would feel the need to pee on it myself (I know, I'm weird) 

And always loved to be able to go back to a old area I'd have marked, hoping to pick up a pee smell.. (and still do to be honest)

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  • 4 years later...
On 5/8/2017 at 4:23 AM, likesToLick said:

A question for curiosity Maggie.   If you peed in an elevator, but knew that I would come along later and really enjoy the scent you left behind, would that spoil it for you?  What if you knew that lots of men (and some women too) would be aroused by the scent of your pee when they passed that spot.   Would that make it more exciting, or less?

Oops, it looks as if I missed this question from @likesToLick 7 years ago.  I was looking back in old threads and I've just found it!

When I have sneakily peed in an elevator it was mostly to try and make it a less pleasant experience for people riding in it afterwards - particularly the smell after a few days if it hadn't been cleaned - but I have to say I love the thought of lots of men (and perhaps some women too) being aroused by the 'scent' from my naughtiness. 

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23 minutes ago, Maggie_555 said:

Oops, it looks as if I missed this question from @likesToLick 7 years ago.  I was looking back in old threads and I've just found it!

When I have sneakily peed in an elevator it was mostly to try and make it a less pleasant experience for people riding in it afterwards - particularly the smell after a few days if it hadn't been cleaned - but I have to say I love the thought of lots of men (and perhaps some women too) being aroused by the 'scent' from my naughtiness. 

Don't many elevators have cameras?

What do you do if you reach the next floor before you're done peeing ?

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6 minutes ago, chubbyjack said:

Don't many elevators have cameras?

What do you do if you reach the next floor before you're done peeing ?

Yes indeed, and that's why I rarely pee in elevators now!  I'm thinking of years ago, when only a small amount of them had cameras and you could sneakily be naughty in them.  

I was very lucky and almost always finished my pee before the elevator stopped and the door opened. 

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1 hour ago, Maggie_555 said:

Yes indeed, and that's why I rarely pee in elevators now!  I'm thinking of years ago, when only a small amount of them had cameras and you could sneakily be naughty in them.  

I was very lucky and almost always finished my pee before the elevator stopped and the door opened. 

Thanks for the info 

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2 hours ago, Maggie_555 said:

Yes indeed, and that's why I rarely pee in elevators now!  I'm thinking of years ago, when only a small amount of them had cameras and you could sneakily be naughty in them.  

I was very lucky and almost always finished my pee before the elevator stopped and the door opened. 

Honestly I've always had the fantasy of peeing in an elevator but got too chicken to actually do it because I fear the doors would open right in the middle of my stream XD

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